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The white grub, Hoplia philanthus Füessly (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), is a major pest of turf and ornamental plants in Belgium. Previously, the combination of lethal concentration of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis megidis or Steinernema glaseri with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (strain CLO 53) caused additive or synergistic mortality to third-instar H. philanthus in the laboratory and greenhouse. In this present study, we examined this interaction under field conditions and compared a combination of a commercial formulation of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Nema-green®) and M. anisopliae. Controls were M. anisopliae, chlorpyrifos (Dursban 5 Granules) and H. bacteriophora. Field applications (surface or subsurface) were made against a mixed population of second/third-instar H. philanthus at a sport field and lawn infested in the province of West-Flanders. In both trials, the combination of M. anisopliae with H. bacteriophora at 5 × 1012 conidia/ha +2.5 × 109 infective juveniles/ha resulted in additive or synergistic effects, causing more than 95% grub mortality when the nematodes was applied 4 weeks after the application of fungus. However, application of nematode, chlorpyrifos or fungus alone provided 39–66%, 42–60% (surface) and 33–76%, 82–100% or 37–65%, (subsurface) control of H. philanthus. We concluded that the pathogen combinations we tested are compatible elements of integrated pest management and are likely to improve control of H. philanthus larvae and perhaps other insect pests beyond what is expected from single application of the pathogen.  相似文献   

[背景]华重楼(Paris polyphylla var.chinensis)是我国一种名贵稀缺中药材,有多种药效,由于过度采挖等原因,其野生资源现已极度匮乏.华重楼的人工栽培技术尚未成熟,生长缓慢、病害频繁发生是主要的制约因素.[目的]植物益生菌的开发是一种环保且有效的解决途径,符合生态种植的要求.[方法]通过常规方...  相似文献   

Allorhogas pyralophagus Marsh is a recently discovered doryctine braconid with potential for field trials against stalk borers infesting both large- and small- stemmed Graminacea. This external gregarious parasite was originally reared fromEoreuma loftini (Dyar) larvae infesting Johnson grass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] and sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) from the states of Sinaloa and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The parasite is easily reared in the laboratory using a wide range of host larvae [Diatraea spp.,E. loftini, Chilo sp. andTryporyza nivelli (F)]. Hosts are placed in grass stems or paper straws for exposure to ovipositing females.A. pyralophagus has been field released and recovered from the following hosts infesting sugar cane:E. loftini andD. saccharalis (F.) in Texas.Diatraea spp. in Trinidad,D. rufescens in Bolivia andT. nivella in Sumatra, Indonesia. Approved as Contribution No. TA-20743 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

【目的】探究和证实黑曲霉钠钾ATP酶(NKA)在硅灰石风化过程中的作用。【方法】以野生型黑曲霉(WT)为原始菌株构建黑曲霉Na,K-ATPaseα1基因(NKAα1)高表达菌株oeNKA。通过测定不同时间点(0d、2d、4d、6d)oeNKA和WT生物量、培养液pH值和矿物风化释放的Ca~(2+)浓度,并用X-ray diffraction (XRD)对风化后的矿物残渣进行检测,比较oeNKA和WT菌株对硅灰石这种硅酸盐矿物的风化效果。【结果】oeNKA菌株的NKAα1基因相对表达量和酶活分别为WT菌株的103倍和1.76倍。在持续6d的培养过程中,oeNKA与WT的菌丝体生物量变化趋势相同,在培养第2天时WT显著高于oeNKA,随时间差异逐渐缩小并在第6天达到最低;培养液pH值变化趋势相同,分别下降至3.64和3.87;oeNKA风化硅灰石时所释放Ca~(2+)浓度(1011.36±47.78μg/g)约为WT (248.30±25.21μg/g)的4倍;XRD检测图谱显示菌株oeNKA对硅灰石风化作用更明显。【结论】NKAα1过表达菌株oeNKA对硅灰石的风化能力显著高于WT菌株,且黑曲霉的NKA与硅灰石的风化有密切关联。  相似文献   

