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The anatomy and development of mericarps in four representatives ofBoraginaceae-Cynoglosseae has been investigated. In each case, the nutlets grow from a six-layered carpel. While the mesocarp becomes multilayered and thick in correlation with epizoochory inCynoglossum, it remains six-layered inMattiastrum, Paracaryum, andRindera. The wings are formed by both exo- and mesocarp and later on the inflated rim becomes hollow. Development of wings and reduction of glochids are discussed as adaptations to anemochory.

An analysis of the morphology, anatomy and ontogeny of the flowers, particularly of the gynoecium ofLagoecieae is presented. 1. The gynoecial model of angiosperms can be applied to all three generaArctopus, Lagoecia andPetagnia. 2. In the case ofArctopus an additional Apikalseptum is developed. 3. In the synascidiate region of the gynoecium the adaxial carpel is reduced inArctopus andPetagnia, the abaxial inLagoecia. 4. The reduced carpel produces either one mature ovule inArctopus, a rudimentary ovule inPetagnia, or none inLagoecia. 5.Petagnia andLagoecia have a completely pseudomonomerous gynoecium. 6.Arctopus displays many flower characteristics which lack in theSaniculoideae but occur in theHydrocotyloideae. 7. ForPetagnia andLagoecia an independent phylogenetic development within theSaniculoideae is assumed.
Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr.Walter Leinfellner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Carpel development inArabidopsis is known to be controlled by the organ identity geneAGAMOUS. However, even in the absence of AGAMOUS function, many carpel properties can arise suggesting that other genes are also involved. Two new carpel genes,CRABS CLAW andSPATULA, have been recognised by their specific disruptions to carpel development in mutant plants. These disruptions suggest thatCRABS CLAW normally plays a role in promoting the growth of specific regions of the carpel wall, whereasSPATULA apparently has a primary function in promoting development of the transmitting tract. When the function of these genes is also compromised along with that ofAGAMOUS in multiply mutant plants, carpelloid properties vanish. ThusAGAMOUS, CRABS CLAW andSPATULA act together in specifying carpel development, although none can do this alone. BecauseSPATULA mutants are epistatic to mutants of another carpel development gene,ETTIN, the latter may normally act by suppressing the action ofSPATULA in specific regions of the developing gynoecium. There is indirect evidence thatETTIN, and another morphogenetic gene,PINOID, act through regulating auxin-induced growth in specific regions of the developing flower, but it is not yet known how this could result in the suppression of SPATULA function. The extended abstract of a paper presented at the 13th International Symposium in Conjugation with Award of the International Prize for Biology “Frontier of Plant Biology”  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of ten SP11 and nine SRK alleles in Raphanus sativus were determined, and deduced amino acid sequences were compared with those of Brassica SP11 and SRK. The amino acid sequence identity of class-I SP11s in R. sativus was about 30% on average, the highest being 52.2%, while that of the S domain of class-I SRK was 77.0% on average and ranged from 70.8% to 83.9%. These values were comparable to those of SP11 and SRK in Brassica oleracea and B. rapa. SP11 of R. sativus S-21 was found to be highly similar to SP11 of B. rapa S-9 (89.5% amino acid identity), and SRK of R. sativus S-21 was similar to SRK of B. rapa S-9 (91.0%). SP11 and SRK of R. sativus S-19 were also similar to SP11 and SRK of B. oleracea S-20, respectively. These similarities of both SP11 and SRK alleles between R. sativus and Brassica suggest that these S haplotype pairs originated from the same ancestral S haplotypes.  相似文献   

Two stigma forms occur inChamaecrista andSenna, but only one inCassia. In the common chambered form, a stigma pore is positioned on the reflexed style tip and is the entrance to a tapering chamber. The pore rim is fringed by hairs which vary in number, size, distribution and shape. In the alternative form the stigma is situated at the apex of the curved style and is crateriform. The crater rim is fringed by hairs of variable number and shape. The stigmatic hairs are predominantly unicellular and cutinized. Stigma and hair differences aid in the taxonomy of the genera. Their functions in pollination biology are discussed.  相似文献   

