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In plants, hydroxy-fatty acid production is mainly the result of enzymatic reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P450 dependent fatty acid hydroxylases. One can distinguish ω-hydroxylases that catalyze the hydroxylation of the terminal methyl of aliphatics acids (ω position) and sub-terminal or in-chain hydroxylases that oxidize carbons in the chain (ω-n position). Since both types of enzymes were discovered about three decades ago, the majority of investigations have focused on the CYP94 and CYP86 families, which mediate ω-hydroxylations. The activities of ω-hydroxylases in cutin synthesis have been clearly established, but the studies of LCR (LACERATA) and att1 (aberrant induction of type three genes), which are the first Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with alterations in coding sequences of CYP86A8 and CYP86A2, show that these types of ω-hydroxylases can be involved in many aspects of plant development. The existence of different ω-hydroxylases in plants with distinct regulation patterns suggests that these enzymes mediate diverse biological processes. Much less information concerning in-chain hydroxylases is available despite the fact that they were initially reported along with ω-hydroxylases. This lack of information might be explained by the very few examples of sub-terminal hydroxy-fatty acids described in plants. We present here the best characterized fatty acid hydroxylases and we discuss their possible roles in plant defense and development, fatty acid catabolism, plant reproduction and detoxification.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are a large family of heme-containing monooxygenase enzymes involved in the first-pass metabolism of drugs and foreign chemicals in the body. CYP reactions, therefore, are of high interest to the pharmaceutical industry, where lead compounds in drug development are screened for CYP activity. CYP reactions in vivo require the cofactor NADPH as the source of electrons and an additional enzyme, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR), as the electron transfer partner; consequently, any laboratory or industrial use of CYPs is limited by the need to supply NADPH and CPR. However, immobilizing CYPs on an electrode can eliminate the need for NADPH and CPR provided the enzyme can accept electrons directly from the electrode. The immobilized CYP can then act as a biosensor for the detection of CYP activity with potential substrates, albeit only if the immobilized enzyme is electroactive. The quest to create electroactive CYPs has led to many different immobilization strategies encompassing different electrode materials and surface modifications. This review focuses on different immobilization strategies that have been used to create CYP biosensors, with particular emphasis on mammalian drug-metabolizing CYPs and characterization of CYP electrodes. Traditional immobilization methods such as adsorption to thin films or encapsulation in polymers and gels remain robust strategies for creating CYP biosensors; however, the incorporation of novel materials such as gold nanoparticles or quantum dots and the use of microfabrication are proving advantageous for the creation of highly sensitive and portable CYP biosensors.  相似文献   

Selection experiments and protein engineering were used to identify an amino acid position in integral membrane alkane hydroxylases (AHs) that determines whether long-chain-length alkanes can be hydroxylated by these enzymes. First, substrate range mutants of the Pseudomonas putida GPo1 and Alcanivorax borkumensis AP1 medium-chain-length AHs were obtained by selection experiments with a specially constructed host. In all mutants able to oxidize alkanes longer than C13, W55 (in the case of P. putida AlkB) or W58 (in the case of A. borkumensis AlkB1) had changed to a much less bulky amino acid, usually serine or cysteine. The corresponding position in AHs from other bacteria that oxidize alkanes longer than C13 is occupied by a less bulky hydrophobic residue (A, V, L, or I). Site-directed mutagenesis of this position in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv AH, which oxidizes C10 to C16 alkanes, to introduce more bulky amino acids changed the substrate range in the opposite direction; L69F and L69W mutants oxidized only C10 and C11 alkanes. Subsequent selection for growth on longer alkanes restored the leucine codon. A structure model of AHs based on these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Several strains that grow on medium-chain-length alkanes and catalyze interesting hydroxylation and epoxidation reactions do not possess integral membrane nonheme iron alkane hydroxylases. Using PCR, we show that most of these strains possess enzymes related to CYP153A1 and CYP153A6, cytochrome P450 enzymes that were characterized as alkane hydroxylases. A vector for the polycistronic coexpression of individual CYP153 genes with a ferredoxin gene and a ferredoxin reductase gene was constructed. Seven of the 11 CYP153 genes tested allowed Pseudomonas putida GPo12 recombinants to grow well on alkanes, providing evidence that the newly cloned P450s are indeed alkane hydroxylases.  相似文献   

