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Epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, profoundly influence gene expression of CD4(+) Th-specific cells thereby shaping memory Th cell function. We demonstrate here a correlation between a lacking fixed potential of human memory Th cells to re-express the immunoregulatory cytokine gene IL10 and its DNA methylation status. Memory Th cells secreting IL-10 or IFN-gamma were directly isolated ex vivo from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers, and the DNA methylation status of IL10 and IFNG was assessed. Limited difference in methylation was found for the IL10 gene locus in IL-10-secreting Th cells, as compared with Th cells not secreting IL-10 isolated directly ex vivo or from in vitro-established human Th1 and Th2 clones. In contrast, in IFN-gamma(+) memory Th cells the promoter of the IFNG gene was hypomethylated, as compared with IFN-gamma-nonsecreting memory Th cells. In accordance with the lack of epigenetic memory, almost 90% of ex vivo-isolated IL-10-secreting Th cells lacked a functional memory for IL-10 re-expression after restimulation. Our data indicate that IL10 does not become epigenetically marked in human memory Th cells unlike effector cytokine genes such as IFNG. The exclusion of IL-10, but not effector cytokines, from the functional memory of human CD4(+) T lymphocytes ex vivo may reflect the need for appropriate regulation of IL-10 secretion, due to its potent immunoregulatory potential.  相似文献   

The AIDS-like disease in rhesus monkeys induced by the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) has been used as a model to explore the nature of the T lymphocyte response after infection with viruses of the human immunodeficiency virus family. Activated CD8+ lymphocytes are present in increased numbers in the paracortex of lymph nodes of SIV-infected rhesus monkeys with a lymphadenopathy syndrome. We demonstrate that SIV is more readily isolated from CD8+ lymphocyte-depleted PBL of SIV-infected animals than from their unfractionated PBL. Rather than reflecting the fact that the CD8+ lymphocyte-depleted cell populations are simply enriched for CD4+ lymphocytes, this indicates that CD8+ cells themselves are critical in this regulatory interaction. In fact, CD8+ lymphocytes from SIV-infected but not uninfected rhesus monkeys can block SIV replication in vitro in PBL populations. A T lymphocyte population that blocks replication of viruses of the HIV family may contribute to containing the progression of AIDS.  相似文献   

Functional impairment of virus-specific memory CD8(+) T lymphocytes has been associated with clinical disease progression following HIV, SIV, and simian human immunodeficiency virus infection. These lymphocytes have a reduced capacity to produce antiviral cytokines and mediators involved in the lysis of virally infected cells. In the present study, we used polychromatic flow cytometry to assess the frequency and functional capacity of central memory (CD28(+)CD95(+)) and effector memory (CD28(-)CD95(+)) subpopulations of Gag-specific CD8(+) T cells in SIV/simian human immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus monkeys. The aim of this study was to determine whether Ag-specific, memory CD8(+) T cell function could be preserved in infected monkeys that had been immunized before infection with a vaccine regimen consisting of a plasmid DNA prime followed by a recombinant viral vector boost. We observed that vaccination was associated with the preservation of Gag-specific central memory CD8(+) T cells that were functionally capable of producing IFN-gamma, and effector memory CD8(+) T cells that were capable of producing granzyme B following viral Ag exposure.  相似文献   

Adaptive CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses have been associated with control of human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) replication. Here, we have designed a study with Indian rhesus macaques to more directly assess the role of CD8 SIV-specific responses in control of viral replication. Macaques were immunized with a DNA prime-modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-SIV boost regimen under normal conditions or under conditions of antibody-induced CD4+ T-cell deficiency. Depletion of CD4+ cells was performed in the immunized macaques at the peak of SIV-specific CD4+ T-cell responses following the DNA prime dose. A group of naïve macaques was also treated with the anti-CD4 depleting antibody as a control, and an additional group of macaques immunized under normal conditions was depleted of CD8+ T cells prior to challenge exposure to SIVmac251. Analysis of the quality and quantity of vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells demonstrated that SIV-specific CD8+ T cells generated under conditions of CD4+ T-cell deficiency expressed low levels of Bcl-2 and interleukin-2 (IL-2), and plasma virus levels increased over time. Depletion of CD8+ T cells prior to challenge exposure abrogated vaccine-induced protection as previously shown. These data support the notion that adaptive CD4+ T cells are critical for the generation of effective CD8+ T-cell responses to SIV that, in turn, contribute to protection from AIDS. Importantly, they also suggest that long-term protection from disease will be afforded only by T-cell vaccines for HIV that provide a balanced induction of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses and protect against early depletion of CD4+ T cells postinfection.  相似文献   

