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Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NB1 uses chloromethane (CM) as its sole source of carbon and energy under nitrate-reducing and aerobic conditions. The observed yield of NB1 was 0.20 (+/-0.06) (mean +/- standard deviation) and 0.28 (+/-0.01) mg of total suspended solids (TSS) mg of CM(-1) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, respectively. The stoichiometry of nitrate consumption was 0.75 (+/-0.10) electron equivalents (eeq) of NO(3)(-) per eeq of CM, which is consistent with the yield when it is expressed on an eeq basis. Nitrate was stoichiometrically converted to dinitrogen (0.51 +/- 0.05 mol of N(2) per mol of NO(3)(-)). The stoichiometry of oxygen use with CM (0.85 +/- 0.21 eeq of O(2) per eeq of CM) was also consistent with the aerobic yield. Stoichiometric release of chloride and minimal accumulation of soluble metabolic products (measured as chemical oxygen demand) following CM consumption, under anoxic and aerobic conditions, indicated complete biodegradation of CM. Acetylene did not inhibit CM use under aerobic conditions, implying that a monooxygenase was not involved in initiating aerobic CM metabolism. Under anoxic conditions, the maximum specific CM utilization rate (k) for NB1 was 5.01 (+/-0.06) micromol of CM mg of TSS(-1) day(-1), the maximum specific growth rate (micro(max)) was 0.0506 day(-1), and the Monod half-saturation coefficient (K(s)) was 0.067 (+/-0.004) microM. Under aerobic conditions, the values for k, micro(max), and K(s) were 10.7 (+/-0.11) micromol of CM mg of TSS(-1) day(-1), 0.145 day(-1), and 0.93 (+/-0.042) microM, respectively, indicating that NB1 used CM faster under aerobic conditions. Strain NB1 also grew on methanol, ethanol, and acetate under denitrifying and aerobic conditions, but not on methane, formate, or dichloromethane.  相似文献   

An atypical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa capable of synthesizing three phenazine pigments was isolated. Cultural conditions, under which the strain forms either chlororaphin, oxychlororaphin, or pyocyanine, are described. This broad spectrum of pigment production, as well as some other characteristics, sets this strain apart from previously described chlororaphin producers.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa producing 2-bromobenzoic acid, designated 2-BBZA, was isolated by enrichment culture from municipal sewage. It degraded all four 2-halobenzoates as well as certain 3-halo- and dihalobenzoates, though none of the 4-halobenzoates supported growth of this organism. 3-Hydroxybenzoate and 3-chlorocatechol were respective inhibitors of salicylate and catechol oxidation: when each was added separately to resting cells incubated with 2-bromobenzoate, salicylate and catechol were found. Oxygen uptake data suggest that the same dehalogenase may be involved in the oxidation of 2-bromo-, 2-chloro-, and 2-iodobenzoates.  相似文献   

Azomonas agilis PY101 removed approximately >90% of Cd2+ from solution in continuous aerobic culture. After the unsteady state, approximately 5 days after inoculation, Cd2+ concentration in the artificial wastewater containing 1 mM CdCl2 remarkably decreased to below 92 to 96% of initial value during the growth of A. agilis PY101. A. agilis PY101 cells grown into the artificial wastewater actively uptaked Cd<2+ (from 2.37 to 6.28 mM/g dry weight cells) in the cell. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa producing 2-bromobenzoic acid, designated 2-BBZA, was isolated by enrichment culture from municipal sewage. It degraded all four 2-halobenzoates as well as certain 3-halo- and dihalobenzoates, though none of the 4-halobenzoates supported growth of this organism. 3-Hydroxybenzoate and 3-chlorocatechol were respective inhibitors of salicylate and catechol oxidation: when each was added separately to resting cells incubated with 2-bromobenzoate, salicylate and catechol were found. Oxygen uptake data suggest that the same dehalogenase may be involved in the oxidation of 2-bromo-, 2-chloro-, and 2-iodobenzoates.  相似文献   