Alkane hydroxylases, including the integral‐membrane non‐haem iron monooxygenase (AlkB) and cytochrome P450 CYP153 family, are key enzymes in bacterial alkane oxidation. Although both genes have been detected in a number of bacteria and environments, knowledge about the diversity of these genes in marine alkane‐degrading bacteria is still limited, especially in pelagic areas. In this report, 177 bacterial isolates, comprising 43 genera, were obtained from 18 oil‐degrading consortia enriched from surface seawater samples collected from the Atlantic Ocean. Many isolates were confirmed to be the first oil‐degraders in their affiliated genera including Brachybacterium, Idiomarina, Leifsonia, Martelella, Kordiimonas, Parvibaculum and Tistrella. Using degenerate PCR primers, alkB and CYP153A P450 genes were surveyed in these bacteria. In total, 82 P450 and 52 alkB gene fragments were obtained from 80 of the isolates. These isolates mainly belonged to Alcanivorax, Bacillus, Erythrobacter, Martelella, Parvibaculum and Salinisphaera, some of which were reported, for the first time, to encode alkane hydroxylases. Phylogenetic analysis showed that both genes were quite diverse and formed several clusters, most of which were generated from various Alcanivorax bacteria. Noticeably, some sequences, such as those from the Salinisphaera genus, were grouped into a distantly related novel cluster. Inspection of the linkage between gene and host revealed that alkB and P450 tend to coexist in Alcanivorax and Salinisphaera, while in all isolates of Parvibaculum, only P450 genes were found, but of multiple homologues. Multiple homologues of alkB mostly cooccurred in Alcanivorax isolates. Conversely, distantly related isolates contained similar or even identical sequences. In summary, various oil‐degrading bacteria, which harboured diverse P450 and alkB genes, were found in the surface water of Atlantic Ocean. Our results help to show the diversity of P450 and alkB genes in prokaryotes, and to portray the geographic distribution of oil‐degrading bacteria in marine environments.  相似文献   

17α-羟基黄体酮(17α-OH-PROG)是甾体激素类药物的关键中间体,其生物合成主要由细胞色素单加氧酶(CYP17)催化生成。在此过程中,细胞色素 P450还原酶(cytochrome P450 reductase,CPR)作为细胞色素P450 酶电子传递链的重要组成部分,直接影响CYP17的催化效率。为研究不同来源CPR与17α-羟化酶的适配性,首先以人源17α-羟化酶作为研究对象,构建了表达质粒pPIC3.5k-hCYP17,获得了重组毕赤酵母菌株。其次筛选获得3种不同来源CPR,构建了表达质粒 pPICZX-CPR,获得17α-羟化酶与CPR共表达菌株,并在毕赤酵母中进行转化实验,对转化产物进行薄层色谱(TLC)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析。结果显示,重组菌株具有17α-羟化酶活性,能够催化黄体酮生成目标产物17α-OH-PROG 以及副产物16α-羟基黄体酮(16α-OH-PROG)。不同来源的CPR与17α-羟化酶共表达与仅表达17α-羟化酶的产率相比均有所提高,其中hCPR-CYP17共表达菌株表现出最高的转化水平,17α-OH-PROG产率提高42%。上述结果表明:17α-羟化酶基因与CPR共表达能够提高其黄体酮17α-羟基化水平。为甾体黄体酮17α-羟基化的生物催化研究提供思路,对甾体药物的工业生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   



Cyclophosphamide is commonly used as an important component in conditioning prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, a curative treatment for several hematological diseases. Cyclophosphamide is a prodrug activated mainly by cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) in the liver. A high degree of inter- and intra-individual variation in cyclophosphamide kinetics has been reported in several studies.

Materials and Methods

Hydroxylation of cyclophosphamide was investigated in vitro using three microsomal batches of CYP2B6*1 with different ratios of POR/CYP expression levels. Twenty patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation were also included in the study. All patients received an i.v. infusion of cyclophosphamide (60 mg/kg/day, for two days) as a part of their conditioning. Blood samples were collected from each patient before cyclophosphamide infusion, 6 h after the first dose and before and 6 h after the second dose. POR gene expression was measured by mRNA analysis and the pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide and its active metabolite were determined.


