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Insect pollination improves the yield and quality of many crops, yet there is increasing evidence of insufficient insect pollinators limiting crop production. Effective Integrated Crop Pollination (ICP) involves adaptable, targeted and cost-effective management of crop pollination and encourages the use of both wild and managed pollinators where appropriate. In this study we investigate how the addition of honeybee hives affects the community of insects visiting oilseed rape, and if hive number and location affect pollinator foraging and oilseed rape pollination in order to provide evidence for effective ICP. We found that introducing hives increased overall flower visitor numbers and altered the pollinator community, which became dominated by honeybees. Furthermore a greater number of hives did not increase bee numbers significantly but did result in honeybees foraging further into fields. The timing of surveys and proximity to the field edge influenced different pollinators in different ways and represents an example of spatial and temporal complementarity. For example dipteran flower visitor numbers declined away from the field edge whereas honeybees peaked at intermediate distances into the field. Furthermore, no significant effects of survey round on wild bees overall was observed but honeybee numbers were relatively lower during peak flowering and dipteran abundance was greater in later survey rounds. Thus combining diverse wild pollinators and managed species for crop pollination buffers spatial and temporal variation in flower visitation. However we found no effect of insect pollination on seed set or yield of oilseed rape in our trial, highlighting the critical need to understand crop demand for insect pollination before investments are made in managing pollination services.  相似文献   

Although the importance of natural habitats to pollinator diversity is widely recognized, the value of forests to pollinating insects has been largely overlooked in many parts of the world. In this review, we (i) establish the importance of forests to global pollinator diversity, (ii) explore the relationship between forest cover and pollinator diversity in mixed-use landscapes, and (iii) highlight the contributions of forest-associated pollinators to pollination in adjacent crops. The literature shows unambiguously that native forests support a large number of forest-dependent species and are thus critically important to global pollinator diversity. Many pollinator taxa require or benefit greatly from resources that are restricted to forests, such as floral resources provided by forest plants (including wind-pollinated trees), dead wood for nesting, tree resins, and various non-floral sugar sources (e.g. honeydew). Although landscape-scale studies generally support the conclusion that forests enhance pollinator diversity, findings are often complicated by spatial scale, focal taxa, landscape context, temporal context, forest type, disturbance history, and external stressors. While some forest loss can be beneficial to pollinators by enhancing habitat complementarity, too much can result in the near-elimination of forest-associated species. There is strong evidence from studies of multiple crop types that forest cover can substantially increase yields in adjacent habitats, at least within the foraging ranges of the pollinators involved. The literature also suggests that forests may have enhanced importance to pollinators in the future given their role in mitigating the negative effects of pesticides and climate change. Many questions remain about the amount and configuration of forest cover required to promote the diversity of forest-associated pollinators and their services within forests and in neighbouring habitats. However, it is clear from the current body of knowledge that any effort to preserve native woody habitats, including the protection of individual trees, will benefit pollinating insects and help maintain the critical services they provide.  相似文献   

The fate of male gametophytes after pollen reaches stigmas links pollination to ovule fertilisation, governing subsequent siring success and seed production. Although male gametophyte performance primarily involves cellular processes, an ecological analogy may expose insights into the nature and implications of male gametophyte success. We elaborate this analogy theoretically and present empirical examples that illustrate associated insights. Specifically, we consider pollen loads on stigmas as localised populations subject to density‐independent mortality and density‐dependent processes as they traverse complex stylar environments. Different combinations of the timing of pollen‐tube access to limiting stylar resources (simultaneous or sequential), the tube distribution among resources (repulsed or random) and the timing of density‐independent mortality relative to competition (before or after) create signature relations of mean pollen‐tube success and its variation among pistils to pollen receipt. Using novel nonlinear regression analyses (two‐moment regression), we illustrate contrasting relations for two species, demonstrating that variety in these relations is a feature of reproductive diversity among angiosperms, rather than merely a theoretical curiosity. Thus, the details of male gametophyte ecology should shape sporophyte reproductive success and hence the dynamics and structure of angiosperm populations.  相似文献   

