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简要介绍了毛细管电泳的常用分离模式及其原理,并对毛细管电泳在蛋白质化学领域中的新应用——研究蛋白质折叠和发展前景作了评述。  相似文献   

Both folded and unfolded conformations should be observed for a protein at its melting temperature (T(m)), where DeltaG between these states is zero. In an all-atom molecular dynamics simulation of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) at its experimental T(m), the protein rapidly loses its low-temperature native structure; it then unfolds before refolding to a stable, native-like conformation. The initial unfolding follows the unfolding pathway described previously for higher-temperature simulations: the hydrophobic core is disrupted, the beta-sheet pulls apart and the alpha-helix unravels. The unfolded state reached under these conditions maintains a kernel of structure in the form of a non-native hydrophobic cluster. Refolding simply reverses this path, the side-chain interactions shift, the helix refolds, and the native packing and hydrogen bonds are recovered. The end result of this refolding is not the initial crystal structure; it contains the proper topology and the majority of the native contacts, but the structure is expanded and the contacts are long. We believe this to be the native state at elevated temperature, and the change in volume and contact lengths is consistent with experimental studies of other native proteins at elevated temperature and the chemical denaturant equivalent of T(m).  相似文献   

A mature mutant ribose-binding protein (RBP) ofEscherichia coli was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, replacing Thr-3 in the N-domain of wild-type mature RBP (WT-mRBP) with a Trp residue (N-Trp-mRBP). The equilibrium unfolding properties and the refolding kinetics of this protein were monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD). The stability of N-Trp-mRBP appears to be the same as that of C-Trp-mRBP, another mutant obtained by replacing Phe-187 with a Trp, and lower than that of WT-mRBP. The overall refolding rate of N-Trp-mRBP is much smaller than that of C-Trp-mRBP, which, in turn, is similar to that of WT-mRBP. For the case of WT-mRBP, the rate constant obtained by Tyr fluorescence is identical to the value obtained by CD. But with C-Trp-mRBP, the rate constant from CD is smaller than the value from the Trp fluorescence and this difference in the rate constants is much greater with the N-TrpmRBP.  相似文献   

The gene-3 protein (G3P) of filamentous phages is essential for the infection of Escherichia coli. The carboxy-terminal domain anchors this protein in the phage coat, whereas the two amino-terminal domains N1 and N2 protrude from the phage surface. We analyzed the folding mechanism of the two-domain fragment N1-N2 of G3P (G3P(*)) and the interplay between folding and domain assembly. For this analysis, a variant of G3P(*) was used that contained four stabilizing mutations (IIHY-G3P(*)). The observed refolding kinetics extend from 10 ms to several hours. Domain N1 refolds very rapidly (with a time constant of 9.4 ms at 0.5 M guanidinium chloride, 25 degrees C) both as a part of IIHY-G3P(*) and as an isolated protein fragment. The refolding of domain N2 is slower and involves two reactions with time constants of seven seconds and 42 seconds. These folding reactions of the individual domains are followed by a very slow, spectroscopically silent docking process, which shows a time constant of 6200 seconds. This reaction was detected by a kinetic unfolding assay for native molecules. Before docking, N1 and N2 unfold fast and independently, after docking they unfold slowly in a correlated fashion. A high energy barrier is thus created by domain docking, which protects G3P kinetically against unfolding. The slow domain docking is possibly important for the infection of E.coli by the phage. Upon binding to the F pilus, the N2 domain separates from N1 and the binding site for TolA on domain N1 is exposed. Since domain reassembly is so slow, this binding site remains accessible until pilus retraction has brought N1 close to TolA on the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

A spontaneously occurring, nalidixic acid-resistant (NalR), thermotolerant (T/r) mutant ofEscherichia coli was isolated. Bacteriophage P1-mediated transduction showed that NalR mapped at or neargyr A, one of the two genes encoding DNA gyrase. Expression ofgyrA + from a plasmid rendered the mutant sensitive to nalidixic acid and to high temperature, the result expected for alleles mapping ingyrA. Plasmid linking number measurements, made with DNA from cells grown at 37° C or shifted to 48° C, revealed that supercoiling was about 12% less negative in the T/r mutant than in the parental strain. Each strain preferentially expressed two different proteins at 48° C. The genetic and supercoiling data indicate that thermo-tolerance can arise from an alteration in DNA gyrase that lowers supercoiling. This eubacterial study, when. coupled with those of archaebacteria, suggests that DNA relaxation is a general aspect of thermotolerance.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure, equilibria, and folding kinetics of an engineered 35-residue subdomain of the chicken villin headpiece, an ultrafast-folding protein. Substitution of two buried lysine residues by norleucine residues stabilizes the protein by 1 kcal/mol and increases the folding rate sixfold, as measured by nanosecond laser T-jump. The folding rate at 300 K is (0.7 micros)(-1) with little or no temperature dependence, making this protein the first sub-microsecond folder, with a rate only twofold slower than the theoretically predicted speed limit. Using the 70 ns process to obtain the effective diffusion coefficient, the free energy barrier height is estimated from Kramers theory to be less than approximately 1 kcal/mol. X-ray crystallographic determination at 1A resolution shows no significant change in structure compared to the single-norleucine-substituted molecule and suggests that the increased stability is electrostatic in origin. The ultrafast folding rate, very accurate X-ray structure, and small size make this engineered villin subdomain an ideal system for simulation by atomistic molecular dynamics with explicit solvent.  相似文献   