A strong correlation between the in vitro intrinsic clearance of cyclophosphamide and the POR/CYP ratio was found. The apparent K m for CYP2B6.1 was almost constant (3-4 mM), while the CLint values were proportional to the POR/CYP ratio (3-34 μL/min/nmol CYP). In patients, the average expression of the POR gene in blood was significantly (P <0.001) up-regulated after cyclophosphamide infusion, with high inter-individual variations and significant correlation with the concentration ratio of the active metabolite 4-hydroxy-cyclophosphamide/cyclophosphamide. Nine patients were carriers for POR*28; four patients had relatively high POR expression.


This investigation shows for the first time that POR besides CYP2B6 can influence cyclophosphamide metabolism. Our results indicate that not only CYPs are important, but also POR expression and/or activity may influence cyclophosphamide bioactivation, affecting therapeutic efficacy and treatment related toxicity and hence on clinical outcome. Thus, both POR and CYP genotype and expression levels may have to be taken into account when personalizing treatment schedules to achieve optimal therapeutic drug plasma concentrations of cyclophosphamide.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic Analysis of the Cytochrome P450 3 (CYP3) Gene Family   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytochrome P450 genes (CYP) constitute a superfamily with members known from the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The CYP3 gene family includes the CYP3A and CYP3B subfamilies. Members of the CYP3A subfamily represent the dominant CYP forms expressed in the digestive and respiratory tracts of vertebrates. The CYP3A enzymes metabolize a wide variety of chemically diverse lipophilic organic compounds. To understand vertebrate CYP3 diversity better, we determined the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) CYP3A30 and CYP3A56 and the ball python (Python regius) CYP3A42 sequences. We performed phylogenetic analyses of 45 vertebrate CYP3 amino acid sequences using a Bayesian approach. Our analyses indicate that teleost, diapsid, and mammalian CYP3A genes have undergone independent diversification and that the ancestral vertebrate genome contained a single CYP3A gene. Most CYP3A diversity is the product of recent gene duplication events. There is strong support for placement of the guinea pig CYP3A genes within the rodent CYP3A diversification. The rat, mouse, and hamster CYP3A genes are mixed among several rodent CYP3A subclades, indicative of a complex history involving speciation and gene duplication. Phylogenetic analyses suggest two CYP3A gene duplication events early in rodent history, with the rat CYP3A9 and mouse Cyp3a13 clade having a sister relationship to all other rodent CYP3A genes. In primate history, the human CYP3A43 gene appears to have a sister relationship to all other known primate CYP3A genes. Other, more recent gene duplications are hypothesized to have occurred independently within the human, pig, rat, mouse, guinea pig, and fish genomes. Functional analyses suggest that gene duplication is strongly tied to acquisition of new function and that convergent evolution of CYP3A function may be frequent among independent gene copies. Current address (Rachel L. Cox): Laboratory of Aquatic Biomedicine, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA  相似文献   

CYP199A2, a bacterial P450 monooxygenase from Rhodopseudomonas palustris, was found to exhibit oxidation activity towards three hydroxynaphthoic acids. Whole cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain expressing CYP199A2 efficiently catalyzed the regioselective oxidation of 1-, 3-, and 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acids to produce 1,7-, 3,7-, and 6,7-dihydroxynaphthoic acid respectively. These results suggest that CYP199A2 might be a useful oxidation biocatalyst for the synthesis of dihydroxynaphthoic acids.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxygenases metabolize arachidonic acid into epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), which play important and diverse roles in the cardiovascular system. The anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, pro-angiogenic, and anti-hypertensive properties of EETs in the cardiovascular system suggest a beneficial role for EETs in diabetic nephropathy. This study investigated the effects of endothelial specific overexpression of CYP2J2 epoxygenase on diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Endothelial CYP2J2 overexpression attenuated renal damage as measured by urinary microalbumin and glomerulosclerosis. These effects were associated with inhibition of TGF-β/Smad signaling in the kidney. Indeed, overexpression of CYP2J2 prevented TGF-β1-induced renal tubular epithelial-mesenchymal transition in vitro. These findings highlight the beneficial roles of the CYP epoxygenase-EET system in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The Cytochrome P450 Engineering Database (CYPED) has been designed to serve as a tool for a comprehensive and systematic comparison of protein sequences and structures within the vast and diverse family of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs). The CYPED currently integrates sequence and structure data of 3911 and 25 proteins, respectively. Proteins are grouped into homologous families and superfamilies according to Nelson's classification. Nonclassified CYP sequences are assigned by similarity. Functionally relevant residues are annotated. The web accessible version contains multisequence alignments, phylogenetic trees and HMM profiles. The CYPED is regularly updated and supplies all data for download. Thus, it provides a valuable data source for phylogenetic analysis, investigation of sequence-function relationships and the design of CYPs with improved biochemical properties. Abbreviations: Cytochrome P450 Engineering Database, CYPED; cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, CYP; Hidden Markov Model, HMM. AVAILABILITY: www.cyped.uni-stuttgart.de  相似文献   