The effect of the chemical insecticide, fenitrothion, and a mycoinsecticide based on Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum on the activity of non-target epigeal arthropod scavengers was investigated in areas of open savannah in southeast Niger Republic, West Africa. Both insecticides were applied as full cover sprays to unreplicated 800 ha plots to assess their season-long control of Sahelian grasshoppers. Compared with control plots, fenitrothion caused an immediate but temporary reduction in grasshopper numbers, whereas M. anisopliae var. acridum provided delayed but prolonged control. Scavenging rates of pyrethroid-killed grasshoppers placed along transects in unsprayed plots and those treated with fenitrothion and M. anisopliae var. acridum at various intervals after spraying were assessed. In the fenitrothion plot, an immediate reduction in scavenging activity occurred that was still apparent after 40 days at the plot center, although recovery at the plot edges was more rapid. By contrast scavenging rates remained high over equivalent areas in the M. anisopliae var. acridum and two untreated plots. Concurrent to the scavenging study, counts of grasshopper cadavers resulting from the spray treatments were conducted. These counts revealed that the density of grasshopper cadavers remained low throughout the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot and explained <1% of the reduction in live grasshoppers resulting from treatment, compared with >20% in the fenitrothion plot. This shortfall in grasshopper cadavers resulting from the spray treatment in the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot was unexpected because in a monitoring study, fungus-killed (unlike pyrethroid-killed) grasshoppers were unattractive to scavengers and readily persisted in this plot, and thus should have become apparent. Given we did not observe significant grasshopper dispersal, the scarcity of cadavers generated in the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot, together with unquantified visual observations, suggests that predation of infected but living grasshoppers was high. Our data provide circumstantial evidence that the different effects of chemical and biological grasshopper control on grasshopper natural enemies may influence the efficacy of large-scale treatments.  相似文献   

[目的]烟曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus作为一类具有纤维素降解能力的真菌,对其基因组的研究,将有利于从A.fumigatus中挖掘和开发利用与纤维素降解相关的酶资源.[方法]利用CMC选择培养基和刚果红染色法从长足大竹象肠道中分离和筛选出纤维素降解菌A.fumigatus HZ1,同时采用Illumin...  相似文献   

木聚糖酶的分离纯化是对其进行酶学研究和分子改良研究的基础。利用实验室选育的黑曲霉菌株Aspergillus niger SM24/a进行木聚糖酶发酵,粗酶液经过(NH_4)_2SO_4分级沉淀Bio-Gel P6除盐、UNO sphere Q阴离子交换和Enrich SEC70凝胶色谱层析四个步骤的分离纯化,成功获得了3种木聚糖酶蛋白定义为X-Ⅰ、X-Ⅱ和X-Ⅲ。随着纯化步骤的增加,各组分酶比活力得到显著提高,其数值分别为37.41、34.56和53.96 U/mg,纯化倍数分别为3.96、3.66和5.72。经质谱分析和蛋白氨基酸序列比对,初步认定X-Ⅰ属于糖基水解酶第十家族内切-β-1,4-木聚糖酶,X-Ⅱ和X-Ⅲ均属于糖基水解酶第十一家族木聚糖酶。  相似文献   

The external, gregarious, braconid parasite,Allorhogas pyralophagus Marsh was mass released into field cages enclosing sugar cane infested with the pyralid,Eoreuma loftini (Dyar) to examine factors affecting parasitism rates and to assess the parasite's potential contribution to borer larval mortality. Three field experiments were conducted in July, September, and December, 1984. Total parasitism was 25.2% for the study and was the single most important source of borer mortality. Borers were equally susceptible to attack in leaf sheaths, whorls, and stalks in general, but larvae tunneling deep within stalks were parasitized less. An interaction between tunneling behavior of the borer and attack strategy of the parasite was important for parasite success.A. pyralophagus is probably unable to effect complete control ofE. loftini in sugar cane becauseA. pyralophagus is physically unable to parasitize borers deep in the stalks. However, the parasite may be useful as part of an intergrated pest management program, acting in concert with other parasite species, or attacking the borer in small-stemed grasses that serve as alternate host plants.   相似文献   

