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The goal of modern transfusion therapy is to provide appropriate replacement therapy with blood components as opposed to whole blood for patients with specific hematologic deficiencies. A prerequisite of component therapy is, therefore, correct identification of the deficiency. Appropriate use of components avoids many of the hazards associated with the use of whole blood, and at the same time makes maximal use of this valuable resource. Blood components separated from whole blood soon after collection and appropriately stored can, in combination, provide all the factors present in fresh whole blood. Red cell concentrates prepared from multiple packs have a hematocrit of approximately 70%. They may be stored for up to 3 weeks at 4 degrees C and are recommended for most situations requiring red cell transfusions. Platelet concentrates, which can be stored for up to 72 hours at 22 degrees C, may be used for thrombocytopenic patients. Fresh frozen plasma, stored plasma, cryoprecipitated factor VIII, factor VIII concentrate and factor IX complex concentrate are available for the proper treatment of patients with hemorrhagic disorders due to coagulation factor deficiencies. Similarly, albumin and immune serum globulin are available for their oncotic and antibody properties respectively. Thus, the availability and appropriate use of the various blood products allows not only optimal transfusion therapy for each patient, but also fuller utilization of national blood resources.  相似文献   

Climate, altitude, and blood pressure.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of climate and altitude on casual blood pressure are examined from the perspectives of initial exposure, acclimatization, long-term residence, and birthplace. Hot arid and hot humid climates seem to have little effect on blood pressure, although a slight reduction may be found in some naturally acclimatized groups. Exposure of the total body to mild cold likewise has little apparent effect. Local exposure of the extremities to severe cold occasions significant increases in blood pressure during exposure but not at other times. Acclimatization reduces but does not eliminate that response. The effects of altitude on blood pressure are variable. There is initial hypertension, followed by gradual normalization. After years of residence at high altitude blood pressure may actually be lower than that observed among residents at sea level.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of mild hypertension and the treatment of hypertension require accurate measurement of blood pressure. Blood pressure readings are altered by various factors that influence the patient, the techniques used and the accuracy of the sphygmomanometer. The variability of readings can be reduced if informed patients prepare in advance by emptying their bladder and bowel, by avoiding over-the-counter vasoactive drugs the day of measurement and by avoiding exposure to cold, caffeine consumption, smoking and physical exertion within half an hour before measurement. The use of standardized techniques to measure blood pressure will help to avoid large systematic errors. Poor technique can account for differences in readings of more than 15 mm Hg and ultimately misdiagnosis. Most of the recommended procedures are simple and, when routinely incorporated into clinical practice, require little additional time. The equipment must be appropriate and in good condition. Physicians should have a suitable selection of cuff sizes readily available; the use of the correct cuff size is essential to minimize systematic errors in blood pressure measurement. Semiannual calibration of aneroid sphygmomanometers and annual inspection of mercury sphygmomanometers and blood pressure cuffs are recommended. We review the methods recommended for measuring blood pressure and discuss the factors known to produce large differences in blood pressure readings.  相似文献   

Human T cell subpopulations (Tμ and Tγ) were examined for their distribution in the peripheral blood, cord blood, bone marrow, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes and spleen. The proportions of Tμ and Tγ cells are comparable in the peripheral blood, tonsils and bone marrow. The proportions of Tγ cells in cord blood are significantly higher than those in the peripheral blood. Almost complete lack of Tγ cells was observed in lymph nodes. Spleen has very high proportions of Tγ cells. Thymuses have very low proportions of both Tμ and Tγ cells when compared with peripheral blood, cord blood, tonsils, and bone marrow. The receptors for IgM on Tμ cells appear to be masked by passively absorbed IgM and require prior in vitro incubation in medium containing fetal calf serum for the full expression of this marker.  相似文献   

