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The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSFR) plays an important role in the production, survival and activation of neutrophilic granulocytes during both normal and emergency hematopoiesis. The G-CSFR also participates in the development of other myeloid lineages, the mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells and myeloid cell migration. This has lead to several important clinical applications for its ligand, G-CSF. More recently, additional important roles for G-CSFR have emerged outside the hematopoietic system, such as in the protection and repair of a diverse range of tissues, including muscle, liver and neural tissue, providing further scope for developing G-CSF as a therapeutic agent. The G-CSFR has also been implicated in the etiology of disease, with mutations/variants of G-CSFR implicated in neutropenia, myelodysplasia and leukemia. Additionally, autocrine/paracrine stimulation of G-CSFR may be important in the biology of solid tumors, including metastasis.  相似文献   

Regulation of granulopoiesis: the lactoferrin controversy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G C Bagby 《Blood cells》1989,15(2):386-399

Cell kinetics of lithium-induced granulopoiesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Lithium has been shown to be an effective inducer of granulopoiesis. The mechanism of lithium action has been shown to influence CFU-s and CFU-c proliferation, increase colony-stimulating factor (CSF) production and reduce erythropoiesis. We report here evidence to show that lithium recruits CFU-c that are not normally in the cell cycle into active DNA synthesis, as measured by hydroxyurea and tritiated thymidine suicide techniques. Furthermore, lithium action is shown to be time-dependent, since the delay addition of lithium for 5 min to normal bone marrow removes the enhancement usually seen when lithium is given at time zero. The implications of these lithium-induced effects are described.  相似文献   

Microbial symbionts exhibit broad genotypic variation in their fitness effects on hosts, leaving hosts vulnerable to costly partnerships. Interspecific conflict and partner‐maladaptation are frameworks to explain this variation, with different implications for mutualism stability. We investigated the mutualist service of nitrogen fixation in a metapopulation of root‐nodule forming Bradyrhizobium symbionts in Acmispon hosts. We uncovered Bradyrhizobium genotypes that provide negligible mutualist services to hosts and had superior in planta fitness during clonal infections, consistent with cheater strains that destabilise mutualisms. Interspecific conflict was also confirmed at the metapopulation level – by a significant negative association between the fitness benefits provided by Bradyrhizobium genotypes and their local genotype frequencies – indicating that selection favours cheating rhizobia. Legumes have mechanisms to defend against rhizobia that fail to fix sufficient nitrogen, but these data support predictions that rhizobia can subvert plant defenses and evolve to exploit hosts.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to establish long-term cultures of marrow cells from genetically anaemic W/Wv mice. Two batches of horse sera were used. One batch of horse serum (HS-lot A) supported long-term maintenance (up to 20 weeks) of granulopoiesis in vitro. The number of suspension cells in W/Wv marrow culture was maintained at the same level as that in the control +/+ culture, but the number of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (GM-CFC) and the ratio of immature to mature granulocytes were at a lower level than those in +/+ culture. These data suggest that haemopoietic progenitors in W/Wv cultures maintain a higher level of differentiation, and hence an increased self-renewal than those in +/+ cultures. Another batch of horse serum (HS-lot B) was less effective in the maintenance of the cultures, and the cultures deteriorated within 10 weeks. Addition of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced increased granulopoiesis in +/+ cultures, whereas such treatment resulted in the depletion of suspension cells in W/Wv cultures. The results suggest that haemopoietic cells of W/Wv mouse cannot cope with the strong stimulus for differentiation that occurs after the administration of LPS, although the cells can continue a moderately increased self-renewal and differentiation, as indicated by the results in the culture with HS-lot A.  相似文献   

Abstract. An attempt was made to establish long-term cultures of marrow cells from genetically anaemic W/W v mice. Two batches of horse sera were used. One batch of horse serum (HS-lot A) supported long-term maintenance (up to 20 weeks) of granulopoiesis in vitro. The number of suspension cells in W/Wv marrow culture was maintained at the same level as that in the control +/+ culture, but the number of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (GM-CFC) and the ratio of immature to mature granulocytes were at a lower level than those in +/+ culture. These data suggest that haemopoietic progenitors in W/Wv cultures maintain a higher level of differentiation, and hence an increased self-renewal than those in +/+ cultures. Another batch of horse serum (HS-lot B) was less effective in the maintenance of the cultures, and the cultures deteriorated within 10 weeks. Addition of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced increased granulopoiesis in +/+ cultures, whereas such treatment resulted in the depletion of suspension cells in W/Wv cultures. The results suggest that haemopoietic cells of W/Wv mouse cannot cope with the strong stimulus for differentiation that occurs after the administration of LPS, although the cells can continue a moderately increased self-renewal and differentiation, as indicated by the results in the culture with HS-lot A.  相似文献   