Time-resolved, steady-state fluorescence and fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD) have been used to resolve the fluorescence contributions of the two tryptophan residues, Trp-13 and Trp-85, in the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP). The iodide and acrylamide quenching data show that in CRP one tryptophan residue, Trp-85, is buried within the protein matrix and the other, Trp-13, is moderately exposed on the surface of the protein. Fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra show that Trp-13 has emission at about 350 nm and contributes 76–83% to the total fluorescence emission. The Trp-85, unquenchable by iodide and acrylamide, has the fluorescence emission at about 337 nm. The time-resolved fluorescence measurements show that Trp-13 has a longer fluorescence decay time. The Trp-85 exhibits a shorter fluorescence decay time. In the CRP-cAMP complex the Trp-85, previously buried in the apoprotein becomes totally exposed to the iodide and acrylamide quenchers. The FDCD spectra indicate that in the CRP-cAMP complex Trp-85 remains in the same environment as in the protein alone. It has been proposed that the binding of cAMP to CRP is accompanied by a hinge reorientation of two protein domains. This allows for penetration of the quencher molecules into the Trp-85 residue previously buried in the protein matrix.Abbreviations CRP cyclic AMP receptor protein - NATA N-acetyltryptophanamide - FQRS fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra - FDCD fluorescence-detected circular dichroism - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography  相似文献   

The equilibrium and kinetics studies of an 82 kDa large monomeric Escherichia coli protein Malate Synthase G (MSG) was investigated by far and near-UV CD, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and extrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. We find that despite of its large size, folding is reversible, in vitro. Equilibrium unfolding process of MSG exhibited three-state transition thus, indicating the presence of at least a stable equilibrium intermediate. Thermodynamic parameters suggest this intermediate resembles the unfolded state. However, the equilibrium intermediate exhibits pronounced secondary structure as measured by far-UV CD, partial tertiary structure as delineated by near-UV CD, compactness (m value) and exposed hydrophobic surface area as assessed by ANS binding, typically depicting a molten globule state. The stopped-flow kinetic data provide clear evidence for the presence of a burst phase during the refolding pathway due to the formation of an early Intermediate, within the dead time of the instrument. Refolding from 4 M to various lower concentrations until 0.4 M of GdnHCl follow biphasic kinetics at lower concentrations of GdnHCl (<0.8 M), whereas monophasic kinetics at concentrations above 1.5 M. Also, rollover in the refolding and unfolding limbs of chevron plot verifies the presence of a fast kinetic intermediate at lower concentration of GdnHCl. Based upon the above observations we hereby propose the folding pathway of a large multi-domain protein Malate Synthase G.  相似文献   

Protein intermediates in equilibrium with native states may play important roles in protein dynamics but, in cases, can initiate harmful aggregation events. Investigating equilibrium protein intermediates is thus important for understanding protein behaviour (useful or pernicious) but it is hampered by difficulties in gathering structural information. We show here that the phi-analysis techniques developed to investigate transition states of protein folding can be extended to determine low-resolution three-dimensional structures of protein equilibrium intermediates. The analysis proposed is based solely on equilibrium data and is illustrated by determination of the structure of the apoflavodoxin thermal unfolding intermediate. In this conformation, a large part of the protein remains close to natively folded, but a 40 residue region is clearly unfolded. This structure is fully consistent with the NMR data gathered on an apoflavodoxin mutant designed specifically to stabilise the intermediate. The structure shows that the folded region of the intermediate is much larger than the proton slow-exchange core at 25 degrees C. It also reveals that the unfolded region is made of elements whose packing surface is more polar than average. In addition, it constitutes a useful guide to rationally stabilise the native state relative to the intermediate state, a far from trivial task.  相似文献   

