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The bifunctional enzyme chorismate mutase (CM)-prephenate dehydratase (PD), which is encoded by the pheA gene of Escherichia coli, catalyses the two consecutive key steps in phenylalanine biosynthesis. To utilize the enzyme for metabolic engineering of phenylalanine-producing Corynebacterium glutamicum KY10694, the intact gene was cloned on a multicopy vector to yield pEA11. C. glutamicum cells transformed with pEA11 exhibited a more than tenfold increase in CM and PD activities relative to the host cells. Moreover, the level of pheA expression was further elevated a fewfold when cells were starved of phenylalanine, suggesting that the attenuation regulation of pheA expression functions in heterogeneous C. glutanicum. Plasmid pEA11 encoding the wild-type enzyme was mutated to yield pEA22, which specified CM-PD exhibiting almost complete resistance to end-product inhibition. When pEA22 was introduced into KY10694, both the activities of CM and PD were highly maintained throughout the cultivation, thus leading to a 35% increased production (23 g/l) of phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Abstract Efficient electroporation of Escherichia coli with plasmid DNA isolated from Corynebacterium glutamicum depends on the use of Mcr-deficient E. coli strains. The transformation frequency increased nearly 800-fold when the Mcr-deficient E. coli DH5αMCR was used instead of E. coli DH5α. We used E. coli strains with different mutations in the methyl-specific restriction systems to show that McrBC-deficiency is sufficient to generate this effect. The results imply that C. glutamicum DNA contains methylcytosine in specific sequences recognized by the E. coli McrBC system.  相似文献   

The Corynebacterium glutamicum panD gene was identified by functional complementation of an Escherichia coli panD mutant strain. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of panD comprises 411 bp and specifies a protein of 136 amino acid residues with a deduced molecular mass of 14.1 kDa. A defined C. glutamicum panD mutant completely lacked L-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase activity and exhibited beta-alanine auxotrophy. The C. glutamicum panD (panDC. g.) as well as the E. coli panD (panDE.c.) genes were cloned into a bifunctional expression plasmid to allow gene analysis in C. glutamicum as well as in E. coli. The enhanced expression of panDC.g. in C. glutamicum resulted in the formation of two distinct proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, leading to the assumption that the panDC.g. gene product is proteolytically processed into two subunits. By increased expression of panDC.g. in C. glutamicum, the activity of L-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase was 288-fold increased, whereas the panDE.c. gene resulted only in a 4-fold enhancement. The similar experiment performed in E. coli revealed that panDC.g. achieved a 41-fold increase and that panDE.c. achieved a 3-fold increase of enzyme activity. The effect of the panDC.g. and panDE.c. gene expression in E. coli was studied with a view to pantothenate accumulation. Only by expression of the panDC.g. gene was sufficient beta-alanine produced to abolish its limiting effect on pantothenate production. In cultures expressing the panDE.c. gene, the maximal pantothenate production was still dependent on external beta-alanine supplementation. The enhanced expression of panDC.g. in E. coli yielded the highest amount of pantothenate in the culture medium, with a specific productivity of 140 ng of pantothenate mg (dry weight)-1 h-1.  相似文献   

A chromosomal DNA fragment from the erythromycin-sensitive bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 was shown to mediate resistance against erythromycin, tetracycline, puromycin, and bleomycin in Escherichia coli. Multicopy cloning of the fragment did not cause a resistance phenotype in C. glutamicum. The corresponding gene encodes a hydrophobic protein with 12 potential transmembrane-spanning ex-helical segments showing similarity to drug-H+ antiporters.  相似文献   

l-Leucine, as an essential branched-chain amino acid for humans and animals, has recently been attracting much attention because of its potential for a fast-growing market demand. The applicability ranges from flavor enhancers, animal feed additives and ingredients in cosmetic to specialty nutrients in pharmaceutical and medical fields. Microbial fermentation is the major method for producing l-leucine by using Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum as host bacteria. This review gives an overview of the metabolic pathway of l-leucine (i.e. production, import and export systems) and highlights the main regulatory mechanisms of operons in E. coli and C. glutamicum l-leucine biosynthesis. We summarize here the current trends in metabolic engineering techniques and strategies for manipulating l-leucine producing strains. Finally, future perspectives to construct industrially advantageous strains are considered with respect to recent advances in biology.  相似文献   

Two promoters control the aroH gene of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G S Hudson  P Rellos  B E Davidson 《Gene》1991,102(1):87-91

