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Repo-Man targets protein phosphatase 1 γ (PP1γ) to chromatin at anaphase onset and regulates chromosome structure during mitotic exit. Here, we show that a Repo-Man:PP1 complex forms in anaphase following dephosphorylation of Repo-Man. Upon activation, the complex localizes to chromosomes and causes the dephosphorylation of histone H3 (Thr3, Ser10, and Ser28). In anaphase, Repo-Man has both catalytic and structural functions that are mediated by two separate domains. A C-terminal domain localizes Repo-Man to bulk chromatin in early anaphase. There, it targets PP1 for the dephosphorylation of histone H3 and possibly other chromosomal substrates. An N-terminal domain localizes Repo-Man to the chromosome periphery later in anaphase. There, it is responsible for the recruitment of nuclear components such as?Importin β and Nup153 in a PP1-independent manner. These observations identify Repo-Man as a key factor that coordinates chromatin remodeling and early events of nuclear envelope reformation during mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Several unique aspects of mitotic spindle formation have been revealed by investigation of an autoantibody present in the serum of a patient with the CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, schlerodacytyly, and telangiectasias) syndrome. This antibody was previously shown to label at the spindle poles of metaphase and anaphase cells and to be absent from interphase cells. We show here that the serum stained discrete cytoplasmic foci in early prophase cells and only later localized to the spindle poles. The cytoplasmic distribution of the antigen was also seen in nocodazole-arrested cells and prophase cells in populations treated with taxol. In normal and taxol-treated cells, the microtubules appeared to emanate from the cytoplasmic foci and polar stain, and in cells released from nocodazole block, microtubules regrew from antigen-containing centers. This characteristic distribution suggests that the antigen is part of a microtubule organizing center. Thus, we propose that a prophase originating polar antigen functions in spindle pole organization as a coalescing microtubule organizing center that is present only during mitosis. Characterization of the serum showed reactions with multiple proteins at 115, 110, 50, 36, 30, and 28 kD. However, affinity-eluted antibody from the 115/110-kD bands was shown to specifically label the spindle pole and cytosolic foci in prophase cells.  相似文献   

Bfa1p and Bub2p are spindle checkpoint proteins that likely have GTPase activation activity and are associated with the budding yeast spindle pole body (SPB). Here, we show that Bfa1p and Bub2p bind the Ras-like GTPase Tem1p, a component of the mitotic exit network, to the cytoplasmic face of the SPB that enters the bud, whereas the GDP/GTP exchange factor Lte1p is associated with the cortex of the bud. Migration of the SPB into the bud probably allows activation of Tem1p through Lte1p, thereby linking nuclear migration with mitotic exit. Since components of the Bub2p checkpoint are conserved in other organisms, we propose that the position of the SPB or mammalian centrosome controls the timing of mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Regulation of the mitotic spindle's position is important for cells to divide asymmetrically. Here, we use Caenorhabditis elegans embryos to provide the first analysis of the temporal regulation of forces that asymmetrically position a mitotic spindle. We find that asymmetric pulling forces, regulated by cortical PAR proteins, begin to act as early as prophase and prometaphase, even before the spindle forms and shifts to a posterior position. The spindle does not shift asymmetrically during these early phases due to a tethering force, mediated by astral microtubules that reach the anterior cell cortex. We show that this tether is normally released after spindle assembly and independently of anaphase entry. Monitoring microtubule dynamics by photobleaching segments of microtubules during anaphase revealed that spindle microtubules do not undergo significant poleward flux in C. elegans. Together with the known absence of anaphase A, these data suggest that the major forces contributing to chromosome separation during anaphase originate outside the spindle. We propose that the forces positioning the mitotic spindle asymmetrically are tethered until after the time of spindle assembly and that these same forces are used later to drive chromosome segregation at anaphase.  相似文献   

