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刘兰  张林生  邢媛  张楠 《西北植物学报》2011,31(9):1786-1792
以2种耐旱性不同的盆栽小麦陕合6号(干旱耐受型)和郑引1号(干旱敏感型)为材料,分别在其苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、开花期对土壤实施不同程度的自然干旱胁迫和复水处理,采用SDS-PAGE和Western blotting技术研究其叶片脱水素的表达规律,探究小麦整个生长期脱水素的表达与干旱胁迫的关系.结果表明:2种小麦的脱水素均仅在干旱胁迫时表达,其中45 kD和37 kD的脱水素在2种小麦的4个发育期的叶片中均有表达,28 kD的脱水素仅在特定发育时期表达.在干旱耐受型小麦(陕合6号)中,脱水素在胁迫初期少量表达,随着胁迫程度加剧表达量急剧增加,在重度干旱胁迫下达到峰值,复水后小麦叶片中脱水素含量迅速下降;在干旱敏感型小麦(郑引1号)中,脱水素在胁迫初期大量表达,中度胁迫表达量小幅度回落,到复水1 d达到峰值,此后随着复水时间增加小麦叶片中脱水素的量逐渐下降.研究表明,小麦叶片脱水素表达与干旱胁迫程度和生育期迫密切相关,不同耐旱型小麦材料中叶片脱水素表达的差异与品种之间的干旱耐受能力密切相关.  相似文献   

研究了铝胁迫下耐铝性不同的两个小麦品种根细胞液泡膜ATP 酶、焦磷酸酶活性和膜脂的变化。与对照相比,经20 和100μmol/L的AlCl3 处理后,耐铝品种Altas 66 的液泡膜H+ATP 酶和Ca2+ATP 酶活性迅速下降; 铝敏感品种Scout 66 液泡膜H+ATP酶和Ca2+ATP 酶活性则在20 μmol/L 时增加,100 μmol/L时下降。焦磷酸酶活性在Altas66 中下降,在Scout 66 中增加。与对照相比,在AlCl3 20 μmol/L处理时,液泡膜磷脂含量增加,Altas 66 中的增加比Scout 66 更为明显;100 μmol/L 时,Scout 66 液泡膜磷脂含量迅速下降,而Altas 66 下降不显著。两品种小麦在铝处理后根液泡膜糖脂结合半乳糖含量均高于对照,而Altas 66 中的含量又高于Scout66 。铝处理后,两品种小麦根液泡膜的棕榈酸和油酸含量增加,亚麻酸含量下降, 不饱和指数也随之下降,其中Scout66 下降更为明显。表明Altas 66 根细胞液泡膜比Scout66 对铝胁迫有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

The effect of protein phosphorylation on electron transportactivities of thylakoids isolated from wheat leaves was investigated.Protein phosphorylation resulted in a reduction in the apparentquantum yield of whole chain and photosystem II (PSII) electrontransport but had no effect on photosystem I (PSI) activity.The affinity of the D1 reaction centre polypeptide of PSII tobind atrazine was diminished upon phosphorylation, however,this did not reduce the light-saturated rate of PSII electrontransport. Phosphorylation also produced an inhibition of thelight-saturated rate of electron transport from water or durohydroquinoneto methyl viologen with no similar effect being observed onthe light-saturated rate of either PSII or PSI alone. This suggeststhat phosphorylation produces an inhibition of electron transportat a site, possibly the cytochrome b6/f complex, between PSIIand PSI. This inhibition of whole-chain electron transport wasalso observed for thylakoids isolated from leaves grown underintermittent light which were deficient in polypeptides belongingto the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex associatedwith photosystem II (LHCII). Consequently, this phenomenon isnot associated with phosphorylation of LCHII polypeptides. Apossible role for cytochrome b6/f complexes in the phosphorylation-inducedinhibition of whole chain electron transport is discussed. Key words: Electron transport, light harvesting, photosystem 2, protein phosphorylation, thylakoid membranes, wheat (Triticum aestivum)  相似文献   

