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The two promoters and the first 65 nucleotides of a gene related to the rrnB operon are localized in the coding sequence of the btuB gene.  相似文献   

Extensively overlapping reading frames in a second mammalian gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Kozak M 《EMBO reports》2001,2(9):768-769

Medenbach J  Seiler M  Hentze MW 《Cell》2011,145(6):902-913
Analysis of the regulation of msl-2 mRNA by Sex lethal (SXL), which is critical for dosage compensation in Drosophila, has uncovered a mode of translational control based on common 5' untranslated region elements, upstream open reading frames (uORFs), and interaction sites for RNA-binding proteins. We show that SXL binding downstream of a short uORF imposes a strong negative effect on major reading frame translation. The underlying mechanism involves increasing initiation of scanning ribosomes at the uORF and augmenting its impediment to downstream translation. Our analyses reveal that SXL exerts its effect controlling initiation, not elongation or termination, at the uORF. Probing the generality of the underlying mechanism, we show that the regulatory module that we define experimentally functions in a heterologous context, and we identify natural Drosophila mRNAs that are regulated via this module. We propose that protein-regulated uORFs constitute a systematic principle for the regulation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

E. Bard  D. Efron  A. Marcus  R.P. Perry 《Cell》1974,1(2):101-106
In order to determine whether the functional capacity of polyadenylated messenger RNA is altered when the poly(A) segment is shortened as a consequence of mRNA aging, we compared the abilities of differentially labeled new and old mRNAs to engage ribosomes. Experiments were performed using both exponentially growing mouse L cells and L cells in which the polyribosomes were temporarily disassembled as a result of a temperature shock. Our results indicate that new and old messages engage ribosomes with roughly equivalent efficiencies, suggesting, therefore, that length of poly(A) is not a determining factor for mRNA translation. We then examined the question of whether an mRNA that was originally polyadenylated could function if the Poly(A) segment were removed. This was accomplished by submitting polyadenylated mRNA to a limited digestion with a 3′-OH specific exoribonuclease, reisolating the residual polyadenylated and deadenylated mRNA, and measuring their template activities using a cell-free protein synthesizing system prepared from wheat embryos. Such experiments also failed to reveal any effect of the poly(A) on the translational capacity of the mRNA.  相似文献   

Translational regulation of the JunD messenger RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A model is presented for sequence evolution on the basis of which one can analyze combinations of noncoding, singly coding, and multiply coding regions of aligned homologous DNA sequences. It is a generalization of Kimura's (J. Mol. Evol. 16:111–120, 1980) and Li et al.'s (J. Mol. Evol. 36:96–99, 1985) transition-transversion models with selection on replacement substitutions.Based on a hierarchy of hypotheses, one will be able to estimate selection factors and transition and transversion distances for different combinations of regions ranging from many regions, each with their private set of parameters, to one set of parameters for all regions.The method is demonstrated on two aligned HIV I retroviruses. Correspondence to: J. Hein  相似文献   

Translational regulation of T4 messenger RNA metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Long Open Reading Frames (ORFs) in antisense DNA strands have been reported in the literature as being rare events. However, an extensive analysis of the GenBank database revealed that a substantial number of genes from several species contain an in-phase ORF in the antisense strand, that overlaps entirely the coding sequence of the sense strand, or even extends beyond. The findings described in this paper show that this is a frequent, non-random phenomenon, which is primarily dependent on codon usage, and to a lesser extent on gene size and GC content. Examination of the sequence database for several prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, demonstrates that coding sequences with in-phase, 100% overlapping antisense ORFs are present in every genome studied so far.  相似文献   

Methionine synthase is a key enzyme poised at the intersection of folate and sulfur metabolism and functions to reclaim homocysteine to the methionine cycle. The 5' leader sequence in human MS is 394 nucleotides long and harbors two open reading frames (uORFs). In this study, regulation of the main open reading frame by the uORFs has been elucidated. Both uORFs downregulate translation as demonstrated by mutation of the upstream AUG codons (uAUG) either singly or simultaneously. The uAUGs are capable of recruiting the 40S ribosomal complex as revealed by their ability to drive reporter expression in constructs in which the luciferase is fused to the uORFs. uORF2, which is predicted to encode a 30 amino acid long polypeptide, has a clustering of rare codons encoding arginine and proline. Mutation of a tandemly repeated rare codon for arginine at positions 3 and 4 in uORF2 to either common codons for the same amino acid or common codons for alanine results in complete alleviation of translation inhibition. This suggests a mechanism for ribosome stalling and demonstrates that the cis-effects on translation by uORF2 is dependent on the nucleotide sequence but is apparently independent of the sequence of the encoded peptide. This study reveals complex regulation of the essential housekeeping gene, methionine synthase, by the uORFs in its leader sequence.  相似文献   

