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DNA turnover and the molecular clock   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Many detailed studies on the mechanisms by which different components of eukaryotic nuclear genomes have diverged reveal that the majority of sequences are seemingly not passively accumulating base substitutions in a clocklike manner solely determined by laws of diffusion at the population level. It appears that variation in the rates, units, biases, and gradients of several DNA turnover mechanisms are contributing to the course of DNA divergence. Turnover mechanisms have the potential to retard, maintain, or accelerate the rate of DNA differentiation between populations. Furthermore, examples are known of coding and noncoding DNA subject to the simultaneous operation of several turnover mechanisms leading to complex patterns of fine-scale restructuring and divergence, generally uninterpretable using selection and/or neutral drift arguments in isolation. Constancy in the rate of divergence, where observed over defined periods of time, could be a reflection of constancy in the rates and units of turnover. However, a consideration of the generally large disparity between rates of turnover and mutation reveals that DNA clocks, which would be independently driven by turnover in separate genomic components, would tend to be episodic. The utility of any given DNA sequence for measuring time and species relationships, like individual proteins, is proportional to the extent to which all contributing forces to the evolution of the sequence, internal and external, are understood.  相似文献   

Summary We present the ideas, and their motivation, at the basis of a simple model of nucleic acid evolution: thestationary Markov process, or Markov clock. After a brief review of its relevant mathematical properties, the Markov clock is applied to nucleotide sequences from mitochondrial and nuclear genes of different species. Particular emphasis is given to the necessity of carrying out a correct statistical analysis, which allows us to check quantitatively the applicability of our model. We find evidence that the Markov clock ticks in many different processes, and that its limitations can be understood in terms of a simple idea that we call the base-drift hypothesis. This hypothesis correlates the deviations from the stationarity of the Markov process to the evolutionary distanced AB (P) of two species A and B, relative to the processP. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for future work.  相似文献   

Identification of ortholog is one of the important tasks to understand a novel genome. It helps to assign functional annotations, from one organism to another organism. To identify the putative ortholog, Reciprocal Best BLAST hit (RBBH) method is known to be an efficient approach. OrFin makes use of the same approach to identify pair of orthologous proteins for a given set of sequences of two species. It is a user-friendly web tool which works with user defined parameters to search RBBHs. Results are produced in both html and text format.


This web tool is freely available at http://bifl.uohyd.ac.in/orfin  相似文献   

Analysis of the patterns and levels of diversity in duplicate gene not only traces evolutionary history of polyploids, but also provides insight into how the evolutionary process differs between lineages and between homoeologous loci within lineages. Elymus sensu lato is a group of allopolyploid species, which share a common St genome and with the different combinations of H, Y, P, and W genomes. To estimate the evolutionary process of the rbcL gene in species of Elymus s. l. and its putative dioploid relatives, 74 sequences were obtained from 21 species of Elymus s. l. together with 24 diploid taxa representing 19 basic genomes in Triticeae. Phylogeny and sequence diversity pattern analysis suggested that (1) species of Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) Á. Löve might serve as the maternal donor of the species of Elymus s. l; (2) differentiation of St genome were shown in the species of Elymus s. l. following polyploidy event; (3) divergences within the species might associate with geographic diversity and morphological variability; (4) differences in the levels and patterns of nucleotide diversity of the rbcL gene implied that the St genome lineages in the species of Elymus s. l. have differently evolutionary potentials.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 46 echinoids, with representatives from 13 of the 14 ordinal-level clades and about 70% of extant families commonly recognized, have been established from 3 genes (3,226 alignable bases) and 119 morphological characters. Morphological and molecular estimates are similar enough to be considered suboptimal estimates of one another, and the combined data provide a tree that, when calibrated against the fossil record, provides paleontological estimates of divergence times and completeness of their fossil record. The order of branching on the cladogram largely agrees with the stratigraphic order of first occurrences and implies that their fossil record is more than 85% complete at family level and at a resolution of 5-Myr time intervals. Molecular estimates of divergence times derived from applying both molecular clock and relaxed molecular clock models are concordant with estimates based on the fossil record in up to 70% of cases, with most concordant results obtained using Sanderson's semiparametric penalized likelihood method and a logarithmic-penalty function. There are 3 regions of the tree where molecular and fossil estimates of divergence time consistently disagree. Comparison with results obtained when molecular divergence dates are estimated from the combined (morphology + gene) tree suggests that errors in phylogenetic reconstruction explain only one of these. In another region the error most likely lies with the paleontological estimates because taxa in this region are demonstrated to have a very poor fossil record. In the third case, morphological and paleontological evidence is much stronger, and the topology for this part of the molecular tree differs from that derived from the combined data. Here the cause of the mismatch is unclear but could be methodological, arising from marked inequality of molecular rates. Overall, the level of agreement reached between these different data and methodological approaches leads us to believe that careful application of likelihood and Bayesian methods to molecular data provides realistic divergence time estimates in the majority of cases (almost 80% in this specific example), thus providing a remarkably well-calibrated phylogeny of a character-rich clade of ubiquitous marine benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