When a new strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was grown aerobically and then transferred to anaerobic conditions, cells reduced NO 3 quantitatively to NO 2 in NO 3 -respiration. In the absence of nitrate, NO 2 was immediately reduced to NO or N2O but not to N2 indicating that NO 2 -reductase but not N2O-reductase was active. The formation of the products NO or N2O depended on the pH in the medium and the concentration of NO 2 present. When P. aeruginosa was grown anaerobically for at least three davs N2O-reductase was also active. Such cells reduced NO to N2 via N2O. The new strain generated a H+-gradient and grew by reducing N2O to N2 but not by converting NO to N2O. For comparison, Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 showed the same pattern of NO-reduction. In contrast, Paracoccus denitrificans formed 3.5 H+/NO during the reduction of NO to N2O in oxidant pulse experiments but could not grow in the presence of NO. Thus the NO-reduction pattern in P. denitrificans on one side and P. aeruginosa and A. brasilense on the other was very different. The mechanistic implications of such differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic characterization of soil isolate NJ-15, based on sequence homology of a partial 746-bp fragment of 16SrDNA amplicon, with the ribosomal database sequences (http://www.msu.edu/RDP/cgis/phylip.cgi), validated the strain as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The strain NJ-15 produced a substantial amount of indole acetic acid (IAA) in tryptophan-supplemented medium. Besides, the strain also exhibited significant production of both the siderophore and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) on chrome azurol S and King's B media, respectively. The data revealed lower HCN production under iron-limiting conditions vis-à-vis higher HCN release with iron stimulation. Significant growth inhibition of phytopathogenic fungi occurred in the order as Fusarium oxysporum > Trichoderma herizum > Alternaria alternata > Macrophomina phasiolina upon incubation with strain NJ-15 cells. Thus, the secondary metabolites producing new Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NJ-15 exhibited innate potential of plant growth promotion and biocontrol activities in vitro.  相似文献   

Two rapid and simple methods for the characterisation and quantification of rhamnolipids produced by a growing culture of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain 57RP were developed. Two rhamnolipids were purified and their response factors determined. The various rhamnolipids produced were then measured using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. The culture supernatants were injected directly, without prior purification, in a HPLC equipped with a C(18) reverse-phase column. The complete profile of rhamnolipid congeners produced during a 2 week cultivation period was monitored. In order to shorten the analysis time, another method was developed which did not require chromatographic separation of the rhamnolipids prior to their detection. Quantification of rhamnolipids using the direct infusion method gave results very similar to those obtained with HPLC separation. These two methods were very well correlated with the standard colorimetric orcinol method. The rhamnolipid profiles obtained show that the various rhamnolipid congeners are secreted simultaneously, and that their relative proportion remained unchanged throughout the cultivation period.  相似文献   

Continuous culture of P. aeruginosa was conducted with nitrate-containing media under the dilution rates (D) of 0.026, 0.06, and 0.13/h and the dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) of 0-2.2 mg/L. The bacterium performed simultaneous O(2) and nitrate respiration in all of the systems studied. For each D, the (apparent) cell yield from glucose (Y(X/S)) was lower at zero DO, but did not change substantially with non-zero DO. In non-zero DO systems, Y(X/S) increased with increasing D, and when fit with a model considering cell death, gave the following parameters: maximum cell yield Y(X/S) (m) = 0.49, maintenance coefficient M(S) = 0.029 (/h), and cell decay constant k(d) = 0.014/h. The same model failed to describe the behaviors of zero-DO systems, where neither glucose nor nitrate was limiting and the limiting factor(s) remained unknown. The cell yield from accepted electron (Y(X/e)) was however relatively constant in all systems, and the energy yield per electron accepted via denitrification was estimated at approximately 69% of that via O(2) respiration. A closer examination revealed that increasing DO enhanced O(2) respiration only at extremely low DO ( <0.05 mg/L), beyond which the increasing DO only slightly increased its weak inhibition on denitrification. While O(2) was the preferred electron acceptor, the fraction of electrons accepted via denitrification increased with increasing D.  相似文献   

Observation of both tensio-active and emulsifying activities indicated that biosurfactants were produced by the newly isolated and promising strain Pseudomonas putida 21BN. The biosurfactants were identified as rhamnolipids, the amphiphilic surface-active glycolipids usually secreted by Pseudomonas spp. Their production was observed when the strain was grown on soluble substrates, such as glucose or on poorly soluble substrates, such as hexadecane, reaching values of 1.2 g l(-1). When grown on hexadecane as the sole carbon source the biosurfactant lowered the surface tension of the medium to 29 mN m(-1) and formed stable and compact emulsions with emulsifying activity of 69%.  相似文献   

