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Variation in egg size, hatch timing and size at hatch, and their influence on individual growth rates of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar alevins up to first feeding were examined in pure strain and hybrid crosses of fish from Scotland and Canada. At the intra‐female, intra‐cross type and inter‐cross type levels, specific growth rates prior to first feed were strongly size dependent, with smaller and later hatching alevins growing significantly faster. The magnitude of this size‐dependent growth was greatest in the hybrid crosses. This resulted in a 40% reduction in the coefficient of variation (c.v. ) in alevin size from post‐hatch to first feeding at the intra‐female level, and a reduction of both intra‐ and inter‐cross differences in alevin sizes in the same period.  相似文献   

The somatic growth, sexual maturation and fecundity of individually marked first‐time spawning female Atlantic cod Gadus morhua were examined under different varying temperature and feeding regimes over the months preceding spawning. A negative correlation between somatic and oocyte growth was found, reflecting the changing energy allocation pattern. Nevertheless, the somatic growth of mature individuals was at least as high as those of immature fish over the period of vitellogenesis. Potential fecundity was positively correlated with body size, but neither temperature or feeding regime significantly affected this relationship. Consequently, fish with unlimited feeding opportunity invested more energy into somatic growth during vitellogenesis compared to those held under a restricted ration. This indicated that once Atlantic cod had made the decision to invest in first reproduction, they allocated a certain amount of energy relative to their size into egg production and any surplus was invested into somatic growth. Low temperature led to an arrest in the onset of vitellogenesis and significantly affected the number of females that matured.  相似文献   

A staging table for yolk‐sac larvae of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua was developed and applied to determine the development stage at hatch. Larvae ( n  = 20) were sampled during the period from 50% hatch to first‐feeding from four temperature treatments ( c . 2, 4, 8 and 12° C). Data recorded included standard length, development stage, yolk‐sac area and evidence of feeding by larvae. The results indicated that the stage of development at hatch was positively correlated to larval size. Furthermore, developmentally based changes in morphology shortly after hatch reduced much of the initial difference in size, although some difference still existed. No relationship between size at hatch and the incidence of first‐feeding larvae was found. Based on these observations, it is recommended that the development stage of hatching larvae be reported in studies investigating size and morphological differences when observing individual larval fish that originate from different populations, batches or species.  相似文献   

Inter‐individual differences in rates of routine (non‐feeding) metabolism and growth were evaluated in young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua . Rates of O2 consumption, CO2 production and ammonia (TAN) excretion were measured in 64, 25–43 mm standard length ( L S) YOY growing at different rates (0·27–0·47 mm day−1) in a common rearing tank. Parameter rates ( y ) increased allometrically ( y = a·Mb ) with increasing body mass ( M ) with b ‐values for O2 production, CO2 consumption and TAN excretion equal to 0·81, 0·89 and 0·56, respectively. In some cases, residuals from these regressions were significantly negatively correlated to fish growth rate. In no cases did residuals of parameter rates increase with increasing growth rate. These data suggest that, during unfed periods, relatively fast‐growing fish were more metabolically efficient than slower‐growing fish from the same cohort. The fish condition factor, derived from     , also significantly decreased with increasing growth rate. Results indicated differences in both the rates of routine energy loss and the patterns of growth allocation among YOY Atlantic cod. Since these physiological attributes were positively correlated with growth rate, they may be indicative of 'survivors' in field populations.  相似文献   

The lifetime success and performance characteristics of communally reared offspring of wild native Burrishoole (native), ranched native (ranched) and non‐native (non‐native) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the adjacent Owenmore River were compared. Non‐native 0+ year parr showed a substantial downstream migration, which was not shown by native and ranched parr. This appears to have been an active migration rather than competitive displacement and may reflect an adaptation to environmental or physiographic conditions within the Owenmore River catchment where the main nursery habitat is downstream of the spawning area. There were no differences between native and ranched in smolt output or adult return. Both of these measures, however, were significantly lower for the non‐native group. A greater proportion of the non‐native Atlantic salmon was taken in the coastal drift nets compared to the return to the Burrishoole system, probably as a result of the greater size of the non‐native fish. The overall lifetime success of the non‐native group, from fertilized egg to returning adult, was some 35% of native and ranched. The ranched group showed a significantly greater male parr maturity, a greater proportion of 1+ year smolts, and differences in sex ratio and timing of freshwater entry of returning adults compared to native, which may have fitness implications under specific conditions.  相似文献   

