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The relative significance of the accessory glands of the male reproductive tract in fertility is unclear. To clarify the role of the seminal vesicles, fertility and uterine sperm motility were determined before and after removal of seminal vesicles in the house mouse. After removal of seminal vesicles, the pregnancy rate (number of females pregnant/number of females X 100) was reduced and the time to birth was increased, while the average litter size was not changed. Fertilization, determined by examining the oocytes 30 h after mating, was highly variable after matings with males whose seminal vesicles were removed; in some cases none of the oocytes were fertilized. The motility of sperm recovered from the uterus 1 h after matings with males before and after seminal vesicle removal and sham operations was analyzed using a videomicrographic system. The motility of uterine sperm was less progressive with more lateral displacement of the head about the trajectory and a less linear trajectory after removal of the seminal vesicles. Sham-operated animals showed no consistent changes in motility of uterine sperm. The changes in sperm motility could contribute to the reduction in fertilization since sperm motility is necessary for transport in the female reproductive tract and interaction with the oocytes.  相似文献   

The importance of seminal plasma for human sperm motility   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Cell adhesion has been suggested to function in the establishment and maintenance of the segmental organization of the central nervous system. Here we tested the role of different classes of adhesion molecules in prosencephalic segmentation. Specifically, we examined the ability of progenitors from different prosomeres to reintegrate and differentiate within various brain regions after selective maintenance or removal of different classes of calcium-dependent versus -independent surface molecules. This analysis implicates calcium-dependent adhesion molecules as central to the maintenance of prosomeres. Only conditions that spared calcium-dependent adhesion systems but ablated more general (calcium-independent) adhesion systems resulted in prosomere-specific integration after transplantation. Among the members of this class of adhesion molecules, R-cadherin shows a striking pattern of prosomeric expression during development. To test whether expression of this molecule was sufficient to direct progenitor integration to prosomeres expressing R-cadherin, we used a retroviral-mediated gain-of-function approach. We found that progenitors originally isolated from prosomere P2 (a region which does not express R-cadherin), when forced to express this molecule, can now integrate more readily into R-cadherin-expressing regions, such as the cortex, the ventral thalamus, and the hypothalamus. Nonetheless, our analysis suggests that while calcium-dependent molecules are able to direct prosomere-specific integration, they are not sufficient to induce progenitors to change their regional identity. While diencephalic progenitors from R-cadherin-expressing regions of prosomere 5 could integrate into R-cadherin-expressing regions of the cortex, they did not express the cortex-specific gene Emx1 or the telencephalic-specific gene Bf-1. Furthermore, diencephalic progenitors that integrate heterotopically into the cortex do not persist postnatally, whereas the same progenitors survive and differentiate when they integrate homotopically into the diencephalon. Together our results implicate calcium-dependent adhesion molecules as key mediators of prosomeric organization but suggest that they are not sufficient to bestow regional identities.  相似文献   