Induction of virus-specific T-cell responses in mucosal as well as systemic compartments of the immune system is likely to be a critical feature of an effective AIDS vaccine. We investigated whether virus-specific CD8(+) lymphocytes induced in rhesus macaques by immunization with attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), an approach that is highly effective in eliciting protection against mucosal challenge, express the mucosa-homing receptor alpha4beta7 and traffic to the intestinal mucosa. SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells expressing alpha4beta7 were detected in peripheral blood and intestine of macaques infected with attenuated SIV. In contrast, virus-specific T cells in blood of animals immunized cutaneously by a combined DNA-modified vaccinia virus Ankara regimen did not express alpha4beta7. These results demonstrate the selective induction of SIV-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes expressing alpha4beta7 by a vaccine approach that replicates in mucosal tissue and suggest that induction of virus-specific lymphocytes that are able to home to mucosal sites may be an important characteristic of a successful AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   

We have previously described two isogenic molecularly cloned simian immunodeficiency virus/human immunodeficiency virus chimeric viruses (SHIVs) that differ from one another by 9 amino acids and direct distinct clinical outcomes in inoculated rhesus monkeys. SHIV(DH12R-Clone 7), like other highly pathogenic CXCR4-tropic SHIVs, induces rapid and complete depletions of CD4+ T lymphocytes and immunodeficiency in infected animals. In contrast, macaques inoculated with SHIV(DH12R-Clone 8) experience only partial and transient losses of CD4+ T cells, show prompt control of their viremia, and remain healthy for periods of time extending for up to 4 years. The contributions of CD8+ and CD20+ lymphocytes in suppressing the replication of the attenuated SHIV(DH12R-Clone 8) and maintaining a prolonged asymptomatic clinical course was assessed by treating animals with monoclonal antibodies that deplete each lymphocyte subset at the time of virus inoculation. The absence of either CD8+ or CD20+ cells during the SHIV(DH12R-Clone 8) acute infection resulted in the rapid, complete, and irreversible loss of CD4+ T cells; sustained high levels of postpeak plasma viremia; and symptomatic disease in Mamu-A*01-negative Indian rhesus monkeys. In Mamu-A*01-positive animals, however, the aggressive, highly pathogenic phenotype was observed only in macaques depleted of CD8+ cells; SHIV(DH12R-Clone 8) was effectively controlled in Mamu-A*01-positive monkeys in the absence of B lymphocytes. Taken together, these results indicate that both CD8+ and CD20+ B cells contribute to the control of primate lentiviral infection in Mamu-A*01-negative macaques. Furthermore, the major histocompatibility complex genotype of an infected animal, as exemplified by the Mamu-A*01 allele in this study, has the additional capacity to shift the balance of the composite immune response.  相似文献   

Induction of virus-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses is a promising strategy for AIDS vaccine development. However, it has remained unclear if or how long-term viral containment and disease control are attainable by CTL-based nonsterile protection. Here, we present three rhesus macaques that successfully maintained Env-independent vaccine-based control of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) mac239 replication without disease progression for more than 3 years. SIV-specific neutralizing antibody induction was inefficient in these controllers. Vaccine-induced Gag-specific CTLs were crucial for the chronic as well as the primary viral control in one of them, whereas those Gag-specific CTL responses became undetectable and CTLs specific for SIV antigens other than Gag, instead, became predominant in the chronic phase in the other two controllers. A transient CD8(+) cell depletion experiment 3 years postinfection resulted in transient reappearance of plasma viremia in these two animals, suggesting involvement of the SIV non-Gag-specific CTLs in the chronic SIV control. This sustained, neutralizing antibody-independent viral control was accompanied with preservation of central memory CD4(+) T cells in the chronic phase. Our results suggest that prophylactic CTL vaccine-based nonsterile protection can result in long-term viral containment by adapted CTL responses for AIDS prevention.  相似文献   

