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We investigated circadian ocular rhythms in the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. The birds were placed under light-dark cycles (LD 1212), constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD), and the retinas were dissected out at four-hour intervals throughout 24 h. Following measurements were performed. (1) Melatonin content in the retina was measured by radioimmunoassay. It was low in light and several folds higher in darkness under LD 1212. The rhythm continued in DD, but disappeared in LL. (2) Mitotic figures in the corneal epithelium were counted. Similar rhythms to the melatonin content were observed in the corneal mitotic rate with a slight phase delay. (3) The retinas were fixed at 4-h intervals and immunostained with anti-bovine rhodopsin serum and anti-chicken iodopsin monoclonal antibodies. The outer segments of photoreceptor cells were stained intensively throughout 24 h in LD 1212, LL and DD. In contrast, the stainability of the locus close to the outer limiting membrane where the Golgi apparatus exists changed diurnally. Scores showing the ratio of cells with positive staining indicated high values from 4 h after the onset of light to the beginning of dark phase under LD 1212. The values were high throughout 24 h in LL and intermediate or low in DD. (4) To investigate the effect of melatonin on the corneal mitotic rate and visual pigments at the Golgi region, melatonin was injected into one eye and saline into the contralateral eye. Melatonin induced a phase advance in the corneal mitotic rate under LD 1212, but did not induce a rhythm under LL. The ratio of photoreceptor cells with positive staining to anti-visual pigment antibodies at the Golgi region was not affected by melatonin injection.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BSA bovine serum albumin - DD constant darkness - Io-mAb monoclonal antibodies against chicken iodospin - LD light-dark - LL constant light - mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid - PBS phosphate buffer solution - Rh-As antiserum against bovine rhodopsin - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - T transducin - T transducin   相似文献   

In passerine birds, the periodic secretion of melatonin by the pineal organ represents an important component of the pacemaker that controls overt circadian functions. The daily phase of low melatonin secretion generally coincides with the phase of intense activity, but the precise relationship between the melatonin and the behavioral rhythms has not been studied. Therefore, we investigated in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) (1) the temporal relationship between the circadian plasma melatonin rhythm and the rhythms in locomotor activity and feeding; (2) the persistence of the melatonin rhythm in constant conditions; and (3) the effects of light intensity on synchronized and free-running melatonin and behavioral rhythms. There was a marked rhythm in plasma melatonin with high levels at night and/or the inactive phase of the behavioral cycles in almost all birds. Like the behavioral rhythms, the melatonin rhythm persisted for at least 50 days in constant dim light. In the synchronized state, higher daytime light intensity resulted in more tightly synchronized rhythms and a delayed melatonin peak. While all three rhythms usually assumed a rather constant phase relationship to each other, in one bird the two behavioral rhythms dissociated from each other. In this case, the melatonin rhythm retained the appropriate phase relationship with the feeding rhythm. Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

Mitochondrial experiments are of increasing interest in different fields of research. Inhibition of mitochondrian activities seems to play a role in Parkinson's disease and in this regard several animal models have used inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration such as rotenone or MPTP. Most of these experiments were done during the daytime. However, there is no reason for mitochondrial respiration to be constant during the 24h. This study investigated the circadian variation of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated rat brain mitochondria and the administration-time-dependent effect of rotenone and melatonin. The respiratory control ratio, state 3 and state 4, displayed a circadian fluctuation. The highest respiratory control ratio value (3.01) occurred at 04:00h, and the lowest value (2.63) at 08:00h. The highest value of state 3 and state 4 oxidative respiration occurred at 12:00h and the lowest one at 20:00h. The 24h mean decrease in the respiratory control ratio following incubation with melatonin and rotenone was 7 and 32%, respectively; however, the exact amount of the inhibition exerted by these agents varied according to the time of the mitochondria isolation. Our results show the time of mitochondrial isolation could lead to interindividual variability. When studies require mitochondrial isolation from several animals, the time between animal experiments has to be minimized. In oxidative phosphorylation studies, the time of mitochondria isolation must be taken into account, or at least specified in the methods section.  相似文献   