Sperm plasma membrane lipids have an important role to play in determining membrane fluidity and sperm motility. The objective of the present study was to determine whether there are differences in the lipid and fatty acid (FA) composition of boar sperm and seminal plasma in the ejaculates of boars having different sperm motilities. Semen was collected from two groups of boars having normal (> 60%; n = 53) or low (< 60%; n = 53) motility sperm and the semen was evaluated for motility, morphology and vitality. The semen was then centrifuged to separate the sperm from the seminal plasma and both were kept at −20 °C until analyzed for lipid content and FA profile by gas chromatography. Total antioxidant status (TAS) of seminal plasma was determined using a commercial kit. There were differences (P ≤ 0.05) in sperm total lipids, cholesterol, saturated fatty acids (SFA), phospholipids, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the ratio of n-6:n-3 PUFA between boars with normal and low motility sperm. Total lipids, cholesterol, phospholipids, PUFA, DHA and n-3 PUFA were positively correlated with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membrane. In contrast, SFA and the ratio of n-6: n-3 PUFA were negatively correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membranes. The TAS of seminal plasma from boars having normal motility sperm was higher (P ≤ 0.05) than that of boars having low motility sperm and TAS was positively correlated (P = 0.0001) with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membranes. In summary, differences in sperm motility were related to n-3 PUFA content in the sperm plasma membrane and extracellular antioxidants in seminal plasma which protect sperm plasma membranes from lipid peroxidation during periods of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Fluid obtained by stripping dissected seminal vesicles was mixed with phosphate-buffered saline and the soluble proteins were separated by gel filtration on BioRad P150 into 4 fractions. Fractions were collected and concentrated using an Amicon ultrafiltration system using YM2 membranes with a molecular weight cut-off of 1000. Epididymal sperm suspensions were incubated in medium containing one of the 4 fractions or 1 mg BSA/ml, or no added protein. After incubation for 2 h the motility of the spermatozoa in each suspension was assessed by a videomicrographic procedure. Two aspects of motility, velocity and the shape of the swimming path, were monitored. The results indicate that the seminal vesicles produce at least three factors that influence sperm motility. Fraction 3 (Mr 12,000-24,000) was detrimental to motility; after incubation for 2 h almost all the spermatozoa were immotile. Fractions 2 (Mr 25,000-40,000) and 4 (Mr 7000-12,000) both influenced the shape of the swimming path: spermatozoa incubated in Fraction 2 had straighter trajectories while those incubated in Fraction 4 showed more progressive paths with less side-to-side movement of the head about the path. These effects of factors from the seminal vesicle fluid on sperm motility may influence the way in which the spermatozoa move in the female reproductive tract and could help to explain why removal of the seminal vesicles reduces fertility in the mouse.  相似文献   

The motility of isolated uterine horns as well as the generation of PGE and PGF-like material by uterus from spayed rats, treated or untreated with progesterone or progesterone plus estradiol-17-beta, were studied. The changes of Functional Activity (FA) with time (constancy) of control uterine horns and that preparations treated wtih 2 mg of progesterone (P) were not significantly different. However, the PGF-like material released into the bathing solution was significantly higher when the animals were treated with P. PGE-like material in the medium was similar in both groups. With higher doses to P (4 mg/day/2 days) the constancy of FA was similar to that observed in untreated animals, and the PGF-like material released into the medium was significantly higher than in the control group FA and PGs releases into the bathing medium by uterine horns from supra-renalectomized-ovariectomized animals (treated or not with P) were similar to those obtained in spayed rats with the intact suprarenal gland, but the absolute values of PGF-like material were always lower than in this group. Estradiol-17-beta injected prior or after P diminished the stimulation induced by P on the release of PGF-like material into the medium. The constancy of the contractile activity as well as the uterine release of PGE-like material was also diminished in rats treated with P plus estradiol-17-beta. The novel finding that progesterone stimulates the synthesis of PGF in uterine horns from ovariectomized rats without changing that of PGE is discussed.  相似文献   

Somlev B  Subev M 《Theriogenology》1997,47(5):1087-1092
Sperm motility is known to be activated and maintained by kallikrein contained within the seminal plasma. We studied the relationship between the levels of seminal plasma kallikrein activity and in vitro exogenous kallikrein-induced sperm motility enhancement. Semen samples were collected from Holstein-Friesian bulls and grouped on the basis of the initial total sperm motility into Group I with > 60 % (mean 75.3 +/- 1.8 %, n = 25), and Group II with < 60 % (mean 51.2 +/- 1.7%, n = 25). Seminal plasma kallikrein activity was measured with the aid of the specific chromogenic substrate S-2266. In Group I the mean activity was 0.983 +/- 0.042 microkat/L, and in Group II it was 0.805 +/- 0.063 microkat/L (P < 0.05). Then each semen sample was divided into a control and an experimental subgroup treated with 16.7 microkat/L of hog pancreatic kallikrein. Total sperm motility was monitored at 1-h intervals. It was found that the addition of exogenous kallikrein stimulated the sperm motility in both groups but in the 4th h after treatment the difference in sperm motility between the experimental and control subgroups of Group I was 12.4 % whereas in Group II it was 21.7 %. We concluded that adding exogenous kallikrein in vitro to semen samples with lower kallikrein activity in the seminal plasma enhanced total sperm motility more than adding it to ejaculates with higher levels of endogenous kallikrein activity.  相似文献   