L-Threonine is an important biotechnological product and Corynebacterium glutamicum is able to synthesize and accumulate this amino acid to high intracellular levels. We here use four exporters of Escherichia coli and show that three of them operate in C. glutamicum, with RhtA and RhtC being the most effective. Whereas RhtA was unspecific, resulting in L-homoserine together with L-threonine excretion, this was not the case with RhtC. Expression of rhtC reduced the intracellular L-threonine concentration from 140 to 11 mM and resulted in maximal excretion rates of 11.2 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) as compared to 2.3 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) obtained without rhtC expression. In combination with an ilvA mutation generated and introduced into the chromosome, an accumulation of up to 54 mM L-threonine was achieved as compared to 21 mM obtained with the ancestor strain. This shows that expression of rhtC is the pivotal point for industrial relevant L-threonine production with C. glutamicum, and might encourage in general the use of heterologous exporters in the field of white biotechnology to make full use of biosynthesis pathways.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) has several industrial applications such as a tanning agent in tanning lotions in the cosmetic industry; its production via microbial fermentation would present a more sustainable option for the future. Here we genetically engineered Escherichia coli (E. coli) for DHA production from glucose. Deletion of E. coli triose phosphate isomerase (tpiA) gene was carried out to accumulate dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), for use as the main intermediate or precursor for DHA production. The accumulated DHAP was then converted to DHA through the heterologous expression of Corynebacterium glutamicum DHAP dephosphorylase (cghdpA) gene. To conserve DHAP exclusively for DHA production we removed methylglyoxal synthase (mgsA) gene in the ΔtpiA strain. This drastically improved DHA production from 0.83 g/l (0.06 g DHA/g glucose) in the ΔtpiA strain bearing cghdpA to 5.84 g/l (0.41 g DHA/g glucose) in the ΔtpiAΔmgsA double mutant containing the same gene. To limit the conversion of intracellular DHA to glycerol, glycerol dehydrogenase (gldA) gene was further knocked out resulting in a ΔtpiAΔmgsAΔgldA triple mutant. This triple mutant expressing the cghdpA gene produced 6.60 g/l of DHA at 87% of the maximum theoretical yield. In summary, we demonstrated an efficient system for DHA production in genetically engineered E. coli strain.  相似文献   

Due to steadily rising crude oil prices great efforts have been made to develop designer bugs for the fermentative production of higher alcohols, such as 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol and 2-Methyl-1-propanol (isobutanol), which all possess quality characteristics comparable to traditional oil based fuels. The common metabolic engineering approach uses the last two steps of the Ehrlich pathway, catalyzed by 2-ketoacid decarboxylase and an alcohol dehydrogenase converting the branched chain 2-ketoacids of L-isoleucine, L-leucine, and L-valine into the respective alcohols. This strategy was successfully used to engineer well suited and industrially employed bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Corynebacterium glutamicum for the production of higher alcohols. Among these alcohols, isobutanol is currently the most promising one regarding final titer and yield. This article summarizes the current knowledge and achievements on isobutanol production with E. coli, B. subtilis and C. glutamicum regarding the metabolic engineering approaches and process conditions.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathway analysis was carried out to predict the metabolic potential of Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli for the production of L-methionine. Based on detailed stoichiometric models for these organisms, this allowed the calculation of the theoretically optimal methionine yield and related metabolic fluxes for various scenarios involving different mutants and process conditions. The theoretical optimal methionine yield on the substrates glucose, sulfate and ammonia for the wildtype of C. glutamicum is 0.49 (C-mol) (C-mol)(-1), whereas the E. coli wildtype exhibits an even higher potential of 0.52 (C-mol) (C-mol)(-1). Both strains showed completely different optimal flux distributions. C. glutamicum has a high flux through the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), whereas the TCA cycle flux is very low. Additionally, it recruits a metabolic cycle, which involves 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate. In contrast, E. coli does minimize the flux through the PPP, and the flux through the TCA cycle is high. The improved potential of the E. coli wildtype is due to its membrane-bound transhydrogenase and its glycine cleavage system as shown by additional simulations with theoretical mutants. A key point for maximizing methionine yield is the choice of the sulfur source. Replacing sulfate by thiosulfate or sulfide increased the maximal theoretical yield in C. glutamicum up to 0.68 (C-mol) (C-mol)(-1). A further increase is possible by the application of additional C1 sources. The highest theoretical potential was obtained for C. glutamicum applying methanethiol as combined source for C1 carbon and sulfur (0.91 (C-mol) (C-mol)(-1)). Substrate requirement for maintenance purposes reduces theoretical methionine yields. In the case of sulfide used as sulfur source a maintenance requirement of 9.2 mmol ATP g(-1) h(-1), as was observed under stress conditions, would reduce the maximum theoretical yield from 67.8% to 47% at a methionine production rate of 0.65 mmol g(-1) h(-1). The enormous capability of both organisms encourages the development of biotechnological methionine production, whereby the use of metabolic pathway analysis, as shown, provides valuable advice for future strategies in strain and process improvement.  相似文献   

Abstract Glutamate uptake in the Gram-positive Corynebacterium glutamicum is mediated via a binding protein-dependent transport system, which is encoded by the gluABCD gene cluster. Cloning of these genes in an expression vector and subsequent transformation of the resulting plasmid allows different strains of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli to grow on glutamate as sole carbon and nitrogen source. However, overexpression of the glutamate uptake system results in growth inhibitory effects, probably due to the particular topology of the binding protein.  相似文献   