干旱条件下小麦幼苗根膜脂总脂肪酸含量、磷脂含量及总脂肪酸双键指数均下降,而游离甾醇含量却明显增加,结果导致游离甾醇/磷脂比率上升。用薄层层析法测得小麦根细胞磷脂主要由磷脂酰胆碱(PC)、磷脂酰乙醇胺(PE)、磷脂酰肌醇(PI)及磷脂酸(PA)组成。干旱降低了各种磷脂的含量,但不改变其相对配比。文中讨论了膜脂代谢变化与植物抗旱性的关系。  相似文献   

The dynamics of seed storage protein biosynthesis was studied under field conditions during two vegetative seasons. Two soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) genotypes were examined: BOSA (drought tolerant) and L 121 (drought susceptible). Seed samples were taken from plants at three stages of seed maturation (50 and 70 d after flowering, and at full maturity). The earlier synthesis of the -subunit of the 7S protein occurred in the drought susceptible cultivar. We have not found such differences in the synthesis of the - and -subunits of the 7S protein. Our results did not confirm significant genotypic differences in protein composition of the mature seeds between the cultivars studied, but have pointed out to the differences in the dynamics of protein biosynthesis during seed maturation and desiccation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of changes in photosystem I (PSI), photosystemII (PSII), and whole chain (PSII and PSI) electron transport,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, the capacity to bind atrazineand the polypeptide profiles of thylakoids isolated from wheatleaves on exposure to a photon flux density of 2000 µmolm–2 s–1 were determined. Severe and similar levelsof photo-inhibitory damage to both PSII and whole chain electrontransport occurred and were correlated with decreases in theratio of variable to maximal fluorescence, the proportionalcontribution of the rapid a phase of the fluorescence kineticsand the capacity to bind atrazine. Severe photo-inhibition ofelectron transport was not associated with a major loss of chlorophyllor total thylakoid protein. However, a small decrease in a 70kDa polypeptide together with increases in a number of low molecularmass polypeptides (8–24 kDa) occurred. Phosphorylation of thylakoid polypeptides alleviated photo-inhibitionof PSII electron transport but stimulated photoinhibitory damageto whole chain electron transport. The consequences of suchphosphorylation-induced effects on photoinhibition in vivo areconsidered. Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport, photo-inhibition, protein phosphorylation, thylakoid membranes, wheat (Triticum aestivum)  相似文献   

Research has shown that when plant roots are exposed to a dryingsoil a non-hydraulic (chemical) signal is produced in the rootand transported to the shoot, causing stomatal closure and growthretardation. This study was designed to reveal genetic diversityin wheat response to soil conditions which elicit a root signal,as the first step in the investigation of the genetic controlof the production of and the response to the root signal. Five spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were establishedin the growth chamber in soil-filled polyvinyl chloride tubes,120 cm long and of an internal diameter of 10·2 cm. Soilwas well fertilized and wet to field capacity at emergence whentwo treatments were imposed: (1) tubes were watered from thetop as needed to eliminate stress (control); and (2) tubes hada constant water table at a soil depth of 100 to 120 cm, withno applied water. Measurements were performed on five dateson leaf water status and stomatal diffusive resistance. Above-groundbiomass and grain yield per plant were determined at maturity. The water table treatment resulted in dry and hard top soilconditions which were previously indicated to elicit a possibleroot signal. Under these experimental conditions, cultivarsdiffered in their leaf water status, stomatal diffusive resistance(Rs) and plant production. In the control treatment, Rs of cultivarsincreased with reductions in their relative water content (RWC)and leaf water potential (LWP), indicating the expected controlof Rs by leaf water status. Under conditions of a drying topsoil, relative water content (RWC) and leaf water potential(LWP) increased in cultivars that had a higher Rs, indicatingthat stomatal activity was controlling leaf water status. Itwas therefore suggested that the drying top soil elicited aroot signal which caused stomatal closure and reduced plantproduction. Under such conditions, two cultivars (Bethlehemand V748) consistently maintained relatively low Rs and highplant production, despite their relatively lower RWC and LWP,as compared with cvs C97, V747 and V652. Limited observationssuggest that in these two cultivars relatively fewer roots mayhave been exposed to the drying top soil, as compared with theother three cultivars. Key words: Triticum aestivum, cultivars, soil moistrue, drought stress, root, root signal, stomata, relative water content, leaf water potential, biomass, yield  相似文献   

