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This research focuses on galactolipid depletion in blast fungus‐infected rice leaves. Two major galactolipids, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), from rice leaves were isolated and purified. The chemical structure of MGDG was identified as 1,2‐dilinolenyl‐3‐O‐β‐d ‐galactopyranosyl‐sn‐glycerol, and that of DGDG as 1,2‐dilinolenyl‐3‐O‐[α‐d ‐galactopyranosyl‐(1→6)‐O‐β‐d ‐galactopyranosyl]‐sn‐glycerol. Both the MGDG and DGDG content in the incompatible blast fungus race‐infected leaves decreased more than those in the compatible blast fungus race‐infected leaves during the infection process. Active oxygen species had the ability to peroxygenate and de‐esterify MGDG or DGDG in vitro, suggesting that active oxygen species play an important role in galactolipid depletion during the process of rice blast fungus invasion. Other possible functions of rice galactolipids during disease resistance are also discussed.  相似文献   

A new phytoalexin (apiocarpin) isolated from the fungus-inoculated leaflets of Apios tuberosa has been identified by chemical and spectroscopic pro  相似文献   

The accumulation of oat (Avena sativa L.) phytoalexins, avenanthramides, occurred in leaf segments treated with oligo-N-acetylchitooligosaccharides. The amount of avenanthramide A, the major oat phytoalexin, reached a maximum 36–48 h after elicitor treatment. This accumulation was preceded by a marked increase in enzyme activities of phenylpropanoid pathway members, including phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (EC and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (EC These enzyme activities reached a maximum 6–12 h after elicitor treatment, when the avenanthramides were produced most rapidly. Both phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase activities decreased thereafter to undetectable levels 72 h after treatment, while cinnamate 4-hydroxylase activity showed a second increase 48 h after treatment. Among the chitooligosaccharides tested, tetra- and pentasaccharides most effectively induced these enzyme activities in a dose-dependent manner. The elicitor-induced 4-coumarate: CoA ligase accepted all hydroxycinnamic acids occurring in the avenanthramides as substrates, with the exception of avenalumic acid. These findings indicate that accumulation of the avenanthramides results from de-novo synthesis through the general phenylpropanoid pathway and that early biosynthetic enzymes function as regulatory points of carbon flow to the avenanthramides. Received: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 27 January 1999  相似文献   

Kim ST  Kim SG  Hwang DH  Kang SY  Kim HJ  Lee BH  Lee JJ  Kang KY 《Proteomics》2004,4(11):3569-3578
Proteomic approaches using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) were adopted to identify proteins from rice leaf that are differentially expressed in response to the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Microscopic observation of inoculated leaf with M. grisea revealed that callose deposition and hypersensitive response was clearly visible in incompatible interactions but excessive invading hypha with branches were evident in compatible interactions. Proteins were extracted from leaves 24, 48, and 72 hours after rice blast fungus inoculation. Eight proteins resolved on the 2-DE gels were induced or increased in the inoculated leaf. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis of these differentially displayed proteins showed them to be two receptor-like protein kinases (RLK), two beta-1.3-glucanases (Glu1, Glu2), thaumatin-like protein (TLP), peroxidase (POX 22.3), probenazole-inducible protein (PBZ1), and rice pathogenesis-related 10 (OsPR-10). Of these proteins, RLK, TLP, PBZ, and OsPR-10 proteins were induced more in the incompatible interactions than in compatible ones. A phytohormone, jasmonic acid also induced all eight proteins in leaves. To confirm whether the expression profile is equal to the 2-DE data, seven cDNA clones were used as probes in Northern hybridization experiments using total RNA from leaf tissues inoculated with incompatible and compatible rice blast fungal races. The genes encoding POX22.3, Glu1, Glu2, TLP, OsRLK, PBZ1, and OsPR-10 were activated in inoculated leaves, with TLP, OsRLK, PBZ1, and OsPR-10 being expressed earlier and more in incompatible than in compatible interactions. These results suggest that early and high induction of these genes may provide host plants with leading edges to defend themselves. The localization of two rice PR-10 proteins, PBZ1 and OsPR-10, was further examined by immunohistochemical analysis. PBZ1 accumulated highly in mesophyll cells under the attachment site of the appressorium. In contrast, OsPR-10 expression was mainly localized to vascular tissue.  相似文献   