The spindle position checkpoint (SPOC) is an essential surveillance mechanism that allows mitotic exit only when the spindle is correctly oriented along the cell axis. Key SPOC components are the kinase Kin4 and the Bub2-Bfa1 GAP complex that inhibit the mitotic exit-promoting GTPase Tem1. During an unperturbed cell cycle, Kin4 associates with the mother spindle pole body (mSPB), whereas Bub2-Bfa1 is at the daughter SPB (dSPB). When the spindle is mispositioned, Bub2-Bfa1 and Kin4 bind to both SPBs, which enables Kin4 to phosphorylate Bfa1 and thereby block mitotic exit. Here, we show that the daughter cell protein Lte1 physically interacts with Kin4 and inhibits Kin4 kinase activity. Specifically, Lte1 binds to catalytically active Kin4 and promotes Kin4 hyperphosphorylation, which restricts Kin4 binding to the mSPB. This Lte1-mediated exclusion of Kin4 from the dSPB is essential for proper mitotic exit of cells with a correctly aligned spindle. Therefore, Lte1 promotes mitotic exit by inhibiting Kin4 activity at the dSPB.  相似文献   

Katanin is a microtubule severing enzyme with demonstrated roles in a variety of cellular activities including mitosis. Here we identify the closely related, but relatively uncharacterized human protein, Katanin-like 1 (KL1), as a novel mitotic regulator. Over expression of KL1 in tissue culture cells results in the complete disassembly of cellular microtubules strongly suggesting that it is an active microtubule severing protein. During mitosis, the localization of KL1 is restricted to spindle poles and is notably absent from centrosomes. This is in clear contrast to conventional Katanin whose localization extends from centrosomes onto poles. Consistent with its localization, siRNA depletion of KL1 from U2OS cells results in a specific and significant reduction in the density of microtubules at spindle poles and significantly increases spindle length. Depletion of KL1 also alters the distribution of gamma-tubulin at centrosomes/spindle poles. Despite its impact on spindle morphology, we could find no evidence that KL1 influences anaphase chromosome motility. Based on our findings, we propose that KL1-mediated microtubule severing is utilized to generate microtubule seeds within the poles and that loss of this activity alters the normal balance of motor-generated forces that determine spindle length.  相似文献   

For many polarized cells, it is critical that the mitotic spindle becomes positioned relative to the polarity axis. This is especially important in yeast, where the site of cytokinesis is predetermined. The spindle position checkpoint (SPOC) therefore delays mitotic exit of cells with a mispositioned spindle. One component of the SPOC is the Bub2-Bfa1 complex, an inhibitor of the mitotic exit network (MEN). Here, we show that the Kin4 kinase is a component of the SPOC and as such is essential to delay cell cycle progression of cells with a misaligned spindle. When spindles are correctly oriented, Kin4 and Bub2-Bfa1 are asymmetrically localized to opposite spindle pole bodies (SPBs). Bub2-Bfa1 then becomes inhibited by Cdc5 polo kinase with anaphase onset, a prerequisite for mitotic exit. In response to spindle misalignment, Kin4 and Bub2-Bfa1 are brought together at both SPBs. Kin4 now maintains Bub2-Bfa1 activity by counteracting Cdc5, thereby inhibiting mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Accurate positioning of the mitotic spindle is critical to ensure proper distribution of chromosomes during cell division. The small GTPase Ran, which regulates a variety of processes throughout the cell cycle, including interphase nucleocytoplasmic transport and mitotic spindle assembly, was recently shown to also control spindle alignment. Ran is required for the correct cortical localization of LGN and nuclear-mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA), proteins that generate pulling forces on astral microtubules (MTs) through cytoplasmic dynein. Here we use importazole, a small-molecule inhibitor of RanGTP/importin-β function, to study the role of Ran in spindle positioning in human cells. We find that importazole treatment results in defects in astral MT dynamics, as well as in mislocalization of LGN and NuMA, leading to misoriented spindles. Of interest, importazole-induced spindle-centering defects can be rescued by nocodazole treatment, which depolymerizes astral MTs, or by overexpression of CLASP1, which does not restore proper LGN and NuMA localization but stabilizes astral MT interactions with the cortex. Together our data suggest a model for mitotic spindle positioning in which RanGTP and CLASP1 cooperate to align the spindle along the long axis of the dividing cell.  相似文献   