The catabolic or biodegradative threonine dehydratase (E.C. 4.2.1. 16) of Escherichia coli is an isoleucine feedback-resistant enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of threonine to alpha-ketobutyrate, the first reaction of the isoleucine pathway. We cloned and expressed this enzyme in Corynebacterium glutamicum. We found that while the native threonine dehydratase of C. glutamicum was totally inhibited by 15 mM isoleucine, the heterologous catabolic threonine dehydratase expressed in the same strain was much less sensitive to isoleucine; i.e., it retained 60% of its original activity even in the presence of 200 mM isoleucine. To determine whether expressing the catabolic threonine dehydratase (encoded by the tdcB gene) provided any benefit for isoleucine production compared to the native enzyme (encoded by the ilvA gene), fermentations were performed with the wild-type strain, an ilvA-overexpressing strain, and a tdcB-expressing strain. By expressing the heterologous catabolic threonine dehydratase in C. glutamicum, we were able to increase the production of isoleucine 50-fold, whereas overexpression of the native threonine dehydratase resulted in only a fourfold increase in isoleucine production. Carbon balance data showed that when just one enzyme, the catabolic threonine dehydratase, was overexpressed, 70% of the carbon available for the lysine pathway was redirected into the isoleucine pathway.  相似文献   

Bacteria of two species, Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum, were used as hosts to express recombinant ovine gamma interferon as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase. The recombinant gamma interferon produced by both bacteria was biologically active in vitro and was recognized by anti-gamma interferon monoclonal antibodies. E. coli produced large amounts of soluble recombinant protein which could be purified by a simple affinity chromatography method. Only a small fraction of the recombinant protein made by C. glutamicum was recovered by this method. Expression of recombinant protein in C. glutamicum was unstable but could be controlled by increased regulation of the tac promoter. Both hosts expressed ovine gamma interferon at high levels, with the recombinant protein making up a significant proportion of the cellular protein content.  相似文献   

Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) is a component of pharmaceuticals, functional foods, and the biodegradable plastic polyamide 4. Here, we report a simple and robust system to produce GABA from glucose using the recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum strain GAD, which expresses GadB, a glutamate decarboxylase encoded by the gadB gene of Escherichia coli W3110. As confirmed by HPLC analysis, GABA fermentation by C. glutamicum GAD cultured at 30°C in GABA Production 1 (GP1) medium containing 50 g/L glucose without the addition of glutamate yielded 8.07 ± 1.53 g/L extracellular GABA after 96 h. Addition of 0.1mM pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) was found to enhance the production of GABA, whereas Tween 40 was unnecessary for GABA fermentation. Using the optimized GABA Production 2 (GP2) medium, which contained 50 g/L glucose and 0.1mM PLP, fermentation was performed in a flask at 30°C with 10% (v/v) seed culture of C. glutamicum GAD. GABA was produced in the culture supernatant with a yield of 12.37 ± 0.88 g/L after 72 h with a space-time yield of 0.172 g/L/h, which is the highest yield obtained to date for GABA from fermentation with glucose as a main carbon source.  相似文献   

Industrial microorganisms have been developed as biocatalysts to provide new or to optimize existing processes for the biotechnological production of chemicals from renewable plant biomass. Rational strain development by metabolic engineering is crucial to successful processes, and is based on efficient genetic tools and detailed knowledge of metabolic pathways and their regulation. This review summarizes recent advances in metabolic engineering of the industrial model bacteria Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum that led to efficient recombinant biocatalysts for the production of acetate, pyruvate, ethanol, d- and l-lactate, succinate, l-lysine and l-serine.  相似文献   

We constructed the high-expression system of the alr gene from Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 in Escherichia coli BL 21 (DE3) to characterize the enzymological and structural properties of the gene product, Alr. The Alr was expressed in the soluble fractions of the cell extract of the E. coli clone and showed alanine racemase activity. The purified Alr was a dimer with a molecular mass of 78 kDa. The Alr required pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) as a coenzyme and contained 2 mol of PLP per mol of the enzyme. The holoenzyme showed maximum absorption at 420 nm, while the reduced form of the enzyme showed it at 310 nm. The Alr was specific for alanine, and the optimum pH was observed at about nine. The Alr was relatively thermostable, and its half-life time at 60 degrees C was estimated to be 26 min. The K(m) and V(max) values were determined as follows: l-alanine to d-alanine, K(m) (l-alanine) 5.01 mM and V(max) 306 U/mg; d-alanine to l-alanine, K(m) (d-alanine) 5.24 mM and V(max) 345 U/mg. The K(eq) value was calculated to be 1.07 and showed good agreement with the theoretical value for the racemization reaction. The high substrate specificity of the Alr from C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 is expected to be a biocatalyst for d-alanine production from the l-counter part.  相似文献   

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