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The measurement of drag while swimming (i.e. active drag) is a controversial issue. Therefore, in a group of six elite swimmers two active drag measurement methods were compared to assess whether both measure the same retarding force during swimming. In method 1 push-off forces are measured directly using the system to measure active drag (MAD-system). In method 2 (the velocity perturbation method, VPM) drag is estimated from the difference in swimming speed when subjects swim twice at maximal effort (assuming equal power output and assuming a quadratic drag-speed relationship): once swimming free, and once swimming with a hydrodynamic body attached that created a known additional resistance. The average drag for the VPM tests (53.2 N) was statistically significant and different from the active drag for the MAD-test (66.9 N), paired Student's t-test: 2.484, 12 DF, p=0.029. A post hoc analysis was performed to assess whether the two methods measure a different phenomenon. Based on the drag speed curve obtained with the MAD-system, the VPM-data were re-examined. For diverging drag determinations the assumption of equal power output of the 'free' trial (swimming free) vs. the towing trial (swimming with hydrodynamic buoy) appeared to be violated. The regression of the relative difference in force (MAD vs. VPM) on the relative difference in power (swimming free vs. swimming with hydrodynamic body) was: %Deltadrag=1.898 x %Deltapower -4.498, r2=0.88. This suggests that the major part of the difference in active drag values is due to a non-equal power output in the 'free' relative towing trial during the VPM-test. The simulation of the violation of the equal power output assumption and the calculation of the effect of an other than quadratic drag-speed relationship corroborated the tentative conclusion that both methods measure essentially the same phenomenon and that active drag differences can be explained by a violation of test assumptions.  相似文献   

Markerless analysis of front crawl swimming   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Research on motion analysis of swimmers is commonly based on video recordings of the subject's motion, which are analyzed by manual digitization of feature points by an operator. This procedure has two main drawbacks: it is time-consuming, and it is affected by low repeatability. Therefore, the application of video-based, automatic approaches to motion analysis was investigated. A video-based, markerless system for the analysis of arm movements during front crawl swimming was developed. The method proposed by Corazza et al. (2010) was modified in order to be used into water environment. Three dimensional coordinates of shoulder, elbow and wrist joints centers of 5 sprint swimmers performing front crawl swimming were determined. Wrist joint velocity was also calculated. Accuracy and reliability of the proposed technique were evaluated by means of comparison with traditional manual digitization (SIMI Reality Motion Systems GmbH). Root mean square distance (RMSD) values between trajectories estimated with the two techniques were determined. Results show good accuracy for wrist joint (RMSD<56mm), and reliability, evaluated on one subject, comparable to the inter-operator variability associated with the manual digitization procedure. The proposed technique is therefore very promising for quantitative, wide-scale studies on swimmers' motion.  相似文献   

Propulsion in swimming is achieved by complex sculling movements with elbow quasi-fixed on the antero-posterior axis to transmit forces from the hand and the forearm to the body. The purpose of this study was to investigate how elbow muscle coactivation was influenced by the front crawl stroke phases. Ten international level male swimmers performed a 200-m front crawl race-pace bout. Sagittal views were digitized frame by frame to determine the stroke phases (aquatic elbow flexion and extension, aerial elbow flexion and extension). Surface electromyograms (EMG) of the right biceps brachii and triceps brachii were recorded and processed using the integrated EMG to calculate a coactivation index (CI) for each phase. A significant effect of the phases on the CI was revealed with highest levels of coactivation during the aquatic elbow flexion and the aerial elbow extension. Swimmers stabilize the elbow joint to overcome drag during the aquatic phase, and act as a brake at the end of the recovery to replace the arm for the next stroke. The CI can provide insight into the magnitude of mechanical constraints supported by a given joint, in particular during a complex movement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the rhythm characteristics of skilled front crawl swimmers using a six-beat kick. These included the amplitudes of the first three Fourier harmonics (H1, H2, H3) and their percent contributions to power contained in the angular displacement signals of the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles with respect to the longitudinal axis in line with the swimming direction. Three-dimensional video data of seven national/international level swimmers were collected during simulated 200 m front crawl races in which swimmers maintained six-beat kicking patterns. Swimmers differed in all variables but had small variability across the four 50 m laps. Modest changes occurred during the 200 m, with the exception of shoulder roll, which remained constant and was represented almost entirely by a single sinusoid (H1). Changes across laps reached significance for swimming speed, stroke rate, hip roll, and H3 wave velocity between the knee and ankle. A H3 body wave of moderate and increasing velocity travelled caudally from hip to ankle. In the light of existing knowledge of aquatic locomotion this was compatible with the goal of generating propulsion in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