The proliferation and maturation of granulocytic-monocytic stem cells appears to be controlled by a series of closely related glycoproteins termed “colony-stimulating factors” (CSFs). Recently, we devised a 6-step scheme for the purification of murine fibroblast (L-cell)-derived CSF. Ten liter pools of conditioned media were concentrated by ultrafiltration, precipitated by ethanol, and separated on DEAE cellulose, Con-A Sepharose, and Sephadex G 150. The CSF was separated from trace contaminants, including endotoxin, by density gradient centrifugation. The purified material was radioiodinated and used to define the serum half-life and in vivo distribution. Following IV injection there was a biphasic serum clearance with a t½ of 24–40 min and 2–2½ hours in the first and second phases. Approximately 25% of the tracer was excreted in the urine at 6 h; however, urinary radioactivity was due to low molecular weight peptides. Simultaneous studies by radioimmunoassay showed a similar rapid serum clearance of unlabeled CSF but virtually no urinary CSF activity. Thus, assays for urinary CSF may not provide useful measures of in vivo CSF activity. Further in vitro studies have defined the interaction of CSF with responsive cells in the marrow. Varying doses of CSF were incubated with 107 marrow cells for intervals of 24–48 h. The major increment in cell-associated radioactivity occurred between 6 and 16 h. The reaction was saturable with 1–2 ng/ml CSF. Binding was prevented by cold CSF, but not by other proteins. Irradiation yielded only a minimal reduction in CSF binding. The interaction of CSF with marrow cells appeared to require new protein synthesis, as binding was completely inhibited by cycloheximide and puromycin. Irradiated mice injected with antibodies to CSF showed an inhibition of granulopoiesis by marrow cells in peritoneal diffusion chambers; however, granulopoiesis in the intact bone marrow was unaffected. Granulpoiesis in long-term marrow cultures was also unaffected by anti-CSF. These different responses may be due to accelerated clearance of injected CSF in nonirradiated mice or to extensive stromal interactions that modulate and perhaps control granulocytic differentiation in the intact bone marrow microenvironment.  相似文献   

Murine spleen cells were cultured in vitro to study the induction of committed granulopoietic stem cell (CFU-C) proliferation and maturation. Marbrook-type diffusion cultures were established with and without the addition of colony-stimulating activity (CSA) and harvested at intervals up to 14 days for viable and differential cell counts, [3H]TdR autoradiography, and quantitation of CFU-C by the agar plate method. Without CSA there was poor cell viability and little proliferative capacity. In CSA-stimulated cultures there was a prominent rise in viable cell counts and [3H]TdR labeling indices rose from a mean of 2% at 0 time to 47% after 5 days in vitro. CFU-C increased by 70-fold in these cultures. Peak numbers of CFU-C, immature cells, and [3H]TdR-labeled cells occurred at about 7 days. Thereafter, mature granulocytes and macrophages predominated in culture. Because the liquid spleen cell culture system begins in a resting state and undergoes a wave of proliferative activity in response to CSA, it can provide a useful model system for studying phenomena associated with stem cell activation and differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of lithium on diffusion chamber (DC) granulopoiesis. When DC loaded with bone marrow cells were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of mice previously injected with lithium carbonate, more proliferative and nonproliferative granulocytes were produced as compared to DC implanted into control hosts. The number of DC CFU-c was increased significantly in the lithium-treated group, but there was no difference in the number of DC CFU-s. Levels of DC fluid CSF showed no evident correlation with DC myelopoiesis. These data suggest that a humoral factor other than CSF mediates the action of lithium in DC granulopoiesis, and that lithium's influence on DC hematopoietic stem cell proliferation occurs mainly at the CFU-c level.  相似文献   

