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Rhythms in the ovulatory cycle. 2nd: LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The circadian profiles of LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone were compared in a homogeneous group of 15 young normally cycling women, at 4 well characterized times of the menstrual cycle: early follicular (EF), late follicular (LF), early luteal (EL) and late luteal (LL) stages. The circatrigintan profiles of the same hormones were also evaluated. Population-mean cosinor analysis failed to demonstrate a circadian periodicity of LH in any of the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle; a circadian rhythm for FSH was present only in the 2 luteal phases (EL, LL); the same type of rhythmicity was present for estradiol only in the late luteal stage; on the contrary, a highly significant circadian rhythm of progesterone was present in each of the 4 menstrual stages considered (EF, LF, EL and LL). Population-mean cosinor analysis showed a highly significant circatrigintan periodicity of LH and FSH with the acrophases respectively between -109 degrees and -181 degrees and between -74 degrees and -125 degrees. Circatrigintan rhythmicity was also present for estradiol (acrophases between -161 degrees and -245 degrees) and progesterone (acrophases between -246 degrees and -296 degrees).  相似文献   

The circadian profiles of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) were analyzed in a homogeneous group of 15 young normally cycling women, at 4 times of the menstrual cycle: early follicular (EF), late follicular (LF), early luteal (EL) and late luteal (LL) stages. The circatrigintan variations of the same hormones were also evaluated. Population-mean cosinor analysis allowed the demonstration of a highly significant circadian periodicity for both variables in any of the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle; on the other hand, the same computation failed to demonstrate a significant circatrigintan periodicity. In each of the stages considered, the circadian acrophase of DHEA-S was delayed in comparison to that of cortisol, being located in the early afternoon hours. The demonstration of a clear-cut circadian oscillation in serum DHEA-S prompts studies on possible chrono-abnormalities of the steroid production in women with hyperandrogenic diseases.  相似文献   

In the not too distant past, it was common belief that rhythms in the physical environment were the driving force, to which organisms responded passively, for the observed daily rhythms in measurable physiological and behavioral variables. The demonstration that this was not the case, but that both plants and animals possess accurate endogenous time-measuring machinery (i.e., circadian clocks) contributed to heightening interest in the study of circadian biological rhythms. In the last few decades, flourishing studies have demonstrated that most organisms have at least one internal circadian timekeeping device that oscillates with a period close to that of the astronomical day (i.e., 24h). To date, many of the physiological mechanisms underlying the control of circadian rhythmicity have been described, while the improvement of molecular biology techniques has permitted extraordinary advancements in our knowledge of the molecular components involved in the machinery underlying the functioning of circadian clocks in many different organisms, man included. In this review, we attempt to summarize our current understanding of the genetic and molecular biology of circadian clocks in cyanobacteria, fungi, insects, and mammals. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 433–451, 2000)  相似文献   

Chronobiological data concerning the emergence rhythms of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were transformed into circular variables and analysed using circular statistics. The method proposed allowed three chronobiological patterns to be distinguished for the parasite populations studied, and statistical tests for the homogeneity of samples in each group and the significant differences between groups were also carried out.  相似文献   

Ovine prolactin (o-PRL) binding to mammary gland membranes was studied during the estrous cycle in the rat. Groups of rats were decapitated throughout the 4-day estrous cycle at 10 h00 on the days of diestrus I, diestrus II and estrus and at 10 h00, 12 h00, 16 h00 during the day of proestrus. Daily vaginal smears were taken to determine the stage of the estrous cycle which was also controlled by PRL and LH serum levels. Prolactin receptors were quantified in the 100 000 g pellet. For one Scatchard analysis, mammary gland membranes from 5 animals were pooled. Results given are the mean of 4 or 5 pools. Results obtained showed that the apparent affinity constant (KA) remained unchanged during the days of diestrus II and at all the times studied of proestrus and showed a slight but significant decrease on the days of estrus and diestrus I (or metestrus). The binding capacity did not vary from the day of diestrus II to the proestrus 16h00 (11.3 +/- 2.8 fmoles/mg protein) but sharply increased on the day of estrus (190.4 +/- 35.9 fmoles/mg protein). Binding capacity remained elevated on the day of diestrus I. This increase of PRL receptors on the day of estrous would appear to be an important step in preparing mammary gland for pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Anovulatory domestic hens (pregnant mare serum-treated) and normally cyclic domestic hens were artificially inseminated with 0.034 ml of pooled semen. A subsequent microscopic assessment of the uterovaginal sperm storage glands on days 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 post-insemination indicated that the sperm glands emptied over time in the normally cyclic hens, but not in the anovulatory hens. The data suggest that events associated with ovulation and/or oviposition are important to the sperm gland emptying process.  相似文献   

