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Summary. Compilation and analysis of the existing literature together with the results of our research carried out since 2000 makes possible an updated catalogue of the West Indian Odonata. Such a catalogue has not previously been available, and dispersed and multilingual literature did not facilitate odonatological studies. The odonate fauna of the Caribbean is currently composed of 108 valid species, of which 36 (32%) are endemic to one or a few islands. The most species-rich families are Libellulidae and Coenagrionidae, together comprising 65% of the total fauna.  相似文献   

介绍了细花萤科的识别特征,总结了该科分类历史,提供了属级检索表,编制了中国已知种类名录。基于标本检视信息,对一些物种地理分布地进行了补充,包括 Lobonyx guerryi (Pic, 1920)、Prionocerus bicolor Redtenbacher, 1868、P. coeruleipennis Perty,1831、Idgia deusta Fairmaire,1878和I. flavirostris Pascoe,1860。  相似文献   

A survey of forest litter-inhabiting Coleoptera was conducted in deciduous forests of the Ouachita Mountains in western Arkansas during 1991–1992. A total of 102 Berlese samples were collected, weighed, and processed during the 12-month study. From 741kg of sifted forest litter, we counted and sorted 10663 adult beetles representing 46 families and 400 species. The family Staphylinidae was taxonomically and numerically dominant, comprising 46% of species and 63% of individuals. Problems in assessing species richness of forest litter Coleoptera faunas result from a lack of taxonomic revisions, occurrence of sex-limited diagnostic characters, and inadequate information about larval-adult species associations and life histories. A randomized species accumulation curve indicated that species addition ranged from 14 species per sample during the first ten samples to 1.5 species per sample during the final ten. Richness estimates generated from the empirical data ranged from 434 species (Michaelis–Menten and Coleman richness estimators) to 590 species (second order jacknife). The area sampled is biogeographically significant because it harbors numerous habitat- restricted species that are endemic to the Ouachita Mountains or the Interior Highland region, as well as disjunct populations of species that are also found in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Deciduous forest habitats of the Ouachita Mountains, particularly beech-maple riparian forest, should be given special consideration in forest conservation planning because of their significance as refugia for these and other endemic and disjunct arthropods.  相似文献   

台湾和日本处在不同的地理纬度上,同属岛屿海洋性气候,前者地域面积远小于后者,拟步甲的物种多样性却大于后者。为弄清楚这些科学问题,作者采用G-F指数对从台湾到日本不同纬度梯度上的拟步甲多样性分布格局进行了比较分析,得到如下初步结论:(1) G-F指数从大到小依次是:台湾(21°N-25°N)(0.826)>日本(24°N-45°N)(0.824)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30°N-35°N)(0.792)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(0.765)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35°N-40°N)(0.761)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40°N-45°N)(0.603);(2)台湾拟步甲属的多样性(DG)、族的多样性(DF)和G-F指数(DG-F)均最高,分别是4.263、24.464和0.826;(3)各纬度上拟步甲的物种分布情况:台湾(21°N-25°N)(541种)>日本(24°N-45°N)(489种)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(257种)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30° N-35° N)(231种)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35° N-40° N)(172种)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40° N-45° N)(60种)。研究数据显示, G-F指数能较好地反映台湾和日本各地拟步甲族、属的多样性。其物种多样性在纬度上的分布表现为从南向北递减的趋势,并对其基本原因进行分析。作者首次基于台湾和日本两个岛屿拟步甲物种多样性的比较分析,对现有岛屿生物多样性的有关理论提出个人看法,认为岛屿生物地理学的“物种-面积关系理论”中的“岛屿面积越大,物种数量就越多”可能存在一定的局限性,不一定能客观地反映种类众多的现生岛屿昆虫物种多样性的实际情况。  相似文献   

Two new species of bark beetles are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. Xylechinus mozolevskae sp. nov. (Hylesininae: Tomicini) is the first fossil representative of this genus, differing from recent species in having large triangular scales along the suture. Taphramites rovnoensis sp. nov. (Scolytinae: Dryocoetini) differs from the closest species, T. gnathotrichus from Baltic amber, in the presence of short thin hairs on the elytra.  相似文献   