The onset of exogenous feeding, when juveniles emerge from the gravel, is a critical event for salmonids where early emergence and large size provide a competitive advantage in the wild. Studying 131 farmed, hybrid and wild Norwegian Atlantic salmon families, originating from four wild populations and two commercial strains, we investigated whether approximately 10 generations of selection for faster growth has also resulted in increased somatic growth prior to the onset of exogenous feeding. In addition, we tested whether relaxed selection in farms has allowed for alterations in hatching time between farmed and wild salmon. Across three cohorts, wild salmon families hatched earlier than farmed salmon families, while hybrid families displayed intermediate hatching times. While the observed differences were small, i.e., 1–15 degree-days (0–3 days, as water temperatures were c. 5–6°C), these data suggest additive genetic variation for hatching time. Alevin length prior to exogenous feeding was positively related to egg size. After removal of egg size effects, no systematic differences in alevin length were observed between the wild and farmed salmon families. While these results indicate additive genetic variation for egg development timing, and wild salmon families consistently hatched earlier than farmed salmon families, these differences were so small they are unlikely to significantly influence early life history competition of farmed and wild salmon in the natural environment. This is especially the case given that the timing of spawning among females can vary by several weeks in some rivers. The general lack of difference in size between farmed and wild alevins, strongly suggest that the documented differences in somatic growth rate between wild and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon under hatchery conditions are first detectable after the onset of exogenous feeding.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were conducted on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolt (average size, 119–154 mm fork length, L F) caught in eight large Norwegian fjord systems along a north–south geographical axis during 1998–2001. In general, post‐smolts from southern Norway showed low feeding intensity in the fjords, whereas extensive feeding was observed in fjords in the northern and middle parts of Norway. The marine diet mainly included different crustaceans and in particular marine pelagic fish larvae (sand-eels Ammodytes spp., herring Clupea harengus and gadoids), but with a substantial spatial and annual variation in prey diversity and feeding intensity. Insects were most frequently taken in the estuary, although fishes often made a large contribution in mass. In contrast, fishes, and to some extent various crustaceans (particularly Hyperiidae, Gammaridae, Euphausiacea and Copepoda) dominated the diet in the middle and outer parts of the fjords, where post‐smolts also fed more extensively than in the inner part. The results indicate that extensive feeding immediately after sea entrance may be more common for post‐smolts in the northern and middle parts of Norway, than in the southern fjords. The observed differences in post‐smolt feeding may be due to spatial and temporal differences in prey availability within and between the different types of fjord systems, and this might influence post‐smolt growth and survival.  相似文献   

Fifty‐three one‐sea‐winter Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (45–63 cm L T) were radio‐tagged in the Tana fjord, Barents Sea, in 1995. Thirty‐seven fish (70%) entered the freshwater zone of the River Tana in an average of 3 days after release in the fjord. The migration speeds in the lowest river section below the first riffle area were significantly higher than in the subsequent river section below the second riffle area. Similarly, the observed time spent in the first riffle area was significantly lower than in the next riffle area. The majority of Atlantic salmon entered the river during the hours of high tide and the subsequent ebb tide. In addition, most river entries were recorded around midnight. No effects of river flow on the river entry or migration speed were detected, but the migration speed of Atlantic salmon in both river sections examined was greater at lower temperatures. Twenty‐eight fish (72%) were recaptured in the river, 71% of them with weirs and gillnets, and 29% by rod and line. Over half of the Atlantic salmon (54%) were recaptured within 3 weeks following river entry, and within the first 100 km of the river (56%). The results are discussed in relation to earlier studies on multi‐sea‐winter Atlantic salmon in the River Tana.  相似文献   

The recapture rate and survival of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar stocked as 1 year‐old parr (semi‐wild) with that of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as 2 year‐old smolts and wild smolts of Atlantic salmon in the northern Baltic Sea were compared. This was done through tagging experiments carried out in 1986–1988 and 1992. The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups varied from 1·0 to 13·1%, being similar in 3 tagging years and lower in 1 year than that of the wild groups (1·7–17·0%). The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups was similar (in 2 years) or higher (in 2 years) than that of the hatchery‐reared groups stocked as smolts (1·3–6·3%). The survival of semi‐wild smolts during the sea migration was as high as that of wild Atlantic salmon of an equal size and two to three times higher than hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as smolts. The survival rate was positively associated with smolt size. The suitability of hatchery‐reared parr and smolts in the management of reduced Atlantic salmon stocks is compared.  相似文献   

