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Large populations of Criconemella curvata and extended experimental periods were required to adversely affect yield of ''Moapa 69'' alfalfa. C. curvata ectoparasitic feeding caused a reduction in feeder root numbers and tap root size and small lesions on tap and secondary roots. Greater reproduction occurred at 27 C than at 22 C, but the effect of the nematode on alfalfa growth was the same at both temperatures.  相似文献   

In previous work with soybean (Glycine max), it was reported that the initial product of 3Z-nonenal (NON) oxidation is 4-hydroperoxy-2E-nonenal (4-HPNE). 4-HPNE can be converted to 4-hydroxy-2E-nonenal by a hydroperoxide-dependent peroxygenase. In the present work we have attempted to purify the 4-HPNE-producing oxygenase from soybean seed. Chromatography on various supports had shown that O2 uptake with NON substrate consistently coincided with lipoxygenase (LOX)-1 activity. Compared with oxidation of LOX's preferred substrate, linoleic acid, the activity with NON was about 400- to 1000-fold less. Rather than obtaining the expected 4-HPNE, 4-oxo-2E-nonenal was the principal product of NON oxidation, presumably arising from the enzyme-generated alkoxyl radical of 4-HPNE. In further work a precipitous drop in activity was noted upon dilution of LOX-1 concentration; however, activity could be enhanced by spiking the reaction with 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid. Under these conditions the principal product of NON oxidation shifted to the expected 4-HPNE. 4-HPNE was demonstrated to be 83% of the 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer. Therefore, LOX-1 is also a 3Z-alkenal oxygenase, and it exerts the same stereospecificity of oxidation as it does with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two other LOX isozymes of soybean seed were also found to oxidize NON to 4-HPNE with an excess of 4S-hydroperoxy-stereoisomer.  相似文献   

The genetic recovery of resistant populations released from pesticide exposure is accelerated by the presence of environmental stressors. By contrast, the relevance of environmental stressors for the spread of resistance during pesticide exposure has not been studied. Moreover, the consequences of interactions between different stressors have not been considered. Here we show that stress through intraspecific competition accelerates microevolution, because it enhances fitness differences between adapted and non-adapted individuals. By contrast, stress through interspecific competition or predation reduces intraspecific competition and thereby delays microevolution. This was demonstrated in mosquito populations (Culex quinquefasciatus) that were exposed to the pesticide chlorpyrifos. Non-selective predation through harvesting and interspecific competition with Daphnia magna delayed the selection for individuals carrying the ace-1R resistance allele. Under non-toxic conditions, susceptible individuals without ace-1R prevailed. Likewise, predation delayed the reverse adaptation of the populations to a non-toxic environment, while the effect of interspecific competition was not significant. Applying a simulation model, we further identified how microevolution is generally determined by the type and degree of competition and predation. We infer that interactions with other species—especially strong in ecosystems with high biodiversity—can delay the development of pesticide resistance.  相似文献   

Gossypium hirsutum, G. herbaceum, G. arboreum, G. barbadense, wild Gossypium spp., Hibiscus spp, and other Malvaceae were tested in the greenhouse to identify germplasm resistant to Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr). Host resistance was based on Rr egg production per gram of root compared with known G. hirsutum susceptible ''Deltapine 16'' as check. G. longicalyx and Sida rhombifolia were nonhosts. High levels of resistance were found in G. stocksii, G. somalense, and G. barbadense ''Texas 110.'' Other cotton lines with potential value in breeding for Rr resistance were G. herbaceum P.I. 408775; G. arboreum P.I. 41895, P.I, 417891, CB 3839; and G. hirsutum 893. All these supported less than 20% of the egg production on the check. Seventy-three percent of the Hibiscus spp. tested were resistant. Female development and egg production reflected host resistance; healthy females and large egg masses were observed on susceptible plants, and degenerated females and small egg masses on resistant plants. Females penetrating nonhost G. longicalyx never matured to kidney shape.  相似文献   

Population increase of Pratylenchus hexincisus on 41 soybean cultivars (maturity groups I-VI) and lines was tested under greenhouse conditions. After 3 months, P. hexincisus was recovered from the roots of all plants tesled. Final populations of P. hexincisus per pot were larger than the initial population in 13 cultivars. Pathogenicity of P. hexincisus on five soybean cultivars representing maturity groups (I-V) was demonstrated under greenhouse conditions. An inoculmn of 5,000 P. hexineisus/plant significantly decreased the root and shoot biomass of all five soybean cultivars after 3 months.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and inexpensive method for evaluation of host-parasite interactions, based on monoxenic cultures, is described. Axenic root explants of Glycine max (L.) Merr., cultured on a holidic agar medium, were inoculated with axenic second-stage larvae of Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, Race 3. A clear separation of susceptible and resistant cultivars, based on numbers of mature female nematodes present after 3 wk at 25 C, was observed. The method described should aid researchers in the evaluation of the host response to infection by H. glycines.  相似文献   