天然抗菌肽(antimicrobial peptides, AMPs)是一类小分子阳离子多肽,具备多种杀菌机制,呈现出高效、广谱的杀菌特性,在抑制耐药性细菌、制备新型抗菌素等方面具有重要的研究价值。以天然抗菌肽为蓝本,设计和开发的人工合成型抗菌肽可以有效克服天然抗菌肽对蛋白酶敏感、细胞毒性较大、生产成本高等缺陷,作为抗感染的潜在药物具有更广阔的应用前景。综述了目前主要的抗菌肽人工改造技术,包括化学修饰法、蛋白质工程技术、计算机分子模拟技术和从头设计最小化抗菌肽方法的研究进展,并对人工合成抗菌肽作为抗菌药物的应用现状进行了简介。  相似文献   

目的:研究生物多肽对生物机体的生命活动有益或生理作用。方法:对天麻(Gastrodiae elata B1.)初提液两次超滤(3kDa和1kDa超滤膜),凝胶过滤和快速蛋白液相色谱(FPLC)分离纯化,以及反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)对目标肽进行分析检测。结果:由Sephadex G-15葡聚糖凝胶柱层析分析肽液,得到各肽组分的相对分子质量分布范围。FPLC和RP-HPLC分析第二峰结果表明,此多肽组分分别只由一种肽组成。结论:此多肽相对分子质量在2500Da左右,具有很好的亲水性。  相似文献   

Four potentially immunoactive peptide fragments of the NspA protein from the outer membrane of the Neisseria meningitidis bacterium were synthesized in order to create a synthetic vaccine against meningococcal infection by the serogroup B bacterium. Mice of various lines were immunized with free peptides nonconjugated with a protein carrier. All the synthetic peptides were shown to induce the production of the antipeptide antibodies in mice. A peptide capable of inducing a decrease in the number of bacteria in blood and the protection of infected animals from death was found in the experiments on the protection of the animals infected with two strains of the Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B.  相似文献   

Mice of various lines were immunized by 11 synthetic peptides that correspond to the sequences of fragments of the OpaB protein from the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitidis involving the known human T-helper epitopes and all the potential mouse T-helper epitopes calculated for the protein. The mice were immunized with the free peptides without their conjugation with a protein carrier. Most of the peptides were found to induce in mice the production of antipeptide antibodies. Mice protection against the experimental infection by a virulent strain of N. meningitidis of the B serotype was studied, and two peptides were shown to exert the most pronounced protective effect.  相似文献   

Bacteria produce and respond to signal molecules depending on their cell density. This process is called “quorum sensing”. The ComX pheromone, controlled by quorum sensing, activates natural genetic competence in Bacillus subtilis. ComX is an oligopeptide with a posttranslational modification. It has been suggested that ComX pheromone is modified with an isoprenoid at its tryptophan residue, but the complete chemical structure is unknown. We first determined the molecular formula of ComXRO-E-2, a competence factor for B. subtilis strain RO-E-2. Then we synthesized putative pheromones with 1-, 2-, 4-, 5-, 6-, or 7-geranyl substituted tryptophan residues. The regio- and stereo-selective synthesis of the geranyl tryptophans was successful, and we prepared the six peptides with modified tryptophan residues. These peptides had the same molecular formula and showed similar hydrophobicity to the natural ComXRO-E-2 in LC–MS analysis. But, none of them showed the same retention time as the natural pheromone and none exhibited its biological activity. These results suggest that the isoprenoid modification pattern of the tryptophan residue is more complex than postulated.  相似文献   

The present experiments were conducted to evaluate the mRNA levels of luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) in granulosa layers during the ovulatory cycle of hens, in relation to the release of LH and steroid hormones. After the release of LH, progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17beta (E2), found 4-5 h before ovulation, LHR and FSHR mRNA levels were observed to decrease in the granulosa layers of the largest (F1) and second largest (F2) preovulatory follicles, with the greatest in the LHR mRNA level of F1. P4 concentrations in the granulosa layers of F1 and F2 increased 4-5 h before ovulation, with greater in F1 than in F2. F2 concentrations in the theca layers were greater in F2 than in F1 throughout the ovulatory cycle. Also, the injection of ovine LH caused decreases in the mRNA levels of LHR and FSHR in the granulosa layers. However, these decreases were abolished by the injection of aminoglutethimide, an inhibitor of steroid synthesis. These results suggest that in hen granulosa cells, the mRNA levels of not only LHR but also FSHR are down-regulated by LH and the down-regulation may be mediated steroid hormones.  相似文献   


Symposium Announcement and Call for Presentations

1st International Symposium on Ecosystem Health and Medicine: New Goals for Environmental ManagementJune 19–22, 1994 · Ottawa Congress Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  相似文献   

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