Sheep oocytes were microinjected with tobacco mosaic virus RNA (TMV-RNA) and isotopically labelled with L-[35S]methionine. Total incorporation of labelled methionine was similar in TMV-RNA-injected and in carrier-injected control oocytes, whether injections were performed during the period of high protein synthesis at maturation or during the period of reduced synthesis at a time equivalent to the mid-cleavage transition (48 h after germinal vesicle breakdown). Varying the amount of TMV-RNA injected from 2.5 to 10 pg had little effect on the overall level of amino acid incorporation. Furthermore TMV-RNA appeared to be very stable in oocytes and eggs; the proportion of total polypeptide synthesis directed by TMV-RNA did not diminish during the first 48 h after injection. Synthesis of most endogenous proteins was uniformly reduced to compensate for the synthesis of TMV-polypeptides. Our results suggest, therefore, that the translational capacity of sheep oocytes is fully saturated during maturation.  相似文献   

J Curran  D Kolakofsky 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):244-249
The Sendai virus P gene contains overlapping open reading frames (ORFs), and several unusual mechanisms are used to produce multiple proteins from all three ORFs of this gene. These include the use of a non-AUG start codon, leaky ribosomal scanning, what appears to be scanning-independent ribosomal initiation and/or ribosomal jumping, and a form of mRNA editing.  相似文献   

During initiation, the ribosome is tasked to efficiently recognize open reading frames (ORFs) for accurate and fast translation of mRNAs. A critical step is start codon recognition, which is modulated by initiation factors, mRNA structure, a Shine Dalgarno (SD) sequence and the start codon itself. Within the Escherichia coli genome, we identified more than 50 annotated initiation sites harboring AUGUG or GUGUG sequence motifs that provide two canonical start codons, AUG and GUG, in immediate proximity. As these sites may challenge start codon recognition, we studied if and how the ribosome is accurately guided to the designated ORF, with a special focus on the SD sequence as well as adenine at the fourth coding sequence position (A4). By in vitro and in vivo experiments, we characterized key requirements for unambiguous start codon recognition, but also discovered initiation sites that lead to the translation of both overlapping reading frames. Our findings corroborate the existence of an ambiguous translation initiation mechanism, implicating a multitude of so far unrecognized ORFs and translation products in bacteria.  相似文献   

Zhao X  McGirr KM  Buehring GC 《Genomics》2007,89(4):502-511
Bovine leukemia virus contains a pXBL region encoding the 3' parts of four regulatory proteins (Tax, Rex, G4, R3) in overlapping reading frames. Here we report the pXBL polymorphisms of 30 isolates from four countries. Rates of overall and synonymous substitutions were consistently lower, and nucleotide/amino acid composition bias and codon bias higher, in more-overlapped than in less-overlapped regions. Ratios of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitutions were lowest in the tax gene and its subregions. The 5' parts of the four genes showed selection patterns corresponding to their genomic context outside of the pXBL region. Longer G4 variants due to a natural stop codon mutation had additional triple overlap with reduced sequence variability. These data support the concept that a higher level of overlapping in coding regions correlates with greater evolutionary constraint. Tax, the most conserved among the four regulatory proteins, showed purifying selection consistent with its importance in the viral life cycle.  相似文献   

Short messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with hexitol residues in two codons were constructed and their properties were studied in an Escherichia coli in vitro translation system. The replacement of the natural ribonucleotides of mRNA in the AUG start codon and the UUC second codon by hexitol nucleotides did not influence the main steps of translation, as indicated by the same level of binding of mRNA with or without hexitol residues under P-site conditions, and the same yield of tRNA binding to the P- and A-sites. Moreover, both peptide formation and translocation took place on mRNAs with hexitol residues. The presence of an A-type messenger hexitol nucleic acid (mHNA)-transfer RNA (tRNA) duplex is important for efficient translation and the 2'-OH function in mRNA is not necessary for binding and movement through the ribosome. Groove shape recognition of the codon-anticodon complex, more than hydrogen-bond interactions of ribose residues in mRNA, is an important factor for correct translation.  相似文献   

Translation of globin mRNA in a micrococcal nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate was studied in the presence of increasing amounts of Mengovirus RNA, under conditions in which the number of translation initiation events remains constant as judged by the transfer of label from N-formyl[35S]methionyl-tRNAf into protein. The translation of globin mRNA is progressively inhibited by low concentrations of Mengovirus RNA, free of detectable traces of double-stranded RNA, concomitant with the increasing synthesis of Mengovirus RNA-directed products. On a molar basis, Mengovirus RNA apparently competes about 35 times more effectively than globin mRNA for a critical component in translation. The competition is relieved by the addition of highly purified eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2). Addition of eIF-2 does not stimulate overall protein synthesis, but shifts it in favor of globin synthesis. No stimulation of globin mRNA translation by eIF-2 is seen when Mengovirus RNA is absent. These experiments show that Mengovirus RNA competes, directly or indirectly, with globin mRNA for eIF-2. In direct binding experiments using isolated mRNA and eIF-2, Mengovirus RNA is shown to compete with globin mRNA for eIF-2 and to exhibit a 30-fold higher affinity for this factor. The binding of Mengovirus RNA to eIF-2 is much more resistant to increasing salt concentrations than is the binding of globin mRNA, again reflecting its high affinity. These results reveal a direct correlation between the ability of these mRNA species to compete in translation and their ability to bind to initiation factor eIF-2. They suggest that the affinity of a given mRNA species for eIF-2 is essential in determining its translation, relative to that of other mRNA species. Messenger RNA competition for eIF-2 may contribute significantly to the selective translation of viral RNA in infected cells.  相似文献   

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