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Summary Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting (CSF) cells in both the septal and the tuberal areas in the brain of the ring dove are labeled by RET-P1, a monoclonal antibody to opsin that reacts with inner and outer segment membranes of rod photoreceptors in a variety of vertebrates. Immunoblot analysis of proteins from diverse brain regions, however, revealed bands of anti-RET-P1 immunoreactivity that did not correspond to opsin. Binding of RET-P1 to opsin-containing membranes, was not inhibited by membranes rich in muscarinic and -adrenergic receptor proteins (red blood cells, heart, lung) taken from doves. RET-P1-immunoreactive CSF-contacting cells emit a dendritic process that penetrates the ependyma and ends in a knob-like terminal suspended in the ventricle. These cells also possess other processes that penetrate more or less deeply into the neuropil. Additionally, a band of labeled fibers occurs in the external layer of the median eminence. A double-label technique demonstrated that RET-P1-positive cells coexpress VIP-like immunoreactivity. VIP-positive cells in other brain areas are not RET-P1-positive.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster feeds mainly on rotten fruits,which contain many kinds of sugar.Thus,the sense of sweet taste has evolved to serve as a dominant regulator and driver of feeding behavior.Although several sugar receptors have been described,it remains poorly understood how the sensory input is transformed into an appetitive behavior.Here,we used a neural silencing approach to screen brain circuits,and identified neurons labeled by three Gal4 lines that modulate Drosophila feeding behavior.These three Gal4 lines labeled neurons mainly in the suboesophageal ganglia(SOG),which is considered to be the fly’s primary taste center.When we blocked the activity of these neurons,flies decreased their sugar consumption significantly.In contrast,activation of these neurons resulted in enhanced feeding behavior and increased food consumption not only towards sugar,but to an array of food sources.Moreover,upon neuronal activation,the flies demonstrated feeding behavior even in the absence of food,which suggests that neuronal activation can replace food as a stimulus for feeding behavior.These findings indicate that these Gal4-labeled neurons,which function downstream of sensory neurons and regulate feeding behavior towards different food sources is necessary in Drosophila feeding control.  相似文献   

To understand the cellular mechanisms of olfactory learning in the honeybee brain we study the physiology of identified neurons within the olfactory pathway. Here, we review data on the voltage-sensitive and ligand-gated ionic currents of mushroom body Kenyon cells and antennal lobe neurons in vitro and in situ. Both cell types generate action potentials in vitro, but have different voltage-sensitive K+ currents. They express nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and ionotropic GABA receptors, representing the major transmitter systems in the insect olfactory system. Our data are interpreted with respect to learning-dependent plasticity in the honeybee brain.  相似文献   

Spike activity was analyzed in the course of visual testing for directional sensitivity in 177 neuronal populations in different thalamic nuclei and the striopallidal complex in the brain of nine parkinsonian patients, diagnosed and treated using implanted intracerebral electrodes. Directionally selective neurons were discovered in the centrum medianum, the thalamic zona incerta and reticular nucleus, the caudate nucleus, and the central area of the globus pallidus. Proportions and distribution of neurons with different properties were investigated in the thalamic nuclei and striopallidal complex.Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 652–660, September–October, 1989.  相似文献   