辽宁地区水稻资源抗稻瘟病基因的检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确辽宁地区水稻资源中抗稻瘟病基因的分布情况及抗病效应,选取辽宁地区水稻资源176份,鉴定了抗稻瘟病基因pi21、Pi36、Pi37、Pita、Pid2、Pid3、Pi5及Pib在这些材料中的分布情况,并接种鉴定了这些材料对稻瘟病的抗性。结果表明:176份供试材料中,83份对稻瘟病表现抗病,栽培稻、杂草稻及农家种中抗病品种所占的比率分别为41.48%、1.14%及4.54%。抗稻瘟病基因pi21、Pi36和Pi37在所有参试材料中均未检测到,且分别有74份、49份、47份、52份及89份材料携带Pita、Pid2、Pid3、Pi5及Pib的抗病等位基因。抗病基因绝大部分分布在栽培种中,农家种和杂草稻中分布较少。不含有抗稻瘟病基因和只携带单个抗病基因的材料对稻瘟病的抗性均较差,而抗病基因聚合可不同程度提高材料的抗性。经检测,不含有本试验鉴定的pi21等8个已克隆抗病基因的材料共32份,其中表现抗病的占21.87%;只携带1个抗稻瘟病基因的材料为52份,表现抗病的占17.31%;携带2个抗稻瘟病基因的材料为39份,表现抗病的占69.23%,其中以携带Pita+Pi5的材料最多(14份),且均表现抗病;携带3个抗稻瘟病基因的材料为31份,表现抗病的占77.42%,以携带Pita+Pid3+Pi5的材料抗性最强;携带4个抗稻瘟病基因的水稻材料22份,表现抗病的占72.73%,携带5个抗病基因的水稻材料未检测到。  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) superfamily is a group of enzymes metabolizing endogenous and exogenous aldehydes. Using differential display RT-PCR and cDNA library screening, a full-length aldehyde dehydrogenase cDNA (ALDH7B7) was isolated from rice leaves infected by incompatible race of blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. The deduced amino acid sequence consists of 509 amino acid residues and shares 74∼81% identity with those of ALDH7Bs from other plants. ALDH7B7 expression was induced by blast fungus infection, ultraviolet, mechanical wound in rice leaves and was not detected in untreated rice organs. This gene has also been found to be inducible after exogenous phytohormones application, such as salicylic acid, methyl ester of jasmonic acid and abscisic acid. The function of ALDH7B7 in the interaction process between blast fungus and rice is discussed.  相似文献   

Salicylic,p-coumaric, and ferulic acids were detected in the acetone-insoluble cell fraction, presumably protein, extracted from the brown discoloured tissues of rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves infected withPyricularia oryzae Cav. but not from healthy leaves. It is proposed that these phenolic acids are oxidizedin vivo in blast diseased rice leaves, and forms a protein-quinone complex.  相似文献   

Methionine-induced phytoalexin production in rice leaves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The application of methionine on wounded rice leaves induced the production of rice phytoalexins, sakuranetin and momilactone A. This induction resulted from stimulation of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and naringenin 7-O-methyltransferase activity. Jasmonic acid, ethylene, and active oxygen species are important as signal transducers in disease resistance mechanisms. However, although the endogenous level of jasmonic acid rapidly increased in reaction to wound, methionine treatment could not induced endogenous JA production. Ethylene induced the production of the flavonoid phytoalexin, sakuranetin, but did not induce the production of a terpenoid phytoalexin, momilactone A. On the other hand, a free radical scavenger, Tiron, counteracted the induction of both sakuranetin and momilactone A production in methionine-treated leaves. Active oxygen species may be important in methionine-induced production of phytoalexins.  相似文献   

