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As an initial step in characterizing the function of basal lamina components during muscle cell differentiation and innervation in vivo, we have determined immunohistochemically the pattern of expression of three components--laminin, proteins related to agrin (an acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-aggregating protein), and a heparan sulfate proteoglycan--during the development of chick embryo hindlimb muscles. Monoclonal antibodies against agrin were used to purify the protein from the Torpedo ray and to characterize agrin-like proteins from embryonic and adult chicken. In early hindlimb buds (stage 19), antibodies against laminin and agrin stained the ectodermal basement membrane and bound to limb mesenchyme with a generalized, punctate distribution. However, as dorsal and ventral premuscle masses condensed (stage 22-23), mesenchymal immunoreactivity for laminin and agrin-like proteins, but not the proteoglycan, became concentrated in these myogenic regions. Significantly, the preferential accumulation of these molecules in myogenic regions of the limb preceded by 1-2 days the appearance of muscle-specific proteins, myoblast fusion, and muscle innervation. All three basal lamina components were preferentially associated with all AChR clusters from the time we first observed them on newly formed myotubes at stage 26. Localization of these antigens in three-dimensional collagen gel cultures of limb mesenchyme, explanted prior to innervation of the limb, paralleled the staining patterns seen during limb development in the embryo. These results indicate that basal lamina molecules intrinsic to limb mesenchyme are early markers for myogenic and synaptic differentiation, and suggest that these components play important roles during the initial phases of myogenesis and synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Exposure of sternomastoid muscles excised from 16-day embryonic rats to medium depleted of Ca2+ or containing high concentrations of KCl leads to extensive loss of aggregates of acetylcholine receptors newly formed at the motor end plate region. Upon restoration of Ca2+ or removal of excess KCl, receptor accumulations reappear in the central regions of about one-third of the muscle fibers. This susceptibility of junctional AChR aggregates lasts only a short while during development of the neuromuscular junction. By the time of birth, end plate receptor aggregates have become resistant to these treatments.  相似文献   

The structure of regions with a high concentration of ACh receptors (clusters) on cultured skeletal muscle myotubes was examined by immunoperoxidase staining of bound alphaBT. The clusters did not appear to differ from the other regions except in their higher concentration of receptor.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase was studied in the superior oblique muscle of the duck embryo during the course of in vivo development. Normally developing, paralyzed, and uninnervated muscles were studied using velocity sedimentation for separation of various forms and biochemical determination of enzyme activity, and light and electron microscopy for histochemical and cytochemical localization of enzyme. Results indicate that neither muscle activity nor contact by the motor neurons is essential for the appearance of high-molecular-weight form of acetylcholinesterase on muscle cells developing in vivo. Acetylcholinesterase activity per muscle was considerably lower in the paralyzed and aneural muscles than the normal muscle. The absolute loss of acetylcholinesterase parallels loss of muscle protein in paralyzed and aneural muscles and may be secondary. Paralysis or absence of innervation had no significant effect on the specific activity of acetylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

We have used subunit-specific antibodies to identify and to characterize partially the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta subunits of rat skeletal muscle acetylcholine receptor (AChR) on immunoblots. The alpha subunit of rat muscle is a single band of 42 kDa, whereas the beta subunit has an apparent molecular mass of 48 kDa. Both alpha and beta subunits are glycosylated and contain one or more N-linked oligosaccharide chains that are sensitive to endoglycosidase H digestion. The gamma and delta subunits, on the other hand, each appear as doublets on immunoblots, with apparent molecular masses of 52 kDa (gamma), 48 kDa (gamma') and 58 kDa (delta), 53 kDa (delta'), respectively. In each case, the two bands are structurally related and the lower band is probably the partial degradation product of the corresponding upper band. Each of the four gamma and delta polypeptides is N-glycosylated and contains both endoglycosidase H-sensitive and endoglycosidase H-resistant oligosaccharides. When the AChRs purified from embryonic, neonatal, adult, and denervated adult rat muscles were compared, no differences in the mobilities of alpha, beta, or delta subunits on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels were detected among them, either with or without endoglycosidase treatment. The gamma subunits, which were present in AChRs purified from neonatal, embryonic, or denervated rat muscles, were also identical; no gamma subunit was detected, however, in AChRs of normal adult rat muscle.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters of cultured rat myotubes, isolated by extraction with saponin (Bloch, R. J., 1984, J. Cell Biol. 99:984-993), contain a polypeptide that co-electrophoreses with purified muscle actins. A monoclonal antibody against actin reacts in immunoblots with this polypeptide and with purified actins. In indirect immunofluorescence, the antibody stains isolated AChR clusters only at AChR domains, strips of membrane within clusters that are rich in receptor. It also stains the postsynaptic region of the neuromuscular junction of adult rat skeletal muscle. Semiquantitative immunofluorescence analyses show that labeling by antiactin of isolated analyses show that labeling by antiactin of isolated AChR clusters is specific and saturable and that it varies linearly with the amount of AChR in the cluster. Filaments of purified gizzard myosin also bind preferentially at AChR-rich regions, and this binding is inhibited by MgATP. These experiments suggest that actin is associated with AChR-rich regions of receptor clusters. Depletion of actin by extraction of isolated clusters at low ionic strength selectively releases the actin-like polypeptide from the preparation. Simultaneously, AChRs redistribute within the plane of the membrane of the isolated clusters. Similarly, brief digestion with chymotrypsin reduces immunofluorescence staining and causes AChR redistribution. Treatments that deplete AChR from clusters in intact cells also reduce immunofluorescent staining for actin in isolated muscle membrane fragments. Upon reversal of these treatments, cluster reformation occurs in regions of the membrane that also stain for actin. I conclude that actin is associated with AChR domains and that changes in this association are accompanied by changes in the organization of isolated AChR clusters.  相似文献   