Production of poly(3-hydroxyalkaonates) (PHA) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 42A2 from agro-industrial oily wastes was studied. PHA accumulation, throughout the cell cycle, was observed as intracellular accumulation associated to polyphosphate granules. A 54.6% PHA accumulation was obtained when technical oleic acid (TOA) was used as carbon source. Molecular weight of the polymer was 54.7 Da. The polymer was amorphous, with glass transition at −47.5 °C and thermal degradation at 293 °C. PHA production and monomer composition were affected by KLa and temperature. The most relevant characteristic of the polymer produced at low aeration rates (KLa, 0.06 s−1) were the unusual C14:2 (13%) and the increase of C12:1 (42.2%). The highest amount of unsaturated monomers was found in the polymer produced at 18 °C (64.4%).PHA accumulation ranged between 66.1% when waste-free fatty acids from soybean oil (WFFA) were used as carbon substrate, 29.4% when waste frying oil (WFO) was used and 16.8% when glucose was used. Depending on the substrate supplied a wide range of components was observed. Major saturated or unsaturated components of the polymer found were C10:0, C12:0 and C8:0 or C12:1 and C14:1, respectively. When glucose was used as carbon substrate C9:0, C11:0 and C16:0 were found.  相似文献   

Localization of cholinesterase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inducible cholinesterase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K (ATCC 25102) degraded propionylcholine, acetylthiocholine, acetylcholine and acetyl-beta-methylcholine at a high rate and butyrylcholine and succinylcholine at very low rates. The localization of the enzyme in the periplasmic space was indicated by a similar rate of acetylcholine degradation by intact cells or their extracts, by release of cholinesterase together with alkaline phosphatase into the culture medium during cell growth in a low phosphate-containing medium, by liberation of cholinesterase and alkaline phosphatase during lysozyme-induced conversion of cells to spheroplasts and by freezing and thawing. Threatment of cells with diazo-7-amino-1,3-naphthalenedisulphonic acid, which inactivates surface-located enzymes, abolished most of the cholinesterase and 5'-nucleotidase activities.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Chemotaxis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa RM46 has been studied, and conditions required for chemotaxis have been defined, by using the Adler capillary assay technique. Several amino acids, organic acids, and glucose were shown to be attractants of varying effectiveness for this organism. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was absolutely required for chemotaxis, and magnesium was also necessary for a maximum response. Serine taxis was greatest when the chemotaxis medium contained 1.5 X 10(-5) M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 0.005 M magnesium chloride. It was not necessary to include methionine in the chemotaxis medium. The strength of the chemotactic responses to glucose and to citrate was dependent on prior growth of the bacteria on glucose and citrate, respectively. Accumulation in response to serine was inhibited by the addition of succinate, citrate, malate, glucose, pyruvate, or methionine to the chemotaxis medium. Inhibition by succinate was not dependent on the concentration of attractant in the capillary. However, the degree to which glucose and citrate inhibited serine taxis was dependent on the carbon source utilized for growth. Further investigation of this inhibition may provide information about the mechanisms of chemotaxis in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Receptors for phages specific to Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO were studied. Phages 16, 44, 109, F8, and PBI are lipopolysaccharide (LPS) specific as shown by neutralization tests. The PhI50's of the LPS, adsorption rate constants with strain PAO and the plaque morphologies of these five phages were quite similar. Phages 1214 and 7 also appear to be LPS-specific on the basis of host-range studies. Phage 73 is pilus-specific, while phages 21 and 68 fall into a group which does not attach to pili, flagella, or LPS. A theoretical approach to the interpretation of phage-cell interactions is presented.  相似文献   

The dsz desulfurization gene cluster from Rhodococcus erythropolis KA2-5-1 was transferred into the chromosomes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIMB 9571 by using a transposon vector. Resting cells of the recombinant strain, PAR41, desulfurized 63 mg sulfur l–1 of light gas oil (LGO) containing 360 mg S l–1. The desulfurization activity for LGO by the resting cells of strain PAR41 grown with n-tetradecane (50% v/v) was much higher (1018-fold) than in glucose-grown cells. P. aeruginosa NCIMB 9571 is able to take up water-insoluble compounds from an oil phase which is enhanced by n-alkane.  相似文献   

1. The beta-lactamase (penicillin amido-beta-lactamhydrolase EC appeared to be periplasmic rather than truly intracellular, since it was released by freeze-thawing without gross morphological changes in the cell. 2. The partially purified enzyme had pI between 5.0 and 5.5, mol. wt 32 000 and a broad pH vs activity profile with a maximum at pH 8. 3. The cephalosporins tested were hydrolysed less rapidly than most of the penicillins, and the Km values for penicillins were lower than for cephalosporins. However cloxacillin was hydrolysed very slowly although it was strongly bound. The substrate-induced inactivation common to many beta-lactamases was particularly marked with cephaloridine and cloxacillinmthe cloxacillin-induced inactivation was shown to be reversible.  相似文献   

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