On the molecular evolutionary clock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The conceptual framework surrounding the origin of the molecular evolutionary clock and circumstances of this origin are described. In regard to the quest for the best available molecular clocks, a return to protein clocks is conditionally recommended. On the basis of recent data and certain considerations, it is pointed out that the realm of neutrality in evolution is probably less extensive than is now commonly thought, in the three distinct senses of the term neutrality—neutrality as nonfunctionality of mutations, neutrality as equifunctionality of mutations, and neutrality as a mode of fixation of mutations. The possibility is raised that complex sets of interacting components forming a system that is bounded with respect to its environment may quite generally display an intrinsic trend to a quasi-clockwise evolutionary behavior.  相似文献   

Attempts to analyze variation in the rates of molecular evolution among mammalian lineages have been hampered by paucity of data and by nonindependent comparisons. Using phylogenetically independent comparisons, we test three explanations for rate variation which predict correlations between rate variation and generation time, metabolic rate, and body size. Mitochondrial and nuclear genes, protein coding, rRNA, and nontranslated sequences from 61 mammal species representing 14 orders are used to compare the relative rates of sequence evolution. Correlation analyses performed on differences in genetic distance since common origin of each pair against differences in body mass, generation time, and metabolic rate reveal that substitution rate at fourfold degenerate sites in two out of three protein sequences is negatively correlated with generation time. In addition, there is a relationship between the rate of molecular evolution and body size for two nuclear-encoded sequences. No evidence is found for an effect of metabolic rate on rate of sequence evolution. Possible causes of variation in substitution rate between species are discussed.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the diversification of birds is hindered by their incomplete fossil record and uncertainty in phylogenetic relationships and phylogenetic rates of molecular evolution. Here we performed the first comprehensive analysis of mitogenomic data of 48 vertebrates, including 35 birds, to derive a Bayesian timescale for avian evolution and to estimate rates of DNA evolution. Our approach used multiple fossil time constraints scattered throughout the phylogenetic tree and accounts for uncertainties in time constraints, branch lengths, and heterogeneity of rates of DNA evolution. We estimated that the major vertebrate lineages originated in the Permian; the 95% credible intervals of our estimated ages of the origin of archosaurs (258 MYA), the amniote-amphibian split (356 MYA), and the archosaur-lizard divergence (278 MYA) bracket estimates from the fossil record. The origin of modern orders of birds was estimated to have occurred throughout the Cretaceous beginning about 139 MYA, arguing against a cataclysmic extinction of lineages at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. We identified fossils that are useful as time constraints within vertebrates. Our timescale reveals that rates of molecular evolution vary across genes and among taxa through time, thereby refuting the widely used mitogenomic or cytochrome b molecular clock in birds. Moreover, the 5-Myr divergence time assumed between 2 genera of geese (Branta and Anser) to originally calibrate the standard mitochondrial clock rate of 0.01 substitutions per site per lineage per Myr (s/s/l/Myr) in birds was shown to be underestimated by about 9.5 Myr. Phylogenetic rates in birds vary between 0.0009 and 0.012 s/s/l/Myr, indicating that many phylogenetic splits among avian taxa also have been underestimated and need to be revised. We found no support for the hypothesis that the molecular clock in birds "ticks" according to a constant rate of substitution per unit of mass-specific metabolic energy rather than per unit of time, as recently suggested. Our analysis advances knowledge of rates of DNA evolution across birds and other vertebrates and will, therefore, aid comparative biology studies that seek to infer the origin and timing of major adaptive shifts in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Calibrating the avian molecular clock   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Weir JT  Schluter D 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(10):2321-2328
Molecular clocks are widely used to date phylogenetic events, yet evidence supporting the rate constancy of molecular clocks through time and across taxonomic lineages is weak. Here, we present 90 candidate avian clock calibrations obtained from fossils and biogeographical events. Cross-validation techniques were used to identify and discard 16 inconsistent calibration points. Molecular evolution occurred in an approximately clock-like manner through time for the remaining 74 calibrations of the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome b . A molecular rate of approximately 2.1% (± 0.1%, 95% confidence interval) was maintained over a 12-million-year interval and across most of 12 taxonomic orders. Minor but significant variance in rates occurred across lineages but was not explained by differences in generation time, body size or latitudinal distribution as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Nucleotide substitutions in the form of transitions (purine-purine or pyrimidine-pyrimidine interchanges) and transversions (purine-pyrimidine interchanges) occur during evolution and may be complied by aligning the sequences of homologous genes. Referring to the genetic code tables, silent transitions take place in third positions of codons in family boxes and two-codon sets. Silent transversions in third positions occur only in family boxes, except for AC transversions between AGR and CGR arginine codons (R=A or G). Comparisons of several protein genes have been made, and various subclasses of transitional and transversional nucleotide substitutions have been compiled. Considerable variations occur among the relative proportions of transitions and transversions. Such variations could possibly be caused by mutator genes, favoring either transitions or, conversely, transversions, during DNA replication. At earlier stages of evolutionary divergence, transitions are usually more frequent, but there are exceptions. No indication was found that transversions usually originate from multiple substitutions in transitions.  相似文献   

