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Adult rat and human spinal cord neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) cultured in growth factor-enriched medium allows for the proliferation of multipotent, self-renewing, and expandable neural stem cells. In serum conditions, these multipotent NSPCs will differentiate, generating neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. The harvested tissue is enzymatically dissociated in a papain-EDTA solution and then mechanically dissociated and separated through a discontinuous density gradient to yield a single cell suspension which is plated in neurobasal medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and heparin. Adult rat spinal cord NSPCs are cultured as free-floating neurospheres and adult human spinal cord NSPCs are grown as adherent cultures. Under these conditions, adult spinal cord NSPCs proliferate, express markers of precursor cells, and can be continuously expanded upon passage. These cells can be studied in vitro in response to various stimuli, and exogenous factors may be used to promote lineage restriction to examine neural stem cell differentiation. Multipotent NSPCs or their progeny can also be transplanted into various animal models to assess regenerative repair.  相似文献   

目的:探讨体外培养脐带血单个核细胞定向诱导分化为不同阶段红系祖细胞的动力学变化情况。方法:用0.5%甲基纤维素沉降脐带血红细胞及人淋巴细胞分离液密度梯度离心法得到单个核细胞,在含EPO、SCF、IGF-1等细胞因子的无血清培养体系中诱导其定向分化为红系祖细胞,观察细胞增殖、存活率、细胞集落形成情况,并检测不同阶段细胞红系特异性表面标志CD71和CD235a的表达。结果:随着培养时间的延长,细胞数逐渐增多,14 d细胞可扩增140倍左右,收集诱导后的细胞进行瑞氏吉姆萨染色,可见大量红系祖细胞,诱导后的细胞集落形成能力强,形成的克隆大部分为红系集落。诱导过程中,14 d前CD71、CD235a的表达逐渐增高。按细胞表面标志表达的不同可将诱导的细胞分为4群,分别对应红系祖细胞的不同阶段;随着诱导天数的增加,各时间点细胞对应的早期红系祖细胞群(P2、P3)比例逐渐下降,中晚期红系祖细胞群(P4、P5)的比例逐渐上升。结论:无血清培养基添加细胞因子组合的红系诱导培养体系可较好地诱导扩增红系祖细胞,流式分选可获得相对均一而处于不同分化阶段的红系祖细胞群体。获得了红系祖细胞体外分化的动力学数据,为今后进一步优化红系诱导分化体系获得均一的红系祖细胞奠定了基础,并对未来利用干细胞制备均一的红系祖细胞应用于临床治疗有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) can self-renew and differentiate into neurons and glia. Transplanted NSCs can replace lost neurons and glia after spinal cord injury (SCI), and can form functional relays to re-connect spinal cord segments above and below a lesion. Previous studies grafting neural stem cells have been limited by incomplete graft survival within the spinal cord lesion cavity. Further, tracking of graft cell survival, differentiation, and process extension had not been optimized. Finally, in previous studies, cultured rat NSCs were typically reported to differentiate into glia when grafted to the injured spinal cord, rather than neurons, unless fate was driven to a specific cell type. To address these issues, we developed new methods to improve the survival, integration and differentiation of NSCs to sites of even severe SCI. NSCs were freshly isolated from embryonic day 14 spinal cord (E14) from a stable transgenic Fischer 344 rat line expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and were embedded into a fibrin matrix containing growth factors; this formulation aimed to retain grafted cells in the lesion cavity and support cell survival. NSCs in the fibrin/growth factor cocktail were implanted two weeks after thoracic level-3 (T3) complete spinal cord transections, thereby avoiding peak periods of inflammation. Resulting grafts completely filled the lesion cavity and differentiated into both neurons, which extended axons into the host spinal cord over remarkably long distances, and glia. Grafts of cultured human NSCs expressing GFP resulted in similar findings. Thus, methods are defined for improving neural stem cell grafting, survival and analysis of in vivo findings.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury is a devastating clinical condition, characterized by a complex of neurological dysfunctions. Animal models of spinal cord injury can be used both to investigate the biological responses to injury and to test potential therapies. Contusion or compression injury delivered to the surgically exposed spinal cord are the most widely used models of the pathology. In this report the experimental contusion is performed by using the Infinite Horizon (IH) Impactor device, which allows the creation of a reproducible injury animal model through definition of specific injury parameters. Stem cell transplantation is commonly considered a potentially useful strategy for curing this debilitating condition. Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of transplanting a variety of stem cells. Here we demonstrate an adapted method for spinal cord injury followed by tail vein injection of cells in CD1 mice. In short, we provide procedures for: i) cell labeling with a vital tracer, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) execution of a contusive spinal cord injury, and iv) intravenous administration of post mortem neural precursors. This contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cell transplantation in a regenerative medicine approach.  相似文献   