Prolonged floral longevity and bumblebees as dominate pollinators in alpine ecosystem have been suggested to overcome pollination limitation of alpine plants arising from the decrease of pollinator activity with increasing altitude. However, this conclusion has never been examined in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), the highest and largest plateau in the world. In this study, we intended to test year-to-year correlations between floral longevity, visiting frequency and pollen limitation of this species between two populations (at 3200 m and 4000 m) of Gentiana straminea in this plateau. Pollinator exclusion elongated both male and female phases greatly at both sites, and durations of both male and female phases in natural condition varied greatly over three years. The visiting frequency of bumblebees varied greatly at the higher altitude, but seemed to be stable at the lower altitude. Seed production was pollination limited in both populations in most studied years. The floral durations, pollinator frequency and pollination limitation showed no significant and consistent variations with the increase of altitude. The previous hypothesis that the prolonged floral longevity of alpine plants can compensate for low levels of pollinator visitation therefore could not be confirmed, and our results further suggested that in the QTP platform, the altitude shows no consistent effect on the reproductive performance of this species, despite that the fluctuation of visit frequency intensified at the higher altitude.  相似文献   

Managing the complex relationship between pollinators and their habitat requirements is of particular concern to growers of pollinator-dependent crop species, such as courgette (Cucurbita pepo). Naturally occurring wild flowers (i.e. agricultural weeds) offer a free, sustainable, and often underappreciated resource for pollinators, however, they may compete with crop flowers for visits. To understand the extent to which floral resources mediate pollinator visitation to courgette flowers and courgette fields, plant community and pollinator visitation data were collected at two spatial scales: field scale (in margins, and in the cropped area) and farm scale (500 m and 2000 m radii) for nine courgette fields across the UK. Apis mellifera (honeybees) and Bombus spp. (bumblebees) were the only pollinators observed to visit courgette flowers. Bumblebees were significantly more abundant on courgette flowers in fields with a greater species richness of wild flowers in the crop, whilst honeybees were significantly more abundant on courgette flowers in areas with less semi-natural habitat. For both honeybees and bumblebees, their abundance in field margins did not significantly reduce their abundance on courgette flowers, suggesting that wild flowers were not competing with courgette flowers for pollinator visitation. Although solitary bees were not observed to visit courgette flowers, their abundance and species richness in courgette fields were significantly greater with more semi-natural habitat and a greater species richness of wild flowers. Therefore, allowing uncultivated areas around the crop to be colonised by species-rich wild flowers is an effective way of boosting the abundance of bumblebees, which are important visitors to courgette flowers, as well as the abundance and species richness of solitary bees, thereby benefitting pollinator conservation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blackleg disease of Brassica napus, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, causes severe yield losses in Australia, Europe and Canada. In Western Australia, it nearly destroyed the oilseed rape industry in 1972 when host genotypes and conducive environmental conditions favoured severe epidemics. The introduction of cultivars with polygenic resistance and the adoption of sound cultural practices two decades later helped to manage the disease. These were abandoned by many farmers in recent years in favour of the effective but ephemeral resistance conferred by the single dominant gene-based resistance derived from B. rapa ssp. sylvestris. Recently, several cultivars carrying this gene have collapsed widely within a period of 3 years after their commercial release. An environment conducive to the disease and the association of the pathogen with susceptible hosts in Western Australia for over 80 years together have led to the proliferation of L. maculans races, amounting to half of all races delineated to date from Europe, including the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. SCOPE: This review demonstrates the problems that emerge when traditional cultural practices employed, along with cultivars containing polygenic resistance to a serious necrotrophic pathogen, are discarded in preference to the exclusive deployment of effective but ephemeral single dominant gene-based resistance to the disease across Southern Australia. CONCLUSIONS: Single dominant gene-based resistance currently available, on its own, will not confer durable resistance to blackleg disease in oilseed rape. Return to earlier management practices, including reliance upon polygenic resistance and induced resistance, may be the best currently available options to maintain production in regions across Southern Australia predisposed to severe epidemics.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (oilseed rape, canola) seedling resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal agent of blackleg (stem canker) disease, follows a gene‐for‐gene relationship. The avirulence genes AvrLmS and AvrLep2 were described to be perceived by the resistance genes RlmS and LepR2, respectively, present in B. napus ‘Surpass 400’. Here we report cloning of AvrLmS and AvrLep2 using two independent methods. AvrLmS was cloned using combined in vitro crossing between avirulent and virulent isolates with sequencing of DNA bulks from avirulent or virulent progeny (bulked segregant sequencing). AvrLep2 was cloned using a biparental cross of avirulent and virulent L. maculans isolates and a classical map‐based cloning approach. Taking these two approaches independently, we found that AvrLmS and AvrLep2 are the same gene. Complementation of virulent isolates with this gene confirmed its role in inducing resistance on Surpass 400, Topas‐LepR2, and an RlmS‐line. The gene, renamed AvrLmS‐Lep2, encodes a small cysteine‐rich protein of unknown function with an N‐terminal secretory signal peptide, which is a common feature of the majority of effectors from extracellular fungal plant pathogens. The AvrLmS‐Lep2/LepR2 interaction phenotype was found to vary from a typical hypersensitive response through intermediate resistance sometimes towards susceptibility, depending on the inoculation conditions. AvrLmS‐Lep2 was nevertheless sufficient to significantly slow the systemic growth of the pathogen and reduce the stem lesion size on plant genotypes with LepR2, indicating the potential efficiency of this resistance to control the disease in the field.  相似文献   