入侵害虫蔗扁蛾在我国的潜在分布区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】蔗扁蛾是危害巴西木、甘蔗等园林植物和经济作物的重要入侵害虫。该虫于20世纪90年代初在我国被发现,现已分布在海南、广东和上海等19个省市,并有迅速扩散蔓延的趋势。对入侵害虫的潜在分布区进行预测,可为实施害虫监测和管理提供参考。【方法】根据蔗扁蛾已有分布点的记录,分别在4种地理区域构建Maxent生态位模型,并采用加权平均值法对其进行整合,进而分析蔗扁蛾在我国的潜在分布区。【结果】基于4种地理区域构建的Maxent模型对我国南部地区的预测结果基本一致,4种模型的预测差异主要在新疆北部和西南部、黑龙江东部和西部、吉林西部、山西中部等地区。整合模型显示,华东和华南地区以及东部沿海地区具有较大的分布可能性。【结论】蔗扁蛾在我国尤其是南方具有较大的潜在分布空间。这些地区应警惕蔗扁蛾的入侵,同时采取应对措施防止其进一步扩散。  相似文献   

Endosulfan is a chlorinated pesticide widely used in India for the protection of cotton, tea, sugarcane and vegetables. The persistence of endosulfan in environment and toxic effects on biota necessitate its removal. The role of soil fungi in recycling organic matter prompted us to attempt biodegradation of endosulfan using fungi. This study aims at enrichment, isolation and screening of fungi capable of metabolizing endosulfan. In all, 16 fungal isolates were obtained by enrichment of soil samples that had seems exposed to endosulfan before. Isolates were screened by a gradient plate assay, and results were confirmed by broth assay. On the basis of tolerance to endosulfan, an isolate, identified as Aspergillus niger was selected for further studies. The culture could tolerate 400 mg ml−1 of technical grade endosulfan. Complete disappearance of endosulfan was seen on 12 days of incubation. Evolution of carbon dioxide during endosulfan metabolism has indicated the complete mineralization of endosulfan. Change in pH of culture broth to acidic range supported the biological transformation. Thin layer chromography (TLC) analyses revealed the formation of various intermediates of endosulfan metabolism including endosulfan diol, endosulfan sulfate, and an unidentified metabolite. The toxic intermediate, endosulfan sulfate, was also metabolized, further resulting in complete mineralization of endosulfan. Direct desulfurization of endosulfan sulfate or a novel pathway could be the mechanism of endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate degradation in Aspergillus niger. The fungal strain isolated by us could prove valuable for bioremediation of endosulfan contaminated soils and waters.  相似文献   

[目的]Ste50是真菌中重要的衔接子蛋白,在多个MAPK级联通路中起重要的信号衔接与传递作用.本研究鉴定出了黄曲霉AflSte50蛋白,并发现了其对黄曲霉的生长、产孢、致病能力和响应渗透压胁迫等方面的影响.[方法]首先通过生物信息学方法在黄曲霉NRRL3357中鉴定出ste50基因,并通过同源重组的方法构建了ste5...  相似文献   

A thermostable extracellular serine protease from Aspergillus fumigatus was purified 8.8-fold using a 4-step protocol. The enzyme was produced using a 36 h solid-state culture, had a molecular weight of 88 kDa and exhibited maximal enzyme activity at pH 7 and 60 °C. Structural analysis revealed that the protease is monomeric and non-glycosylated. Thermal inactivation of the pure enzyme followed first-order kinetics. The half-life (t1/2) of the pure enzyme at 50, 60 and 70 °C was 65, 34 and 14 min, respectively. The denaturation and activation energies were 69 and 62 kJ mol−1, respectively. Thermodynamic parameters (entropy and enthalpy) suggested that the protease was highly thermostable. This is the first report on the thermodynamic parameters of proteases produced by A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