Summary A phylogenetic tree for the human lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), the human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type III (HTLV-III), and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-associated retrovirus (ARV) has been constructed from comparisons of the amino acid sequences of their gag proteins. A method is proposed for estimating the divergence times among these AIDS viruses and the rates of nucleotide substitution for their RNA genomes. The analysis indicates that the LAV and HTLV-III strains diverged from one another after 1977 and that their common ancestor diverged from the ARV virus no more than 10 years earlier. Hence, the evolutionary diversity among strains of the AIDS viruses apparently has been generated within the last 20 years. It is estimated that the genome of the AIDS virus has a nucleotide substitution rate on the order of 10–3 per site per year, with the rate in the second half of the genome being double that in the first half.  相似文献   

Calibration is a critical step in every molecular clock analysis but it has been the least considered. Bayesian approaches to divergence time estimation make it possible to incorporate the uncertainty in the degree to which fossil evidence approximates the true time of divergence. We explored the impact of different approaches in expressing this relationship, using arthropod phylogeny as an example for which we established novel calibrations. We demonstrate that the parameters distinguishing calibration densities have a major impact upon the prior and posterior of the divergence times, and it is critically important that users evaluate the joint prior distribution of divergence times used by their dating programmes. We illustrate a procedure for deriving calibration densities in Bayesian divergence dating through the use of soft maximum constraints.  相似文献   

While it is fairly easy to devise a phylogenetic tree based on molecular data, it has proven difficult to tell how reliable any such tree is. Thus while the genetic inference that humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas cluster together is widely accepted, the genetic inference that the primary division among Old World human populations is between Asia and EurAfrica is not. A molecular phylogenetic inference linking humans and chimpanzees was proposed in the 1980s based on the technique of DNA hybridization. Despite several recent publications in primary and secondary source material, much confusion still exists surrounding the work. This paper tries to clarify issues that may still be confusing to physical anthropologists, and proposes criteria upon which to judge the robusticity of a phylogenetic inference based on DNA hybridization, in light of a recent published claim of replication. The claim of replication is considered critically. Interestingly, the original DNA hybridization data may actually show a chimp-gorilla link, in harmony with other phylogenetic results.  相似文献   

Summary We constructed a cDNA library for the beetle,Tribolium castaneum. This library was screened using a cloned amylase gene fromDrosophila melanogaster as a molecular probe. Beetle amylase cDNA clones were isolated from this bank, and the nucleotide sequence was obtained for a cDNA clone with a coding capacity for 228 amino acids. Both the nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence were compared to our recent results forD. melanogaster alpha-amylases, along with published sequences for other alpha-amylases. The results show that animal alpha-amylases are highly conserved over their entire length. A borader comparison, which includes plant and microbial alpha-amylase sequences, indicates that parts of the gene are conserved between prokaryotes, plants, and animals. We discuss the potential importance of this and other enzyme-coding genes for the construction of molecular phylogenies and for the study of the general question of molecular clocks in evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of synonymous nucleotide substitution in nuclear genes of higher plants has been estimated. The rate varies among genes by a factor of up to two, in a manner that is not immediately explicable in terms of base composition or codon usage bias. The average rate, in both monocots and dicots, is about four times higher than that in chloroplast genes. This leads to an estimated absolute silent substitution rate of 6 × 10–9 substitutions per site per year that falls within the range of average rates (2–8 × 10–9) seen in different mammalian nuclear genomes.  相似文献   

Divergence times inferred for major lineages of Chelicerata (scorpions, spiders, mites, pycnogonids and xiphosurans) in a recent paper on mitochondrial phylogeny by Jeyaprakash and Hoy are compared to the known stratigraphical occurrences of these groups. Erroneous statements concerning fossil date estimates in the original study are corrected. We emphasize that the fossil record of chelicerates is more complete than is sometimes assumed, and that paleontology plays a key role in dating cladogenesis by setting minimum divergence times, which can and do falsify molecular clock estimates where the inferred divergence is substantially younger than the known fossil record. The oldest representatives of each chelicerate order are documented here, together with similar data for the major mite lineages down to family level. Through these, we hope to provide a robust framework and reference points for future molecular systematic studies of this nature.  相似文献   

The subsection Magnicellulatae of the genus Podosphaera section Sphaerotheca belongs to the tribe Cystotheceae of the Erysiphaceae, which has the characteristic of producing catenate conidia with distinct fibrosin bodies. In this study, we newly determined the nucleotide sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA region and the sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region to investigate the relationships between the phylogeny of this fungal group and their host plants. The results indicated that the 28S rDNA region is too conservative for phylogenetic analysis of this fungal group. The phylogenetic analysis using 95 ITS sequences demonstrated that two or more Magnicellulatae taxa often infect the same plant genus or species. Although there is a close relationship between Magnicellulatae and asteraceous hosts, this association seems to be not as strict as that between Golovinomyces and the Asteraceae. The difference between the two fungal groups may be explained by their different evolutionary timing.  相似文献   

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