As molecules approach one another in aqueous solution, desolvation free energy barriers to association are encountered. Experiments suggest these (de)solvation effects contribute to the free energy barriers separating the folded and unfolded states of protein molecules. To explore their influence on the energy landscapes of protein folding reactions, we have incorporated desolvation barriers into a semi-realistic, off-lattice protein model that uses a simplified physico-chemical force-field determined solely by the sequence of amino acids. Monte Carlo sampling techniques were used to study the effects on the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding of a number of systems, diverse in structure and sequence. In each case, desolvation barriers increase the stability of the native conformation and the cooperativity of the major folding/unfolding transition. The folding times of these systems are reduced significantly upon inclusion of desolvation barriers, demonstrating that the particulate nature of the solvent engenders a more defined route to the native fold.  相似文献   

Ji Guo Su  Wei Zu Chen  Cun Xin Wang 《Proteins》2010,78(9):2157-2169
The impacts of three charged‐residue‐involved mutations, E46A, R3E, and R3E/L66E, on the thermostability and folding behavior of the cold shock protein from the themophile Bacillus caldolyticus (Bc‐Csp) were investigated by using a modified Gō‐like model, in which the nonspecific electrostatic interactions of charged residues were taken into account. Our simulation results show that the wild‐type Bc‐Csp and its three mutants are all two‐sate folders, which is consistent with the experimental observations. It is found that these three mutations all lead to a decrease of protein thermodynamical stability, and the effect of R3E mutation is the strongest. The lower stability of these three mutants is due to the increase of the enthalpy of the folded state and the entropy of the unfolded state. Using this model, we also studied the folding kinetics and the folding/unfolding pathway of the wild‐type Bc‐Csp as well as its three mutants and then discussed the effects of electrostatic interactions on the folding kinetics. The results indicate that the substitutions at positions 3 and 46 largely decrease the folding kinetics, whereas the mutation of residue 66 only slightly decreases the folding rate. This result agrees well with the experimental observations. It is also found that these mutations have little effects on the folding transition state and the folding pathway, in which the N‐terminal β sheet folds earlier than the C‐terminal region. We also investigated the detailed unfolding pathway and found that it is really the reverse of the folding pathway, providing the validity of our simulation results. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

With advancements in high‐throughput generation of phenotypic data on mutant proteins, it has become important to individually characterize different proteins or their variants rapidly and with minimal sample consumption. We have made use of a nano differential scanning fluorimetric device, from NanoTemper technologies, to rapidly carry out isothermal chemical denaturation and measure folding/unfolding kinetics of proteins and compared these to corresponding data obtained from conventional spectrofluorimetry. We show that using sample volumes 10‐50‐fold lower than with conventional fluorimetric techniques, one can rapidly and accurately measure thermodynamic and kinetic stability, as well as folding/unfolding kinetics. This method also facilitates characterization of proteins that are difficult to express and purify.  相似文献   

The Notch ankyrin domain is a repeat protein whose folding has been characterized through equilibrium and kinetic measurements. In previous work, equilibrium folding free energies of truncated constructs were used to generate an experimentally determined folding energy landscape (Mello and Barrick, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:14102–14107). Here, this folding energy landscape is used to parameterize a kinetic model in which local transition probabilities between partly folded states are based on energy values from the landscape. The landscape‐based model correctly predicts highly diverse experimentally determined folding kinetics of the Notch ankyrin domain and sequence variants. These predictions include monophasic folding and biphasic unfolding, curvature in the unfolding limb of the chevron plot, population of a transient unfolding intermediate, relative folding rates of 19 variants spanning three orders of magnitude, and a change in the folding pathway that results from C‐terminal stabilization. These findings indicate that the folding pathway(s) of the Notch ankyrin domain are thermodynamically selected: the primary determinants of kinetic behavior can be simply deduced from the local stability of individual repeats.  相似文献   

An increasing number of proteins are being discovered with a remarkable and somewhat surprising feature, a knot in their native structures. How the polypeptide chain is able to "knot" itself during the folding process to form these highly intricate protein topologies is not known. Here we perform a computational study on the 160-amino-acid homodimeric protein YibK, which, like other proteins in the SpoU family of MTases, contains a deep trefoil knot in its C-terminal region. In this study, we use a coarse-grained C(alpha)-chain representation and Langevin dynamics to study folding kinetics. We find that specific, attractive nonnative interactions are critical for knot formation. In the absence of these interactions, i.e., in an energetics driven entirely by native interactions, knot formation is exceedingly unlikely. Further, we find, in concert with recent experimental data on YibK, two parallel folding pathways that we attribute to an early and a late formation of the trefoil knot, respectively. For both pathways, knot formation occurs before dimerization. A bioinformatics analysis of the SpoU family of proteins reveals further that the critical nonnative interactions may originate from evolutionary conserved hydrophobic segments around the knotted region.  相似文献   