The floral vascular anatomy of 12 species representing each ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum, Geotaenium, Heterotropa andHexastylis are compared to clarify intergeneric relationships. The five genera have basically similar structures in floral morphology and vasculature, and consistently have a six-carpelled compound ovary and the associated similar placental vasculature. They show, however, a significant difference in the position and the constituent of the “ventral” carpellary bundles in the placental axis betweenAsiasarum-Heterotropa-Hexastylis andAsarum-Geotaenium. InAsiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis the ventral bundles of each carpel are basically free and antilocular as expected in the least specialized compound ovary of angiosperms; in contrast, inAsarum andGeotaenium the ventral carpellary bundles are antiseptal and heterogenous (i.e., formed by the lateral fusion of ventral bundles of adjacent carpels). Shared probable apomorphic floral vasculature, as well as shared single style-column, suggests the closest mutual relationships betweenAsarum andGeotaenium. In terms of floral morphology and anatomy,Asiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis retain plesiomorphies. Possible chromosomal evolution in the related genera is also discussed.  相似文献   

Flowers ofEucalyptus clöeziana have two clearly distinct perianth whorls. The small free parts of the outer (calycine) whorl cease growth early and are lost from the flower; the parts of the inner (corolline) whorl become continuous laterally by confluence of growth centres and form an operculum in the mature flower. The stamens are inserted on a circumfloral buttress (staminophore) that is homologous to the adaxial corolline component inAngophora and the bloodwood andEudesmia eucalypts. Flowers ofMonocalyptus have only one perianth whorl, which is opercular. The stamens are similarly inserted on a circumfloral buttress. Developmental study does not provide conclusive evidence for either a calycine or corolline determination of theMonocalyptus operculum, but comparison with other eucalypt groups, includingE. clöeziana (the sister taxon), predicts an essentially corolline composition.  相似文献   

The floral vasculature in three allied genera,Plagiorhegma, Jeffersoria andAchyls is investigated, and the results are compared with those ofEpimedium andVancouveria which are related closely toPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. The vasculature in the receptacle ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia is similar, but that ofAchlys is much simpler. Slightly different trace patterns are observed in the sepals ofPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia. InJeffersonia, the 3-trace condition leaving 2 or 3 gaps is most frequently observed, but inPlagiorhegma traces of a double nature leaving a single gap are more frequent. The traces to the innermost sepals, petals and stamens are usually of a double nature leaving a single gap in both genera. Regular division and fusion are not observed in the receptacular stele. The vascular differentiation between sepals and petals is more advanced inPlagiorhegma andJeffersonia than inEpimedium andVancouveria. InAchlys, the traces are all staminal and single throughout their course. Two parts recognized in the pistils ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia andAchlys are traversed by independent vasculature. The comparisons of pistil morphology including vasculature ofPlagiorhegma, Jeffersonia, Achlys, Epimedium andVancouveria lead to the interpretation that the pistils are based on the same morphological plan. The probable evolutionary trend in pistil is then suggested in these five genera.  相似文献   

The serological investigations support the opinion ofJanchen (1942) to combine the generaBunias, Isatis, andSisymbrium in the tribeSisymbrieae; Cheiranthus, Erysimum, andMatthiola in the tribeHesperideae; andBrassica, Crambe, Sinapis, andSuccowia in the tribeBrassiceae. They further underline the central position of theSisymbrieae and the isolated position of theHeliophileae. In accordance withEigner (1973) theBrassiceae are placed closer to theSisymbrieae than inJanchen; the same holds for thePringleeae. No serological justification could be found to uniteArabis andBarbarea in the tribeArabideae, andAlyssum andLunaria in theAlysseae. From the antigen-systems used among the representatives ofJanchen's Lepidieae the generaLepidium andNeslia show remarkable correspondence both toCamelina andThlaspi, but not toCochlearia which appears distant fromCamelina andThlaspi also.
Teil 1/Part 1.  相似文献   

Cynoglossopsis somaliensis H. Riedl, sp. nov., is described as a new species of the hitherto monotypic genusCynoglossopsis Brand which is closest related toCynoglossum L. but has to be included inBoraginoideae-Eritrichieae from the way the nutlets are attached to the gynobasis.

