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This investigation evaluated ultrastructural changes during the earliest phase of immunologic rejection of vascularized bone allografts in a genetically defined rat model. These results were correlated with the cell-mediated and humoral immunologic responses during this time period. Employing a model for heterotopic allograft transplantation, 33 rats divided into four categories were evaluated. Group I consisted of ungrafted (naive) Lewis and Brown Norway rats; group II consisted of Lewis-to-Lewis vascularized bone isografts; group III consisted of Lewis-to-Brown Norway vascularized bone allografts; and group IV consisted of Lewis-to-Brown Norway vascularized bone allografts in rats receiving cyclosporine (10 mg/kg/day). Experimental animals were sacrificed at 3, 5, and 7 days. Immunologic analysis was performed using a cell-mediated lymphocytotoxicity assay and a complement-dependent cytotoxic antibody assay. The results of this study show that rejection of vascularized bone allografts appears as early as 3 days postoperatively, with osteocytes and vascular endothelium being the first elements affected. This early rejection is probably a manifestation of the humoral response. All changes secondary to rejection were arrested by cyclosporine.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma is characterized by slowly growing clones of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. The malignant state is frequently accompanied by osteolytic bone disease due to a disturbed balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are present in the bone marrow and are important for several aspects of myeloma pathogenesis including growth and survival of tumor cells, bone homeostasis, and anemia. Among cancer cells, myeloma cells are particularly sensitive to growth inhibition and apoptosis induced by BMPs and therefore represent good models to study BMP receptor usage and signaling. Our review highlights and discusses the current knowledge on BMP signaling in myeloma.  相似文献   

This laboratory has used a composite tissue allograft model as a vehicle for studies on a new type of bone marrow transplant, the vascularized bone marrow transplant. The model consists of a rat hind limb transplant that incorporates integumentary musculoskeletal, and lymphopoietic tissues. These transplants, in comparison with conventional marrow transplants, have the advantage of providing a syngeneic microenvironment and immediate engraftment of both mature and progenitor hemopoietic cells at the time of transplantation. The characteristics of graft-versus-host disease were studied in this model. Lewis X Brown Norway F1 (LBN RT-1(1+n)) rats received hind limbs from Lewis (LEW RT-1(1)) donors (n = 19). Animals were observed daily for signs of graft-versus-host disease. Necropsies were performed. A minority of animals developed lethal disease (7 of 19 recipients) and demonstrated cachexia with concomitant histopathologic changes of the disease. Acute and chronic groups emerged with distinct clinical courses, which are similar to other models of this disease. Recipients of vascularized bone marrow transplants (limb transplants) showed clinical and histopathologic changes of the disease. The transplants may be used as a model of graft-versus-host disease in humans. Most interestingly, the transplant has a lower incidence of disease compared with other methods of bone marrow transplantation and represents an alternative to conventional bone marrow transplantation, which deserves further exploration. It may be possible to develop a new technique for bone marrow transplantation based on this surgical approach. It is proposed that the transfer of vascularized blocks of bone/marrow into prospective recipients as opposed to cellular bone marrow transplants may be preferable.  相似文献   

CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha- dendritic cells (DCs) arise from committed bone marrow progenitors and can induce or regulate immune reactivity. Previously, the maturational status of CD8alpha-(myeloid) DCs has been shown to influence allogeneic T cell responses and allograft survival. Although CD8alpha+ DCs have been implicated in central tolerance and found to modulate peripheral T cell function, their influence on the outcome of organ transplantation has not been examined. Consistent with their equivalent high surface expression of MHC and costimulatory molecules, sorted mature C57BL/10J (B10; H2(b)) DCs of either subset primed naive, allogeneic C3H/HeJ (C3H; H2(k)) recipients for Th1 responses. Paradoxically and in contrast to their CD8alpha- counterparts, mature CD8alpha+ B10 DCs given systemically 7 days before transplant markedly prolonged B10 heart graft survival in C3H recipients. This effect was associated with specific impairment of ex vivo antidonor T cell proliferative responses, which was not reversed by exogenous IL-2. Further analyses of possible underlying mechanisms indicated that neither immune deviation nor induction of regulatory cells was a significant contributory factor. In contrast to the differential capacity of the mature DC subsets to affect graft outcome, immature CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha- DCs administered under the same experimental conditions significantly prolonged transplant survival. These observations demonstrate for the first time the innate capacity of CD8alpha+ DCs to regulate alloimmune reactivity and transplant survival, independent of their maturation status. Mobilization of such a donor DC subset with capacity to modulate antidonor immunity may have significant implications for the therapy of allograft rejection.  相似文献   

Although nonvascularized membranous bone grafts to the craniofacial skeleton demonstrate improved survival over similar grafts of endochondral origin, the comparative fate of vascularized membranous grafts is unknown. It is also unknown whether onlay membranous bone grafts in immature animals have the ability to grow. To examine these questions, a model was developed in New Zealand white rabbits in which a segment of the zygomatic arch was transferred to the subjacent mandible as either a vascularized or nonvascularized transfer. At harvest 16 weeks later, residual graft volume and bone architecture were analyzed. Results demonstrate no improved survival for vascularized membranous grafts in adult animals (n = 7), while in the immature animals (n = 6), growth of the vascularized bone transfers was documented. We conclude that in the majority of instances in craniofacial reconstruction, nonvascularized onlay membranous grafts are to be preferred. Specific instances for the use of vascularized transfers will be discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine whether minimizing plasma volume loss due to cold-induced diuresis can increase the survival time of rats maintained in long-term stable hypothermia (~24 h at a body temperature of 19 degrees C). Infusion of desmopressin (0.5-2.0 microg), a potent antidiuretic agent, during the cooling period enhanced survival over saline controls in a dose-related manner. The enhanced survival was accompanied by a significant delay in the expected increase of hematocrit and decrease of plasma volume as compared with those seen in saline controls. In contrast, treating the rats with the same dose range of another vasopressin analog, [beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethyl enepropionyl]-vasopressin, which has no antidiuretic action, failed to enhance survival over saline control. Further, treating the rats with the optimal dose of desmopressin (1 microg) at the later stage of hypothermia failed to elicit any beneficial effect. Our results indicate that by using desmopressin early during the cooling phase of the hypothermia, plasma volume and rheological parameters important for sustaining microcirculation can be better maintained than those seen in saline controls. These improvements may have contributed to the observed longer survival time in hypothermia.  相似文献   