In animal-pollinated plants, pollinator preferences for divergent floral forms can lead to partial reproductive isolation. We describe regions of plant genomes that affect pollinator preferences for two species of Louisiana Irises, Iris brevicaulis and Iris fulva, and their artificial hybrids. Iris brevicaulis and I. fulva possess bee and bird-pollination syndromes, respectively. Hummingbirds preferred I. fulva and under-visited both I. brevicaulis and backcrosses toward this species. Lepidopterans preferred I. fulva and backcrosses toward I. fulva, but also under-visited I. brevicaulis and I. brevicaulis backcrosses. Bumblebees preferred I. brevicaulis and F1 hybrids and rarely visited I. fulva. Although all three pollen vectors preferred one or the other species, these preferences did not prevent visitation to other hybrid/parental classes. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, in reciprocal BC1 mapping populations, defined the genetic architecture of loci that affected pollinator behavior. We detected six and nine QTLs that affected pollinator visitation rates in the BCIb and BCIf mapping populations, respectively, with as many as three QTLs detected for each trait. Overall, this study reflects the possible role of quantitative genetic factors in determining (1) reproductive isolation, (2) the pattern of pollinator-mediated genetic exchange, and thus (3) hybrid zone evolution.  相似文献   

A disease survey in Finnish oilseed Brassica (OSR) fields in 2007–09 revealed the widespread occurrence and several fold increase of necrotic stem base lesions and severely injured blackened roots in comparison to a corresponding survey carried out in 1984–89. Rhizoctonia solani was the predominant fungi detected in the isolations and was followed by several species of Fusarium and Thielaviopsis basicola. In 60% of the samples all three species were detected together. Only the R. solani AG 2–1 strains isolated from OSR and other cruciferous hosts caused damping off or stem base symptoms on turnip rape in a greenhouse experiment. Therefore R. solani AG 2–1 was considered the main pathogen associated with the observed symptoms in OSR crops. Cultural practices changed significantly between the 1980s and 2000s. In the 2007–09 survey there was an increase in the cultivation of oilseed rape instead of turnip rape, increase in the use of no soil or reduced soil tillage and of chemical control of weeds, but a reduction in macronutrient fertilization, especially P and K, when compared to the 1980s survey. The risk for high incidence of stem base lesions and blackened roots was affected by different cultural practices. No tillage and maintaining sufficient soil pH and NPK fertilisation decreased the risk for both types of R. solani induced symptoms. Late sowing date increased the risk for high incidence of stem base lesions, while application of fungicides against Sclerotinia reduced it. The incidence of R. solani damages in many fields was very high in spite of relatively long crop rotations and therefore the average effect of crop rotation in the disease was insignificant. Current turnip rape cultivars are vulnerable to root rot while oilseed rape is vulnerable to stem base symptoms. The higher incidence of R. solani induced diseases could be associated with the decline in productivity of OSR crops in Finland. This study showed that cultural practices such as reduced or no soil tillage, adequate levels of pH and of NPK fertilization could reduce the severity of the symptoms in OSR fields.  相似文献   