The role of local interactions in protein folding has recently been the subject of some controversy. Here we investigate an extension of Zwanzig's simple and general model of folding in which local and nonlocal interactions are represented by functions of single and multiple conformational degrees of freedom, respectively. The kinetics and thermodynamics of folding are studied for a series of energy functions in which the energy of the native structure is fixed, but the relative contributions of local and nonlocal interactions to this energy are varied over a broad range. For funnel shaped energy landscapes, we find that 1) the rate of folding increases, but the stability of the folded state decreases, as the contribution of local interactions to the energy of the native structure increases, and 2) the amount of native structure in the unfolded state and the transition state vary considerably with the local interaction strength. Simple exponential kinetics and a well-defined free energy barrier separating folded and unfolded states are observed when nonlocal interactions make an appreciable contribution to the energy of the native structure; in such cases a transition state theory type approximation yields reasonably accurate estimates of the folding rate. Bumps in the folding funnel near the native state, which could result from desolvation effects, side chain freezing, or the breaking of nonnative contacts, significantly alter the dependence of the folding rate on the local interaction strength: the rate of folding decreases when the local interaction strength is increased beyond a certain point. A survey of the distribution of strong contacts in the protein structure database suggests that evolutionary optimization has involved both kinetics and thermodynamics: strong contacts are enriched at both very short and very long sequence separations. Proteins 29:282–291, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Investigating the relative importance of protein stability, function, and folding kinetics in driving protein evolution has long been hindered by the fact that we can only compare modern natural proteins, the products of the very process we seek to understand, to each other, with no external references or baselines. Through a large-scale all-atom simulation of protein evolution, we have created a large diverse alignment of SH3 domain sequences which have been selected only for native state stability, with no other influencing factors. Although the average pairwise identity between computationally evolved and natural sequences is only 17%, the residue frequency distributions of the computationally evolved sequences are similar to natural SH3 sequences at 86% of the positions in the domain, suggesting that optimization for the native state structure has dominated the evolution of natural SH3 domains. Additionally, the positions which play a consistent role in the transition state of three well-characterized SH3 domains (by phi-value analysis) are structurally optimized for the native state, and vice versa. Indeed, we see a specific and significant correlation between sequence optimization for native state stability and conservation of transition state structure.  相似文献   

The activation of DnaA protein by cardiolipin is inhibited by fluphenazinein vitro. We therefore examined the sensitivity of temperature-sensitivednaA mutants ofEscherichia coli to fluphenazine and other phenothiazine derivatives. Among the eightdnaA mutants tested,dnaA5, dnaA46 dnaA602, anddnaA604, mutants with mutations in the putative ATP binding site of DnaA protein, showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives than did the wild-type strain. ThednaA508 anddnaA167 mutants, which have mutations in the N-terminal region of DnaA protein, also showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives. On the other hand, thednaA204 anddnaA205 mutants, with lesions in the C-terminal region of the DnaA protein, showed the same sensitivity to phenothiazine derivatives as the wild-type strain. Complementation analysis with a plasmid containing the wild-typednaA gene and phage P1-mediated transduction confirmed thatdnaA mutations are responsible for these sensitivity phenotypes.  相似文献   

We collected quantitative kinetic data on early and late stages of folding in non-two-state proteins from the literature, and studied the relationship between the kinetics of the two stages. There was a surprisingly high correlation between the rate constants of these stages. The correlation coefficient of the logarithmic rate constants was as high as 0.97, which could not be caused by chance. We also studied relationships of the logarithmic rate constants of the two stages with native three-dimensional structures represented by the residue-residue contact map. There were again surprisingly high correlations between the logarithmic rate constants and the number of non-local contact clusters obtained from the contact maps. Because the number of non-local contact clusters represents overall arrangement of substructures in a native protein, the results strongly suggested the importance of the arrangement of the substructures for the kinetics of both early and late stages of protein folding.  相似文献   

Insights into protein folding rely increasingly on the synergy between experimental and theoretical approaches. Developing successful computational models requires access to experimental data of sufficient quantity and high quality. We compiled folding rate constants for what initially appeared to be 184 proteins from 15 published collections/web databases. To generate the highest confidence in the dataset, we verified the reported lnkf value and exact experimental construct and conditions from the original experimental report(s). The resulting comprehensive database of 126 verified entries, ACPro, will serve as a freely accessible resource ( https://www.ats.amherst.edu/protein/ ) for the protein folding community to enable confident testing of predictive models. In addition, we provide a streamlined submission form for researchers to add new folding kinetics results, requiring specification of all the relevant experimental information according to the standards proposed in 2005 by the protein folding consortium organized by Plaxco. As the number and diversity of proteins whose folding kinetics are studied expands, our curated database will enable efficient and confident incorporation of new experimental results into a standardized collection. This database will support a more robust symbiosis between experiment and theory, leading ultimately to more rapid and accurate insights into protein folding, stability, and dynamics.  相似文献   

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