Caffeic acid is a biologically active molecule that has various beneficial properties, including antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, we explored the catalytic potential of a bacterial cytochrome P450, CYP199A2, for the biotechnological production of caffeic acid. When the CYP199A2 enzyme was reacted with p-coumaric acid, it stoichiometrically produced caffeic acid. The crystal structure of CYP199A2 shows that Phe at position 185 is situated directly above, and only 6.35 Å from, the heme iron. This F185 residue was replaced with hydrophobic or hydroxylated amino acids using site-directed mutagenesis to create mutants with novel and improved catalytic properties. In whole-cell assays with the known substrate of CYP199A2, 2-naphthoic acid, only the wild-type enzyme hydroxylated 2-naphthoic acid at the C-7 and C-8 positions, whereas all of the active F185 mutants exhibited a preference for C-5 hydroxylation. Interestingly, several F185 mutants (F185V, F185L, F185I, F185G, and F185A mutants) also acquired the ability to hydroxylate cinnamic acid, which was not hydroxylated by the wild-type enzyme. These results demonstrate that F185 is an important residue that controls the regioselectivity and the substrate specificity of CYP199A2. Furthermore, Escherichia coli cells expressing the F185L mutant exhibited 5.5 times higher hydroxylation activity for p-coumaric acid than those expressing the wild-type enzyme. By using the F185L whole-cell catalyst, the production of caffeic acid reached 15 mM (2.8 g/liter), which is the highest level so far attained in biotechnological production of this compound.  相似文献   

Delta22-unsaturated sterols, containing a double bond at the C-22 position in the side chain, occur specifically in fungi and plants. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of cytochrome P450s belonging to the CYP710A family as the plant C-22 desaturase. Recombinant proteins of CYP710A1 and CYP710A2 from Arabidopsis thaliana and CYP710A11 from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were expressed using a baculovirus/insect system. The Arabidopsis CYP710A1 and tomato CYP710A11 proteins exhibited C-22 desaturase activity with beta-sitosterol to produce stigmasterol (CYP710A1, K(m) = 1.0 microM and kinetic constant [k(cat)] = 0.53 min(-1); CYP710A11, K(m) = 3.7 microM and k(cat) = 10 min(-1)). In Arabidopsis transgenic lines with CYP710A1 and CYP710A11 overexpression, stigmasterol levels increased by 6- to 32-fold. Arabidopsis CYP710A2 was able to produce brassicasterol and stigmasterol from 24-epi-campesterol and beta-sitosterol, respectively. Sterol profiling analyses for CYP710A2 overexpression and a T-DNA insertion event into CYP710A2 clearly demonstrated in planta that CYP710A2 was responsible for both brassicasterol and stigmasterol production. Semiquantitative PCR analyses and promoter:beta-glucuronidase transgenic approaches indicated strict tissue/organ-specific regulation for each CYP710A gene, implicating differential tissue distributions of the Delta(22)-unsaturated sterols in Arabidopsis. Our results support the possibility that the CYP710 family may encode P450s of sterol C-22 desaturases in different organisms.  相似文献   