In Japanese quail, we can observe the circadian rhythm of feeding activity in constant conditions, especially in birds from selected lines. In order to try to test the importance of melatonin as hormonal output for the circadian system, we gave a 24-h period cycle of exogenous melatonin to some of these birds when they were free running. We used castrated males firstly in order to cancel the known effect of steroids on circadian organisation. Secondly, as castrated birds generally expressed a very short periodicity, it allowed us to check induced synchronisation more easily. We maintained ten castrated males in constant dim light. We divided the experiment into five successive phases. The birds received a 24-h period cycle of melatonin (M phase) or of control solution with only the alcoholic solvent (C phase) as a drink. Before and after each one of these two phases, we gave water continually to drink (W1, W2 and W3 phases). Thus, the successive phases were W1-M-W2-C-W3. We measured intake of liquids and plasma melatonin concentrations to check melatonin ingestion. We automatically recorded individual feeding activity by infrared detectors, and analysed this by spectral analysis. At the beginning of the experiment, eight birds showed a rhythmic feeding activity, with a mean period of 22.9 +/- 0.2 h, and the two others an arrhythmic circadian activity. During the 24-h period cycle of exogenous melatonin, for the rhythmic birds, the circadian period became approximately 24 h (23.9 +/- 0.2 h), the inactive phase corresponding to the period of melatonin availability. During the W2 and C phases, the circadian period was similar to that expressed during the W1 phase. Moreover, when birds only drink water, we found a significant positive relationship between the clarity of the circadian rhythm and the ratio, between the melatonin level of the inactive phase and that of the active phase. These facts support the hypothesis of the role of this hormone in the regulation of the circadian system, at least for feeding activity, in quail.  相似文献   

In conditions of constant darkness, interindividual variability in the clarity of circadian rhythmicity was observed in sexually immature young quail, with birds classified as more or less rhythmic or arrhythmic. The relative clarity of this circadian rhythm was observed on the actograms by measurement of the autocorrelation coefficient ratio over 12 cycles. Autocorrelation coefficients were calculated from sequential series of total activity over 12-minute periods. Crosses of selected phenotypes with different clarities of rhythmicity were conducted in order to study the possibility of selection of this characteristic. From a random population (N = 42, twice), pairs of the most rhythmic birds (3 families), and pairs of arrhythmic birds (4 families) were reared. Autocorrelation coefficient ratios of Fl birds from rhythmic families (N = 54) were greater than those of Fl birds (N = 48) from arrhythmic families (t-test, p <. 0001). These ratios in offspring were significantly correlated with that of the mean parent of each clutch of siblings (N= 102, r =.35, p =. 0003). This result was maintained in a second generation (F2) of birds, for which significant differences in expressed rhythmicity were observed. That is, autocorrelation coefficient ratios of F2 birds from two rhythmic families (TV = 30) were greater than those of F2 birds from arrhydimic families (N = 20) (t-test, p =. 039). Comparison of F2 outbred and inbred birds from rhythmic pairs showed greater values of autocorrelation coefficient ratios in the case of inbred birds (N = 16) than for outbred birds (N = 30; t-test, p =. 036). There was no difference between outbred (N = 20) and inbred birds (N = 15) from arrhythmic pairs. Therefore, selection of a rhythmic strain seems possible, whereas crosses between two arrhythmic birds may also give rise to rhythmic birds. Comparisons between rhythmic birds of different families did not show differences in the free-running period of the circadian rhythm, which is true also for rhythmic birds bred from two arrhythmic parents. Therefore, our selection procedure did not seem to be based on the characteristics of the pacemaker itself, but rather on a downstream event. Although the parents were not selected on the basis of quantity of activity per cycle or on the duration of the active phase, significant differences among the offspring of different families were shown. (Chronobiology International, 75(3), 219–230, 1998)  相似文献   

As soon as they hatch, gallinaceous chicks follow broody hens. This matriarchal unit presents a temporal organization of activity. The ontogeny of this ultradian rhythm of activity was followed in Japanese quail during their first 3 weeks of life. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 12 groups of four chicks were recorded using an activity monitoring system. They were observed between the ages of 2 and 17 days. Chicks in groups presented an ultradian rhythm of activity, with a period that increased significantly from 14.3 ± 1.4 minutes when chicks were 2 days old to 26.0 ± 1.9 minutes when they were 16 days old. The increase of ultradian periodicity was particularly pronounced during their first and third weeks of life. Finally, the ultradian period was correlated positively with body weight of the chicks. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 767-776, 2000)  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy or blinding resulted in loss of the clarity of the free-running rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature and reduced the peak level of circulating melatonin rhythms to approximately a half in intact pigeons, neither pinealectomy nor blinding abolished any of these rhythms. However, when pinealectomy and blinding were combined, the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature disappeared in prolonged constant dim light, and melatonin concentration was reduced to the minimum level of detection. In order to examine the role of melatonin in the pigeon's circadian system, it was administered either daily or continuously to PX + EX-pigeons in LLdim. Daily administration of melatonin restored circadian rhythms of locomotor activity which entrained to melatonin injections, but continuous administration did not induce any remarkable change of locomotor activity. These results suggest that melatonin synthesized in the pineal body and the eye contributes to circulating melatonin and its rhythmicity is important for the control of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in the pigeon.Abbreviations LD Light-dark - LLdim constant dim light - LLbright constant bright light - PX pinealectomy - EX blinding - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