Putchkov A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):503-515
A review of the ground beetles of the Ukrainian fauna is given. Almost 750 species from 117 genera of Carabidae are known to occur in the Ukraine. Approximately 450 species of ground beetles are registered in the Carpathian region. No less than 300 species of ground beetles are found in the forest zone. Approximately 400 species of Carabidae present in the forest-steppe zone are relatively similar in species composition to those in the forest territories. Some 450 species of Carabidae are inhabitants of the steppe zone. Representatives of many other regions of heterogeneous biotopes such as forest, semi desert, intrazonal, etc. can be found in the steppe areas. The fauna of Carabidae (ca. 100 species) of the lowlands of southern Ukraine (sandy biotopes), situated mostly in the Kherson region, is very peculiar. The fauna of the Crimean mountains contains about 300 species. Conservation measures for the Carabidae are discussed.  相似文献   

About 40 type specimens of archostematan beetles from the Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Paleogene of England, named by P. Brodie, J.O. Westwood, C. Giebel, A. Handlirsch, F. Zeuner, P. Whalley, and R. Crowson and stored in the Paleontological Department of the Natural History Museum (London) are redescribed. Nine genera and 11 species are recognized, three genera are assigned to Archostemata for the first time. One new species, Tersus crowsoni (Schizophoridae), is described.  相似文献   

Twenty modes of stereotyped righting motions were observed in 116 representative species of coleoptera. Methods included cine and stereocine recording with further frame by frame analysis, stereogrammetry, inverse kinematic reconstruction of joint angles, stroboscopic photography, recording of electromyograms, 3D measurements of the articulations, etc. The basic mode consists of a search phase, ending up with grasping the substrate, and a righting, overturning phase. Leg coordination within the search cycle differs from the walking cycle with respect to phasing of certain muscle groups. Search movements of all legs appear chaotic, but the tendency to move in antiphase is still present in adjacent ipsilateral and contralateral leg pairs. The system of leg coordination might be split: legs of one side might search, while contralateral legs walk, or fore and middle legs walk while hind legs search. Elaborated types of righting include somersaults with the aid of contralateral or diagonal legs, pitch on elytra, jumps with previous energy storage with the aid of unbending between thoracic segments (well-known for Elateridae), or quick folding of elytra (originally described in Histeridae). Righting in beetles is compared with righting modes known in locusts and cockroaches. Search in a righting beetle is directed dorsad, while a walking insect searches for the ground downwards. Main righting modes were schematized for possible application to robotics.  相似文献   

Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We synthesize data on all known extant and fossil Coleoptera family-group names for the first time. A catalogue of 4887 family-group names (124 fossil, 4763 extant) based on 4707 distinct genera in Coleoptera is given. A total of 4492 names are available, 183 of which are permanently invalid because they are based on a preoccupied or a suppressed type genus. Names are listed in a classification framework. We recognize as valid 24 superfamilies, 211 families, 541 subfamilies, 1663 tribes and 740 subtribes. For each name, the original spelling, author, year of publication, page number, correct stem and type genus are included. The original spelling and availability of each name were checked from primary literature. A list of necessary changes due to Priority and Homonymy problems, and actions taken, is given. Current usage of names was conserved, whenever possible, to promote stability of the classification.New synonymies (family-group names followed by genus-group names): Agronomina Gistel, 1848 syn. nov. of Amarina Zimmermann, 1832 (Carabidae), Hylepnigalioini Gistel, 1856 syn. nov. of Melandryini Leach, 1815 (Melandryidae), Polycystophoridae Gistel, 1856 syn. nov. of Malachiinae Fleming, 1821 (Melyridae), Sclerasteinae Gistel, 1856 syn. nov. of Ptilininae Shuckard, 1839 (Ptinidae), Phloeonomini Ádám, 2001 syn. nov. of Omaliini MacLeay, 1825 (Staphylinidae), Sepedophilini Ádám, 2001 syn. nov. of Tachyporini MacLeay, 1825 (Staphylinidae), Phibalini Gistel, 1856 syn. nov. of Cteniopodini Solier, 1835 (Tenebrionidae); Agronoma Gistel 1848 (type species Carabus familiaris Duftschmid, 1812, designated herein) syn. nov. of Amara Bonelli, 1810 (Carabidae), Hylepnigalio Gistel, 1856 (type species Chrysomela caraboides Linnaeus, 1760, by monotypy) syn. nov. of Melandrya Fabricius, 1801 (Melandryidae), Polycystophorus Gistel, 1856 (type species Cantharis aeneus Linnaeus, 1758, designated herein) syn. nov. of Malachius Fabricius, 1775 (Melyridae), Sclerastes Gistel, 1856 (type species Ptilinus costatus Gyllenhal, 1827, designated herein) syn. nov. of Ptilinus Geoffroy, 1762 (Ptinidae), Paniscus Gistel, 1848 (type species Scarabaeus fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758, designated herein) syn. nov. of Trichius Fabricius, 1775 (Scarabaeidae), Phibalus Gistel, 1856 (type species Chrysomela pubescens Linnaeus, 1758, by monotypy) syn. nov. of Omophlus Dejean, 1834 (Tenebrionidae). The following new replacement name is proposed: Gompeliina Bouchard, 2011 nom. nov. for Olotelina Báguena Corella, 1948 (Aderidae).Reversal of Precedence (Article 23.9) is used to conserve usage of the following names (family-group names followed by genus-group names): Perigonini Horn, 1881 nom. protectum over Trechicini Bates, 1873 nom. oblitum (Carabidae), Anisodactylina Lacordaire, 1854 nom. protectum over Eurytrichina LeConte, 1848 nom. oblitum (Carabidae), Smicronychini Seidlitz, 1891 nom. protectum over Desmorini LeConte, 1876 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Bagoinae Thomson, 1859 nom. protectum over Lyprinae Gistel 1848 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Aterpina Lacordaire, 1863 nom. protectum over Heliomenina Gistel, 1848 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Naupactini Gistel, 1848 nom. protectum over Iphiini Schönherr, 1823 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Cleonini Schönherr, 1826 nom. protectum over Geomorini Schönherr, 1823 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Magdalidini Pascoe, 1870 nom. protectum over Scardamyctini Gistel, 1848 nom. oblitum (Curculionidae), Agrypninae/-ini Candèze, 1857 nom. protecta over Adelocerinae/-ini Gistel, 1848 nom. oblita and Pangaurinae/-ini Gistel, 1856 nom. oblita (Elateridae), Prosternini Gistel, 1856 nom. protectum over Diacanthini Gistel, 1848 nom. oblitum (Elateridae), Calopodinae Costa, 1852 nom. protectum over Sparedrinae Gistel, 1848 nom. oblitum (Oedemeridae), Adesmiini Lacordaire, 1859 nom. protectum over Macropodini Agassiz, 1846 nom. oblitum (Tenebrionidae), Bolitophagini Kirby, 1837 nom. protectum over Eledonini Billberg, 1820 nom. oblitum (Tenebrionidae), Throscidae Laporte, 1840 nom. protectum over Stereolidae Rafinesque, 1815 nom. oblitum (Throscidae) and Lophocaterini Crowson, 1964 over Lycoptini Casey, 1890 nom. oblitum (Trogossitidae); Monotoma Herbst, 1799 nom. protectum over Monotoma Panzer, 1792 nom. oblitum (Monotomidae); Pediacus Shuckard, 1839 nom. protectum over Biophloeus Dejean, 1835 nom. oblitum (Cucujidae), Pachypus Dejean, 1821 nom. protectum over Pachypus Billberg, 1820 nom. oblitum (Scarabaeidae), Sparrmannia Laporte, 1840 nom. protectum over Leocaeta Dejean, 1833 nom. oblitum and Cephalotrichia Hope, 1837 nom. oblitum (Scarabaeidae).  相似文献   

The sperm structure of several ladybird species belonging to different subfamilies of Coccinellidae was studied. Three main sperm types were clearly recognized, and were characterized by differences in acrosomal length, the presence of a dense coat around the acrosome, the length of the basal body, the amount of the centriole adjunct material, and the diameter of the mitochondrial derivatives. However, the whole group shares a pattern of the posterior sperm region uncommon for insects, in which the axoneme and other flagellar components are running parallel with the nucleus. As a general conclusion, this study has revealed an inconsistency between the sperm structure and the systematics of the group, indicating that the generic concepts within the group do not reflect a natural classification, a statement also shared by molecular studies.  相似文献   