The effects of breathing on body roll have been previously investigated for the roll of the whole trunk only. The purposes of this study were: to calculate separately the shoulder roll (SR) and hip roll (HR) of swimmers during front crawl for non-breathing and preferred-side breathing conditions; to assess the differences in the magnitude and temporal characteristics of these variables between non-breathing and preferred-side breathing conditions; and to examine their association with swimming performance (indicated by swimming speed). Twelve male swimmers who competed at national and international level performed two maximum 25 m front crawl trials: one non-breathing and one with breathing to their preferred side. Performance was recorded with four below and two above water synchronised cameras. SR and HR in both trials were calculated for the breathing and non-breathing sides. The timings of SR and HR peaks to each side and at the positions of neutral roll were also calculated. Swimming speed was significantly slower in the breathing trial (p < 0.01). Swimmers rolled their shoulders and hips to the breathing side significantly more in the breathing than in the non-breathing trial (SR: p < 0.01; HR: p = 0.03). Nevertheless, there were no significant differences in the overall SR or HR between these trials. In the breathing trial, SR was higher in the breathing than in the non-breathing side (p < 0.01) but HR was not significantly different (p = 0.07). There was no evidence to suggest that temporal characteristics of SR or HR were associated with swimming performance.  相似文献   

In swimming the propulsive force is generated by giving a velocity change to masses of water. In this process energy is transferred from the swimmer to the water, which cannot be used to propel the swimmer. Theoretical considerations indicated that an increase of the propelling surface size should lead to a reduced loss of energy to the water. Thus, in this study, the effect of artificially enlarging the propelling surface of the hand was examined. The effect was examined in terms of the propelling efficiency during front crawl swimming using the arms alone. The legs were floated with a small buoy as previously described (Toussaint et al., J. appl. Physiol. 65, 2506-2512, 1988a). In ten competitive swimmers (six male, four female) the rate of energy expenditure (power input, Pi), power output (Po), work per stroke cycle (As), distance per stroke cycle (d), work per unit distance (Ad), and propelling efficiency (ep) were determined at various swimming speeds once with and once swimming without paddles. At the same average velocity the effect of swimming with paddles was to reduce Pi, Po, and Ad by 6, 7.6, and 7.5% respectively, but to increase ep and As by 7.8 and 7%. The increase in distance per stroke cycle and the decrease in stroke cycle frequency matched the predicted values based on the theoretical considerations in which the actual increase in propelling surface size was taken into account.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relationship between breathing pattern and arm coordination symmetry in 11 expert male swimmers who performed the front crawl at their 100-m race pace using seven randomized breathing patterns. Two indexes of coordination (IdCP and IdCNP) and a symmetry index (SI) based on the difference of IdCP - IdCNP were calculated. IdCP calculated the lag time between the beginning of arm propulsion on the nonpreferential breathing side and the end of arm propulsion on the preferential breathing side; IdCNP did the converse. The IdCP and IdCNP comparisons and the SI showed coordination asymmetries among the seven breathing patterns. Specifically, breathing to the preferential side led to an asymmetry, in contrast to the other breathing patterns, and the asymmetry was even greater when the swimmer breathed to his nonpreferential side. These findings highlight the effect of breathing laterality in that coordination was symmetric in patterns with breathing that was bilateral, axed (as in breathing with a frontal snorkel), or removed (as in apnea). One practical application is that arm coordination asymmetry can be prevented or reduced by using breathing patterns that balance the coordination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the blood lactate concentration ([La]), stroke distance (D(s)), and swim index (SI) during an incremental swim test (IST) in elite swimmers who had a loss in mobility (LM) (n = 6) or who had full mobility (FM) (n = 5) of the lower limbs. The IST consisted of 5 repeats of either 100 or 200 m front crawl depending upon the ability level of the swimmer. The [La] and heart rate measured during the IST showed no significant differences (p > 0.05). However, velocity (V(s)) and D(s) were all significantly lower (p < 0.01) during the IST. SI was significantly (p < 0.01) lower during repeats 1 to 3 and 5, but not repeat 4. These data indicate that the [La] response to incremental exercise is similar during incremental front crawl activity in swimmers suffering from loss of lower limb mobility. However, a critical V(s) is reached in LM swimmers where swimming efficiency is optimal compared with FM swimmers.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relationship between mechanical force production and spatial arm position of the swimming movement for each side of the swimmer. Eight internationally recognized male swimmers performed fix positioned arm only swimming with a dynamometer synchronized with underwater cameras. The upper arm positions (α in side, β in frontal view) and the elbow angles (γ in 3D) were determined at the moment where the force production reached the peak (Fmax) and the maximal values of rate of force development (RFDmax). RFDmax and α values showed significant differences between the sides (P<0.05). To show the motion integration structure of the performance, Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was employed separately for both sides. For the criterion variable, the impulse of force (ImpF50%) was calculated. The defined parameters as the mechanical and spatial predictor system were used for the model. The results of the MRA showed that the predictor system yielded the model structure of the variables that explain the criterion variables for ImpF50% by the dominant (P=0.007) and by the nondominant side (P=0.001), respectively. The alternate contribution of the variables to the models can objectively express the performance difference between the two sides of the swimmer.  相似文献   