Muranaka  S.  Shimizu  K.  Kato  M. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(2):201-207
The effects of iso-osmotic salinity and drought stresses on leaf net photosynthetic rate (P N) in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars BR 8 and Norin 61, differing in drought tolerance, were compared. In drought-sensitive Norin 61, the decline of P N was larger than that in drought-tolerant BR 8. Under NaCl treatment, P N decreased in two phases similarly in both cultivars. In the first phase, photosynthetic depression was gradual without any photochemical changes. In the second phase, photosynthetic depression was rapid and accompanied with a decline of the energy conversion efficiency in photosystem 2 (PS2). Our observations suggest that the osmotic factor may induce a gradual depression of photosynthesis due to stomatal closure under both stress treatments. However, under NaCl treatment, a ionic factor (uptake and accumulation of excess Na+) may have direct effects on electron transport and cause more severe photosynthetic depression. The drought tolerance mechanism of BR 8 was insufficient to maintain single-leaf photosynthesis under salinity.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean climate of North Africa is characterized byuncertain rainfall immediately after seedling emergence, leadingto drought early in the growing season which depresses durumwheat production. However, there is limited understanding ofthe physiological basis of resistance of spring durum wheatto drought in rainfed Mediterranean regions. The objectivesof this study were to examine differences in some physiologicalcharacters among spring durum wheat cultivars in response toduration of early-season drought, and to determine the relationshipof these characters to drought resistance. In two field experiments(1995 and 1996 growing seasons) and a glasshouse experiment(1996), six spring sown durum wheat cultivars were evaluatedunder four water regimes: well irrigated and three differentwater deficits from emergence until the onset of tillering,mid-tillering or at the end of tillering. Cultivars differedin their response. Decreases in photosynthesis soon after droughtstress was imposed resulted mainly from reduced stomatal conductance.Continued water deficits also reduced mesophyll photosyntheticactivity. Possible factors determining the drought-resistanceof a cultivar are lower sensitivity of CO2exchange rate, netCO2uptake to water loss ratio, stomatal resistance, relativewater content and greater osmotic adjustment under stress. Furthermore,there is sufficient intraspecific variation in these physiologicalattributes to suggest their use as selection tools.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Wheat;Triticum durumDesf.; early-season drought; physiological responses.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦CO_2同化作用的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
比较了两个小麦品种陕合6号和郑引1号经受不同程度的水分胁迫处理后,叶片多种光合参数:净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)、细胞间隙CO_2浓度(G_i)、表观量子需要量和羧化效率以及Rubis CO蛋白量与活性等的变化。在轻度水分胁迫下,叶片光合速率降低的根本原因在于气孔导度的下降;而在严重胁迫下,非气孔因素起主要作用。  相似文献   



Drought is a common stress limiting crops growth and productivities worldwide. Water deficit may increase cellular membrane permeability, resulting in K outflow. Internal K starvation may disorder plant metabolism and limit plant growth. However, it is seldom reported about the effects of external K on drought tolerance of contrasting wheat cultivars.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A hydroponics experiment was carried out in a non-controlled greenhouse. Seedlings of drought-tolerant SN16 and intolerant JM22 were simultaneously treated by five levels of K2CO3 (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 mM) and two levels of PEG6000 (0, 20%) for 7 days. External K2CO3 significantly increased shoot K+ content, water potential, chlorophyll content as well as gas exchange, but decreased electrolyte leakage (EL) and MDA content in both cultivars under PEG6000 stress. Antioxidant enzymes activities were up-regulated by PEG6000 while external K2CO3 reduced those changes. Molecular basis was explained by measuring the expression levels of antioxidant enzymes related genes. Shoot and root biomass were also increased by K2CO3 supply under drought stress. Although adequate K2CO3 application enhanced plant growth for both cultivars under drought stress, SN16 was better than JM22 due to its high drought tolerance.