Petiolar protoplasts of a dihaploid line of winter oilseed rape Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera were exposed to fusogenic polyethylene glycol (PEG) and electric field treatments. The surface properties and stability of membrane components of the treated protoplasts were investigated by contact angle measurements in aqueous two-phase systems and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. The leakage of intracellular components was estimated with respect to amino acids, proteins and DNA. Both fusogenic treatments resulted in the same apparent changes in membrane surface hydrophobicity and the same destabilization of membrane components. However, the PEG-treated protoplasts were more leaky than both the control and the electric field-treated protoplasts. The results indicate that the molecular mechanisms of PEG- and electrical field-induced fusion are similar. However, the effects of the latter appear to be less harmful presumably because the parameters for electric field treatment are more easily controlled.  相似文献   

全球传粉昆虫多样性正在下降, 如何保障农林生态系统传粉功能是当前研究的热点。理论上说, 传粉功能不仅与生态系统的传粉昆虫多样性相关, 还与生态系统的调节能力有关。近年来, 学者们逐渐认识到授粉生态弹性对传粉功能的影响。本文在回顾已有研究的基础之上, 总结传粉昆虫授粉生态弹性的内涵, 厘清授粉生态弹性与工程弹性、稳定性和抗性的异同。目前, 学者对授粉生态弹性形成机制开展广泛探讨, 提出功能冗余假说、密度补偿假说、响应多样性假说、连接周转假说和跨尺度弹性假说, 但这5个假说间的关系仍不清楚, 存在一词多义、词意混淆等现象。我们依次阐述功能冗余假说、密度补偿假说、响应多样性假说、连接周转假说和跨尺度弹性假说, 介绍不同假说中授粉生态弹性形成过程、研究热点和发展动态。通过解析授粉生态弹性的形成机制可知, 5个假说在内涵上存在紧密联系, 它们从不同空间尺度和研究对象下解释传粉昆虫授粉生态弹性的形成机制。未来授粉生态弹性研究将整合传粉昆虫群落动态和传粉功能动态的量化方法, 通过实验验证5个假说的合理性, 并揭示不同假说间的联系, 由此阐明授粉生态弹性的发生条件、形成阈值和动态规律。随着研究的深入, 授粉生态弹性理论有望用于指导农林生态系统传粉功能的经营管理。  相似文献   

Twenty five genotypes of oilseed rape (canola and mustard) were tested under varied supply of Zn (+Zn: 2 mg kg–1 soil, -Zn: no Zn added) in two pot experiments in soil culture to determine the genotypic variation in tolerance to the Zn-deficient conditions, that is, to identify the Zn-efficient genotypes. On the basis of performance of genotypes in pot experiments, ten genotypes were tested in 1995 for their performance under varied supply of Zn (+Zn: 3.5 kg ha–1, -Zn: no Zn added) on a Zn-deficient field in South Australia.Zn efficiency (ratio of shoot dry matter in -Zn to shoot dry matter in +Zn treatment and expressed in percentage) in pot Experiment 1 varied from 35% for 92-13 to 74% for Siren. Narendra, Dunkeld, Barossa, Oscar and Xinza 2 performed well under -Zn treatment. Zn efficiency in Experiment 2 varied from 32% for Wuyou 1 to 62% for Pusa Bold. Pusa Bold and CSIRO-1(mustard genotypes) were the most efficient in terms of dry matter production among all the oilseed rape genotypes tested. Root dry matter accumulation was significantly higher in Zn-efficient genotypes. Zn efficiency (ratio of seed yield in -Zn to seed yield in +Zn and expressed in percentage) in field experiment varied from 62% for Huashang 2 to 76% for Dunkeld. With few exceptions, the ranking of genotypes in pot and field experiments indicates similarity in their response to Zn deficiency. There looks to be genetic control over Zn concentration in tissues. Zn-efficient genotypes had lower Zn concentration in roots and higher Zn concentration in youngest fully opened leaf blades, indicating a better transport of Zn. This, together with a higher Zn uptake, appears to be the basis of expression of Zn efficiency.  相似文献   



The relative per-flower production of ovules and pollen varies broadly with angiosperm mating systems, with outcrossing types commonly producing more pollen grains per ovule than selfing types. The evolutionary causes of this variation are contentious, especially the relevance of pollination risk. Resolution of this debate may have been hampered by its focus on pollen:ovule (P:O) ratios rather than on the evolution of pollen and ovule numbers per se.