Prior reports have shown that CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells suppress naive T cell responses by inhibiting IL-2 production. In this report, using an Ag-specific TCR transgenic system, we show that naive T cells stimulated with cognate Ag in the presence of preactivated CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells also become refractory to the mitogenic effects of IL-2. T cells stimulated in the presence of regulatory T cells up-regulated high affinity IL-2R, but failed to produce IL-2, express cyclins or c-Myc, or exit G(0)-G(1). Exogenous IL-2 failed to break the mitotic block, demonstrating that the IL-2 production failure was not wholly responsible for the proliferation defect. This IL-2 unresponsiveness did not require the continuous presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. The majority of responder T cells reisolated after coculture with regulatory cells failed to proliferate in response to IL-2, but were not anergic and proliferated in response to Ag. The mitotic block was also dissociated from the antiapoptotic effects of IL-2, because IL-2 still promoted the survival of T cells that had been cocultured with CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. IL-2-induced STAT5 phosphorylation in the cocultured responder cells was intact, implying that the effects of the regulatory cells were downstream of receptor activation. Our results therefore show that T cell activation in the presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells can induce an alternative stimulation program characterized by up-regulation of high affinity IL-2R, but a failure to produce IL-2, and uncoupling of the mitogenic and antiapoptotic effects of IL-2.  相似文献   

By animal-to-animal passage of simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) in pig-tailed macaques, we have developed a macaque model of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) disease in humans. Passaging was begun with a chimeric virus containing the env gene of HIV-1 HXBc2 and the gag and pol genes of simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239. SHIV was passaged serially in cohorts of two macaques each, using bone marrow-to-bone marrow transfers at 5, 5, and 16 weeks for passages 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The fifth passage was done by using cell-free virus isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of a passage 4 macaque. The virus became more virulent with each passage. Virus replication was restricted in all three animals in passages 1 and 2 but not in five of the six animals in passages 3, 4, and 5. In these animals, intense virus replication in the lymphoid tissues resulted in almost total elimination of CD4+ T cells within weeks of inoculation, and three of these animals developed AIDS in less than 1 year. The more uniform virus-host interaction initiated by the cell-free virus in the passage 5 animals contrasted with a more variable pattern of disease initiated by infectious bone marrow cells during earlier passages. The virulent cell-free SHIV can now be used to screen the efficacy of vaccines directed against the envelope of HIV-1.  相似文献   

High expression of IL-21 and/or IL-21R has been described in T cell-mediated inflammatory diseases characterized by defects of counterregulatory mechanisms. CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Treg) are a T cell subset involved in the control of the immune responses. A diminished ability of these cells to inhibit T cell activation has been documented in immune-inflammatory diseases, raising the possibility that inflammatory stimuli can block the regulatory properties of Treg. We therefore examined whether IL-21 controls CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell function. We demonstrate in this study that IL-21 markedly enhances the proliferation of human CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells and counteracts the suppressive activities of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells on CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells without affecting the percentage of Foxp3(+) cells or survival of Treg. Additionally, CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells induced in the presence of IL-21 maintain the ability to suppress alloresponses. Notably, IL-21 enhances the growth of CD8(+)CD25(-) T cells but does not revert the CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell-mediated suppression of this cell type, indicating that IL-21 makes CD4(+) T cells resistant to suppression rather than inhibiting CD4(+)CD25(+) T cell activity. Finally, we show that IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15, but not IL-21, reverse the anergic phenotype of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. Data indicate that IL-21 renders human CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells resistant to Treg-mediated suppression and suggest a novel mechanism by which IL-21 could augment T cell-activated responses in human immune-inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The viral infectivity factor gene vif of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has been shown to affect the infectivity but not the production of virus particles. In this study, the effect of vif in the context of the HXB2 virus on virus replication in several CD4+ T-cell lines was investigated. vif was found to be required for replication in the CD4+ T-cell lines CEM and H9 as well as in peripheral blood T lymphocytes. vif was not required for replication in the SupT1, C8166, and Jurkat T-cell lines. The infectivity of vif-defective viruses depended on the cell type in which the virus was produced. In CEM cells, vif was required for production of virus capable of initiating infection in all cell lines studied. vif-defective virus produced by SupT1, C8166, and Jurkat cells and the monkey cell line COS-1 could initiate infection in multiple cell lines, including CEM and H9. These results suggest that vif can compensate for cellular factors required for production of infectious virus particles that are present in some cell lines such as SupT1, C8166, and Jurkat but are absent in others such as CEM and H9 as well as peripheral blood T lymphocytes. The effect of vif was not altered by deletion of the carboxyl terminus of gp41, a proposed target for vif (B. Guy, M. Geist, K. Dott, D. Spehner, M.-P. Kieny, and J.-P. Lecocq, J. Virol. 65:1325-1331, 1991). These studies demonstrate that vif enhances viral infectivity during virus production and also suggest that vif is likely to be important for natural infections.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cell responses rapidly select viral variants during acute human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection. We used pyrosequencing to examine variation within three SIV-derived epitopes (Gag386-394GW9, Nef103-111RM9, and Rev59-68SP10) targeted by immunodominant CD8+ T cell responses in acutely infected Mauritian cynomolgus macaques. In animals recognizing all three epitopes, variation within Rev59-68SP10 was associated with delayed accumulation of variants in Gag386-394GW9 but had no effect on variation within Nef103-111RM9. This demonstrates that the entire T cell repertoire, rather than a single T cell population, influences the timing of immune escape, thereby providing the first example of conditional CD8+ T cell escape in HIV/SIV infection.  相似文献   