Abstract: Under control conditions, superfused slices of the dorsal half of the lumbar enlargement from adult rats released Met-enkephalin-like material (MELM) that behaved as authentic Met-enkephalin under two different chromatographic procedures (Bio-gel filtration, HPLC). MELM release increased markedly on exposure of slices to batrachotoxin (0.5 μ M ) or to an excess of K+ (28 and 56 m M instead of 5.6 m M ). The K + -evoked release was totally dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the super-fusing fluid whereas the spontaneous efflux of MELM was only partially Ca2+-dependent. Further experiments performed with tissues of polyarthritic rats indicated that the increase in their MELM levels was associated with a lower fractional rate constant of MELM release, therefore suggesting that spinal Met-enkephalin turnover might be reduced in chronically suffering animals. Examination of the possible modulation of MELM release by various neuroactive compounds present within the dorsal horn revealed that cholecystokinin (10 μ M ), but not its desulphated derivative, substance P-sulphoxide (10 μ M ), and to a lesser extent substance P, enhanced the K+-evoked MELM release. In contrast, γ-aminobutyric acid (10 μ M ) and (–)-baclofen (1 μ M ) partially prevented the stimulatory effect of K+ on MELM release. Other compounds such as serotonin, somatostatin, and neurotensin altered neither the spontaneous nor the K+-evoked release of MELM.  相似文献   

High thoracic or cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to cardiovascular dysfunction. To monitor cardiovascular parameters, we implanted a catheter connected to a radio transmitter into the femoral artery of rats that underwent a T4 spinal cord transection with or without grafting of embryonic brainstem-derived neural stem cells expressing green fluorescent protein. Compared to other methods such as cannula insertion or tail-cuff, telemetry is advantageous to continuously monitor blood pressure and heart rate in freely moving animals. It is also capable of long term multiple data acquisitions. In spinal cord injured rats, basal cardiovascular data under unrestrained condition and autonomic dysreflexia in response to colorectal distension were successfully recorded. In addition, cardiovascular parameters before and after SCI can be compared in the same rat if a transmitter is implanted before a spinal cord transection. One limitation of the described telemetry procedure is that implantation in the femoral artery may influence the blood supply to the ipsilateral hindlimb.  相似文献   

Recent work demonstrates that central nervous system (CNS) regeneration and tumorigenesis involves populations of stem cells (SCs) resident within the adult brain. However, the mechanisms these normally quiescent cells employ to ensure proper functioning of neural networks, as well as their role in recovery from injury and mitigation of neurodegenerative processes are little understood. These cells reside in regions referred to as "niches" that provide a sustaining environment involving modulatory signals from both the vascular and immune systems. The isolation, maintenance, and differentiation of CNS SCs under defined culture conditions which exclude unknown factors, makes them accessible to treatment by pharmacological or genetic means, thus providing insight into their in vivo behavior. Here we offer detailed information on the methods for generating cultures of CNS SCs from distinct regions of the adult brain and approaches to assess their differentiation potential into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes in vitro. This technique yields a homogeneous cell population as a monolayer culture that can be visualized to study individual SCs and their progeny. Furthermore, it can be applied across different animal model systems and clinical samples, being used previously to predict regenerative responses in the damaged adult nervous system.  相似文献   

Previous data have shown that pluripotent stem cells engrafted into the contused spinal cord differentiate only along an astrocytic lineage. The unknown restrictive cues appear to be quite rigid as even neuronal-restricted precursors fail to differentiate to the mature potential they exhibit in vitro after similar grafting into the contused spinal cord. It has been hypothesized that this potent lineage restriction is, in part, the result of the significant loss of both gray and white matter observed following spinal contusion, which elicits a massive acute inflammatory response and is manifested chronically by dramatic cystic cavitation. To evaluate the gray matter component, we developed a clinically relevant model of focal gray matter ischemic injury using the potent vasoconstrictor endothelin (ET-1) and characterized the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells transplanted into this atraumatic vascular SCI. Results demonstrate that low dose ET-1 microinjection into cervical spinal gray matter results in an inflammatory response that is temporally comparable to that observed following traumatic SCI, as well as chronic gray matter loss, but without significant cystic cavitation or white matter degeneration. However, despite the preservation of host spinal parenchyma, no elaboration of neuronal phenotypes was observed from engrafted stem or precursor cells. These results suggest that a common pathologic component responsible for this lineage restriction exists between contusive SCI and ET-1 mediated focal ischemic SCI.  相似文献   