The capacity of H(2)O(2), the most stable of the reactive oxygen species (ROI), to diffuse freely across biological membranes and to signal gene expression suggests that H(2)O(2) could function as a short-lived second messenger diffusing from cell to cell. We tested this hypothesis in tobacco plants treated with a glycoprotein elicitor. Applied at 50 nM, it induces H(2)O(2) accumulation and the hypersensitive response restricted to the infiltrated zone 1 tissue. Stimulation of a set of defense responses also occurs in the surrounding zone 2 tissue without diffusion of the elicitor. ROI levels in zone 1 were modulated using N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) as a ROI scavenger and Rose Bengal (RB) as a ROI generator. We found that ROI appeared to act as signalling intermediates in pathways leading to salicylic acid accumulation, to PR1, PR5 and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarylCoA reductase expression in glycoprotein-treated zone 1 tissues. Compared to the treatment with the elicitor alone, co-infiltration of the glycoprotein and NAC increased the surface of zone 2 showing PR1 and O-methyltransferase expression. Application of RB had the opposite effect. The data suggest that, in our system, ROI did not act as a cell-to-cell diffusible signal to activate PR protein and O-methyltransferase expression in zone 2.  相似文献   

Modification of fatty acids changes the flavor volatiles in tomato leaves   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Wang C  Xing J  Chin CK  Ho CT  Martin CE 《Phytochemistry》2001,58(2):227-232
Expression of the yeast Delta9 desaturase gene in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) resulted in changes in the profiles of fatty acids in tomato leaves. Transgenic leaves displayed a dramatic increase in cis-Delta9 16:1, which only existed in a small quantity in control leaves. Also higher, but not as dramatic, were 18:1 and 16:3 fatty acids. Several fatty acids, viz. 16:0, 18:0, and 18:3 declined in transgenic leaves. Changes in fatty acids were accompanied by changes in certain volatile compounds derived from fatty acids. On a percentage basis, most notable increases (>3-fold) were 1-hydroxy-2-butanone, 1-penten-3-ol, heptanal, 3-hexen-1-ol, 2-octanol,cis-3-hexenal, hexanal and 2-nonenal. Several flavor compounds not known to be biochemically derived from fatty acids, viz. 2-ethyl-furan, 5-ethyl-2-[5H]-furanone, eugenol, and 2-ethylthiophene also showed sharp increases in transgenic leaves.  相似文献   

Characterization of rice mutants with enhanced susceptibility to rice blast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kim HK  Lee SK  Cho JI  Lee S  An G  Jwa NS  Kim BR  Cho YC  Han SS  Bhoo SH  Lee YH  Hong YK  Yi G  Park DS  Hahn TR  Jeon JS 《Molecules and cells》2005,20(3):385-391
As a first step towards identifying genes involving in the signal transduction pathways mediating rice blast resistance, we isolated 3 mutants lines that showed enhanced susceptibility to rice blast KJ105 (91-033) from a T-DNA insertion library of the japonica rice cultivar, Hwayeong. Since none of the susceptible phenotypes co-segregated with the T-DNA insertion we adapted a map-based cloning strategy to isolate the gene(s) responsible for the enhanced susceptibility of the Hwayeong mutants. A genetic mapping population was produced by crossing the resistant wild type Hwayeong with the susceptible cultivar, Nagdong. Chi-square analysis of the F2 segregating population indicated that resistance in Hwayeong was controlled by a single major gene that we tentatively named Pi-hy. Randomly selected susceptible plants in the F2 population were used to build an initial map of Pi-hy. The SSLP marker RM2265 on chromosome 2 was closely linked to resistance. High resolution mapping using 105 F2 plants revealed that the resistance gene was tightly linked, or identical, to Pib, a resistance gene with a nucleotide binding sequence and leucine-rich repeats (NB-LRR) previously isolated. Sequence analysis of the Pib locus amplified from three susceptible mutants revealed lesions within this gene, demonstrating that the Pi-hy gene is Pib. The Pib mutations in 1D-22-10-13, 1D-54-16-8, and 1C-143-16-1 were, respectively, a missense mutation in the conserved NB domain 3, a nonsense mutation in the 5th LRR, and a nonsense mutation in the C terminus following the LRRs that causes a small deletion of the C terminus. These findings provide evidence that NB domain 3 and the C terminus are required for full activity of the plant R gene. They also suggest that alterations of the resistance gene can cause major differences in pathogen specificity by affecting interactions with an avirulence factor.  相似文献   