The global diversity of True Water Beetles, False Water Beetles and Phytophilous Water Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) is assessed. Facultative Water Beetles, Parasitic Water Beetles and Shore Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) are here classified as “paraquatic” and are thus not included in the assessment. It is estimated that about 18,000 species of aquatic Coleoptera are roaming the earth at present. About 12,600 (70%) of these are already described (deadline: October 2005). About 30 beetle families have aquatic representatives, and in 25 of these families at least 50% of the species are to be considered as aquatic. Six families are supposed to include 1,000 or more aquatic species: Dytiscidae (3,908 described species/5,000 estimated), Hydraenidae (1,380/2,500), Hydrophilidae (1,800/2,320), Elmidae (1,330/1,850), Scirtidae (900/1,700) and Gyrinidae (750/1,000). Scirtidae and Hydraenidae are regarded as the least explored families, the number of described species in each of these two families probably will be almost doubled in the future. The Palearctic (ca. 3,350 described species/ca. 3,900 estimated), the Neotropical (2,510/3,900) and the Afrotropical Region (2,700/3,750) harbour almost the same number of water beetle species, followed by the Oriental (2,200/3,580) and the Australian/Pacific Realm (1,340/2,100). The Nearctic (1,420/1,550) is by far the poorest region in terms of water beetle diversity.  相似文献   

Tiger beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) often occupy small patches of suitable habitat in otherwise unsuitable landscapes. Such patches are easily overlooked, which may lead to underestimates of both the number of occurrences and the overall population size. In this study, simple World Wide Web-based tools (Google Earth and Microsoft Terraserver) were used to search high-resolution satellite imagery for patches of suitable habitat for globally and regionally rare tiger beetles on a 3,278 ha wildlife refuge in Maryland, USA. This tract is largely forested but contains scattered small open areas of sand and clay soils that are potential habitat for tiger beetles of conservation concern. Visual inspection of remotely sensed imagery resulted in the identification of 19 potential habitat patches, 15 of which yielded tiger beetle populations when surveyed on the ground. The number of species of tiger beetles recorded from this tract was increased from 3 to 8 and two new sites were discovered for the state sensitive species Cicindela scutellaris rugifrons Dejean. In addition, a small population of C. splendida Hentz was discovered, a species last reported from Maryland in 1948. The technique described here shows great promise for locating small patches of potential tiger beetle habitat in otherwise unsuitable landscapes.  相似文献   

The first account of the predaceous diving beetles or Dytiscidae of Jordan is presented. Altogether 25 species are listed, although the occurrence of two of them remains doubtful. Nine species are recorded from the territory of Jordan for the first time, and the first precise locality data are provided for an additional seven species. Bidessus anatolicus Wewalka, 1972 and Nebrioporus stearinus (Kolenati, 1845) recorded recently from Jordan based on misidentification are removed from the list. If available, habitat information is provided for recently collected species. The zoogeographical patterns of the region are briefly summarised.  相似文献   

Abstract: Four well‐preserved beetles, attributed to Eodromeinae within Trachypachidae, are described from the Mesozoic of Inner Mongolia, China. Eodromeus robustus sp. nov., E. daohugouensis sp. nov. and Unda chifengensis sp. nov. are from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou. The diagnostic characters for the two genera are revised, and all species of these genera are keyed. A new genus and species, Sinodromeus liutiaogouensis gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liutiaogou. The current fossil records of Trachypachidae from China are reviewed, and only five species (four described here) can be convincingly attributed to this family. The morphological disparity of Mesozoic Eodromeinae suggests that they evolved a broad spectrum of locomotory lifestyles.  相似文献   

The advent of GIS technology and the World Wide Web, respectively, facilitate analysing geographical relationships and electronically storing and exchanging biogeographic data. This paper illustrates GIS technology with a study of the subgenus Anisodactylus Dejean (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: genus Anisodactylus). Species are concentrated in three centres of biodiversity in North America and in four in lands near the western Mediterranean. These centres largely correspond to current areas of wetlands. Eurasia has fewer species than expected based on its area, probably because large portions have habitats unfavourable for the subgenus and/or are poorly collected for Carabidae. Members of the subgenus are primarily adapted to areas with January temperatures between ?10 and 10 °C, July temperatures from 10 to 30 °C and mean annual precipitation from 20 to 200 mm. Cold is apparently a major limiting factor because it typically occurs during several consecutive months of winter and is difficult to escape except by hibernation. Heat is less of a stress when moisture is sufficient. The size of geographical ranges is often larger in the North than in the South and correlates with the latitude of the centre of ranges at r =0.42 (level of significance=0.05). Geographic ranges are often smaller in western North America and in the western Mediterranean than elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Explanations for the smaller sizes include portions of western North America having unfavourable desert or montane habitats, the Rocky Mountains and deserts barring eastward dispersal of species, and the smaller size and more patchy distribution of climatic zones and habitats. In North America geographical ranges west of the Rocky Mountains are north–south elongated because they track primarily north–south orientated climatic zones and because mountains and deserts bar eastward extension. Ranges in north-eastern and north-central North America tend to extend east–west along temperature isotherms. In Eurasia many ranges are stretched east–west because of the shape of the continent and because many northern and southern areas lack suitable habitats. Species with relatively high numbers of apomorphic character states cluster in western Eurasia and to a lesser extent in western North America. The North American centres of biodiversity are post-Wisconsin phenomena while those near the western Mediterranean probably date from the Oligocene or Miocene.  相似文献   