Discriminant function analysis was used to distinguish morphologically between samples of parr, smolts and adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from several hatchery and river systems in Ireland. The effect of habitat shift was investigated in Atlantic salmon parr. Parr grown from the eyed‐egg stage with a non‐sibling group in a hatchery environment, came to resemble the mean body shape of their host hatchery Atlantic salmon stock more closely than that of a full sibling group grown at their natal hatchery. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts differed in shape from hatchery‐reared smolts. This difference was less pronounced, but still statistically significant when wild adults were compared with hatchery‐reared adults captured in the coastal drift‐net fishery after a year spent at sea. Rearing conditions had a significant impact on the production and growth of fish body shape. This in turn may have affected adaptability and survivorship of ranched Atlantic salmon in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The δ13C, δ15N and δ34S isotope values of newly emerged, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis alevins (free‐swimming individuals beginning exogenous feeding) were examined to determine if progeny of anadromous female spawners could be detected and their contributions to reproduction assessed in river systems with mixed migration strategies. Separation of anadromous and freshwater resident and immigrant sources of progeny could be detected primarily using δ13C values before alevins reached a size of 28 mm fork length and c . 20 days after exogenous feeding began. Among 10 populations, the contributions of anadromous females ranged from 0 to 42% of newly emerged alevins. Correlations between anadromous contributions and estimates of total brook trout density and alevin production were unexpectedly negative.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to compare first‐feeding mortality among 10 brown trout families fed high (100%) and low (25%) rations in replicate mixed family tanks. Microsatellite DNA profiling was used to assign individual brown trout to family of origin. At the end of the 35 day experimental period, highly significant differences in overall mortality were observed between the two treatments, and within the treatments there were highly significant differences in family mortality. Both replicates displayed similar patterns of family mortality. Notably, the distribution of mortality among families differed significantly between the two ration treatments, although this was more distinct for some families than others. No correlation between mean family egg diameter and family mortality were observed within either feeding treatment, although a significant positive correlation between mean family egg diameter and timing of family mortality was observed. It is suggested that these data indicate the existence of a genotype x environment interaction relating to feeding level during the critical start‐feeding period.  相似文献   

In the summer Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr were predominantly active at night, while young‐of‐the‐year were equally active during day and at night. These findings are consistent with the prediction that larger animals should be less willing to risk predation for a certain increase in size than smaller animals.  相似文献   

The community structure of trophically transmitted intestinal helminths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolts was highly variable among four fjords in Norway. There were no severely pathogenic parasite species. Post‐smolts from the southernmost Trondheimsfjord had a higher diversity of freshwater parasite species compared to the three northern fjords (Tanafjord, Altafjord and Malangen). In contrast, the highest diversity and proportion of marine species was found in the three northern fjords. Post‐smolts were generally more infected with marine parasites in the outer rather than inner parts of all of the fjords. The prevalence of the acanthocephalan Echinorynchus gadi (range: 13–42%) and marine trematodes (range: 14–47%) was higher in post‐smolts in outer zones of the northern fjords than in fish from Trondheimsfjord (0 and 6%, respectively). The within‐fjord variability and north‐south geographical gradient in parasite infection patterns reflected differences in marine feeding of the post‐smolts on potential intermediate hosts such as amphipods ( E. gadi ) and fish larvae (trematodes), which were higher in the northern fjords (range: 27–28 and 67–85%, respectively) than in Trondheimsfjord (5 and 19%, respectively). High intensities of marine parasites suggest that some post‐smolts from northern fjords may have a prolonged fjord‐feeding compared to those from Trondheimsfjord. Parasites of both freshwater and marine origin appear to be suitable as bio‐indicators of feeding and migratory pattern of Atlantic salmon post‐smolts and preadults during their seaward migration.  相似文献   

It is not rare that newly hatched chicks remain without feed for about 24 to 48 h before they are placed on farms due to a series of logistic operations. Furthermore, the spread in hatching time can also mount up to 30 to 48 h for late v. early hatchers. In other words, the practice is a complex combination of spread of hatch and delayed feed access. The present study was aimed to investigate the combined effects of hatching time with a delay in feed access of 48 h, starting from their hatch-time (biological age). When chicks had access to feed immediately after hatch, late hatchers had a higher feed intake and relative growth rate up to day 5 compared with their early hatched counterparts. Feed deprivation during the first 48 h resulted in retarded early growth rate, which was further aggravated by an impaired feed intake after refeeding. In addition, the differential effects of hatching time on relative growth rate and feed intake observed in immediately fed chicks were eliminated by the 48 h feed delay. The yolk utilization after hatch was faster for the late hatchers up to biological day 2 regardless of the feeding treatments. Hatching muscle glycogen content was higher in the late hatchers compared with that of their early counterparts at hatch and at biological day 2 independent of feeding treatment. Moreover, the liver glycogen content of the late hatchers was also higher at hatch. For the immediately fed chicks, the proportional breast muscle weight of the late hatchers was higher at biological day 2 and 5. For the starved chicks, on the other hand, this effect was only observed after they had access to feed (biological day 5). The different plasma T3 levels at hatch may have contributed to the different post hatch performance. It is concluded that the spread of hatch influenced post hatch performance, especially appetite and growth at least until day 5. Moreover, the delay in feed access interacted with the hatching time and caused adverse effects on the post hatch performance.  相似文献   

