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Abstract The freshwater Charophyte Chora corallina dies when subjected to 70 molm?3 NaCl if the Ca2+ concentration is 0.1 mol m ?3. This stress is accompanied by a depolarization of the cell to a membrane potential more positive than EK, a net influx of Na+ into the vacuole, and a net loss of K+ from the vacuole. Raising the Ca2+ concentration to 7 mol m ?3 in the presence of elevated Na+ restores the Na+ to Ca2+ ratio to 10: 1 as in the control solution, and results in enhanced survival even though turgor is not regulated. Mg2+ is not a good substitute for Ca2+. It is suggested that the main reason that C. corallina fails to occupy saline habitats is its failure to regulate turgor, not sensitivity to Na +, since the latter is similar to that seen in C. buckellii, which is found in saline habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract The comparative Na+ tolerance of Chora buckellii cultured in freshwater (FW) or artificial Waldsea water (AWW, which contains about 110 mol m?3 each Na +, Mg2+, Cl? and SO2-4 was tested with respect to the external Na+ to Ca2+ ratio (Na: Ca). Fifty per cent of FW cells subjected to 70 mol m?3 NaCl, which raised Na:Ca from 10: 1 to 700: 1 and the external osmotic pressure from 0.024 to 0.402 MPa, died within 6 d. Death was associated with the loss of Na/K selectivity, H+ -pump activity and turgor. Restoration of Na:Ca to 10:1 in high Na+ medium with CaCl2 ensured 100% survival and maintained H+-pump activity and Na/K selectivity of FW cells. Turgor was regulated within 3 d with net uptake of Na +, K+ and Cl? in the vacuolc. Mg2+ was not as effective as Ca2+ in enhancing survival or maintaining H+ -pump activity and Na/K selectivity of FW cells in the presence of elevated Na+. However, turgor was regulated within 3 d by accumulation of Cl? and an unknown cation in the vacuole. All AWW cells subjected to an increase of 70 mol m ?3 NaCl, which raised Na: Ca from 16:1 to 25: 1 and the external osmotic pressure from 0.915 to 1.22 MPa, survived and maintained H + -pump activity. Turgor was regulated within 6d by accumulating Na +, K+ and Cl? in the vacuole. All AWW cells subjected to 70molm?3 NaCl in a medium in which Na:Ca was equal to 700:1 survived and maintained H + -pump activity, but showed loss of Na/K selectivity. Turgor was regulated with an unknown osmoticum(a) within 6 d.  相似文献   

In this paper we begin our study of factors controlling Na+ and K+ uptake in the halophyte Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb., with emphasis on plants growing at moderate salinity (0.2x sea water). The involvement of transpiration was considered first because of its potential to account for much or all of the transport of ions, and particularly of Na+, to the shoot under these growth conditions. Transpiration was constant with time through most of the light period, quickly dropping to 6% of the day time rate at night. 22Na+ uptake, on the other hand, showed much less day/night variation, and relative transport to the shoot was constant. After establishing that transpiration was linearly related to leaf weight, possible transpiration effects were further considered as correlations between leaf weight and transport to the shoot. Under constant, day-time conditions, with linear effects of time and plant size removed, total transport of 22Na+ to the shoot (per plant) was not correlated to leaf weight. A similar result was found when transport was expressed per gram of root, and when partitioning of total label to the shoot was considered. Finally, the correlation was considered between leaf weight and a Na+/K+ enrichment factor defined as the Na+/K+ ratio in the leaves divided by that in the roots. This correlation was also insignificant. The results indicate that analysis of control of Na+ and K+ uptake and transport in this experimental system need not consider effects of transpiration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of fusicoccin (FC) on the K+stimulated Na+ efflux in root cells of Na+ loaded barley roots was studied. FC (0.02 mM) stimulated Na+ efflux in the presence of K+ and its effect was synergistic with that of K+, in a similar way as its effect on proton extrusion. Decreasing the pH of the elution medium promoted Na+ efflux and partially replaced the effect of FC. As FC is known to increase the electrochemical proton gradient at the plasmalemma level, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that Na+ is extruded in exchange for H+. A further support to this view came from the finding that Na+ efflux was also promoted by a lipophilic cation, tributylbenzylammonium (TBBA +), which stimulates H + extrusion and is generally accepted not to enter the cells by means of the same carrier as K +.  相似文献   