To better understand the molecular basis of the defense response against the rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea), a large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing approach was used to identify genes involved in the early infection stages in rice (Oryza sativa). Six cDNA libraries were constructed using infected leaf tissues harvested from 6 conditions: resistant, partially resistant, and susceptible reactions at both 6 and 24 h after inoculation. Two additional libraries were constructed using uninoculated leaves and leaves from the lesion mimic mutant spl11. A total of 68,920 ESTs were generated from 8 libraries. Clustering and assembly analyses resulted in 13,570 unique sequences from 10,934 contigs and 2,636 singletons. Gene function classification showed that 42% of the ESTs were predicted to have putative gene function. Comparison of the pathogen-challenged libraries with the uninoculated control library revealed an increase in the percentage of genes in the functional categories of defense and signal transduction mechanisms and cell cycle control, cell division, and chromosome partitioning. In addition, hierarchical clustering analysis grouped the eight libraries based on their disease reactions. A total of 7,748 new and unique ESTs were identified from our collection compared with the KOME full-length cDNA collection. Interestingly, we found that rice ESTs are more closely related to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) ESTs than to barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and maize (Zea mays) ESTs. The large cataloged collection of rice ESTs in this study provides a solid foundation for further characterization of the rice defense response and is a useful public genomic resource for rice functional genomics studies.  相似文献   

Suzuki A  Gadal P 《Plant physiology》1982,69(4):848-852
Ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC from rice leaves (Oryza sativa L. cv Delta) was purified 206-fold with a final specific activity of 35.9 mumoles glutamate formed per min per milligram protein by a procedure including ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration, and ferredoxin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme yielded a single protein band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Molecular weight of the native enzyme was estimated to be 224,000 daltons by Sepharose 6B gel filtration. Electrophoresis of the dissociated enzyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel gave a single protein band which corresponds to the subunit molecular weight of 115,000 daltons. Thus, it is concluded that the glutamate synthase is composed of two polypeptidic chains exhibiting the same molecular weight. Spectrophotometric analysis indicated that the enzyme is free of iron-sulfide and flavin. The pH optimum was 7.3. The enzyme had a negative cooperativity (Hill number of 0.70) for glutamine, and its K(m) value increased from 270 to 570 mum at a glutamine concentration higher than 800 mum. K(m) values for alpha-ketoglutarate and ferredoxin were 330 and 5.5 mum, respectively. Asparagine and oxaloacetate could not be substituted for glutamine and alpha-ketoglutarate, respectively. Enzyme activity was not detected with pyridine nucleotides as electron donors. Azaserine and several divalent cations were potent inhibitors. The purified enzyme was stabilized by dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Upland rice cultivars were evaluated in the greenhouse for susceptibility to the rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia grisea Sacc., on two upland soils from the Philippines previously considered to be “blast conducive” and “blast non-conducive”. Under monocyclic inoculation tests plants grown in conducive soil showed significantly greater lesion development than plants of the same cultivar grown in non-conducive soil: cultivars considered to be susceptible to the isolates used showed increased number of susceptible-type lesions; resistant cultivars showed increased number of hypersensitive resistant-type lesions. A similar effect was observed under polycyclic tests where several generations of the pathogen were allowed to develop on the test plants. Dilution of conducive soil with non-conducive soil resulted in a corresponding reduction of disease severity, although this was most pronounced on resistant cultivars. Removal of leaf epicuticular waxes (LEW) using organic solvents increased the number of resistant-type lesions on resistant cultivars grown in both soils following inoculation. Susceptible plants were not suitable for quantifying the relative blast conduciveness of a soil because of the extreme environmental sensitivity of the bioassay and the tendency of lesions to coalesce. Comparing numbers of resistant-type lesions on leaves of plants stripped of LEW and inoculated with an incompatible P. grisea isolate among plants grown in different soils proved to be a satisfactory means of distinguishing the relative blast conduciveness of soils under controlled conditions. This method was field tested in eastern India and results corroborated farmer assessment of which soils were blast conducive. Using incompatible isolate-cultivar combinations and LEW-free leaves is proposed as a simple bioassay for assessing blast conduciveness of soils and should prove useful in regional characterization of rice blast risk.  相似文献   

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