Using published mean ovule and pollen counts, we analyzed associations with the proportion of removed pollen that reaches stigmas (pollen-transfer efficiency) and differences between pollinator-dependent and autogamous forms within and among species. Analyses involved Bayesian methods that simultaneously considered variation in pollen and ovule numbers and accounted for phylogenetic relatedness. We also assessed the utility of P:O ratios as mating-system proxies and their association with female outcrossing rates.


Median pollen number declined consistently with pollen-transfer efficiency among species, whereas median ovule number did not. Similarly, in both intraspecific and interspecific analyses, pollinator-dependent plants produced more pollen than autogamous plants, whereas ovule production did not differ statistically. Distributions of P:O ratios overlapped extensively for self-incompatible and self-compatible species and for different mating-system classes, and P:O ratios correlated weakly with outcrossing rate.


Our findings demonstrate that pollinator dependence and pollination efficiency commonly influence the evolution of pollen number per flower but have more limited effects on ovule number. P:O ratios provide ambiguous, possibly misleading, information about mating systems, especially when compared among clades.

张文标 《生态学报》2008,28(8):4037-4046
野外定点观测了夏蜡梅在3个群体的开花物候进程,分别计算了结实率和结籽率,并分析了始花日和开花同步性等开花物候指数对其传粉成功的影响,还进一步从个体水平分析了开花时间对传粉成功的影响.结果如下:夏蜡梅的花期在5月上旬到6月下旬,开花物候参数在不同群体间存在较明显的差异,而各群体的开花进程均呈明显的"单峰型",且开花同步性高,为"大量开花模式".群体内各开花物候参数与传粉成功相关性不明显;群体间开花物候参数中的始花日和开花中值日与结实率呈极显著的负相关,终花日与结实率和结籽率分别呈极显著和显著的负相关.个体水平不同开花时间对结实率有着显著影响(F=15.960,df=3,P<0.01),而对结籽率影响不大(F=2.358,df=3,P=0.073).相同海拔高度小生境不同对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响不大,但不同海拔高度对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响显著.作为一种濒危物种,夏蜡梅这种"集中开花模式"可以吸引更多的传粉昆虫,有助于其获得更多的传粉成功,但增加了其花粉在个体内及邻近个体间的传递,不利于花粉在群体间的扩散,而导致了一定程度的自交和近交衰退,这可能是夏蜡梅群体遗传变异性低、遗传分化明显及濒危的一个原因.  相似文献   

The plant Euphorbia cyparissias is commonly infected by rust fungi of the species complex Uromyces pisi. When infected, E. cyparissias is unable to flower, but instead is induced by the fungus to form pseudoflowers. Pseudoflowers are rosettes of yellow leaves upon which the fungus presents its gametes in a sweet-smelling fungal nectar. We hypothesized that the fungi, as they are heterothallic, are dependent on insect visitation to cross-fertilize their mating types. We confirmed that insects are required with an insect exclusion experiment. We further hypothesized that pseudoflowers of U. pisi interact with uninfected true host flowers through insects during their period of co-"flowering" in early spring. We conducted artificial array experiments in the field to test whether the two species share insects and whether they influenced each other's insect visitation. Insects moved between true flowers and pseudoflowers, but true flowers received more visits over all. Pseudoflowers and true flowers did not influence each other's visitation rates in mixtures. However, shorter visits were observed on pseudoflowers in mixtures than monocultures, suggesting that true flowers might be competitors for pseudoflowers. Further experiments are needed to determine whether the similarity of pseudoflowers to true flowers is adaptive.  相似文献   

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