为了深入了解细胞色素P450 CYP6J1蛋白的结构和功能,本实验克隆获得了棉蚜Aphis gossypii P450CYP6J1基因,对该基因进行信息学及原核表达分析,通过SDS-PAGE检测目的蛋白的表达结果,并用Western-blot进行验证。结果表明,P450 CYP6J1序列长1 398 bp,编码氨基酸数为465,理论分子量为53.67 k D,理论等电点为8.80。氨基酸序列分析表明该序列具有完整的开放阅读框,且没有信号肽。同源性分析表明,棉蚜c DNA序列推导的氨基酸与豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum的保守性最为接近,一致性可达92%。在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21中表达获得的His-CYP6J1蛋白,并用Western-blot检测目的蛋白大小正确。这些研究结果为棉蚜P450 CYP6J1多克隆抗体制备提供了基础。  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 CYP153 family is thought to mediate the terminal hydroxylation reactions of n-alkanes. We isolated 16 new P450 CYP153A genes (central region) from various environments such as petroleum-contaminated soil and groundwater, as well as one from the n-alkane-degrading bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 (designated P450balk). The sequences of the new P450 genes were extended by PCR to generate full-length chimeric P450 genes, using the N- and C-terminal domains of P450balk. A differential CO-reduced P450 spectral analysis indicated that 8 P450 genes among the 16 chimeric genes were expressed in Escherichia coli to generate a soluble and functional enzyme. The several functional chimeric P450s and P450balk were further fused to the reductase domain of the self-sufficient P450 monooxygenase (P450RhF) at the C-terminus. E. coli cells expressing these self-sufficient P450 chimeric genes converted n-alkanes, cyclohexane, 1-octene, n-butylbenzene, and 4-phenyl-1-butene into 1-alkanols, cyclohexanol, 1,2-epoxyoctane, 1-phenyl-4-butanol, and 2-phenethyl-oxirane, respectively.  相似文献   

Actinomycete cytochrome P450 from Nonomuraea recticatena NBRC 14525 (P450moxA) catalyzes the hydroxylation of a broad range of substrates, including fatty acids, steroids, and various aromatic compounds. Hence, the enzyme is potentially useful in medicinal applications, but the activity is insufficient for practical use. Here we applied directed evolution to enhance the activity. A random mutagenesis library was screened using 7-ethoxycoumarin as a substrate to retrieve 17 variants showing >2-fold activities. Twenty-five amino acid substitutions were found in the variants, of which five mutations were identified to have the largest effects (Q87W, T115A, H132L, R191W, and G294D). These mutations additively increased the activity; the quintet mutant had 20-times the activity of the wildtype. These five single mutations also increased in activity toward structurally distinct substrates (diclofenac and naringenin). Based on the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme, we discerned that mutations in the substrate recognition site improved the activity, which was substrate dependent; mutations apart from the active site improved the activity as well as the substrates did.  相似文献   

Sequencing in all areas of the tree of life has produced > 300,000 cytochrome P450 (CYP) sequences that have been mined and collected. Nomenclature has been assigned to > 41,000 CYP sequences and the majority of the remainder has been sorted by BLAST searches into clans, families and subfamilies in preparation for naming. The P450 sequence space is being systematically explored and filled in. Well-studied groups like vertebrates are covered in greater depth while new insights are being added into uncharted territories like horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus), tardigrades (Hypsibius dujardini), velvet worm (Euperipatoides_rowelli), and basal land plants like hornworts, liverworts and mosses. CYPs from the fungi, one of the most diverse groups, are being explored and organized as nearly 800 fungal species are now sequenced. The CYP clan structure in fungi is emerging with 805 CYP families sorting into 32 CYP clans. > 3000 bacterial sequences are named, mostly from terrestrial or freshwater sources. Of 18,379 bacterial sequences downloaded from the CYPED database, all are > 43% identical to named CYPs. Therefore, they fit in the 602 named P450 prokaryotic families. Diversity in this group is becoming saturated, however 25% of 3305 seawater bacterial P450s did not match known P450 families, indicating marine bacterial CYPs are not as well sampled as land/freshwater based bacterial CYPs. Future sequencing plans of the Genome 10 K project, i5k and GIGA (Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance) are expected to produce more than one million cytochrome P450 sequences by 2020. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cytochrome P450 biodiversity and biotechnology, edited by Erika Plettner, Gianfranco Gilardi, Luet Wong, Vlada Urlacher, Jared Goldstone.  相似文献   

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