We have used the microtubule-stabilizing drug taxol to examine the relationship between microtubules and the appearance and cell surface distribution of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in primary cultures of chick embryonic muscle cells. Taxol at a 5-microM concentration induced the large scale polymerization of tubulin in muscle cells that was most obvious as intermittent bundles of microtubules along the myotube. Prominent bundles of microtubules were also clearly visible in the fibroblasts. This concentration of taxol had no significant effect on the incorporation rate, increased synthesis induced by brain extract or the total cell surface number of AChRs measured over a 24-h period. Thus, excess polymerization of microtubules does not affect the movement of receptors to the cell surface. However, when cell surface AChR distribution was examined using rhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin, taxol treatment of myotubes was shown to induce the aggregation of receptors. If receptors were labeled before taxol addition, aggregation of these prelabeled receptors was also seen, a result indicating that taxol can induce the movement of receptors already in the membrane. We believe this evidence further implicates microtubules as being involved in the movement of these cell surface receptors in the plane of the myotube membrane.  相似文献   

乙酰胆碱受体(AChR)簇的形成在神经肌接头的生长过程中是非常关键的一步。突触后细胞骨架参与AChR簇的形成。  相似文献   

The formation of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters at the neuromuscular junction was investigated by observing the sequential changes in AChR cluster distribution on cultured Xenopus muscle cells. AChRs were labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin (TMR-alpha BT). Before innervation AChRs were distributed over the entire surface of muscle cells with occasional spots of high density (hot spots). When the nerve contacted the muscle cell, the large existing hot spots disappeared and small AChR clusters (less than 1 micron in diameter) initially emerged from the background along the area of nerve contact. They grew in size, increased in number, and fused to form larger clusters over a period of 1 or 2 days. Receptor clusters did not migrate as a whole as observed during "cap" formation in B lymphocytes. The rate of recruitment of AChRs at the nerve-muscle junction varied from less than 50 binding sites to 1000 sites/hr for alpha BT. In this study the diffusion-trap mechanism was tested for the nerve-induced receptor accumulation. The diffusion coefficient of diffusely distributed AChRs was measured using the fluorescence photobleaching recovery method and found to be 2.45 X 10(-10) cm2/sec at 22 degrees C. There was no significant difference in these values among the muscle cells cultured without nerve, the non-nerve-contacted muscle cells in nerve-muscle cultures, and the nerve-contacted muscle cells. It was found that the diffusion of receptors in the membrane is not rate-limiting for AChR accumulation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,99(4):1486-1501
Monoclonal antibodies recognizing laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, fibronectin, and two apparently novel connective tissue components have been used to examine the organization of extracellular matrix of skeletal muscle in vivo and in vitro. Four of the five monoclonal antibodies are described for the first time here. Immunocytochemical experiments with frozen-sectioned muscle demonstrated that both the heparan sulfate proteoglycan and laminin exhibited staining patterns identical to that expected for components of the basal lamina. In contrast, the remaining matrix constituents were detected in all regions of muscle connective tissue: the endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium. Embryonic muscle cells developing in culture elaborated an extracellular matrix, each antigen exhibiting a unique distribution. Of particular interest was the organization of extracellular matrix on myotubes: the build-up of matrix components was most apparent in plaques overlying clusters of an integral membrane protein, the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The heparan sulfate proteoglycan was concentrated at virtually all AChR clusters and showed a remarkable level of congruence with receptor organization; laminin was detected at 70-95% of AChR clusters but often was not completely co-distributed with AChR within the cluster; fibronectin and the two other extracellular matrix antigens occurred at approximately 20, 8, and 2% of the AChR clusters, respectively, and showed little or no congruence with AChR. From observations on the distribution of extracellular matrix components in tissue cultured fibroblasts and myogenic cells, several ideas about the organization of extracellular matrix are suggested. (a) Congruence between AChR clusters and heparan sulfate proteoglycan suggests the existence of some linkage between the two molecules, possibly important for regulation of AChR distribution within the muscle membrane. (b) The qualitatively different patterns of extracellular matrix organization over myotubes and fibroblasts suggest that each of these cell types uses somewhat different means to regulate the assembly of extracellular matrix components within its domain. (c) The limited co-distribution of different components within the extracellular matrix in vitro and the selective immune precipitation of each antigen from conditioned medium suggest that each extracellular matrix component is secreted in a form that is not complexed with other matrix constituents.  相似文献   