Floral development and floral phyllotaxis in species of Adonis, Callianthemum, and Trollius (Ranunculaceae) were studied with scanning electron microscopy. The floral organs are initiated in spiral sequence and the flowers have spiral phyllotaxis. The sepal primordia are broad, crescent-shaped, and truncate, but those of petals, stamens, and carpels are rather hemispherical. A relatively long plastochron appears to be present between the last sepal and the first petal as compared with the short and equal plastochrones of all subsequent floral organs. Maturation of the stamens within the androecium appears to be centripetal. The carpels have a short ascidiate zone. Placentation is uniformly lateral, even in Adonis and Callianthemum, which have only one fertile ovule per carpel (versus median in other genera of Ranunculoideae with a single fertile ovule). In Adonis and Callianthemum at the tip of the carpel the ventral slit is gaping and the stigma is broadly exposed, whereas in Trollius the stigma is narrower and more pronouncedly decurrent along the ventral slit. The petals in Callianthemum and Trollius are more conspicuously delayed in development than those in Adonis as compared with sepals and stamens. A short carpel stipe is formed early in Callianthemum but later in Adonis and Trollius. In Trollius farreri (commonly having only five carpels in contrast to other species of Trollius) the carpels form a single (spiral) series. Thus floral development is similar in all three genera and, at a lower level, Adonis and Callianthemum are especially close but have different autapomorphies, which reflects the current classification of the genera.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions inBotrydiopsis alpina stacks of chloroplasts are formed. They consist of up to 8 elements. In contrast to what is known from other algae in zoosporangia of this species and ofHeterococcus caespitosus, stigmata are formed in early developmental stages. They are reproduced together with the chloroplasts, in which they occupy a position at the edge and near the existing or future incision. At the side of the old stigma a new one is formed, and partitioning of the chloroplast between these two leads to their distribution to the daughter chloroplasts. Young daughter cells in the zoosporangia ofBotrydiopsis alpina contain one chloroplast which undergoes a last unequal division giving rise to one astigmate and usually somewhat smaller and to one stigmate chloroplast. In both species the capacity for locomotion may be suppressed, the presumptive zoospores thereby becoming aplanospores. Autospores in the proper sense were not observed. Their development quite generally is different from that of aplanospores (and zoospores), and both types of spores should be distinguished.
Herrn Professor Dr.Lothar Geitler zum 80. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of karyology and leaf morphology do not support relationships betweenFlacourtiaceae andTiliaceae. In spite of different chromosome numbers,Prockia (2n = 18),Flacourtia (2n = 22) andRawsonia (2n = 22) are very similar in karyomorphology, indicating a certain karyological uniformity withinFlacourtiaceae. Lacistema (2n = ca. 62) appears more isolated. On the other hand, theTiliaceae Grewia (2n = 18) andLuhea (2n = 36) have much in common and differ remarkably from the Flacourtiaceous genera. The salicoid leaf-teeth ofProckia are also found inIdesia, but never inTiliaceae. Epidermis ultrastructure reveals certain relationships betweenProckia andFlacourtia in contrast to the strongly differingGrewia. Idesia has a rare und unique epidermis sculpture. — Basic chromosome numbers and chromosomal evolution within theFlacourtiaceae are discussed.

The genusKarschia, in the earlier sense, including saprophytes and parasites on lichens, has been thought to be a non-lichenized parallel genus of the lichen genusBuellia. Modern workers included it on the one hand inBuellia, on the other hand combined it with bitunicate ascomycetes. It is now proved thatKarschia is heterogeneous and contains but superficially similar members both of the genusBuellia of theLecanorales and of typical or masked bitunicateAscomycetes. Therefore, it can not be regarded as a link betweenLecanorales andDothideales. The type species ofKarschia belongs to theDothideales.