In order to maintain genomic integrity during mitosis, cells assemble the mitotic spindle to separate sister chromosomes to the two daughter cells. A variety of motor- and non motor-proteins are involved in the organization and regulation of this complex apparatus. DNA polymerase δ-interacting protein 38 (PDIP38) is a highly conserved protein and has so far been shown to be a cytoplasmic and nuclear protein. Cell cycle dependent nuclear localization and the interaction with DNA polymerase δ and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) indicate a role for PDIP38 in DNA modification and/or proliferation. Here, we show for the first time that PDIP38 localizes to the mitotic spindle throughout mitosis. Using anti-PDIP38 antibody injections and siRNA silencing, we demonstrate that PDIP38 loss-of-function causes problems with spindle organization, aberrant chromosome segregation, and multinucleated cells. Taken together, the data indicate different roles for PDIP38 in safeguarding a proper cell division at various stages of the cell cycle, including DNA synthesis and repair, organization of the mitotic spindle and chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The mitotic exit network (MEN) is a signaling cascade that triggers inactivation of the mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases and exit from mitosis. The GTPase Tem1 localizes on the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and initiates MEN signaling. Tem1 activity is inhibited until anaphase by Bfa1-Bub2. These proteins are also part of the spindle position checkpoint (SPOC), a surveillance mechanism that restrains mitotic exit until the spindle is correctly positioned. Here, we show that regulation of Tem1 localization is essential for the proper function of the MEN and the SPOC. We demonstrate that the dynamics of Tem1 loading onto SPBs determine the recruitment of other MEN components to this structure, and reevaluate the interdependence in the localization of Tem1, Bfa1, and Bub2. We also find that removal of Tem1 from the SPBs is critical for the SPOC to impede cell cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate for the first time that localization of Tem1 to the SPBs is a requirement for mitotic exit.  相似文献   

The activated form of Ran (Ran-GTP) stimulates spindle assembly in Xenopus laevis egg extracts, presumably by releasing spindle assembly factors, such as TPX2 (target protein for Xenopus kinesin-like protein 2) and NuMA (nuclear-mitotic apparatus protein) from the inhibitory binding of importin-alpha and -beta. We report here that Ran-GTP stimulates the interaction between TPX2 and the Xenopus Aurora A kinase, Eg2. This interaction causes TPX2 to stimulate both the phosphorylation and the kinase activity of Eg2 in a microtubule-dependent manner. We show that TPX2 and microtubules promote phosphorylation of Eg2 by preventing phosphatase I (PPI)-induced dephosphorylation. Activation of Eg2 by TPX2 and microtubules is inhibited by importin-alpha and -beta, although this inhibition is overcome by Ran-GTP both in the egg extracts and in vitro with purified proteins. As the phosphorylation of Eg2 stimulated by the Ran-GTP-TPX2 pathway is essential for spindle assembly, we hypothesize that the Ran-GTP gradient established by the condensed chromosomes is translated into the Aurora A kinase gradient on the microtubules to regulate spindle assembly and dynamics.  相似文献   