Passive drag is still a good evaluator of swimming aptitude   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The passive drag (Dp) of 218 competitive swimmers was studied and related to their performance level. To study this relationship, specific attention was given to anthropometric and joint laxity (JL) variations. The Dp was measured at 1.40 m.s-1, using a mechanical winch and a strain gauge with a load cell connected to a strain bridge. Swimmers were towed in a prone position holding their breath after a maximal inspiration. Buoyancy was evaluated by the hydrostatic lift (HL), i.e., the maximal weight just necessary to maintain the swimmer in a balanced position under the water after a maximal inspiration. The JL was assessed by a standard scoring system. The Dp was related mainly to the surface area (SA) (r = 0.73 and 0.53; P less than 0.01, for males and females, respectively). For a given SA, Dp was inversely related to the performance level. The JL explained 7% of the variability of Dp. On average, Dp measured after a maximal expiration, increases of about 22% SD 3% (P less than 0.01). This increase was related to individual vital capacities (r = 0.86, P less than 0.01). As Dp was mainly related to SA and HL, it is suggested that the body exerts a large pressure effect on the water. The contribution to performance might be related to the gliding phase of swimming.  相似文献   

The effect of (a) increasing velocity and (b) added resistance was examined on the stroke (stroke length, stroke rate [SR]), coordination (index of coordination [IdC], propulsive phases), and force (impulse and peaks) parameters of 7 national-level front crawl swimmers (17.14 ± 2.73 years of swimming; 57.67 ± 1.62 seconds in the 100-m freestyle). The additional resistance was provided by a specially designed parachute. Parachute swimming (PA) and free-swimming (F) conditions were compared at 5 velocities per condition. Video footage was used to calculate the stroke and coordination parameters, and sensors allowed the determination of force parameters. The results showed that (a) an increase in velocity (V) led to increases in SR, IdC, propulsive phase duration, and peak propulsive force (p < 0.05), but no significant change in force impulse per cycle, whatever the condition (PA or F); and (b) in PA conditions, significant increases in the IdC, propulsive phase duration, and force impulse and a decrease in SR were recorded at high velocities (p < 0.05). These results indicated that, in the F condition, swimmers adapted to the change in velocity by modifying stroke and coordination rather than force parameters, whereas the PA condition enhanced the continuity of propulsive action and force development. Added resistance, that is, "parachute training," can be used for specific strength training purposes as long as swimming is performed near maximum velocity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify kinematic and dynamic variables related to the best tumble turn times (3mRTT, the turn time from 3-m in to 3-m out, independent variable) in ten elite male swimmers using a three-dimensional (3D) underwater analysis protocol and the Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) as statistical method. For each swimmer, the best-time turn was analyzed with five stationary and synchronized underwater cameras. The 3D reconstruction was performed using the Direct Linear Transformation algorithm. An underwater piezoelectric 3D force platform completed the set-up to compute dynamic variables. Data were smoothed by the Savitzky-Golay filtering method. Three variables were considered relevant in the best Lasso model (3mRTT=2.58-0.425 RD+0.204 VPe+0.0046 TD): the head-wall distance where rotation starts (RD), the horizontal speed at the force peak (VPe), and the 3D length of the path covered during the turn (TD). Furthermore, bivariate analysis showed that upper body (CUBei) and lower limb extension indexes at first contact (CLLei) were also linked to the turn time (r=-0.65 and p<0.05 for both variables). Thus the best turn times were associated with a long RD, slower VPe and reduced TD. By an early transverse rotation, male elite swimmers reach the wall with a slightly flexed posture that results in fast extension. These swimmers opt for a movement that is oriented forward and they focus on reducing the distance covered.  相似文献   