不对称分裂是干/祖细胞发育分化中的基本过程,膜相关蛋白Numb在其中发挥重要作用.Numb极性分布于细胞一侧,在干/祖细胞有丝分裂时不对等分配至两个子代细胞,使子代细胞产生不同分化命运.如一个保持在干/祖细胞状态,而另一个发育为神经元,这一过程主要通过抑制Notch信号通路发挥作用.近年在哺乳动物中的研究中发现,高强度Notch信号又能够反馈抑制Numb活性.Numb具有维持神经干/祖细胞增殖与促进分化的双重作用,Numb的命运决定作用还与Shh信号通路和p53蛋白等相关.另外,Numb参与调控细胞的粘连、迁移以及神经元轴突的分支与延长.本文主要对Numb在果蝇及哺乳动物神经干/祖细胞中的定位以及其在决定细胞命运和分化中的调控作用进行综述.  相似文献   

Abstract: The release of endogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), substance P (SP), and neurokinin A (NKA) from superfused tissue slices of rat ventral lumbar spinal cord, where SP and NKA coexist with 5-HT in terminals of descending bulbospinal neurons, was investigated. Electrical field stimulation was performed using square-wave pulses of 2-ms duration and 30 mA stimulus intensity. The following four different patterns of stimulation were used: 2 Hz continuous, 20 Hz continuous, 20 Hz intermittent, and 50 Hz intermittent. 5-HT was measured in the slice superfusates by HPLC with electrochemical detection. SP and NKA were measured by radioimmunoassay. The release of 5-HT was significantly enhanced using all stimulation paradigms and the evoked release of 5-HT per pulse was independent of the stimulation frequency. The release was found to be calcium dependent and there was no increase in the efflux of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in response to stimulation. At 2 Hz (continuous), no significant increase in the release of SP was observed. Stimulation at higher frequencies yielded a significant increase in the release of SP per pulse. At 20 Hz, the release was increased by 73% (continuous) and 74% (intermittent), and at 50 Hz (intermittent) by 175% of basal efflux. The evoked release of NKA was also frequency dependent. At 2 Hz (continuous), no significant increase in the release of NKA was observed. At 20 Hz (intermittent), the evoked release per pulse was increased by 33% and at 50 Hz (intermittent) by 53% compared with the basal efflux of NKA. The results suggest that coexisting neurotransmitters/neuromodulators in the spinal cord may be released in different proportions depending on the stimulation frequency and that only 5-HT is released when the nerve terminal is activated by low-frequency stimulation.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) cause serious neurological impairment and psychological, economic, and social consequences for patients and their families. Clinically, more than 50% of SCI affect the cervical spine1. As a consequence of the primary injury, a cascade of secondary mechanisms including inflammation, apoptosis, and demyelination occur finally leading to tissue scarring and development of intramedullary cavities2,3. Both represent physical and chemical barriers to cell transplantation, integration, and regeneration. Therefore, shaping the inhibitory environment and bridging cavities to create a supportive milieu for cell transplantation and regeneration is a promising therapeutic target4. Here, a contusion/compression model of cervical SCI using an aneurysm clip is described. This model is more clinically relevant than other experimental models, since complete transection or ruptures of the cord are rare. Also in comparison to the weight drop model, which in particular damage the dorsum columns, circumferential compression of the spinal cord appears advantageous. Clip closing force and duration can be adjusted to achieve different injury severity. A ring spring facilitates precise calibration and constancy of clip force. Under physiological conditions, synthetic self-assembling peptides (SAP) self-assemble into nanofibers and thus, are appealing for application in SCI5. They can be injected directly into the lesion minimizing damage to the cord. SAPs are biocompatible structures erecting scaffolds to bridge intramedullary cavities and thus, equip the damaged cord for regenerative treatments. K2(QL)6K2 (QL6) is a novel SAP introduced by Dong et al.6 In comparison to other peptides, QL6 self-assembles into β-sheets at neutral pH6.14 days after SCI, after the acute stage, SAPs are injected into the center of the lesion and neural precursor cells (NPC) are injected into adjacent dorsal columns. In order to support cell survival, transplantation is combined with continuous subdural administration of growth factors by osmotic micro pumps for 7 days.  相似文献   

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