The inactivation of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) during anaphase is a prerequisite for the completion of nuclear division and the onset of cytokinesis [1, 2]. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the essential protein kinase Cdc15 [3] together with other proteins of the mitotic exit network (Tem1, Lte1, Cdc5, and Dbf2/Dbf20 [4-7]) activates Cdc14 phosphatase, which triggers cyclin degradation and the accumulation of the CDK inhibitor Sic1 [8]. However, it is still unclear how CDK inactivation promotes cytokinesis. Here, we analyze the properties of Cdc15 kinase during mitotic exit. We found that Cdc15 localized to the spindle pole body (SPB) in a unique pattern. Cdc15 was present at the SPB of the mother cell until late mitosis, when it also associated with the daughter pole. High CDK activity inhibited this association, while dephosphorylation of Cdc15 by Cdc14 phosphatase enabled it. The analysis of Cdc15 derivatives indicated that SPB localization was specifically required for cytokinesis but not for mitotic exit. These results show that Cdc15 has two separate functions during the cell cycle. First, it is required for the activation of Cdc14. CD14, in turn, promotes CDK inactivation and also dephosphorylates of Cdc15. As a consequence, Cdc15 binds to the daughter pole and triggers cytokinesis. Thus, Cdc15 helps to coordinate mitotic exit and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Comment on: De Souza CP, et al. EMBO J 2011; 30:2648-61.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic cells express multiple isoforms of the actin-binding protein tropomyosin that help construct a variety of cytoskeletal networks. Only one nonmuscle tropomyosin (Tm1A) has previously been described in Drosophila, but developmental defects caused by insertion of P-elements near tropomyosin genes imply the existence of additional, nonmuscle isoforms. Using biochemical and molecular genetic approaches, we identified three tropomyosins expressed in Drosophila S2 cells: Tm1A, Tm1J, and Tm2A. The Tm1A isoform localizes to the cell cortex, lamellar actin networks, and the cleavage furrow of dividing cells—always together with myosin-II. Isoforms Tm1J and Tm2A colocalize around the Golgi apparatus with the formin-family protein Diaphanous, and loss of either isoform perturbs cell cycle progression. During mitosis, Tm1J localizes to the mitotic spindle, where it promotes chromosome segregation. Using chimeras, we identified the determinants of tropomyosin localization near the C-terminus. This work 1) identifies and characterizes previously unknown nonmuscle tropomyosins in Drosophila, 2) reveals a function for tropomyosin in the mitotic spindle, and 3) uncovers sequence elements that specify isoform-specific localizations and functions of tropomyosin.  相似文献   

Krishnan R  Pangilinan F  Lee C  Spencer F 《Genetics》2000,156(2):489-500
The spindle assembly checkpoint-mediated mitotic arrest depends on proteins that signal the presence of one or more unattached kinetochores and prevents the onset of anaphase in the presence of kinetochore or spindle damage. In the presence of either damage, bub2 cells initiate a preanaphase delay but do not maintain it. Inappropriate sister chromatid separation in nocodazole-treated bub2 cells is prevented when mitotic exit is blocked using a conditional tem1(c) mutant, indicating that the preanaphase failure in bub2 cells is a consequence of events downstream of TEM1 in the mitotic exit pathway. Using a conditional bub2(tsd) mutant, we demonstrate that the continuous presence of Bub2 protein is required for maintaining spindle damage-induced arrest. BUB2 is not required to maintain a DNA damage checkpoint arrest, revealing a specificity for spindle assembly checkpoint function. In a yeast two-hybrid assay and in vitro, Bub2 protein interacts with the septin protein Cdc3, which is essential for cytokinesis. These data support the view that the spindle assembly checkpoint encompasses regulation of distinct mitotic steps, including a MAD2-directed block to anaphase initiation and a BUB2-directed block to TEM1-dependent exit.  相似文献   