The present study compared several rat sperm parameters in semen samples recovered from a natural uterine environment (i.e., intact estrous female) to those recovered from an artificially induced uterine environment (i.e., ovariectomized hormonally primed female). The sperm parameters measured were percent motile, percent exhibiting forward progressive motility, actual swimming speed, and linear swimming speed. The comparisons were conducted at four postcopulatory time points (0.25, 1.5, 3, and 6 hours) in order to detect differences as a function of residence time within the uterus. No significant differences (P less than 0.05) in the parameters were seen between the two types of uterine environments. Residence time within the reproductive tract had no significant effect on the parameters with the exception of percent motile, which was significantly increased (P less than 0.01) at the 1.5-hour postcopulatory time point.  相似文献   

Tektin 3 is required for progressive sperm motility in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tektins are evolutionarily conserved flagellar (and ciliary) filamentous proteins present in the axoneme and peri-axonemal structures in diverse metazoan species. We have previously shown that tektin 3 (TEKT3) and tektin 4 (TEKT4) are male germ cell-enriched proteins, and that TEKT4 is essential for coordinated and progressive sperm motility in mice. Here we report that male mice null for TEKT3 produce sperm with reduced motility (47.2% motility) and forward progression, and increased flagellar structural bending defects. Male TEKT3-null mice however maintain normal fertility in two different genetic backgrounds tested, in contrast to TEKT4-null mice. Furthermore, male mice null for both TEKT3 and TEKT4 show subfertility on a mixed B6;129 genetic background, significantly different from either single knockouts, suggesting partial nonredundant roles for these two proteins in sperm physiology. Our results suggest that tektins are potential candidate genes for nonsyndromic asthenozoospermia in humans.  相似文献   

The relationship between seminal plasma level (0, 10, or 20%) and extender type [Kenney type (EZ-Mixin-CST) or Kenney-modified Tyrodes-KMT] to the susceptibility of sperm DNA to denaturation and sperm motility measures were investigated in cooled (5 degrees C) stallion sperm. Three ejaculates from each of three fertile stallions were collected in an artificial vagina and processed as follows: diluted one part uncentrifuged semen with four parts of extender to a final concentration of 20% seminal plasma in either CST or KMT (20% CST; 20% KMT); diluted to a final concentration of 25 million sperm/mL in either CST or KMT (10% CST; 10% KMT); centrifuged to remove virtually all seminal plasma and resuspended in either CST or KMT (0% CST-Cent; 0% KMT-Cent); centrifuged semen to remove virtually all seminal plasma and resuspended with previously filtered seminal plasma from the same stallion in either CST or KMT to a final concentration of 20% seminal plasma (20% CST-Cent; 20% KMT-Cent). Sperm motion characteristics were determined by CASA and DNA integrity (%COMP, percent of cells outside the main population) evaluated by the Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay prior to cooling, and after 24 and 48 h cooled-storage at 5 degrees C. After 48 h of storage at 5 degrees C, extenders with 0% seminal plasma (0% CST-Cent, 0% KMT-Cent) maintained highest quality DNA (P < 0.05), but 0% KMT-Cent maintained higher velocity measures (P < 0.05) than 0% CST-Cent. Total sperm motility was highest (P < 0.05) in 0% CST-Cent, 0% KMT-Cent, 10% CST, 20% CST-Cent, and 20% CST compared to the other treatment groups. Progressive sperm motility was highest (P < 0.05) after 48 h of storage in the treatment with 10% seminal plasma in Kenney extender (10% CST), despite a reduction in DNA integrity. Regardless of extender type, addition of 20% seminal plasma following centrifugation resulted in almost a two-fold increase in %COMP(alpha t), even though one of the treatments (20% CST-Cent) maintained total and progressive motility similar to treatments with no seminal plasma, suggesting that sperm motility and DNA integrity may respond independently to environmental conditions. Overall, better quality sperm features (motility and DNA) were maintained in sperm from which seminal plasma was removed followed by resuspension in either Kenney extender or modified Kenney Tyrodes-type extender.  相似文献   

