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张渝华 《植物研究》1989,9(3):59-60
本文发表了囊瓣芹属一新变种,即Pternopetalum tanakae(Franch.et Sav.)Hand.-Mazz.var.fulcrantum Y.H.Zhang  相似文献   

万煜  黄增任   《广西植物》1990,10(2):97-98
1.南宁蔷薇 新变种 图1 Rosa multiflora Thunb. var, nanningensis Y. Wan et Z. R. Huang, vat. nov. (Sect. Synstylae DC.) A typo differt pedicellis dense villosis, sepalis extus dense pubescentibus et sparse stipitato-glandulosis, stylis hispidis staminibus brevioribus. Guangxi:Nanning,14.May 1988,Y.Wan et Z.R.Huang 88050(Ho-  相似文献   

崔现举 《植物研究》1987,7(3):123-130
长柄山蚂蝗属Podocarpium(Benth.)Yang et Huang属蝶形花科,间断分布于东亚和中北美洲,广布种分布到非洲和大洋洲。北美有4种,亚洲约有14种.我国约有该属植物11种,以西南和长江以南地区分布种类最多。国外已有人做过本属一半以上的种的染色体记数和核型。本文对本属的三个种.长柄山蚂蝗P.podocarpum(DC.)Yang et Huang,大苞长柄山蚂蝗P.williamsii(Pamp.)Yang et Huang和云南长柄山吗蝗P.du-clouxii(Pamp.)Yang et Huang进行了染色体的记数和核型描述,其中后两个种的工作属于首次。此外,本文还首次报道了山蚂蝗属两个种:Des-modium caudatum(Thunb.)DC.和D.yunnanense Franch.的染色体数目。  相似文献   

壳斗科植物摘录(Ⅴ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄成就  张永田   《广西植物》1992,12(1):1-2
壳斗科 FAGACEAE 锥属 Castanopsis Spach 苦槠钩锥 Castanopsis kuchugouzhui Huang et Y. T. Chang, hybr. nov. [Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott. ×C. tibetana Hance] Castanopsis tibetana × sclerophylla Huang et Y. T. Chang in Guihaia 10(1) :7. 1990.  相似文献   

本文发表了杏属三新变种1.Armeniaca sibirica(L.)Lam.var.pleniflorJ.Y.Zhang et.al 2.Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.var.xiongyueensis T.Z.Liet al.3.Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.var.meixianensis J.Y.Zhang et al.  相似文献   

描述一新种即沧源木姜子Litsea cangyuanensis J. Li et H. W. Li; 一中国新纪录种白叶木姜子L1albescens
( Hook. f. ) D. G. Long; 3 个新异名: 大叶木姜子L1 chunii Cheng var1longipedicellata Yang f1 latif olia Yang 归并到高
山木姜子L1 chunii Cheng, 狭叶桂北木姜子M1 subcoriacea Yang et P. H. Huang var. stenophylla Yang et P. H.
Huang 归并入桂北木姜子L1 subcoriacea Yang et P. H. Huang, 狭叶华南木姜子L1greenmaniana Allen var1 angustifolia
Yang et P. H. Huang 归入华南木姜子L1greenmaniana Allen; 思茅木姜子L1szemaois ( H. Liou) J. Li et H. W. Li
作为新等级提升为种; 并对秃净木姜子L1 kingii Hook. f. 与山鸡椒L1 cubeba ( Lour . ) Pers. 两者间的差异进
行澄清, 对台湾产的黄肉树应采用L1 hypophaea Hayata 和广西产的蜂窝木姜子应采用L1f oveola Kosterm. 进
行了讨论。一个新名称: L1 sinoglobosa J. Li et H. W. Li 替代同名的L1 globosa Yang et P. H. Huang 。  相似文献   

<正> 壳斗科 FAGACEAE 锥属 Castanopsis Spach 苦槠钩锥 Castanopsis kuchugouzhui Huang et Y. T. Chang, hybr. nov. [Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott. ×C. tibetana Hance] Castanopsis tibetana × sclerophylla Huang et Y. T. Chang in Guihaia 10(1) :7. 1990.  相似文献   

广西蜘蛛抱蛋属三新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万煜 《植物研究》1989,9(2):97-102
本文发表了产于广西的蜘蛛抱蛋属三个新种:天峨蜘蛛抱蛋Aspidistra carinata Y.Wan et X.H.Lu,柳江蜘蛛抱蛋A.patentiloba Y.Wan et X.H.Lu及杯花蜘蛛抱蛋A.cyathiflora+Y.Wan et C.C.Huang。  相似文献   