Japanese quail exhibit a robust circadian rhythm in body temperature. This rhythm is readily entrainable by 24 h light-dark (LD) cycles and persists under constant conditions. Because both the pineal organ and the eyes have been implicated as major components of the circadian system of birds, the role of these organs in generating the rhythm of body temperature was investigated. Pinealectomy, when performed alone, had little effect on the body temperature rhythm of quail either under LD or under constant darkness (DD). Most birds subjected to optic nerve section alone remained rhythmic in DD although the robustness of the rhythm was decreased, and 25% became arrhythmic. Birds subjected to both pinealectomy and optic nerve section behaved similarly to birds subjected to optic nerve section alone. However, complete eye removal, when performed alone or in combination with pinealectomy, caused all birds to become arrhythmic in DD. The data support the hypothesis that the eyes are the loci of circadian pacemakers in quail that act, via both neural and hormonal outputs, to preserve the integrity of (self-sustaining or damped) circadian oscillators located elsewhere.  相似文献   

Summary The photoperiodic clock in quail (Coturnix colurnix japonica) is based upon a rhythm of photoinducibility (Øi) but the extent to which this rhythm is circadian remains unclear. Two types of experiment investigated this situation. In the first, gonadectomized quail were adapted to live in periods of darkness by training them on a schedule containing one short day and 3 days of darkness (SD/DD/DD/DD). They were then exposed to a single pulse of 6 or 10 h of light at different times across 3 days of darkness. The photoperiodic response, measured by the increase in LH secretion, showed clear rhythmicity, demonstrating unequivocally the circadian nature of Øi. The second set of experiments employed Nanda-Hamner cycles and varied the length of the photoperiod from 6 to 11 h. Responsiveness in a 36 h or a 60 h cycle was highly dependent upon the length of the photoperiod, something not predicted from theory. For instance, LD 6:30 was not photoperiodically inductive but LD 10:26 was clearly inductive. Close analysis of patterns of LH secretion indicated an unexpected delay before induction occurred and then a rapid rise to a stable level of induction. When LH was measured in every pulse under LD 10:26 there was no evidence that LH levels alternately increased and decreased. This is not consistent with the simplest interpretation of Nanda-Hamner experiments where alternate pulses of light are thought to entrain the rhythm or induce a photoperiodic response by coinciding with Øi. It is concluded that the quail's photoinducible rhythm is indeed based on a circadian rhythm but one that is only weakly self-sustaining. Possibly as a consequence of this, the rhythm's behaviour under abnormal photoperiodic cycles may be rather different from that found in other species and from other circadian rhythms in quail.Abbreviations Øi photoinducible phase - LH luteinizing hormone  相似文献   

Endogenous rhythms are adaptive responses to predictable changes of the environment, like the day/night cycle. Some researches demonstrated that social cycles can influence the circadian rhythm, while no study investigated the effect of endogenous rhythmicity on the sociability in Vertebrates. This study investigated whether differences in the functioning of the circadian system was associated with social motivation in Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica).We compared quail from a line expressing a robust circadian rhythm of feeding activity (R) to quail from a line expressing circadian arrhythmicity of feeding activity (A) under constant darkness. Classic behavioral tests evaluated social motivation of these birds.When socially isolated, the motivation of R quail to re-establish contact with conspecifics appeared stronger than that of A quail. When in the presence of conspecifics, R quail faced a stressful situation (change of environment) more calmly than did A quail. Thus, variation of circadian behavioral rhythmicity is associated with variation in social motivation in Japanese quail. Rhythmic animals appeared to respond more appropriately to environmental challenges than arrhythmic animals.  相似文献   