Particles found in bovine seminal vesicle secretion were enriched by centrifugation. They varied in size and morphology and contained Mg2+,Ca2+-activated ATPase, aminopeptidase A, alanyl aminopeptidase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV activities. Hyperactivation of sperm motility and the acrosome reaction were induced by these particles in epididymal spermatozoa suspended in a modified Ringer medium. The hyperactivation, analysed with a microscopic slide test, started within minutes of exposure to membrane particles and continued for 3-4 h, during which time spermatozoa underwent the acrosome reaction. Acrosome staining, phase-contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the acrosome reaction started within 60 min at 37 degrees C and affected up to 80% of spermatozoa in 4 h. These membrane particles differed from those reported previously in other species in enzyme composition, function and organ of origin.  相似文献   

Cilia play major functions in physiology and development, and ciliary dysfunctions are responsible for several diseases in humans called ciliopathies. Cilia motility is required for cell and fluid propulsion in organisms. In humans, cilia motility deficiencies lead to primary ciliary dyskinesia, with upper-airways recurrent infections, left–right asymmetry perturbations, and fertility defects. In Drosophila, we identified hemingway (hmw) as a novel component required for motile cilia function. hmw encodes a 604–amino acid protein characterized by a highly conserved coiled-coil domain also found in the human orthologue, KIAA1430. We show that HMW is conserved in species with motile cilia and that, in Drosophila, hmw is expressed in ciliated sensory neurons and spermatozoa. We created hmw-knockout flies and found that they are hearing impaired and male sterile. hmw is implicated in the motility of ciliated auditory sensory neurons and, in the testis, is required for elongation and maintenance of sperm flagella. Because HMW is absent from mature flagella, we propose that HMW is not a structural component of the motile axoneme but is required for proper acquisition of motile properties. This identifies HMW as a novel, evolutionarily conserved component necessary for motile cilium function and flagella assembly.  相似文献   

Changes that occur to mammalian sperm upon epididymal transit and maturation render these cells capable of moving progressively and capacitating. Signaling events leading to mammalian sperm capacitation depend on the modulation of proteins by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cascades. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the Src family of kinases plays an important role in the regulation of these events. However, sperm from cSrc null mice display normal tyrosine phosphorylation associated with capacitation. We report here that, despite normal phosphorylation, sperm from cSrc null mice display a severe reduction in forward motility, and are unable to fertilize in vitro. Histological analysis of seminiferous tubules in the testes, caput and corpus epididymis do not reveal obvious defects. However, the cauda epididymis is significantly smaller, and expression of key transport proteins in the epithelial cells lining this region is reduced in cSrc null mice compared to wild type littermates. Although previously, we and others have shown the presence of cSrc in mature sperm from cauda epididymis, a closer evaluation indicates that this tyrosine kinase is not present in sperm from the caput epididymis, suggesting that this protein is acquired by sperm later during epididymal maturation. Consistent with this observation, cSrc is enriched in vesicles released by the epididymal epithelium known as epididymosomes. Altogether, these observations indicate that cSrc is essential for cauda epididymal development and suggest an essential role of this kinase in epididymal sperm maturation involving cSrc extracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Flux of K+ and changes in intracellular Ca2+ in the sperm of salmonid fishes were measured with spectrophotometry, ion electrode, microscopic fluorometry, and radioisotope accumulation. Release of K+ occurred at the initiation of sperm motility which is induced by decrease in external K+ and the K+ efflux and sperm motility were inhibited by K+ channel blockers. Intracellular Ca2+ increased within a short period in K+- free condition, and the accumulation of 45Ca in sperm cells was higher in motile sperm than that in immotile sperm. The efflux of K+ and the increase in intracellular Ca2+ were suppressed when external K+ concentration increased, i.e., sperm remained immotile. These results suggest that efflux of K+ through K+ channel and subseqent increase in intracellular Ca2+ are prerequisite for the initiation of sperm motility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Five protein fractions of medium electrophoretic mobility were observed in the seminal plasma of H. brooki. On incubation of sperm in phosphate buffered saline and Zn and Mg free buffer, both containing seminal plasma, two of the protein fractions disappeared while a third fraction had become weak. The results suggest that H. brooki sperm utilize seminal proteins for motility.  相似文献   