Clutch size of nine‐spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius from Airolo and Dog Bone Lakes, Alaska, showed small but significant differences between lakes and across 2 years. The variation in clutch size was independent of variation in egg mass, which did not differ appreciably between lakes or across years.  相似文献   

Records extending back from three to seven decades from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fisheries on the Blackwater, Newport and Owenduff River systems in Ireland, were used to test the hypothesis that there have been progressive declines in size and associated shifts in run timing. They showed identical patterns in four respects: 1) peaks of catch, in spring (March to April) and summer (June to July), 2) the largest fish were caught in the spring, with declines in size over the summer and a slight increase in autumn, 3) marked declines over time in average size and in the proportion of the Atlantic salmon taken in spring and 4) reductions in size in most months at all three sites. Correlations were also detected in average fish mass among the rivers over time (especially the Owenduff and Newport systems), showing a slight rise from the late 1960s until the late 1970s, followed by a steep decline. Data from an electronic counter on the Blackwater showed a reduction in the abundance of early migrants. The early fish were apparently much more vulnerable to fishing than later migrants, so the catch records overstated the abundance of early fish. These long‐term declines in size, which have been noted elsewhere, may be due to other factors in addition to changes in marine productivity. Specifically, reduction in the abundance of large, spring‐running Atlantic salmon may be due to selection resulting from heavy angler exploitation.  相似文献   

Support for the theory of ecological speciation requires evidence for ecological divergence between species which directly or indirectly causes reproductive isolation. This study investigates effects of ecological vs. genetic disparity of parental species on the presence of endogenous selection (deformation and mortality rates) and potential sources of exogenous selection (growth rates and hatch timing) on hybrids. Hybrid embryonic development is analysed in a common‐garden full‐sib cross of three species belonging to two different ecotypes within the Coregonus lavaretus species flock in the central Alpine region of Europe. Although hatch timing was similar across the three species, embryonic growth rates and egg sizes differed between ecotypes. This led to a mismatch between embryonic growth rate and egg size in hybrid crosses that reveals epistasis between the maternal and embryonic genomes and transgressive hatch times that were asynchronous with control crosses. A strong constraint of egg size to embryo size at late development was also evident. We argue that this demonstrates potential for coadaptation of a maternal trait (egg size) with offspring growth rate to be an important source of selection against hybridization between ecotypes with different egg sizes. Implications for the measurement and quantification of early life‐history traits affected by this additive relationship, such as hatch day and larval size, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Embryos and yolk‐feeding larvae of lake minnow Eupallasella percnurus were reared at 13, 16, 19, 22 and 25° C with no access to external food. Time from egg activation to first embryonic movements, hatching, filling of swimbladder and final yolk resorption increased with decreasing temperature. At 13° C, c . 40% of larvae were unable to fill their swimbladder. The predicted lower temperature at which development and growth ceased (biological zero, t 0) was the same for both processes, c . 7·5–10·5° C. There was no ontogenetic shift in the t 0 value. Temperature coefficients for development ( Q 10dev.) ranged from 2 to 3 at 19–25° C, but were higher in hatched larvae at lower temperatures. Eggs of E. percnurus had a combination of small size, high hydration and low caloric value of fresh matter. Dry mass of larval tissue on yolk, percentage of dry matter in wet matter, and specific growth rate were maximized at 22 and 25° C. At 19–25° C, energy and matter contained in the initial eggs were converted to body tissue most efficiently. Temperatures from 22 to 25° C are considered optimal for E. percnurus embryos and yolk‐feeding larvae and are recommended for their indoor rearing.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate the survival of salmonids from egg fertilization to fry emergence is described. Fine mesh screen cylindrical capsules, 12 cm3 in volume, filled with batches of 10 eggs of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were implanted in the substratum using small removable guiding tubes inserted with a metal spike. The method was compared with two other commonly used techniques, capping redds with fry‐traps and fine mesh screen incubation‐emergence boxes buried into the gravel. Egg‐to‐fry survival was recorded for the three methods run in parallel in artificial redds created on three sites of the Nivelle River watershed (south‐west of France), two in the stream and one in an experimental spawning channel. In the channel, survival to the eyed stage and to hatching in capsules and incubation‐emergence boxes was also compared. The implant of capsules proved easier and faster to use than other methods, the structure of the surrounding substratum was less disturbed and the capsules were less vulnerable to spates. This technique provided survival values largely free of the bias induced by other methods and intermediate between that of incubators and of traps.  相似文献   

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