Summary Male Japanese quail,Coturnix coturnix japonica, displayed day-night rhythms in their body temperature, with significantly higher temperatures during the day than at night. There were individual variations in both the temperatures attained and amplitude of the day-night rhythm of body temperature in the group-housed birds. Accompanying these diurnal patterns in body temperature there were day-night rhythms in the effects of intraperitoneal administrations of the opiate agonist, morphine (1.0 and 10 mg·kg-1) and prototypic opiate antagonist, naloxone (10 mg·kg-1) on colonic body temperature. In the daytime, the body temperature response profiles of quail treated with morphine were dependent on the initial body temperature of the bird. In those birds with the lower daytime body temperatures, morphine caused an initial hyperthermic response that was followed by a hypothermia and then a weak hyperthermia; whereas, in birds with the higher initial body temperatures there was a pronounced hypothermia followed by a marked hyperthermia. At night, morphine induced a hyperthermic response in all quail that was followed by a hypothermia. These effects of morphine were blocked by naloxone, with naloxone by itself significantly decreasing the daytime temperature of those quail with the higher initial body temperature. Naloxone had no significant effects on the nighttime body temperatures of any of the quail. These results show that there are day-night rhythms and individual differences in opiate sensitivity and modulation of body temperature in male quail. These findings also suggest that endogenous opioid systems are involved in either the generation and/or expression of the day-night rhythm of body temperature in quail.Abbreviations LD light-dark - T L low initial body temperatures - T H high initial body temperatures  相似文献   

Summary In higher organisms, many physiological and behavioral functions exhibit daily variations, generated by endogenous circadian oscillators. It is not yet clear whether all the various rhythms that occur within an individual depend on one and the same pacemaker or whether different pacemakers are involved. To examine this question, the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms were measured in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) under light-dark cycles and continuous dim light. In dim light, the internal phase relationship between the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms changed systematically as a function of the circadian period, and the two rhythms could even dissociate and show different circadian periods in individuals with extremely long or extremely short circadian periods. Moreover, in some birds kept on lowamplitude light-dark cycles, the rhythm of feeding was synchronized 180° out of phase with the rhythm of locomotor activity. These results strongly suggest that in the European starling the feeding and locomotor activity rhythms are controlled by separate circadian pacemakers.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of the circadian clock which regulates the circadian rhythms has been believed to be common in different organisms. However, recent topic about multiple oscillators in a cell is thought to suggest other possibility. We may need to reconsider effectiveness of strategies for understanding molecular mechanism of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Using in vivo microdialysis, effects of retinally perceived light on pineal melatonin release and its rhythmicity was examined in the pigeon. In the first experiment, light-induced suppression of pineal melatonin release was studied. Although light given to the whole body during the dark strongly suppressed pineal melatonin release to a daytime level, light exclusively delivered to the eyes did not remarkably inhibit melatonin release. In the second experiment, in order to determine whether retinally perceived light has phase-shifting effects on pineal melatonin rhythms, pigeons were given a single light pulse of 2 h at circadian time (CT) 18 and the phases of the second cycle after the light pulse were compared with those of control pigeons without the light pulse. In this experiment, phase advances of pineal melatonin rhythms were observed when the light was given to the whole body but not when only the eyes were illuminated. In a third experiment, after entrainment to light-dark 12:12 (LD 12:12) cycles, birds whose heads were covered with black tapes were transferred into constant light (LL) conditions and only the eyes were exposed to new LD cycles for 7 days (the phase was advanced by 6 h from the previous cycles) using a patching protocol. This procedure, however, could not entrain pineal melatonin rhythms to the retinal LD cycles. These results indicate that the eyes are not essential for photic regulation of pineal melatonin release and its rhythmicity in the pigeon.Abbreviations CT circadian time - LD light-dark - LL constant light - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - LLdim constant dim light - NE norepinephrine - SCG superior cervical ganglia - WB whole body - E eye - EX extraretina - C control  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory processes have long been implicated in the initiation of human sleep. In this paper, we review our own studies conducted over the last decade showing a crucial role for melatonin as a mediator between the thermoregulatory and arousal system in humans. Distal heat loss, via increased skin temperature, seems to be intimately coupled with increased sleepiness and sleep induction. Exogenous melatonin administration during the day when melatonin is essentially absent mimics the endogenous thermophysiological processes occurring in the evening and induces sleepiness. Using a cold thermic challenge test, it was shown that melatonin‐induced sleepiness occurs in parallel with reduction in the thermoregulatory set‐point (threshold); thus, melatonin may act as a circadian modulator of the thermoregulatory set‐point. In addition, an orthostatic challenge can partially block the melatonin‐induced effects, suggesting an important role of the sympathetic nervous system as a link between the thermoregulatory and arousal systems. A topographical analysis of finger skin temperature with infrared thermometry revealed that the most distal parts of the fingers, i.e., fingertips, represent the important skin regions for heat loss regulation, most probably via opening the arteriovenous anastomoses, and this is clearly potentiated by melatonin. Taken together, melatonin is involved in the fine‐tuning of vascular tone in selective vascular beds, as circulating melatonin levels rise and fall throughout the night. Besides the role of melatonin as “nature's soporific”, it can also serve as nature's nocturnal vascular modulator.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether serum concentrations of leptin in ewes vary with a daily rhythm. For this purpose, we examined 24 h serum leptin profiles of ewes exposed to natural photoperiodic conditions and subjected to two different feeding schedules (regular feeding and fasting). The results show for the first time the existence of daily rhythm of plasma leptin in regularly fed ewes, with a minimum during the light phase and a peak during the dark phase. Daily rhythms of serum leptin persisted after 50 h of fasting, although fasting shifted the peak of the rhythm to the beginning of the light phase and significantly reduced daily leptin production. To gain a better understanding of the role of leptin in the temporal organization of physiological events related to pregnancy and lactation, we measured serum leptin profiles throughout 24 h in ewes either during pregnancy or lactation. Daily leptin rhythms were found to persist during pregnancy and lactation, but both physiological conditions altered leptin concentrations. Maternal serum leptin concentration rose between early and mid pregnancy, then decreased in the late pregnancy and during lactation. Daily serum leptin concentration was significantly lower in nonpregnant, nonlactating ewes, compared either to lactating or to early pregnant ewes.  相似文献   