Legumes can preferentially select beneficial rhizobial symbionts and sanction ineffective strains that fail to fix nitrogen. Yet paradoxically, rhizobial populations vary from highly beneficial to ineffective in natural and agricultural soils. Classic models of symbiosis focus on the single dimension of symbiont cost‐benefit to sympatric hosts, but fail to explain the widespread persistence of ineffective rhizobia. Here, we test a novel framework predicting that spatio‐temporal and community dynamics can maintain ineffective strains in rhizobial populations. We used clonal and multistrain inoculations and quantitative culturing to investigate the relative fitness of four focal Bradyrhizobium strains varying from effective to ineffective on Acmispon strigosus. We found that an ineffective Bradyrhizobium strain can be sanctioned by its native A. strigosus host across the host's range, forming fewer and smaller nodules compared to beneficial strains. But the same ineffective Bradyrhizobium strain exhibits a nearly opposite pattern on the broadly sympatric host Acmispon wrangelianus, forming large nodules in both clonal and multistrain inoculations. These data suggest that community‐level effects could favour the persistence of ineffective rhizobia and contribute to variation in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

The labelling index (LI) of myelocytes (M) after flash labelling of normal human bone marrow cells with [3H]-thymidine ([3H]TdR) is always lower that the LI obtained for myeloblasts (MB) and for promyelocytes (PM). This fact can be interpreted in two ways: it may mean that the duration of the G1 phase of the cell cycle is longer in M than in MB or PM, or it may mean that the proportion of cells in cycle, i.e., the growth fraction (GF), is lower in the M population than in MB or PM. The evolution of the LI and of the mean number of grains per cell was monitored in [3H]TdR-labelled normal bone marrow during in vitro incubation for 50 hr. The generation time, measured by the halving time of the mean number of grains per cell after flash labelling, was similar for M to that for MB and PM. During continuous labelling, the LI of MB and PM reached 1 and the LI value for M never rose to more than 50% of the values recorded for MB and PM after 30 hr. These findings give support to the second hypothesis, i.e., a lower GF in the M population. Good correlation was found between the LI of M and the proportion of mature polymorphonuclear cells in the bone marrow of normal subjects and of patients with chronic benign neutropenia or hyperleucocytosis. Variations in the M growth fraction could be a medium-term (2-3 days) regulatory factor in granulocyte production.  相似文献   

The response of granulocyte progenitors (CFU-D) from patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), neutrophilic reaction (NR) and healthy subjects to macrophage-derived stimulatory and inhibitory factors was investigated in diffusion chamber culture. CFU-D from CML and NR demonstrated a normal reactivity to macrophage stimulation but were hyporesponsive to indomethacin-sensitive inhibition. It is also shown that the spleens of patients with Hodgkin's disease contain locally activated macrophages with higher production of indomethacin-sensitive growth inhibiting factor for autologous CFU-D clonal proliferation.  相似文献   

D. C. Morley  Jr  P. R. Galbraith 《CMAJ》1978,118(3):288-290
Lithium carbonate therapy is associated with polymorphonuclear leukocytosis. In vitro studies have shown that lithium ions stimulate formation of granulocytic colonies. In a study undertaken to determine how lithium acts, colony-forming cells uncontaminated by monocytes (which elaborate colony-stimulating factor [CSF] in vitro) were obtained by means of a two-step cell separation procedure. The effects of lithium on colony formation were then studied in (a) cultures stimulated by humoral CSF, (b) cultures in which monocytes were relied upon to synthesize CSF de novo and (c) unstimulated cultures. Lithium enhanced the action of CSF but did not stimulate colony formation in the absence of CSF. In monocyte-stimulated cultures, colony formation increased with lithium concentrations up to 1 mmol/L but this increase paralleled that in CSF-stimulated cultures and therefore was not due to increased CSF production by monocytes. At higher concentrations of lithium, colony formation decreased in the monocyte-stimulated cultures but increased in the CSF-stimulated cultures. A lithium concentration of 4 mmol/L gave the greatest enhancing effect on colony formation in CSF-stimulated cultures and a concentration greater than 1 mmol/L inhibited de novo synthesis of CSF by monocytes.  相似文献   

Enforcement mechanisms are thought to be important in maintaining mutualistic cooperation between species. A clear example of an enforcement mechanism is how legumes impose sanctions on rhizobial symbionts that fail to provide sufficient fixed N2. However, with domestication and breeding in high-soil-N environments, humans may have altered these natural legume defences and reduced the agricultural benefits of the symbiosis. Using six genotypes of soya beans, representing 60 years of breeding, we show that, as a group, older cultivars were better able to maintain fitness than newer cultivars (seed production) when infected with a mixture of effective and ineffective rhizobial strains. Additionally, we found small differences among cultivars in the ratio of effective:ineffective rhizobia released from their nodules, an indicator of future rhizobial strain fitness. When infected by symbionts varying in quality, legume defences against poor-quality partners have apparently worsened under decades of artificial selection.  相似文献   

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