We have investigated the sequential changes of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) distribution on identified Xenopus laevis muscle cells in culture before and after innervation. AChRs on muscle cells were stained with tetramethylrhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin and the distribution of AChR clusters was examined on a fluorescence microscope using an image intensifier. Large receptor clusters were identified on muscle cells and their fate was followed afterward. In muscle cells cultured without neural tube cells, about one-half of the identified AChR clusters survived for 2 days. In nerve-muscle cocultures, preexisting AChR clusters survived longer on non-nerve-contacted muscle cells than on muscle cells cultured without nerve. However, in nerve-contacted muscle cells the great majority of preexisting AChR clusters dispersed within 2 days. The dispersal of preexisting AChR clusters preceded receptor accumulation along the path of nerve contact by about 12-16 hr. Therefore, an accelerated dispersal of receptor clusters in innervated muscle cells is not a consequence of receptor accumulation along the nerve. The preexisting AChR clusters located near and far from the nerve contact sites dispersed along a similar time course. Protease inhibitors, trasylol and leupeptin, reduced the nerve-induced dispersal of the preexisting AChR clusters in the period before AChR accumulation at the nerve contact sites but did not do so during the period when AChRs began to accumulate at nerve-muscle contact. The significance of the dispersal of preexisting receptor clusters is discussed with regard to neuromuscular junction formation.  相似文献   

The effect of denervation on acetylcholine receptor (AChR) cluster distribution on cultured Xenopus muscle cells has been examined in order to study the role of intact nerve in the maintenance of clusters at the nerve-muscle junction during development. AChRs on the muscle cell were labeled with tetramethyl rhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin and sequential changes in AChR cluster distribution were examined with a fluorescence microscope using an image intensifier. Denervation was carried out by exposing the nerve cell body to a focused laser light of a high intensity. After this procedure the neurites originating from the cell quickly disintegrated and large AChR clusters associated with nerve divided into smaller clusters. Individual clusters subsequently decreased in size and finally disappeared. In about 30% of the cases new AChR clusters appeared at the extrajunctional region after denervation. These observations indicate that intact nerves are necessary for the maintenance of receptor localization at the nerve-muscle junction and that nerve-induced accumulation is seemingly reversible during the early period of synapse formation. We tested the idea that receptor clusters were lost due to diffusion of receptors in the muscle membrane after denervation. However, the rate of receptor cluster dispersal after denervation was much slower than that predicted by the diffusion model, suggesting that diffusion of receptors is not a rate-limiting step. Furthermore, we found that receptor clusters at the junction stabilize during days in culture. Thus, 80-90% of receptor clusters at the nerve-muscle junction disappeared at 7 hr after denervation in 1-day cocultures, while about 50% of receptor clusters remained after denervation in 3-day cocultures.  相似文献   

The role of motor innervation in controlling the development of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channel open time was tested by examining synaptic current durations in transplanted muscles of Xenopus tadpoles. The presumptive lower jaw region, which gives rise to the interhyoideus muscle, was transplanted to the tail, overlying the myotomal muscle cells. The transplanted muscles became innervated, presumably by spinal nerves which normally innervate myotomal muscle. Despite development in the presence of foreign innervation, synaptic currents in the transplanted interhyoideus were predominantly long in duration and resembled those in the normally innervated interhyoideus. They did not resemble those in the myotomal muscle, where synaptic currents are brief. The apparent lack of neural influence on development of AChR function in muscle contrasts with the evidence for presynaptic control of AChR open time in frog sympathetic ganglia. This may reflect a fundamental difference between nerve and muscle in the regulation of postsynaptic function.  相似文献   