The "double barrel" free vascularized fibular bone graft   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A further modification of the free vascularized fibular bone graft is described in which a transverse osteotomy is made from the anterolateral aspect of the fibular shaft just distal to the entry of the nutrient artery. This produces two vascularized bone struts that may be folded parallel to each other but that remain connected by the periosteum and muscle cuff surrounding the peroneal artery and vein. The proximal strut is vascularized by both a periosteal and an endosteal blood supply, whereas the distal strut is vascularized by a periosteal blood supply alone. This so-called "double barrel" free vascularized fibular graft has been employed in three patients with segmental bone defects of the distal femur and in one patient with adjacent bony defects of the radius and ulna.  相似文献   

Vascularization remains one of the most important challenges that must be overcome for tissue engineering to be consistently implemented for reconstruction of large volume bone defects. An extensive vascular network is needed for transport of nutrients, waste and progenitor cells required for remodelling and repair. A variety of tissue engineering strategies have been investigated in an attempt to vascularize tissues, including those applying cells, soluble factor delivery strategies, novel design and optimization of bio‐active materials, vascular assembly pre‐implantation and surgical techniques. However, many of these strategies face substantial barriers that must be overcome prior to their ultimate translation into clinical application. In this review recent progress in engineering vascularized bone will be presented with an emphasis on clinical feasibility.  相似文献   

We developed an experimental model to compare the efficacy of free vascularized bone grafts, conventional segmental autografts, matchstick autografts, and fresh segmental allografts in terms of their ability to reconstruct a 7-cm segmental diaphyseal defect created in the canine femur. Forty-five adult mongrel dogs were studied and followed for 6 to 12 months prior to sacrifice. Evaluation included radiologic assessment of graft incorporation and hypertrophy, histology, and biomechanical testing. These studies indicated that microsurgically revascularized autografts were superior to all other groups in terms of early incorporation, hypertrophy, and the highest mechanical strength to failure. Union of the bone graft to the recipient femur was achieved by 6 months in 25 of 26 autografts, and no difference in union rate was seen within the autograft group. However, only two of five allografts achieved bony union during this time interval. Arteriography, microangiography, fluorochrome, and histologic studies all supported the concept that microsurgically revascularized grafts, when successful, maintain their viability. However, the premise that all osteocytes survive in a successfully revascularized bone graft is open to question. While decalcified sections showed that all microsurgically revascularized grafts maintained normal viability in the central marrow and cancellous portions compared with the other three groups, the viability of cortical bone in the vascularized autografts was less clear. Undecalcified fluorochrome sections suggested that circulation was not preserved in all portions of the cortex. Revascularization of the nonvascularized autografts was complete at 3 months, while, in the avascular allografts, the process was not complete at 6 months.  相似文献   

In rats, prolonged stable hypothermia ( approximately 24 h at body temperature of 19 degrees C) is characterized by a time-dependent increase in hematocrit, plasma osmolality, and red blood cell fragility and a decrease in plasma volume. These changes impede tissue microcirculation and could limit survival. As a countermeasure, we used plasma volume expanders of both long (hetastarch)- and short-lasting (mannitol) characteristics to improve microcirculation and hopefully hypothermia survival. Infusion of 6% hetastarch at hour 3 in hypothermia significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced survival over saline control (33.5 vs. 23.8 h); a significant delay in the increases of hematocrit and cell fragility was also observed compared with those in saline controls. Treating the animal with 6% hetastarch at hour 20 during hypothermia caused a similar but less-effective improvement in survival. In contrast, treating the rats with 6% mannitol at hour 3 or 20 during hypothermia failed to enhance survival over saline control, although transient improvement in plasma volume was observed. Our results indicate that by using a long-lasting volume expander, which tends to better maintain plasma volume and rheological parameters governing microcirculation than does saline or a short-lasting volume expander, hypothermia survival can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Lewis rats (RT1(1] were the recipients of 3-cm nerve grafts from syngeneic Lewis donors or allogeneic ACI (RT1a) donors. Microneurosurgical repair of the nerve graft to the transected sciatic nerve of the recipient animal was performed with 10-0 epineurial sutures. Recipients were randomly allocated to cyclosporin A (CsA) immunosuppressed or untreated groups. Cyclosporin A was administered in the minimal effective dosage to prevent nerve allograft rejection across this major histocompatibility disparity (5 mg/kg per day). Nerve regeneration across the nerve grafts was assessed by sciatic function index (SFI) and toe spread index (TSI) determinations serially and by electrophysiologic, histologic, and morphologic assessments 14 weeks after engraftment. Sciatic nerve regeneration across allogeneic nerve grafts in cyclosporin A immunosuppressed recipients was significantly superior compared to the untreated controls (p less than 0.008) and not significantly different from that across the syngeneic control animals.  相似文献   

Cell and Tissue Banking - As a consequence of the preference for homologous tissues, bone banks are the primary source of bone and tendon grafts. However, the bacterial, viral, and fungal...  相似文献   

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