Significant differences (P = 0.05) in nematode reproduction were observed among populations of Heterodera schachtii and weed collections of black nightshade, common lambsquarters, common purslane, redroot-pigweed, shepherdspurse, and wild mustard from Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. Colorado weeds supported the greatest nematode development (P = 0.05). Weeds collected from Idaho and Utah were similar with respect to their response to H. schachtii with the exception of shepherdspurse. At increasing soil temperatures, a Utah redroot-pigweed collection showed a higher percent susceptibility to a Utah nematode population than to nematode populations from the other states (P = 0.05). There was a higher percentage of susceptible plants when the weed host population was collected from the same geographical area as the nematode inoculun.  相似文献   

One susceptible (D6) and two resistant (E2 and N4) clones of Solanum sparsipilum × (S. phureja × haploid of S. tuberosum) were used to study the responses of potato roots and tubers to race 1 of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid &White) Chitwood. The compatible response was characterized by rapid penetration of large numbers of second-stage juveniles (J2) into roots, cessation of root growth, and occasional curving of root tips. The life cycle of M. incognita in the susceptible clone was completed in 25 days at 23-28 C. The incompatible response was characterized by penetration of fewer J2 into roots, necrosis of feeding sites within 2-7 days, and lack of nematode development. There were no differences in response of tubers from resistant and susceptible clones to nematode infection. Small numbers of J2 were detected in tubers, but they did not develop.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of Heterodera glycines (SCN) were influenced by initial nematode population density in soil, soybean root growth pattern, soil type, and environmental conditions in two field experiments. Low initial populations (Pi) of SCN increased more rapidly during the growing season than high Pi and resulted in greater numbers of nematodes at harvest. Egg and juvenile (J2) populations increased within 2-6 weeks after planting when early-season soil temperatures were 20 C and above and were delayed by soil temperatures of 17 C or below in May and early June. Frequencies of occurrence and number of nematodes decreased with increasing depth and distance from center of the soybean row. Spatial pattern of SCN paralleled that of soybean roots. Higher clay content in the subsoil 30-45 cm deep in one field restricted soil penetration by roots, indirectly influencing vertical distribution of SCN. Shoot dry weight was a good indicator of the effect of SCN on seed yield. Root dry weight was poorly correlated with soybean growth and yield. The relationship of yield (seed weight) to Pi was best described by a quadratic equation at one site, but did not fit any regression model tested at the second site.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria, M. hapla, and M. javanica were distinguishable from each other by isoelectric focusing (IEF) of nematode egg proteins. Proteins extracted from larvae and adults of Hoplolaimus columbus and from eggs of Heterodera glycines had distinctive profiles, also. Protein profiles from eggs, preparasitic larvae and egg-laying adults of M. incognita showed differences. It was necessary to compare samples run at the same time to ensure reliability.  相似文献   

The sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases (ACHE) from the nematode Aphelenchus avenae and the house fly Musca domestica to various pesticides were compared using a colorimetric assay. ACHE from A. avenae were generally less sensitive than ACHE from M. domestica to inhibition by organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides. Carbamates were somewhat more inhibiting than organophosphorous pesticides to nematode ACHE. In vivo tests with concentrations of various pesticides up to 500 ppm in sand caused less than 100% mortality of nematodes.  相似文献   

An aquatic 24-hour lethality test using Caenorhabditis elegans was used to assess toxicity of glucosinolates and their enzymatic breakdown products. In the absence of the enzyme thioglucosidase (myrosinase), allyl glucosinolate (sinigrin) was found to be nontoxic at all concentrations tested, while a freeze-dried, dialyzed water extract of Crambe abyssinica containing 26% 2-hydroxyl 3-butenyl glucosinolate (epi-progoitrin) had a 50% lethal concentration (LC₅₀) of 18.5 g/liter. Addition of the enzyme increased the toxicity (LC₅₀ value) of sinigrin to 0.5 g/liter, but the enzyme had no effect on the toxicity of the C. abyssinica extract. Allyl isothiocyanate and allyl cyanide, two possible breakdown products of sinigrin, had an LC₅₀ value of 0.04 g/liter and approximately 3 g/liter, respectively. Liquid chromatographic studies showed that a portion of the sinigrin decomposed into allyl isothiocyanate. The results indicated that allyl isothiocyanate is nearly three orders of magnitude more toxic to C. elegans than the corresponding glncosinolate, suggesting isothiocyanate formation would improve nematode control from application of glucosinolates.  相似文献   

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