When the sternohyoid muscle from the rat is grafted, the original muscle fibers, including the membranes at the neuromuscular junction, degenerate irreversibly. New muscle fibers regenerate inside of the basal laminae remaining from the original muscle fibers. In this study rhodamine-alpha-bungarotoxin and electron microscopy have been used to demonstrate that acetylcholine receptor (AchR) clusters and synaptic folds are restored to the regenerating myotubes even when innervation to the grafts is prevented. The AchR clusters and synaptic folds colocalized with acetylcholinesterase that persisted at the original synaptic basal lamina. The AchR clusters were not restored if the original innervation band was removed from the muscle at the time of grafting. Lengths of the AchR clusters were measured in animals ranging in weight from 50 to 700 g. The lengths of clusters in the grafts were proportional to the lengths of those in the preoperative controls, suggesting that quantitative morphogenetic information persists through the period of degeneration and regeneration. However, the distribution of the AchRs within the clusters differed slightly from controls. Extrajunctional AchR clusters were present initially, but later disappeared. The sizes of these clusters were unrelated to the sizes of the junctional AchR clusters. This study demonstrates that morphogenetic cues persist within the region of the original motor and plate, possibly associated with the synaptic basal lamina.  相似文献   

Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in aneural Xenopus embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During gastrulation in vertebrate embryos, the mesoderm moves inward and under the ectoderm and these two cell layers subsequently differentiate in close proximity to each other, providing an opportunity for the exchange of inductive signals. This study examines whether the activation of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) genes and the subsequent expression of receptors in Xenopus myotomal muscle are dependent on interaction between the ectoderm and the mesoderm, or their derivatives, after the onset of gastrulation. We eliminated such interaction by inducing total exogastrulation of Xenopus embryos. During exogastrulation, the mesoderm moves away from the ectoderm, and the nervous system fails to develop. Single channel recordings from the myotomal muscle of exogastrulated embryos revealed the presence of two major classes of AChRs, which could be distinguished on the basis of channel conductance. The current amplitudes, conductances, reversal potentials, and open times of these channels closely resembled those reported for the two major classes of AChR channels normally expressed in vivo. We conclude that interaction between ectoderm and mesoderm following the onset of gastrulation is not required for the future expression of the major classes of AChRs in myotomal muscle.  相似文献   

Rat myotubes in tissue culture form broad areas of close contact with the substrate. These areas often display two distinct, interdigitating sets of membrane domains. One, the "contact domain", is close to the substrate; the other, termed the "AChR domain", is further from the substrate and is rich in acetylcholine receptors (AChR). We have used fluorescence techniques to study the organization of the cytoskeleton in these areas. Substrate-apposed membrane of the myotubes was exposed either by shearing or by permeabilizing the cells with a neutral detergent. Phalloidin derivatives and affinity-purified polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies specific for cytoskeletal proteins were then applied to the samples. Sheared samples were observed by epifluorescence microscopy; detergent-permeabilized samples were observed by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. We found that, like antivinculin, fluorescent phalloidin derivatives and antibodies to alpha-actinin, filamin, and talin preferentially labeled the contact domains. This suggests that bundles of microfilaments associate with the membrane at sites of myotube-substrate attachment. In contrast, a 43K protein, closely associated with AChR, was present only at AChR domains. A monoclonal antibody to actin labeled both AChR and contact domains, suggesting that actin is enriched over both regions. Our results suggest that, like the plasma membrane of AChR clusters, the underlying membrane skeleton is organized into at least two distinct domains.  相似文献   

Rapsyn, a cytoplasmic receptor-associated protein, is required for the clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Although AChR dynamics have been extensively studied, little is known about the dynamics of rapsyn. Here, we used a rapsyn-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein and quantitative fluorescent imaging to study the dynamics of rapsyn in transfected C2C12 myotubes. First, we found that rapsyn-GFP expression at clusters did not alter AChR aggregation, function, or turnover. Quantification of rapsyn immunofluorescence indicated that the expression of rapsyn-GFP proteins at clusters does not increase the overall rapsyn density compared with untransfected myotube clusters. Using time lapse imaging and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, we demonstrated that the recovery of rapsyn-GFP fluorescence at clusters was very fast, with a halftime of about approximately 1.5 h (approximately 3 times faster than AChRs). Inhibition of protein kinase C significantly altered receptor insertion, but it had no effect on rapsyn insertion. When cells were treated with the broad spectrum kinase inhibitor staurosporine, receptor insertion was decreased even further. However, inhibition of protein kinase A had no effect on insertion of either rapsyn or receptors. Finally, when cells were treated with neural agrin, rapsyn and AChRs were both directed away from preexisting clusters and accumulated together in new small clusters. These results demonstrate the remarkable dynamism of rapsyn, which may underlie the stability and maintenance of the postsynaptic scaffold and suggest that the insertion of different postsynaptic proteins may be operating independently.  相似文献   

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