Adequate external K may effectively protect winter wheat from drought injuries. We conclude that drought-tolerant wheat combined with adequate external K supply may be a promising strategy for better growth in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in Two Wheat Cultivars Differing in Salt Susceptibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
El-Shintinawy  F. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(4):615-620
Salinised (150 mM NaCl for 15 d) roots excised from salt sensitive wheat cultivar Giza 163 showed about 15-fold increase in the ratio of Na/K while salt tolerant Sakha 92 exhibited only 7.5-fold increase compared to their control ratios. Root ratio of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids was stimulated twice in the sensitive cultivar versus 1.7-fold increase in the tolerant ones. Salinity enhanced greatly the accumulation of spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd) contents associated with a decrease in putrescine (Put) content in both wheat cultivars. Higher ratios of Spm+Spd/Put associated with lower content of proline and low ethylene evolution were detected in shoots and roots of salt tolerant cultivar. Chlorophyll a/b ratio showed an increase from 1.3 in control of both cultivars to 1.6 and 1.4 in stressed Giza 163 and Sakha 92, respectively. A reduced Hill reaction activity (19 %) was observed in stressed chloroplasts isolated from leaves of the tolerant cultivar versus 40 % inhibition in the sensitive ones. Moreover, chloroplasts isolated from stressed leaves of the sensitive cultivar showed about 25 % reduction in fluorescence emission at 685 nm as well as shifts in the peaks in the visible region.  相似文献   

Protein and Lipid Composition of Radial Component-Enriched CNS Myelin   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract: The radial component is a junctional complex that is believed to stabilize the apposition of myelin membranes in the internode of CNS myelin. Based on our previous finding that the radial component of compact myelin retains its structure in tissue treated with the detergent Triton X-100, we have attempted to isolate the junctional complex from spinal cord myelin treated with this detergent. Using 0.5% Triton X-100, our procedures yielded a fraction of isolated myelin that was enriched in well-preserved radial component. This fraction that contained morphologically well-defined radial component was examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropho-resis and immunoblotting, and TLC, and was found to be significantly and consistently enriched in the 21.5-kDa and 17-kDa isoforms of myelin basic protein, and in cerebro-sides, hydroxy sulfatide, and sphingomyelin. In addition, the myelin-associated enzyme 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase, tubulin, and actin tended to be resistant to Triton extraction. The fraction of isolated myelin that contained radial component was deficient in proteolipid protein and DM-20, the 18.5-and 14-kDa isoforms of myelin basic proteins, and in the major phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylserine. Our data indicate that the radial component can be isolated and that certain myelin and cytoskeletal proteins and lipids are closely associated with it.  相似文献   

对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下小麦(Triticum aestivum var.Zhongyou 9507)叶片中光合膜脂含量变化的原因进行了研究.通过对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下9 d龄和16 d龄小麦叶片中光合膜脂含量的分析,发现在磷缺失培养条件下,小麦光合膜脂的相对含量发生了很大变化,这种变化与小麦叶龄密切相关.在16d龄小麦植株中,第一片叶为老叶,第二片叶为较老叶,而第三片叶为新叶,PG和MGDG在叶片中的相对含量从新叶到老叶逐渐下降,而DGDG和SQDG含量逐渐上升;在磷缺失条件下,16 d龄小麦第一叶片中PG的含量(2.5%)远远低于其在9 d龄第一叶片中的含量(5.5%).以上结果说明,磷缺失引起小麦叶片中脂含量的变化不仅与脂合成有关,而且与PG的降解有关;新生叶片中PG含量减少的主要原因是由于磷供应不足,从而影响了PG的合成;而PG的降解则是老叶中PG含量下降的主要原因.  相似文献   