本文报道齿裂菌属(Coccomyces de Not.)的两个新种一贵州齿裂菌(C.guizhouensis Y.R.Lin et B.F.Hu)和油杉齿裂菌(C.keteleeriae Y.R.Lin)。前者发生在贵州省织金县华山松(Pinus armandi Franch.)的枝条上,后一种见于福建省福州市油杉[Ketelecria fortunei(Murr.)Carr.]的落叶上。对这两个种作了汉文、拉丁文描述和图解。  相似文献   

甘草属分类系统与新分类群的研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
李学禹 《植物研究》1993,13(1):14-43
作者根据化学成分与比较形态学相结合的原则,提出甘草属(Glycyrrhiza L.)的新分类系统。通过研究本属种质资源,本文命名6个新种:阿拉尔甘草(G.alalensis X.Y.Li,sp.nov。),无腺毛甘草(G.eglandulosa X.Y.Li,sp.nov.),紫花甘草(G.purpureiflora X.Y.Li,sp.nov.),垂花甘草(G.nutantiflora X.Y.Li,sp.nov.),平卧甘草(G.prostraca X.Y.Li et D.C.F.sp.nov.),疏花甘草(G.laxiflora X.Y.Li et D.C.F.sp.nov。),归并了Meristotropis Fisch.et Mey.和Glycyrrhizapsis Boiss.。并将以上两属的3个种作了重新组合:对粗毛甘草(G.aspera Pall.)作了重新描述,对圆果甘草(G.squamulosa Franch.)作了补充描述。  相似文献   

花椒盘二孢Marssonina zanthoxyla Y.J.Lu et G.L.Li sp.nov.是寄生在芸香科花椒属植物上的一种寄生菌,本文有汉文和拉丁文的形态描述和新种的讨论。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一个分布新记录的属-指柱兰属和该属一新记录的种-指柱兰。  相似文献   

安徽金腰属 (虎耳草科)植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
楔叶金腰为金腰属一新变种,同时报道安徽新记录种肾萼金腰,并对安徽金腰属植物进行了补充记述。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the genus Chrysosplenium L. in China. Based on the characters and evolution of the seed, capsule, disk, ovary and leaf, the species of this genus can be grouped into 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 16 series. There are 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 11 series in China. They are as follows: I. Subgen. Gamosplenium Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Leaves alternate. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook. f. et Thoms. 1. Sect. Alternifolia Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. (1) Ser. Nudicaulia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior, sometimes mostly inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate or suberect lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nudicaule Maxim. (2) Ser. Alternifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk 8-lobed; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolia L. 2. Sect. Nephrophylloides Turcz. Seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium sedakowii Turcz. (1) Ser. Macrophylla Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Oliv. (2) Ser. Ovalifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk generally 8-, rarely 4-, lobed, papillae absent around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule subtruncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium ovalifolium M. Bieb. ex Bunge (3) Ser. Lanuginosa Hara, emend. J. T. Pan Papillae numerous, brown around reduced disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook. f. et Thoms. II. Subgen. Chrysosplenium Leaves opposite. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. 1. Sect. Trichosperma J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal, suberect or divergent lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium trichospermum Edgew. ex Hook. f. et Thoms. This section is divided into 4 series in the world, with only 1 in China. (1) Ser. Nepalensia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary generally mostly inferior; cassule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal and suberect or divergent lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nepalense D. Don 2. Sect. Grayana J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim. This section consists of 4 series in the world, with 3 series in China. (1) Ser. Sinica Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-superior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim. (2) Ser. Esulcata Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk (4)-8-lobed; ovary generally half-inferior; capsule bilobed with unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium dubium J. Gayex DC. (3) Ser. pilosa maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally ll-18-costate and minutely papillose or tuberculate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim. 3. Sect. Chrysosplenium Capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. (1) Ser. Romosa J. T. Pan, ser. nov. Disk distinctly 8-lobed, papillae sparse, brown around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium ramosum Maxim. This series is monospecific one, also occurring in China, namely C. ramosum Maxim. (2) Ser. Delavayi Hara Disk distinctly 8-lobed, Papillae sparse, brown around the disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally 10-16-costate and transversely striate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch. This series can be considered as the most advanced one in the Chrysaspleninm L. So far, the Chrysosplenium L. comprises 64 species in the world, among which 1 species is found in North Africa, 2 in South America, 4 in Europe, 5 in North America, 56 in Asia, of which 3 occur in Sikkim, 5 Bhutan, 5 Mongolia, 6 north Burma, 6 Korea, 7 north India, 8 Nepal, 12 Japan, 17 U.S.S.R. (of which 3 also in Europe), 34 China (including 22 endemic species and 3 new species). In China, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces and Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi each has only 1 species, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces and Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each has 2, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces each has 3, Qinghai Province 4, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guizhou Provinces each has 5, Jilin and Hubei Provinces each has 6, Gausu Province 8, Shaanxi Province and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region each has 10, Yunnan Province has 11, Sichuan Province has 14. Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the north temperate zone of Asia, and the region covering Shaanxi Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang may be regarded as an important part of this centre. The 7 species of Ser. Nudicaula Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan can be considered as the most primitive ones in this genus. They are mostly distributed in Shaanxi (Qin Ling), south Gansu, southeast Qinghai, southwest Sichuan and nothwest Yunnan of China. This region may be considered as the centre of the origin (or at least differentiation) of this genus. The new species and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: C. hydrocotylifolium Levl. et Vant. var. emeiense J. T. Pan, C. taibaishanense J. T. Pan, C. lixianense Jien ex J. T. Pan, C. qinlingense Jien ex J. T. Pan.  相似文献   