Beetle remains from the Triassic Khey-Yaga locality, Nenets National District, Korotaikha Basin, Nyadeita Formation, Olenekian-Anisian are described. Only isolated elytra have been found. Tetracoleus tshalyshevi gen. et sp. nov. and T. minimus sp. nov. are described and assigned to Tricoleidae, and six new species are described in formal taxa. Tetracoleus is close to Permian tricoleids just found in the Newcastle Group of Australia and the Vyatkian Aristovo locality of northern European Russia. The composition of elytra in the locality is closer to that of Lower Triassic localities than other Middle Triassic localities and characterizes the beginning of a recovery after the Permian-Triassic ecological crisis. Longxianocupes Hong in Liu, Liu et Hong, 1985 is shown to be a junior synonym of Sogdelytron Ponomarenko, 1969. The species Palademosyne ovum Ponomarenko, 2004, P. elongatum Ponomarenko, 2004, and P. latum Ponomarenko, 2004 are transferred to the genus Pseudochrysomelites Handlirsch, 1906.  相似文献   


In this study, four species of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) are recorded for the first time from Turkey. The material is deposited in the Biology Department of the Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.  相似文献   

In passalids, metamorphosis takes place inside pupal cells which are built by adults piling detritus on the pupa until it is completely covered by a cell. The results reported in this paper show the significance of an olfactory stimulus in the release of this behavior. Adults do not differentiate conspecific pupae originating from their own or other nests for the construction of pupal cells; however, they do not build these cells for heterospecific pupae. It was not possible to demonstrate significant differences between males and females with regard to the presentation of this behavior, but differences were found between young and mature adults. The former require greater stimulation and are less efficient in the construction of cells than the latter. Nevertheless, all adults, including very young ones, can perform the behavior. It was also found that, under laboratory conditions, metamorphosis is normally developed in the absence of pupal cells. Some hypotheses about the possible function of these cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Fossil remains of beetles are described from two Lower Triassic localities: Entala (Induan) and Tikhvinskoe (Olenekian). Only one beetle fossil was previously known from the Lower Triassic of Tikhvinskoe. The fossils are rather few and poorly preserved, but they are worth describing as finds rare for the Lower Triassic. Five fossils from Entala most probably belong to beetles of the same species of the formal genus Pseudochrysomelites. Beetles of this genus are especially abundant in deposits close to the Permian–Triassic boundary and can be considered “disaster taxa.” There are no known cases, either in the Permian or in the Middle–Upper Triassic, of a random sample of five specimens belonging to a single species. This suggests that in the Entala oryctocenosis the species diversity of beetles is extremely low. All three beetle fossils found in Tikhvinskoe belong to beetles of different species, showing that diversity had already started to increase. However, it remained low, and all fossils belong to the formal family Schizocoleidae, and two of the three belong to the same genus, Pseudochrysomelites. The Khei-Yaga locality, which immediately follows Tikhvinskoe in time (topmost Olenekian or early Anisian), already contains beetles of the families Asiocoleidae and Permosynidae. In the Lower Anisian of the Buntsandstein, such typical Mesozoic beetles as Cupedidae and Coptoclavidae have been recorded. The appearance of such advanced beetles as early as the Lower Anisian suggests that the famous Permian–Triassic crisis was not as deep as it is usually believed, and many beetles survived it, disappearing, however, from the fossil record in the Early Triassic.  相似文献   

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