We aimed to develop a new method for evaluating the drag in front-crawl swimming at various velocities and at full stroke. In this study, we introduce the basic principle and apparatus for the new method, which estimates the drag in swimming using measured values of residual thrust (MRT). Furthermore, we applied the MRT to evaluate the active drag (Da) and compared it with the passive drag (Dp) measured for the same swimmers. Da was estimated in five-stages for velocities ranging from 1.0 to 1.4 m s−1; Dp was measured at flow velocities ranging from 0.9 to 1.5 m s−1 at intervals of 0.1 m s−1. The variability in the values of Da at MRT was also investigated for two swimmers. According to the results, Da (Da = 32.3 v3.3, N = 30, R2 = 0.90) was larger than Dp (Dp = 23.5 v2.0, N = 42, R2 = 0.89) and the variability in Da for the two swimmers was 6.5% and 3.0%. MRT can be used to evaluate Da at various velocities and is special in that it can be applied to various swimming styles. Therefore, the evaluation of drag in swimming using MRT is expected to play a role in establishing the fundamental data for swimming.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - It has been known that small fish often swim in front of large fish, but the reason for this remains unclear. We hypothesized that small fish could swim more efficiently...  相似文献   

By comparing the time of the same distance swum with and without an added resistance, under the assumption of an equal power output in both cases, the drag of 73 top swimmers was estimated. The active drag Fr(a.d.) at maximal swimming velocities varied considerably across strokes and individuals. In the females Fr(a.d.) ranged from 69.78 to 31.16 N in the front-crawl, from 83.04 to 37.78 N in dolphin, from 93.56 to 45.19 N in breaststroke, and from 65.51 to 37.79 N in back-stroke. In the males Fr(a.d.) ranged from 167.11 to 42.23 N in front-crawl, from 156.09 to 46.95 N in dolphin, from 176.87 to 55.61 N in breaststroke, and from 146.28 to 46.36 N in back-stroke. Also, the ratio of Fr(a.d.) to the passive drag Fr(a.d.) as determined for the analogical velocity in a tugging condition (in standard body position-front gliding) shows considerable individual variations. In the female swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 145.17 to 59.94% in front-crawl, from 192.39 to 85.57% in dolphin, from 298.03 to 124.50% in breaststroke, and from 162.87 to 85.61% in back-stroke. In the male swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 162.24 to 62.39% in front-crawl, from 191.70 to 70.38% in dolphin, from 295.57 to 102.83% in breaststroke, and from 198.82 to 74.48% in back-stroke. The main reason for such variations is found in the individual features of swimming technique and can be quantitatively estimated with the hydrodynamic force coefficient, which thus provides an adequate index of technique.  相似文献   

We develop a model for anguilliform (eel-like) swimming as an elastic rod actuated via time-dependent intrinsic curvature and subject to hydrodynamic drag forces, the latter as proposed by Taylor (in Proc Roy Proc Lond A 214:158–183, 1952). We employ a eometrically exact theory and discretize the resulting nonlinear partial differential evolution both to perform numerical simulations, and to compare with previous models consisting of chains of rigid links or masses connected by springs, dampers, and prescribed force generators representing muscles. We show that muscle activations driven by motoneuronal spike trains via calcium dynamics produce intrinsic curvatures corresponding to near-sinusoidal body shapes in longitudinally-uniform rods, but that passive elasticity causes Taylor’s assumption of prescribed shape to fail, leading to time-periodic motions and lower speeds than those predicted Taylor (in Proc Roy Proc Lond A 214:158–183, 1952). We investigate the effects of bending stiffness, body geometry, and activation patterns on swimming speed, turning behavior, and acceleration to steady swimming. We show that laterally-uniform activation yields stable straight swimming and laterally differential activation levels lead to stable turns, and we argue that tapered bodies with reduced caudal (tail-end) activation (to produce uniform intrinsic curvature) swim faster than ones with uniform activation.  相似文献   

Matsumoto, Keitaro, Kengo Ishihara, Kazunori Tanaka, KazuoInoue, and Tohru Fushiki. An adjustable-current swimming pool forthe evaluation of endurance capacity of mice. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4): 1843-1849, 1996.A newforced-swimming apparatus for determining maximum swimming time in micewas devised for use in the evaluation of the endurance capacity of StdddY and CDF1 mice after various diet and drug treatments. With theapparatus, a water current is generated by circulating water with apump in a swimming pool. A spout and suction slit were contrived to generate a constant current while the strength of the current isregulated by a valve. The decrease in the leg-kicking intervals of miceaccompanying the increase in the current speed confirmed that theworkload is adjustable by regulation of the current speed. Comparedwith the number of forelimb strokes, that of the hindlimb kicks wasgreater. The swimming time until fatigue was observed to decrease withincreasing current speed in the two strains of mice. As biochemicalindexes, the blood lactate and muscle glycogen levels corroborated thecorrelation between current speed and increase in workload. Theseresults indicate that the apparatus employed in the present study issuitable for the evaluation of the endurance capacity of mice and thatit is useful for detecting the effects of dietary differences and drugpretreatments on this capacity.


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