The impact of trace elements, especially zinc, selenium, copper, and magnesium, on male fertility has gained great interest and significance. Increased oxidative stress and altered trace element levels are probable etiological factors underlying male reproductive dysfunction and infertility. The present study focused on the evaluation of seminal oxidative markers, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and trace element levels in the normozoospermic fertile control group (n = 40) and asthenozoospermic infertile group (n = 30). Semen from infertile men exhibited significantly higher ROS and MDA levels accompanied with significant decline in TAC and trace element (zinc and magnesium) levels. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between trace elements and oxidative markers with sperm motility. The current study revealed increased lipid peroxidation and oxidant-reductant imbalance that leads to deterioration of semen quality and male infertility. Thus, oxidative stress and trace elements can be considered important biomarkers of male infertility. Measurement of seminal oxidative stress with conventional seminological parameters must be integrated in fertility assessment from early stages to ensure healthy semen characteristics and fertility in men.  相似文献   

Dong Q  Huang C  Tiersch TR 《Cryobiology》2007,54(1):87-98
A lack of standardization in sperm cryopreservation of aquatic organisms is one of the main reasons for inconsistency observed among various studies. In particular, there have been few attempts to standardize sperm concentration during procedural optimization. This study was intended to call attention to sperm concentration standardization through research of sperm agglutination in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Sperm agglutination after thawing is a relatively frequent phenomenon observed for various aquatic species, especially when sub-optimal cryopreservation protocols are used; however, no systematic attempts have been made to explain this phenomenon. The present study evaluated various factors affecting sperm agglutination of thawed samples from diploid and tetraploid Pacific oysters, and is the first detailed report addressing the sperm agglutination phenomenon of thawed samples from any aquatic organism. Agglutination of oyster sperm was classified into six levels with a scale ranging from 0 (homogenous suspension) to 5 (well-developed "noodles"). It was found that agglutination in thawed samples was mainly due to the lack of sufficient cryoprotectant for a specific sperm concentration. Interestingly, high levels of agglutination did not necessarily lead to low fertilization. On the contrary, some sperm cells appeared to gain protection from the formation of peripheral agglutination within 0.5-ml French straws. The exact mechanism of sperm agglutination remains unclear. However, morphological examination of cross sections of the noodles (agglutination level 5) indicated at least two forms of agglutination (formed with and without cryoprotectant) which could be used as a tool to understand the cryopreservation process within the micro-environment of the straw. Furthermore, the fact that the level of sperm agglutination was directly determined by sperm concentration, in addition to the type of cryoprotectant, cryoprotectant concentration, and cooling and thawing methods emphasized the importance of procedural standardization and systematic optimization and integration of protocols involving multiple factors.  相似文献   

Bovine seminal plasma proteins are in an aggregated form of high molecular weight in their native state. By immobilisation on a cation exchanger with exposure to disaggregating conditions (i.e., acetonitrile and low pH), the high-molecular-weight aggregates could be dissociated to slowly release the low-molecular-weight components. The anionic component released from the cation exchanger during disaggregation was collected by adsorption on a hydrophobic interaction column. The cationic component remaining on the cation exchanger was eluted with NaOH. Both components were found on gel permeation chromatography to be <5 kDa. SDS—PAGE of the various fractions showed that component of low molecular weight were still in an aggregated form. These components resulting from the disaggregation process have detrimental effects on sperm motility and the effects were more substantial compared with that of whole seminal plasma. All the cationic components were significantly detrimental to sperm motility, especially the fractions of low molecular weight. The anionic fractions reduced sperm motility when in an aggregated state. The isolated anionic peptide was not detrimental in its free form. In all fractions the peptides tended to re-aggregate to a higher molecular weight under neutral conditions, however, the isolated anionic peptide (molecular weight <1,500) failed to do so. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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