In two groups of young healthy subjects who performed arm training (N = 5) and leg training (N = 5), respectively, the respiratory adaptation to submaximal exercise with trained and nontrained muscle groups was compared by measurement of the ventilatory equivalent (Ve/Vo2, pH, and blood gases (Pco2, Po2, and So2) in arterial blood and in venous blood from exercising extremities. After training Ve/Vo2 was significantly reduced during exercise with trained muscles, but unchanged during exercise with nontrained muscles. The reduction in Ve/Vo2 was closely related to a less pronounced increase in heart rate and in arterial lactate content, but showed no quantitative correlation to changes in arterial adaptations in trained muscles are mainly responsible for the reduction in Ve/Vo2. After training during exercise with trained as well as nontrained muscles a shift to the right of the blood oxygen dissociation curve occurred as extremities was lower while corresponding Po2 was higher.  相似文献   

Blood lead concentrations were related to blood pressure and indicators of renal function in a clinical survey of 7735 middle aged men from 24 British towns. There was no overall evidence that blood lead concentrations were associated with systolic or diastolic blood pressure (r = +0.03 and +0.01, respectively). In the 74 men with a blood lead concentration of 1.8 mumol/l (37.3 micrograms/100 ml) or more there was some suggestion of increased hypertension, but this did not reach significance. Blood lead concentration did not have any relation with serum creatinine concentration. Moderate increases in blood lead concentration were associated with small increases in mean serum urate concentration and small decreases in mean serum urea concentration; these associations were both reduced when alcohol consumption was taken into account. There is no indication that exposure to lead at concentrations commonly encountered in British men is responsible for impaired renal function or increased blood pressure.  相似文献   

1. The hematology and blood chemistry of 10 captive adult Ara rubrogenys is described. 2. They showed 3,650,000 erythrocytes/mm3, a hematocrit of 49.9% and a blood hemoglobin content of 15.2 g/100 ml. 3. Leukocyte number was 10,000 cells/mm3, the differential counts being 42.2% heterophils, 0.8% eosinophils, 2.4% basophils, 49.9% lymphocytes and 4.5% monocytes. 4. The number of thrombocytes was 21,800 cells/mm3. 5. Plasma composition was (mg/100 ml): glucose 295; triglycerides 102; cholesterol 166; urea 5.8; uric acid 5; creatinine 0.3; bilirubin was not detected and total protein concentration was 3.2 g/100 ml. Enzymatic activities were (units/1): GOT 188; GPT 10 and alkaline phosphatase 315.  相似文献   

The luminal surface of a blood vessel accommodates a complex multicomponent system of mainly carbohydrates and proteins called glycocalyx. According to the concept of the double protective layer, glycocalyx is the first protection barrier of the vascular wall. The structure of glycocalyx is determined by a group of proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans. Two groups of molecules are distinguished within the glycocalyx constituents, that is, membrane proteoglycans (syndecans and glypicans bound to endothelial cell membranes) and soluble proteoglycans (perlecan, biglycan, versican, decorin, and mimecan). There are five types of glycosaminoglycan chains; these are heperan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate, and hyaluronan. There is a dynamic equilibrium between the soluble components of glycocalyx and flowing blood, which allows for separation of the endothelial surface layer. Due to its complexity and location at the interface of blood circulation system, glycocalyx is involved in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis. Here, the molecular composition of glycocalyx, properties of its components, biosynthesis, and common structural features are discussed.  相似文献   

The main blood parameters of the swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri , were studied. Morphology, granulation staining and cytochemistry of leucocytes in peripheral blood, kidney, spleen and gills were investigated by light microscopy. Blood parameters are similar to other fish species: Red blood cell count (4.5 × 106μl), white blood cell count (15.2 × 103μl), haema-tocrit (33.8%) haemoglobin (7.8 mg ml−1), MCV (mean corpuscle volume, 75.1 μm3). MCH (mean content of haemoglobin, 17.3 pg), MCHC (mean percentage haemoglobin/erythrocyte, 23.1%/100 ml erythrocytes). Leucocytes can be classified into lymphocytes, thrombocytes, neutrophilic and eosinophilic gra-nulocytes, monocytes macrophages and melanomacrophages.
Morphological and cytochemical features of the cells are described and compared with results from other fish species.  相似文献   

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