Pharmacological doses of melatonin—low (0.5 mg/kg body wt.) and high (1.0 mg/kg body wt.) doses were administered chronically for 45 days to Wistar rats, and 24 h rhythms of adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin and melatonin were studied under semi-natural conditions. Exogenous melatonin administration caused delays in the acrophases of growth hormone and melatonin rhythm itself, whereas advances in the acrophases of adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol and prolactin were observed, thus indicating that chronic administration of melatonin could alter the characteristics of endocrine rhythms. Alterations in the amplitude and mesor values of these endocrine rhythms were also observed during melatonin administration. Modulation of melatonin rhythmicity (due to exogenous administration) could influence the hormonal rhythms as a modulated internal zeitgeber and could simulate/mimic the conditions of altered photoperiod in the animal; this could be the reason for altered acrophase values in the melatonin treated groups. Significant dose-dependent effects of melatonin were absent in the present study. It remains to be proven how exogenous administration of melatonin could influence the hormonal rhythms investigated in the present study.  相似文献   

Summary A 17-generation selection experiment was conducted to study direct and correlated responses to mass selection under a mating system with alternating generations of full-sib inbreeding and wide outbreeding (population I) as compared with a mass selected, randomly mated population (population II). The selection criterion was an index of total egg mass to 78 days divided by adult female body weight. Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations are reported. Estimated heritabilities for the index were 0.38±0.04 and 0.29±0.05 in population I and II, respectively. Realized heritabilites were 0.10±0.05 and 0.12±0.03. For most traits studied the mean phenotypic values in the cyclic mated population decreased for inbred generations. Increased inbreeding levels also caused outbred generation means of population I to decrease through the first six or seven generations. After this period of adaptation to inbreeding selection response was positive for the index and positively correlated traits. Total response to selection under the cyclic inbred-outbred mating system did not exceed selection response made under random mating. However, the rate of response in the cyclically mated population exceeded that in the randomly mated population in later generations when the cyclically mated population had apparently adapted to inbreeding.Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 1221  相似文献   

This study was designed to test whether Mucuna pruriens, a natural source of l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA, a dopamine precursor) feeding, can influence development and reproductive conditions in the high food value bird, Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. Experiments were performed in both male and female Japanese quail. One-week-old quail chicks were divided into three groups of 36 birds each. Group I was provided with normal diet and served as control. Group II was provided with food mixed with l-DOPA (50 mg/15 g food) and Group III was provided with food mixed with M. pruriens seed powder (480 g/kg food). At the age of 3 weeks (when birds were sexually distinguished) Group I was divided into two sub-groups IA (male) and IB (female) of six birds each. Similarly, Groups II and III were sub-divided into IIA (male), IIB (female) and IIIA (male), IIIB (female), respectively, of six birds each. Observations were made up to the age of 5 weeks. Male experimental groups (IIA and IIIA) showed significantly increased testicular activity, cloacal gland volume, body weight (BW), plasma testosterone and LH level in comparison to control (IA). Similarly female experimental groups (IIB and IIIB) showed significantly greater weight of reproductive organs (uterus, ovary, oviduct and ovarian follicle), BW, egg weight and size and number of follicles. On the other hand, plasma prolactin level was significantly low in comparison to control (IB). Results suggest that M. pruriens is a rich natural source of l-DOPA and the development and reproduction in Japanese quail might be associated with the dopaminergic system of the brain.  相似文献   

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