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生态系统营养动态的网络透视法(续)张晓爱(中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,西宁810001)4生态系统结构的测定4.1垂直结构的测定定量描述生态系统营养结构的一般有效方法是用一种定量指数使不同生态系统之间的比较和探测生态系统内部变化趋势成为可能,如演替...  相似文献   

生态系统的冗余与营养结构模型   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
生态系统的冗余与营养结构模型党承林黄瑞复(云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所,昆明650091)RedundancyinEcosystemsandtheModelforTrophicStructure.DangChenglin,HuangRuifu(In...  相似文献   

一个农牧结合生态系统营养循环的源,库,流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾江海  张玉铭 《生态学杂志》1994,13(4):42-46,22
一个农牧结合生态系统营养循环的源、库、流曾江海,张玉铭(中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所050021)Source,PoolandFluxofNutrientCyclinginaCombinedAgro-AnimalHusbandryEcosyste...  相似文献   

蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐明  潘向丽 《生态学报》1995,15(1):72-78
在研究生态系统结构及功能的基础上,本文基于1975-1990年的数据,对蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态进行了分析。通过建立能流模型,由李雅普诺夫稳定性原理,得出该生态系统能流的平衡态具有渐近稳定性。动态数学模拟表明,目前该系统的能量流动正从不稳定状态向稳定和平衡态过渡,这一过程大约需要7a时间。  相似文献   

大气氮沉降与森林生态系统的氮动态   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
肖辉林 《生态学报》1996,16(1):90-99
由于人类活动的影响,若干年代以来大气氮沉降明显增加。在森林地区,大气氮沉降的空间变异性由林分的位置、结构和组成树种所决定。除降雨之外,干沉降和隐藏降水也是大气氮沉降的重要形式。  相似文献   

河西走廓绿洲生态系统的动态模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
方创琳 《生态学报》1996,16(4):389-396
在对绿洲生态系统特殊性分析的基础上,运用灰色计量模型对2000年河西走廓绿洲生态做了现状动态模拟和前景预测分析,提出了河西走廓绿洲生态环境质量改善的几种不同对策方案,认为以适度投入与适度产出为主要内容的可持续发展对策方案是保证河西走廓经济持续发展与生态环境永续良化的最佳对策方案。  相似文献   

高山草地绵羊放牧生态系统草畜营养供需动态   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了探讨放牧生态系统草畜间动态关系 ,缓减草畜营养供需的季节性不平衡 ,分别在高山草地春、夏、秋和冬季 ,进行了绵羊消化代谢试验 .结果表明 ,春季牧草消化能、粗蛋白质含量及粗蛋白质 消化能比值最高 ,分别为 9.76MJ、2 1.5 3%和 2 2 .0 6 g·MJ-1,有效能不足 ;高山草地牧草产量低 ,绵羊采食干物质量最低 (6 0 .5 1± 3.4 2 g·W0 .75kg-1·d-1) ;应补充饲料 ,尤其补饲能量饲料 .夏季牧草粗蛋白质 消化能比值为 17.6 2g·MJ-1,偏高 ,能量仍略显不足 ;补饲能量饲料 ,可提高绵羊对牧草N的利用率 .秋季与其它 3季牧地相比 ,草畜间的营养供需较平衡 ,放牧能满足绵羊的营养需要 ,其体内N存留率较高 .冬季牧草质差 ,消化能、粗蛋白质含量最低 ,分别为 4 .30MJ、4 .6 3% ,绵羊干物质采食量亦低 ,N代谢呈负平衡 ,应补饲干物质、有效能及粗蛋白质不足的部分 .为改善此现状 ,要实行季节畜牧业 ,建立植物生产与动物生产的耦合系统  相似文献   

罗非鱼对微型生态系统营养物水平的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文总结了罗非鱼不同放养密度的微型生态系统中N、P浓度及P分布动态观测结果。在罗非鱼的影响下,微型生态系统中氨氮、颗粒磷和总磷浓度不同程度地高于对照组,而正磷酸盐浓度和沉积物磷的量显著地低于对照组。不同密度组某些指标的观测值虽有显著差异,但未见任何指标依罗非鱼放养密度而有规律地变动。微型生态系统中正磷酸盐浓度同浮游动、植物密度和初级生产力显著相关,氨氮浓度与浮游植物密度之间亦有显著的相关关系。然而,浮游植物密度与总磷浓度之间不存在营养级联假说所预见的下行影响,相反有前者决定于后者的上行影响的趋向。微型生态系统中P分布的变化可揭示罗非鱼促进系统中营养物循环,从而加速其富营养化的主要机制。  相似文献   