The avian brain     
《Current biology : CB》2022,32(20):R1076-R1079

The results obtained by topographical studies on the immunoreactive peptide systems in the embryonic and adult avian brain (domestic fowl, domestic mallard, pigeon, Japanese quail, and zebra finch) can be realized only by means of phylogenetical comparisons. The comparative studies mainly demonstrate a fascinating constancy of the immunological properties and the spatial distribution of the neuropeptides. Independent of the development of the neopallium, and the increasing cerebral complexity, the spatial distribution of the neuropeptides, the location of their main perikaryal accumulations which are interconnected by immunoreactive fiber projections (and thereby forming widespread but continuous peptide systems) remain nearly unchanged during vertebrate evolution. The recognition of the neuropeptides as integral parts of the central nervous system is demonstrated by the fact that neuropeptidergic structures connect sensory inputs with central nervous areas as well as with the peripheral endocrinium.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic RNA of 10-day-old rats was studied in bulk-isolated, cortical neurons, obtained under conditions which minimize nuclear contamination. Two RNA fractions, one enriched in rRNA and the other in polydisperse RNA, were obtained by differential extraction with phenol. Gel electrophoresis and pulse labelling with 5-[3H]uridine were used to confirm the delayed appearance of newly synthesized rRNA in the cytoplasm and to demonstrate its stability. Polydisperse RNA appeared in the cytoplasm earlier and had a shorter half-life than rRNA. A wide range of molecular weights for this RNA was found with no predominant individual species. A set of cytoplasmic RNA components of molecular size between 28S and 18S was also present probably reflecting the in vivo degradation of rRNA. The significance of the unexpectedly high amounts of neuronal polydisperse RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycine is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of vertebrates. Here, we report the initial development of glycine‐immunoreactive (Gly‐ir) neurons and fibers in zebrafish. The earliest Gly‐ir cells were found in the hindbrain and rostral spinal cord by 20 h post‐fertilization (hpf). Gly‐ir cells in rhombomeres 5 and 6 that also expressed glycine transporter 2 (glyt2) mRNA were highly stereotyped; they were bilaterally located and their axons ran across the midline and gradually turned caudally, joining the medial longitudinal fascicles in the spinal cord by 24 hpf. Gly‐ir neurons in rhombomere 5 were uniquely identified, since there was one per hemisegment, whereas the number of Gly‐ir neurons in rhombomere 6 were variable from one to three per hemisegment. Labeling of these neurons by single‐cell electroporation and tracing them until the larval stage revealed that they became MiD2cm and MiD3cm, respectively. The retrograde labeling of reticulo‐spinal neurons in Tg(glyt2:gfp) larva, which express GFP in Gly‐ir cells, and a genetic mosaic analysis with glyt2:gfp DNA construct also supported this notion. Gly‐ir cells were also distributed widely in the anterior brain by 27 hpf, whereas glyt2 was hardly expressed. Double staining with anti‐glycine and anti‐GABA antibodies demonstrated distinct distributions of Gly‐ir and GABA‐ir cells, as well as the presence of doubly immunoreactive cells in the brain and placodes. These results provide evidence of identifiable glycinergic (Gly‐ir/glyt2‐positive) neurons in vertebrate embryos, and they can be used in further studies of the neurons' development and function at the single‐cell level. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 616–632, 2014  相似文献   

HGF-like protein (HLP) is a member of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) family. Although HGF is shown to have neurotrophic activities on many of CNS and PNS neurons, the role of HLP in the nervous system is poorly understood despite the knowledge that Ron/HLP receptor is expressed in embryonic neurons. Here we show that HGF but not HLP promotes neurite extension and migration emanating from chick embryonic day 9 (E9) dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explants in the presence of low levels of NGF, however, HLP does promote neurite extension and cellular migration from E15 chick DRG explants with low levels of NGF. Ron-Fc, a chimeric molecule composed of the extracellular domain of Ron fused with immunoglobulin Fc, eliminated activities of HLP, such as cellular migration and long neurite extension emanating from E15 DRG explants in the presence of NGF, but did not eliminate short neurites. These results suggested that promotion of long neurite extension and migration depends on activities of HLP through its receptor/Ron. Taken together, we propose that HLP may play an important role in chick sensory ganglia at relatively late stages of development. This is the first evidence that HLP functions as a neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

杨天明 《生命科学》2014,(12):1266-1272
近年来神经科学领域的进展表明,大脑中不仅存在如位置神经元之类的特异性编码感觉信息的神经元,也存在能够特异性地反映动物思考过程的神经元。在一系列以侧内顶叶(LIP)为目标的猕猴电生理实验中,人们发现LIP神经元的动作电位发放率可以反映抉择思考的过程。抉择的研究为我们打开了一个研究大脑高级认知功能的窗口。抉择神经元的发现表明了大脑的高级认知功能是基于与感觉信息处理类似的神经计算原理。  相似文献   

The results of investigations of the new discovered brain orexin neurons, their chemical structure, localization and functions are reviewed. The following data are described: the specifics of orexins mRNA, orexins A and B and their receptors; connections between orexin neurons and neurons from different structures of the brain and spinal cord and the participation of the orexin neuron system in the functional regulation.  相似文献   

Executive control, the ability to plan one's behaviour to achieve a goal, is a hallmark of frontal lobe function in humans and other primates. In the current study we report neural correlates of executive control in the avian nidopallium caudolaterale, a region analogous to the mammalian prefrontal cortex. Homing pigeons (Columba livia) performed a working memory task in which cues instructed them whether stimuli should be remembered or forgotten. When instructed to remember, many neurons showed sustained activation throughout the memory period. When instructed to forget, the sustained activation was abolished. Consistent with the neural data, the behavioural data showed that memory performance was high after instructions to remember, and dropped to chance after instructions to forget. Our findings indicate that neurons in the avian nidopallium caudolaterale participate in one of the core forms of executive control, the control of what should be remembered and what should be forgotten. This form of executive control is fundamental not only to working memory, but also to all cognition.  相似文献   

A new peptidergic paraventriculo-infundibular system has been revealed using anti-corticoliberin (CRF) antibodies. The localization of its perikarya in the paraventricular nuclei as well as the distribution of its fibres and perivascular nerve-endings within the median eminence are different from those of other systems stained with antibodies directed against gonadoliberin, somatostatin, vasopressin or oxytocin.  相似文献   

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