In various plant materials changes in turgor pressure, following hyper- or hypo-osmotic stress, were associated with the activation or inactivation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, respectively. To see if the turgor changes might indirectly influence H+-ATPase activity by regulating ion fluxes through plasma membrane, we investigated, in cultured cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the early effects of hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress on Cl? fluxes in comparison, in the case of hyper-osmotic treatment, with its effect on net H+ extrusion. The results obtained showed that hyper-osmotic stress (200 mM mannitol) quickly reduced Cl? efflux (?70%) from cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h. This inhibiting effect was independent of the simultaneous mannitol-induced stimulation of Cl? influx and rapidly reversible after removal of the hyper-osmotic treatment. The inhibition of Cl? efflux was associated with a stimulation of net H+ extrusion, and these two effects showed the same dependence on the external mannitol concentration. Fusicoccin (FC, 20 µM), which stimulated H+ extrusion to about the same extent as 200 mM mannitol, did not affect Cl? efflux. When cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h in the presence of mannitol (from 25 up to 200 mM) were eluted in a mannitol-free medium an early and strong increase in Cl? efflux was found. The increase of Cl- efflux was already detectable for a small hypo-osmotic jump (25 mM), and was reduced (?50%) by the anion channel inhibitor A9C (300 µM). These results lead to exclude a direct causal relationship mediated by Em changes between the effects of osmoticum on Cl? efflux and net H+ extrusion, and favour the view that the changes in turgor pressure induced by hyper/hypo-osmotic stress may respectively induce an early inactivation/activation of stretch-sensitive anion channels.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Na+ sensitivity of whole brain membrane Na+,K+-ATPase isoenzymes was studied using the differential inhibitory effect of ouabain (α1, low affinity for ouabain; α2, high affinity; and α3, very high affinity). At 100 m M Na+, we found that the proportion of isoforms with low, high, and very high ouabain affinity was 21, 38, and 41%, respectively. Using two ouabain concentrations (10−5 and 10−7 M ), we were able to discriminate Na+ sensitivity of Na+, K+-ATPase isoenzymes using nonlinear regression. The ouabain low-affinity isoform, α1, exhibited high Na+ sensitivity [ K a of 3.88 ± 0.25 m M Na+ and a Hill coefficient ( n ) of 1.98 ± 0.13]; the ouabain high-affinity isoform, α2, had two Na+ sensitivities, a high ( K a of 4.98 ± 0.2 m M Na+ and n of 1.34 ± 0.10) and a low ( K a of 28 ± 0.5 m M Na+ and an n of 1.92 ± 0.18) Na+ sensitivity activated above a thresh old (22 ± 0.3 m M Na+); and the ouabain very-high-affinity isoform, α3, was resolved by two processes and appears to have two Na+ sensitivities (apparent K a values of 3.5 and 20 m M Na+). We show that Na+ dependence in the absence of ouabain is the result of at least of five Na+ reactivities. This molecular functional characteristic of isoenzymes in membranes could explain the diversity of physiological roles attributed to isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Puccinellia tenuiflora is a useful monocotyledonous halophyte that might be used for improving salt tolerance of cereals. This current work has shown that P. tenuiflora has stronger selectivity for K+ over Na+ allowing it to maintain significantly lower tissue Na+ and higher K+ concentration than that of wheat under short- or long-term NaCl treatments. To assess the relative contribution of Na+ efflux and influx to net Na+ accumulation, unidirectional 22Na+ fluxes in roots were carried out. It was firstly found that unidirectional 22Na+ influx into root of P. tenuiflora was significantly lower (by 31–37%) than in wheat under 100 and 150 m m NaCl. P. tenuiflora had lower unidirectional Na+ efflux than wheat; the ratio of efflux to influx was similar between the two species. Leaf secretion of P. tenuiflora was also estimated, and found the loss of Na+ content from leaves to account for only 0.0006% of the whole plant Na+ content over 33 d of NaCl treatments. Therefore, it is proposed that neither unidirectional Na+ efflux of roots nor salt secretion by leaves, but restricting unidirectional Na+ influx into roots with a strong selectivity for K+ over Na+ seems likely to contribute to the salt tolerance of P. tenuiflora .  相似文献   

Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1), a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter in Arabidopsis, is a salt tolerance determinant crucial for the maintenance of ion homeostasis in saline stress conditions. SOS1 mRNA is unstable at normal growth conditions, but its stability is substantially increased under salt stress and other ionic and dehydration stresses. In addition, H2O2 treatment increases the stability of SOS1 mRNA. SOS1 mRNA is inherently unstable and rapidly degraded with a half-life of approximately 10 min. Rapid decay of SOS1 mRNA requires new protein synthesis. Stress-induced SOS1 mRNA stability is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). NADPH oxidase is also involved in the upregulation of SOS1 mRNA stability, presumably through the control of extracellular ROS production. The cis -element required for SOS1 mRNA instability resides in the 500-bp region within the 2.2 kb at the 3' end of the SOS1 mRNA. Furthermore, mutations in the SOS1 gene render sos1 mutants more tolerant to paraquat, a non-selective herbicide causing oxidative stress, indicating that SOS1 plays negative roles in tolerance of oxidative stress. A hypothetical model for the signaling pathway involving SOS1-mediated pH changes, NADPH oxidase activation, apoplastic ROS production and downstream signaling transduction is proposed, and the biological significance of ROS-mediated induction of SOS1 mRNA stability is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl and replacement of K+ by Na+ on the lipid composition of the two sugar beet inbred lines FIA and ADA were studied (a) with increasing additions of NaCl to the basal medium, and (b) with increasing replacement of K+ by Na+ at the same total concentration as in the basal medium. Direct relations were noted between NaCl concentration of the nutrient solution and the phospholipid concentration in the roots of FIA, the genotype characterized by a low K+/Na+ ratio, as well as between NaCl in the medium and the phospholipid concentration in the shoots of ADA, the genotype with a high K +/Na + ratio. The sulfolipid level in the roots of FIA was maintained at higher NaCl concentrations, while it was decreased in ADA. The glycolipid concentration in the shoots of ADA and the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids of the total lipid fraction were decreased by salinity, indicating reduced biosynthesis of chloroplast glycolipids and/or accelerated oxidation of these lipids in the presence of NaCl.
In the Na+ for K+ replacement experiment a low content of K+ in the medium resulted in decreased levels of total lipids, phospholipids and sulfolipid in the roots of both genotypes, which did not relate to root growth. K+-leakage from the roots at low K+-level in the medium may be reduced by the increase in saturation of the lipids. In the shoots of ADA increased levels of total lipids, phospholipids and Sulfolipid were noted at a low K+-concentration of the nutrient solution.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether the overexpression of RCI2A gene causes an enhanced salt-tolerant phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana . Although the growth of RCI2A -overexpressing transgenic plants was comparable with that of wild type under normal conditions, high salinity treatment caused decreased accumulation of Na+ and ameliorated suppression of the shoot growth of transgenic plants than that of wild type. Under high salinity treatment, the chlorophyll content of the shoots of wild-type plants significantly decreased compared with transgenic plants. The increases of malondialdehyde (MDA) and of H2O2 production caused by high salinity were greater in the shoots of wild type than in that of transgenic plants. These results suggest that overexpression of RCI2A can alleviate salinity-induced growth suppression and photooxidative damages via reducing Na+ uptake into the shoots.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a major factor affecting crop productivity worldwide. This study explores mechanisms that contribute to salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Hydroponically grown, 2-week-old salt tolerant and sensitive indica rice varieties, Pokkali and Jaya, respectively, were exposed to a 48-h stress period with NaCl (0–250 mM). When exposed to 200 mM NaCl, micromolar levels of external Ca2+ elevated survival of both varieties. The Ca2+ levels required were lower for Pokkali than for Jaya, but resulted in significantly higher survival. Estimates of Na+ and K+ in root and shoot compartments were made by flame photometry, while X-ray microanalysis was used to localize Na+ in the extracellular matrix of the shoot. Transpirational bypass flow was estimated using the apoplastic tracer, 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulphonic acid, trisodium salt. Our data demonstrate a Ca2+-dependent reduction in Na+ transport to shoots, which correlated with a decline in bypass flow and of Na+ in the transpirational stream. In addition, the Na+ that enters the shoot is partitioned among several distinct compartments. Survival is inversely correlated with Na+ levels in the shoot apoplastic fluid, which surrounds the cell and influences cytosolic composition. Pokkali maintained lower Na+ in its apoplast compared with the salt sensitive Jaya at the same total shoot Na+. Na+ in the apoplast appears to be regulated by sequestration into intracellular compartments. This sink supplements the primary response of reducing Na+ influx into the shoot and effectively buffers the apoplastic fluid in Pokkali. All of these mechanisms are operational in Jaya as well but are deployed less effectively.  相似文献   

Entry of the divalent cations Ni2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ into cells of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Dekalb XL 85) root tissue is accompanied by an acidification of the incubation medium, a decrease in both the pH of the cell sap and the level of malate in the cells, and by an inhibition of dark fixation of CO2. K+, on the contrary, induces only a very low acidification of the incubation medium, does not change either the pH of the cell sap or the malate level in the cells, and induces an increase in CO2 dark fixation. Different mechanisms are postulated for the stimulation of proton extrusion by divalent cations and K+.  相似文献   

Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. is. a rapidly growing, annual, coastal halophyte. Because of its small size, it is suitable for isotope studies of ion transport well beyond the seedling stage. The purpose of this report is to establish the similarities and differences between 22Na+ and 42K+ uptake in S. marina and in more commonly used mesophytic crop species. Vegetative plants were used 18 days after transfer to solution culture. Plants were grown either on Na+-free medium or on 0.2 × sea water. 22Na+ uptake was linear with time for several hours. The rate was relatively insensitive to external concentration between 1 and 180 mol Na+ m?3, particularly in Na+-free plants. Transport to the shoot accounted for 40 to 70% of the total uptake, dependent on salinity but largely independent of time. 42K+ uptake decreased with increasing salinity in Na+-free plants and increased in 0.2 × sea water plants. Both uptake and transport to the shoot were non-linear with time, upward concavity suggesting recovery from a manipulative and/or osmotic injury. Steady state root contents were compared with predicted contents based on cortical cell electrical potentials using the Nernst equation. Reasonable agreement was found in all cases except Na+ content of 0.2 × sea water plants, in which active efflux was indicated. Uptake studies conducted in the presence of chemical modifiers (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, dinitrophenol and fusicoccin) showed responses of 42K+ uptake as expected from studies on agronomic species, and implied the presence of a similar active uptake here despite the appearance of equilibrium. Active Na+ uptake was suggested at low Na+ levels. We conclude that S. marina is a promising experimental system combining the rapid nutrient acquisition strategy of agionomically important annuals with a high degree of salt tolerance.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(17):2081-2094.e7
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Abstract: In primary cultures of cerebellar neurons glutamate neurotoxicity is mainly mediated by activation of the NMDA receptor, which allows the entry of Ca2+ and Na+ into the neuron. To maintain Na+ homeostasis, the excess Na+ entering through the ion channel should be removed by Na+,K+-ATPase. It is shown that incubation of primary cultured cerebellar neurons with glutamate resulted in activation of the Na+,K+-ATPase. The effect was rapid, peaking between 5 and 15 min (85% activation), and was maintained for at least 2 h. Glutamate-induced activation of Na+,K+-ATPase was dose dependent: It was appreciable (37%) at 0.1 µ M and peaked (85%) at 100 µ M . The increase in Na+,K+-ATPase activity by glutamate was prevented by MK-801, indicating that it is mediated by activation of the NMDA receptor. Activation of the ATPase was reversed by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an activator of protein kinase C, indicating that activation of Na+,K+-ATPase is due to decreased phosphorylation by protein kinase C. W-7 or cyclosporin, both inhibitors of calcineurin, prevented the activation of Na+,K+-ATPase by glutamate. These results suggest that activation of NMDA receptors leads to activation of calcineurin, which dephosphorylates an amino acid residue of the Na+,K+-ATPase that was previously phosphorylated by protein kinase C. This dephosphorylation leads to activation of Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Two Na^+ and Cl^- Hyperaccumulators of the Chenopodiaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors found five sodium (Na^ ) and chloride (Cl^-) hyperaccumulating halophytes in the Temperate Desert of Xinjiang, China and studied two of them (Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. and Kalidium folium (Pall.) Moq.). K. folium and S. salsa had a NaCl content of 32.1% and 29.8%, respectively, on a dry weight basis. X-ray microanalysis of the Na in the vacuole, apoplasts and cytoplasm of the two plants indicated a ratio of 7.3:5.6:1.0 in K. folium and 7.3:6.6:1.0 in S. salsa. These data show that K. folium and S. salsa both have a high Na and Cl^- accumulating capacity, which is related to high activity of tonoplast H^ -ATPase and H^ -PPase.  相似文献   

When 1 m M spermidine or spermine was included in an absorption solution which contained 20 m M Na+ and 1 m M Rb+, Na+ influx into excised maize roots ( Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) was reduced. Rb+ influx was reduced in the presence of spermidine and uneffected in the presence of spermine when compared with control solutions. When 1 m M Ca2+ replaced the polyamines, Na+ influx was strongly reduced and Rb+ influx was promoted. Rb+ influx from 1 m M Rb+ solutions which did not contain Na+ was also promoted by 1 m M Ca2+, but was inhibited by 1 m M spermidine. This Ca2+ promotion of Rb+ influx could be reversed by 10 times greater concentration of spermidine in the absorption solution. H+ efflux from excised roots was inhibited by spermidine when compared with Ca2+ or control solutions, however, the plasma membrane ATPase was not inhibited by spermidine. It is concluded that external Ca2+ plays two separate roles in membrane function, only one of which can be substituted for by polyamines. The first role, maintenance of membrane integrity, can be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The second function, maintenance of the Rb+ transport mechanism, is Ca2+ specific and cannot be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The results of this study are discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between the plasma membrane and the Ca2+ or polyamines.  相似文献   

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