生态系统的组织理论:食物链动态论与互惠共生—控制论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要介绍生态系统的组织理论,食物链动态理论和互惠共生-控制论,这两种理论代表了进化生态学家与系统生态学家两个学派。前者是建立在达尔文的“生存竞争”思想耻,强调初级生产力是关键变量,捕食作用和食物资源两者随初级生产力梯度的增加交替控制食物网结构,并预报相邻营养级的生物量和周转率为负相关关系,被称作“生态学的中心理论”后者是建立在控制论基础上,认为生态系统是正,负反馈联合构建的,并预报生物量和周转  相似文献   

戈峰  丁岩钦 《生态学报》1995,15(4):399-406
本文以能量为统一单位,以生理学时间为尺度,建立了计算世代重叠的棉蚜种群能流参数模型,分析和比较了不同播种时间、间套作、免耕和化学防治处理的棉田生态系统中棉蚜种群的生产力、摄入量及生态学效率。结果表明:(1)棉蚜种群能量生产的98%来自于伏蚜时期,而苗蚜与秋蚜不足2%;(2)播种期推后,苗蚜种群生产力、摄入量减少,而伏蚜、秋蚜的生产力、摄入量增加;套间作,使苗蚜、秋蚜种群生产力、摄入量减少,伏蚜种群的生产力、摄入量增加;(3)化学防治对棉蚜种群生产力、摄入量有一定的作用,其作用强度依农药品种及施药次数而异;(4)各类型棉田棉蚜种群的同化效率与净生态学效率变化幅度较小,而摄入利用效率变化幅度较大。由此进一步探讨了不同类型棉田棉蚜的管理对策。  相似文献   

We apply mathematical modeling to explore different scenarios of invasion of a top predator (carnivorous zooplankton or planktivorous fish) into an epipelagic plankton ecosystem. We use a ‘minimal’ model of three nonlinear ordinary differential equations (nutrient–phytoplankton–herbivores) with the top predator density as a time-dependent parameter. The ecosystem shows different types of response, which can be described in terms of top-down trophic control. Our investigation indicates that under certain conditions the plankton ecosystem model demonstrates a surprising kind of response: in a wide range of realistic ecosystem parameters the invasion of the top predator leads to a prominent increase in the average density of zooplankton and to a resulting decrease of phytoplankton density. This phenomenon is opposite to the ‘typical’ top–down control when the carnivore pressure decreases zooplankton density which, in turn, increases phytoplankton biomass. We call the revealed type of top-down control ‘paradoxical’. Examples of such a response in natural aquatic ecosystems were reported earlier but no clear explanation has been provided hitherto. In this paper, we analyze possible mechanisms of ‘paradoxical top–down control’ and show that it can occur in eutrophic epipelagic ecosystems subject to high rate of cross-pycnocline exchange.  相似文献   

Ecosystem resistance to the impacts of diverse human insults depends on the replacement of sensitive species by ones more tolerant of the stressor. Here we present evidence from a whole-lake acidification experiment (Lake 302S, Experimental Lakes Area, Canada) that resistance and species compensation decline with increasing trophic level. Diverse and fast-growing algal and rotifer assemblages with high dispersal potentials showed significant compensatory species dynamics, resulting in the maintenance of total biomass despite 30%–80% declines in species richness. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that significant compensatory algal and rotifer dynamics were best explained by differential species tolerances of acidified chemical conditions coupled with release from resource limitation and predation. However, less diverse cladoceran, copepod, and fish assemblages showed significant declines in total biomass and weak species compensation with loss of species during acidification. In comparison, algal and zooplankton species dynamics remained relatively synchronized in a nearby unperturbed reference lake (Lake 239) during the experiment. As a result, Lake 302S showed limited ecosystem resistance to anthropogenic acidification. Therefore, we hypothesize that lost species will increase the susceptibility of acidified lakes to the adverse impacts of other environmental stressors (for example, climate warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, invasive species). Consequently, the ecosystem stability of boreal lakes is expected to decline as global change proceeds. Received 2 January 2001; accepted 12 July 2002.  相似文献   