对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下小麦(Triticum aestivum var.Zhongyou 9507)叶片中光合膜脂含量变化的原因进行了研究。通过对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下9 d龄和16 d龄小麦叶片中光合膜脂含量的分析,发现在磷缺失培养条件下,小麦光合膜脂的相对含量发生了很大变化,这种变化与小麦叶龄密切相关。在16 d龄小麦植株中,第一片叶为老叶,第二片叶为较老叶,而第三片叶为新叶,PG和MGDG在叶片中的相对含量从新叶到老叶逐渐下降,而DGDG和SQDG含量逐渐上升;在磷缺失条件下,16 d龄小麦第一叶片中PG的含量(2.5%)远远低于其在9 d龄第一叶片中的含量(5.5%)。以上结果说明,磷缺失引起小麦叶片中脂含量的变化不仅与脂合成有关,而且与PG的降解有关;新生叶片中PG含量减少的主要原因是由于磷供应不足,从而影响了PG的合成;而PG的降解则是老叶中PG含量下降的主要原因。  相似文献   


In order to apply emulsion-based delivery systems to food, they have to be stable in a protein rich environment. This study investigated the stability of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) during heat treatment in the presence or absence of β-lactoglobulin (BLG). SLN were stabilized either by Tween 20 (TS) or by the protein itself (BS) and were enriched to a total BLG content of 56 mg/mL. The sizes of both types of SLN were initially in the range of 170 nm. The amount of free protein was determined before and after enrichment with BLG. As revealed by particle size and zeta potential measurements, a protein layer of BLG (hard corona) adsorbed on BS but not on TS. By contrast, a soft corona was formed around both BS and TS. SLN were heat treated in the presence and absence of protein and were characterized regarding size and zeta potential. According to transmission electron microscopy imaging, heating did not affect the shape of TS and BS: TS were platelets, whereas BS exhibited a spherical or platelet like shape. Upon heat treatment, the particle size of TS increased to about 3.5 fold of the initial size (to appr. 600 nm) in the presence and in the absence of excess protein. The cloudy protein layer (soft corona) around TS could thus not prevent coalescence of TS. By contrast, BS did not experience a change in particle size. Hence, by the choice of emulsifier, an encapsulation system that is stable against heat treatment can be obtained.


In microplot field experiments conducted over the course of 12 years, the accumulation of dry matter was recorded in the leaves, stems, and ears of the primary shoots of plants of four cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) differing in productivity and drought resistance. The contribution of organs to the accumulation of dry matter by the shoot from emergence to anthesis was calculated, and relative changes in the weight of the ear after anthesis were assessed. In all the cultivars, the contribution of the leaves was the same; however, the share of the ear was greater in short-stem cultivars of the intensive type in which the leaves were more active during the time of grain filling. Furthermore, this load increased, and the relative increment in the ear weight after flowering decreased in the years of drought, because the contribution of the leaves did not depend on water supply during the growing season. During these years, the contribution of the ear increased in the plants of all the cultivars. The authors conclude that, in arid regions, in addition to drought resistance, the cultivar should display such a ratio between the ear weight and the weight of leaves that would still ensure satisfactory grain filling  相似文献   

两个品种的大豆叶圆片经10-4mol/L和10-3mol/L的H2O2处理12h后,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)与谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性明显增加,但10-2mol/L的H2O2处理却使这些酶活性降低。抗旱性较强的大豆品种小粒豆1号较抗旱性较弱的鲁豆4号能维持较高的叶绿素含量和较高的SOD、CAT及GR活性,对H2O2的抗性较强。50μmol/L的亚胺环已酮(CHM)能消除H2O2对SOD、CAT与GR活性的刺激作用,而同样浓度的放线菌素D(AMD)则不能。  相似文献   

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