Vaccine-induced CD8+ central memory T cells in protection from simian AIDS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Critical to the development of an effective HIV vaccine is the identification of adaptive immune responses that prevent infection or disease. In this study we demonstrate in a relevant nonhuman primate model of AIDS that the magnitude of vaccine-induced virus-specific CD8(+) central memory T cells (T(CM)), but not that of CD8(+) effector memory T cells, inversely correlates with the level of SIVmac251 replication, suggesting their pivotal role in the control of viral replication. We propose that effective preventive or therapeutic T cell vaccines for HIV-1 should induce long-term protective central memory T cells.  相似文献   

The predictive value of acute gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) CD4+ T cell depletion in lentiviral infections was assessed by comparing three animal models illustrative of the outcomes of SIV infection: pathogenic infection (SIVsmm infection of rhesus macaques (Rh)), persistent nonprogressive infection (SIVagm infection of African green monkeys (AGM)), and transient, controlled infection (SIVagm infection of Rh). Massive acute depletion of GALT CD4+ T cells was a common feature of acute SIV infection in all three models. The outcome of this mucosal CD4+ T cell depletion, however, differed substantially between the three models: in SIVsmm-infected Rh, the acute GALT CD4+ T cell depletion was persistent and continued with disease progression; in SIVagm, intestinal CD4+ T cells were partially restored during chronic infection in the context of normal levels of apoptosis and immune activation and absence of damage to the mucosal immunologic barrier; in SIVagm-infected Rh, complete control of viral replication resulted in restoration of the mucosal barrier and immune restoration. Therefore, our data support a revised paradigm wherein severe GALT CD4+ T cell depletion during acute pathogenic HIV and SIV infections of humans and Rh is necessary but neither sufficient nor predictive of disease progression, with levels of immune activation, proliferation and apoptosis being key factors involved in determining progression to AIDS.  相似文献   

Although CD8+ T cells play an important role in controlling viral infections, boosting specific CD8+ T cells by prophylactic vaccination with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) epitopes fails to provide sterilizing immunity. Viral replication rates and viral contraction rates after the peak viremia hardly depend on the presence of memory CD8+ T cells. To study these paradoxical findings, we parameterize novel mathematical models for acute SIV and human immunodeficiency virus infection. These models explain that failure of vaccination is due to the fact that effector/target ratios are too low during the viral expansion phase. Because CD8+ T cells require cell-to-cell contacts, immune protection requires high effector/target ratios at the primary site of infection. Effector/target ratios become favorable for immune control at the time of the peak in the viral load when the virus becomes limited by other factors, such as the availability of uninfected target cells. At the viral set point, effector/target ratios are much higher, and perturbations of the number of CD8+ effector cells have a large impact on the viral load. Such protective effector/target ratios are difficult to achieve with nucleic acid- or protein-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Current assays of CD8+ T-lymphocyte function measure cytokine production rather than the ability of these lymphocytes to suppress viral replication. Here we show that CD8+ T-cell clones recognizing the same epitope vary enormously in the ability to suppress simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239 replication in an in vitro suppression assay. However, all Nef(165-173)IW9- and Vif(66-73)HW8-specific clones from elite controllers effectively suppressed SIV replication. Interestingly, in vitro suppression efficacy was not always associated with the ability to produce gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor alpha, or interleukin-2.  相似文献   

Many species of African nonhuman primates are natural hosts for individual strains of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). These infected animals do not, however, develop AIDS. Here we show that multiple species of African nonhuman primate species characteristically have low frequencies of CD4(+) T cells and high frequencies of both T cells that express only the alpha-chain of CD8 and double-negative T cells. These subsets of T cells are capable of eliciting functions generally associated with CD4(+) T cells, yet these cells lack surface expression of the CD4 protein and are, therefore, poor targets for SIV in vivo. These data demonstrate that coevolution with SIV has, in several cases, involved downregulation of receptors for the virus by otherwise-susceptible host target cells. Understanding the genetic factors that lead to downregulation of these receptors may lead to therapeutic interventions that mimic this modulation in progressive infections.  相似文献   

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