Twinfilin is an evolutionarily conserved actin‐binding protein, which regulates actin‐dynamics in eukaryotic cells. Homologs of this protein have been detected in the genome of various protozoan parasites causing diseases in human. However, very little is known about their core functions in these organisms. We show here that a twinfilin homolog in a human pathogen Leishmania, primarily localizes to the nucleolus and, to some extent, also in the basal body region. In the dividing cells, nucleolar twinfilin redistributes to the mitotic spindle and remains there partly associated with the spindle microtubules. We further show that approximately 50% depletion of this protein significantly retards the cell growth due to sluggish progression of S phase of the cell division cycle, owing to the delayed nuclear DNA synthesis. Interestingly, overexpression of this protein results in significantly increased length of the mitotic spindle in the dividing Leishmania cells, whereas, its depletion adversely affects spindle elongation and architecture. Our results indicate that twinfilin controls on one hand, the DNA synthesis and on the other, the mitotic spindle elongation, thus contributing to karyokinesis in Leishmania.  相似文献   

A role of p73 in mitotic exit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A number of natural products which inhibit the synthesis and functioning of the mitotic spindle have been shown to be potent antitumour agents. As an aid to the detection and evaluation of these chemicals that produce aberrations of mitotic cell division we have utilized a model screening system based upon the simultaneous visualisation of both the mitotic spindle and the chromosomes.This assay allows the detection of morphological aberrations of both spindle synthesis and function produced by exposure to chemicals active upon the mitotic spindle. This assay has been evaluated for its ability to detect natural spindle damaging agents. Extracts of Catharanthus roseus, which produces the potent spindle toxins vinblastine and vincristine, derived from both leaves and tissue culture samples were assayed for their ability to induce spindle aberrations in human fibroblasts. Samples of extract which lacked natural vinblastine were spiked with pure vinblastine sulphate to estimate the sensitivity of the assay to detect low concentrations of known spindle toxins.This study indicates that spindle toxins may be identified in specific plant extracts at high levels of sensitivity thus providing an effective screening technique for the identification of potentially valuable plant materials for their use as sources of antitumour chemicals.  相似文献   

Alignment of the mitotic spindle with the axis of cell division is an essential process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is mediated by interactions between cytoplasmic microtubules and the cell cortex. We found that a cortical protein, the yeast formin Bni1p, was required for spindle orientation. Two striking abnormalities were observed in bni1Delta cells. First, the initial movement of the spindle pole body (SPB) toward the emerging bud was defective. This phenotype is similar to that previously observed in cells lacking the kinesin Kip3p and, in fact, BNI1 and KIP3 were found to be in the same genetic pathway. Second, abnormal pulling interactions between microtubules and the cortex appeared to cause preanaphase spindles in bni1Delta cells to transit back and forth between the mother and the bud. We therefore propose that Bni1p may localize or alter the function of cortical microtubule-binding sites in the bud. Additionally, we present evidence that other bipolar bud site determinants together with cortical actin are also required for spindle orientation.  相似文献   

The position of the mitotic spindle controls the plane of cell cleavage and determines whether polarized cells divide symmetrically or asymmetrically. In animals, an evolutionarily conserved pathway of LIN-5 (homologues: Mud and NuMA), GPR-1/2 (homologues: Pins, LGN, AGS-3) and Gα mediates spindle positioning, and acts downstream of the conserved PAR-3-PAR-6-aPKC polarity complex. However, molecular interactions between polarity proteins and LIN-5-GPR-Gα remain to be identified. Here we describe a quantitative mass spectrometry approach for in vivo identification of protein kinase substrates. Applying this strategy to Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, we found that depletion of the polarity kinase PKC-3 results in markedly decreased levels of phosphorylation of a cluster of four LIN-5 serine residues. These residues are directly phosphorylated by PKC-3 in vitro. Phospho-LIN-5 co-localizes with PKC-3 at the anterior cell cortex and temporally coincides with a switch from anterior- to posterior-directed spindle movements in the one-cell embryo. LIN-5 mutations that prevent phosphorylation increase the extent of anterior-directed spindle movements, whereas phosphomimetic mutations decrease spindle migration. Our results indicate that anterior-located PKC-3 inhibits cortical microtubule pulling forces through direct phosphorylation of LIN-5. This molecular interaction between polarity and spindle-positioning proteins may be used broadly in cell cleavage plane determination.  相似文献   

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