The floral development of representatives of six genera ofCistaceae has been studied. Calyx development involves the formation of a ring primordium in several taxa. Androecium development in species with intermediate or higher stamen numbers starts with the formation of a ring meristem on which the stamens are initiated in a centrifugal direction. In many taxa five alternipetalous leading stamen primordia can be observed. In the apetalous (cleistogamous) flowers ofTuberaria inconspicua androecium development appears to be unordered; this is probably due to the lack of petals. InLechea intermedia (also cleistogamous) the corolla is trimerous and three complex stamen primordia are produced, which give rise either to one or three stamens. Relationships withinCistaceae are discussed. Floral development inCistaceae is compared with that in otherMalvanae. Among the eight families ofMalvanae from which information on floral development is availableCochlospermaceae andBixaceae exhibit the greatest similarities toCistaceae. InCistaceae the leading stamen primordia are alternipetalous. InBixa the same condition seems to be present. InMalvales s. str. mostTiliaceae also show earliest stamen initiation in alternipetalous sectors, whereas the stamens of the innermost alternipetalous position are retarded early or even suppressed inSterculiaceae, Bombacaceae, andMalvaceae. WithinMalvales s. str. the diversity of androecial developmental patterns seems to decrease inBombacaceae andMalvaceae due to increasing synorganization in the mature androecium. The derivation of polyandry inMalvanae from diplo- or obdiplostemony is discussed by comparison with the sister clades ofMalvanae as shown in recentrbcL studies (i.e.Sapindales, Rutales, the glucosinolate producing clade, andMyrtales).  相似文献   

Cellulomonas cartalyticum was found to contain a peptidoglycan type different from that of the other species ofCellulomonas. The diamino acid is lysine instead of ornithine and the interpeptide bridge consists ofd-Asp-d-Ser. The same peptidoglycan type occurs inCorynebacterium manihot, Brevibacterium liticum andArthrobacter luteus. These non cellulolytic organisms are most likely not closely related withCellulomonas cartalyticum, as indicated by the very different G+C content of their DNA, although they formed a narrow cluster includingC. cartalyticum when numeric taxonomical methods were applied.

TheSimaroubaceae generally have no true stipules. The stipule-like appendages of some genera proved to be pseudo- or metastipules (Weberling & Leenhouts 1965). There seem to be some exceptions, however: the generaCadellia (incl.Guilfoylia) andRecchia on the one hand, and theIrvingioideae on the other. As these taxa, with exception ofRecchia, have simple leaves, there are no indications that their stipule-like appendages might be pseudo- or metastipules. In regard to their position and ontogeny these appendages behave completely like true stipules. Assuming the view ofForman, one could conceive a morphological line from the long, broadly inserted axillary stipules of mostIrvingioideae to the small scaly triangular stipules ofIxonanthoideae. The similarities between the stipules ofIrvingioideae andErythroxylaceae (already emphasized byHallier and others), become even more evident when their ontogeny is investigated. TheIrvingioideae, therefore, might be regarded as a separate family (perhaps with some relation to theErythroxylaceae,Hallier) or as a subfamily ofIxonanthaceae (Forman).—In addition to data on stipules some results on the palynology and shoot anatomy of the generaCadellia (incl.Guilfoylia) andRecchia are reported. Their relationship with theSimaroubaceae also appears doubtful. If they are to be included, they represent a somewhat isolated group near the base of the family which otherwise has lost its stipules.
Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr.Walter Leinfellner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

If exsiccated trichomes ofPseudanabaena galeata are immersed in water, striking changes occur as a consequence of lysis and maceration. The locomotion of living trichomes differs from that inOscillatoriaceae. This and other differences make it doubtful, whetherPs. galeata belongs to theOscillatoriaceae; at any rate it occupies an aberrant position.

Differences in colours of male strobili, originally encountered in races ofPinus mugo, are found among other pine species too: Species of subsect.Cembrae flower bright red, whereas in subsect.Cembroides yellowgreen is dominant. Recently, blue and grey-blue male flowers have been discovered inP. engelmannii from Mexico,P. palustris, P. elliotti andP. densa from Florida. These flower colour differences apparently reflect some species relationships.

The taxonomic positions ofRetzia, Desfontainia, andNicodemia have been much discussed, and all three genera have been included inLoganiaceae (Gentianales). We have made a cladistic analysis ofrbcL gene sequences to determine the relationships of these taxa toGentianales. Four newrbcL sequences are presented; i.e., ofRetzia, Desfontainia, Diervilla (Caprifoliaceae), andEuthystachys (Stilbaceae). Our results show thatRetzia, Desfontainia, andNicodemia are not closely related toLoganiaceae or theGentianales. Retzia is most closely related toEuthystachys and is better included inStilbaceae. The positions ofDesfontainia andNicodemia are not settled, butDesfontainia shows affinity for theDipsacales s.l. andNicodemia for theLamiales s.l.  相似文献   

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