本文报告了盘花垂头菊Cremanthodium discoideum Maxim.上的一锈菌新种——垂头菊柄锈菌Puccinia cremanthodii J.Y.Zhuang et S.X.Wei。模式标本采自青海省,保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。本种主要特征是:冬孢子椭圆形或近倒卵形,两端圆,中部略缢缩,32—48×19—32μm,孢壁肉桂褐色至粟褐色,2—3.5μm厚,连同孔帽约5μm厚,有不规则的网状皱纹,柄达100μm长,易破碎。垂头菊属植物上未曾记载过有锈菌,本种为首次报道。垂头菊属是喜马拉雅和青藏高原的特有属,分布高海拔地带,推测此菌可能为青藏高原所特有。  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

报道了湖北种子植物分布1新记录科———星叶草科Circaeasteraceae,含1新记录属———星叶草属Circaeaster,1新记录种———星叶草Circaeaster agrestis Maxim。通过查阅标本对星叶草的性状进行了描述并讨论了其形态变异幅度。本文重绘了星叶草的线条图并提供了野外原色图版。  相似文献   

关于蒙古绣线菊毛枝变种及回折绣线菊的学名订正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵一之  王铁娟 《植物研究》2000,20(3):257-259
支持将蒙古绣线菊毛枝变种提升为种的等级且于宁夏绣线菊同种,但其合法学名应为Spiraea tomentulosa(Yu)Y.Z.Zhao。与此同时,本文发现了真正的蒙古绣线菊的毛枝变种--S. mongolica Maxim.var.pubescens Y.Z.Zhao et T.J.Wang。  相似文献   

采取踏查、样方和样线相结合的方法,调查了北京松山国家级自然保护区内野生种子植物的分布状况,并对其种类组成和分布区类型进行了分析。调查结果显示:该保护区内共有野生种子植物92科382属721种,其中,裸子植物3科4属5种、被子植物89科378属716种;被子植物中包含双子叶植物78科298属569种和单子叶植物11科80属147种。含20种或20种以上的科有7个,包含的属、种数量均占该保护区野生种子植物属、种总数的40%以上,优势科现象明显;含1种和含2-4种的属分别有235和128个,具有绝对优势。该保护区野生种子植物科的分布区类型可分为8个,除世界广布科外,以泛热带分布型科和北温带分布型科为主;属的分布区类型可分为15个,以北温带分布型属为主,热带性质属与温带性质属的数量比为0.20。该保护区内有国家重点保护野生植物2种、北京市重点保护野生植物52种,其中包含兰科(Orchidaceae)植物14属18种以及数量极少的丁香叶忍冬(LoniceraoblataK.S.HaoexP.S.HsuetH.J.Wang)和北京市特有植物北京水毛茛(BatrachiumpekinenseL.Liou);该保护区内还有7种具有入侵倾向的外来植物。此外,还有北京新记录植物3种,分别为柳叶野豌豆也Viciavenosa(Willd.exLink)Maxim.页、北方红门兰(OrchisroborowskiiMaxim.)和廻旋扁蕾也Gentianopsiscontorta(Royle)Ma页。研究结果表明:该保护区的野生种子植物区系具有典型的温带性质并有一定的过渡性。  相似文献   

One new species and one new variety of genus Plantago are describecd from China. They are P. densiflora J. Z. Liu and P. arachnoidea var. lorata J. Z. Liu.  相似文献   

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