Individual and trophic efficiencies of size-structured communities are derived from mechanistically based principles at the individual level. The derivations are relevant for communities with a size-based trophic structure, i.e. where trophic level is strongly correlated with individual size as in many aquatic systems. The derivations are used to link Lindeman's trophic theory and trophic theory based on average individuals with explicit individual-level size spectrum theory. The trophic efficiency based on the transfer of mass between trophic levels through predator-prey interactions is demonstrated to be valid only when somatic growth can be ignored. Taking somatic growth into account yields an average individual growth efficiency that is smaller than the trophic efficiency.  相似文献   

生态系统管理的基本问题   总被引:46,自引:3,他引:46  
赵士洞  汪业勖 《生态学杂志》1997,16(4):35-38,46
生态系统管理的基本问题赵士洞汪业勖(中国科学院国家计划委员会自然资源综合考察委员会,北京100101)SummaryonEcosystemManagement.ZhaoSidong,WangYexu(CommisionforIntegratedSur...  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the distribution density and trophic-group composition of marine nematodes were studied in a strait between Reineke and Popova islands (Amurskii Bay, Sea of Japan). Four nematode species dominated throughout the observation period, constituting altogether over 60% of the total nematode population density. Temperature indirectly affected the population composition of mass nematode species. The nine dominant species from Amurskii Bay (Sea of Japan) were classified into three trophic groups. In the spring, the nematode taxocene was dominated by predators; in the autumn, by nonselective detrivorous species; and in the winter and summer, by bottom feeders. Within each season, the trophic structure of the nematode taxocene was almost constant, with the number of species constituting the trophic group being the only variable.  相似文献   

Based on the data on feeding ecology of common species of zooplankton, the main trophic groups of plankton of the southern Kuril region are identified. These are phytophages, zoophages, and omnivores. The interannual dynamics of trophic characteristics of the plankton community are examined. Predatory plankton significantly dominated in 1992–1994; however, in 1995–1996 its biomass decreased markedly. The biomass dynamics of predatory and nonpredatory zooplankton, as well as changes in the structure of nonpredatory zoolankton, suggest structural changes in the planktonic community.  相似文献   

渤海生态系统的营养关系:碳同位素研究的初步结果   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
蔡德陵  王荣  毕洪生 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1354-1359
1997年6月5~10日在渤海4个站位上采集了悬浮体、浮游生物、底栖生物和沉积物样品,其目的是采用碳稳定同位素方法研究渤海生态系统的营养关系.浮游动物样品按其粒级分为>1000μm,500~1000μm以及200~500μm3个组分.碳同位素分析结果表明,在春末渤海生态系统各级各类生物δ13C值的范围为-25.67~-17.42×10,其中浮游生物群体(不包括游泳动物)δ13C值相差约3.68×10-3,相当于该生态系统有3.2个营养层次.中型浮游动物随粒径的增大,其δ13C值增大,显示出营养层次的碳同位素富集作用,但不同粒级组分相互间δ13C值也存在着相当程度的重叠,实际上这也是其生物组分有重叠的反映.营养层次随颗粒的增大而升高,这一趋势与Rau等,Sholt0-Douglas等,Fry与Quinones的结果是完全一致的.渤海底栖生物的δ13C值一般要比浮游生物的δ13C值高,这并不意味着底栖生物的营养层次要比浮游生物的高,而是反映其食物来源的差异和底栖与浮游两个食物网底部同位素组成的不同.有限的底栖生物样品的同位素分析结果表明渤海底栖生物食物网有4个营养层次.各种底栖生物的碳同位素组成也反映了它们的食物来源和营养位置.  相似文献   

The Protozoan-Metazoan Trophic Link In Pelagic Ecosystems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
ABSTRACT The evidence for a qualitatively and quantitatively important trophic link between planktonic Protozoa and higher order metazoan consumers is reviewed. the available data are obtained primarily, but not exclusively, from laboratory studies of calanoid copepod consumers and tintinnid ciliate prey from marine estuarine and nearshore environments. the data indicates that the protozoan-metazoan link is of similar magnitude and importance in the pelagic ecosystems of freshwaters. It is proposed that planktonic Protozoa constitute a high quality, nitrogen-rich food in the diets of their metazoan consumers. Implications of die trophic link to the consumers, prey, and ecosystem are discussed.  相似文献   

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