【背景】壳聚糖是广泛存在于甲壳动物的一种多糖,具有广谱的抗真菌活性,但壳聚糖是否影响炭黑曲霉(Aspergillus carbonarius)和硫色镰刀菌(Fusarium sulphureum)生长和发育尚未见报道。【目的】明确不同浓度壳聚糖对A. carbonariusF. sulphureum生长和发育的影响。【方法】通过在PDA培养基中添加不同浓度壳聚糖,测定两种真菌的菌落直径、生物量和菌丝干重,观察产孢量、孢子萌发和芽管长度,比较抑菌的差异。【结果】壳聚糖处理可显著改变两种真菌的菌落形态,处理浓度越高菌落皱缩和变形越明显;壳聚糖还可以有效抑制两种真菌的菌落生长、菌丝干重和菌丝生物量,抑制效果呈明显的浓度依赖,对F. sulphureum的抑制效果更好。壳聚糖可抑制两种真菌的产孢量、孢子萌发和芽管伸长,处理浓度越高抑制效果越好,对F. sulphureum的抑制效果更为明显。壳聚糖对A. carbonariusF. sulphureumEC50值分别为0.12 mg/mL和0.075 mg/mL。【结论】壳聚糖可有效抑制A. carbonariusF. sulphureum的生长发育,抑制效果呈浓度依赖,F. sulphureum对壳聚糖更为敏感。  相似文献   

一株耐盐日本曲霉的筛选及其溶磷促生作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】从内蒙古种植葵花的盐碱地中筛选高效溶磷真菌,为盐碱地增产节肥开发生物肥料提供溶磷菌种资源。【方法】利用ITS r DNA序列鉴定菌株、固体培养基测定耐盐性,液体摇床培养与盆栽试验结合分析菌株溶磷能力,盆栽和田间试验明确菌株M1促进作物生长和增产作用;LC-MS技术测定菌株M1在液体培养基中分泌有机酸和植物激素含量,明确菌株M1的溶磷和促生机理。【结果】溶磷菌株M1鉴定为日本曲霉(Aspergillus japonicus)。液体培养基接种菌株M1培养6 d,以Ca_3(PO_4)_2为磷源时上清液有效磷达1020.89 mg/L,溶解率为63.30%;以AlPO_4为磷源时有效磷达995.69 mg/L,溶解率为48.59%;以贵州开阳磷矿粉、江苏锦屏磷矿粉、云南晋宁磷矿粉、河北钒山磷矿粉和云南昆阳磷矿粉为磷源接种菌株M1,从晋宁磷矿粉释放的有效磷浓度最高,达到363.64 mg/L。菌株M1可耐受10%NaCl。将M1制备的菌剂分别接种于施用Ca_3(PO_4)_2、AlPO_4和开阳磷矿粉3种磷源的4种盆栽试验土壤包括北京石灰性潮土、安徽黏性潮土、安徽水稻土和山东沿海盐潮土。结果显示,菌株M1对玉米植株促生效果显著,玉米植株鲜重比对照提高2.14%–90.91%、干重增加22.15%–268.28%;土壤有效磷提高21.81–24.27 mg/kg。菌株M1与4种土壤的适配性均高于对照菌株DSM 821。田间小区花生产量结果显示,接种溶磷菌剂M1增产效果最好,花生果实产量达4.46 t/hm~2,比不接种菌剂的对照处理增加0.81 t/hm~2,增产22.19%。菌株M1在含有磷酸三钙、磷酸铝和开阳磷矿粉3种难溶磷培养液中经过6 d培养,均产生7种有机酸,其中草酸和柠檬酸含量最高,分别为616.16 mg/L和413.69 mg/L;培养液均能检测到吲哚乙酸(IAA)和玉米素,IAA含量为15.45–77.58 mg/L,玉米素浓度为0.06–0.11 mg/L。【结论】获得了一株高效溶解多种难溶磷的日本曲霉菌M1,它能显著增加土壤有效磷、促进玉米生长和花生增产,与4种典型土壤适配性好,具有良好的农业应用前景。  相似文献   

高婧  梁志宏 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4414-4430
【目的】预测并分析赭曲霉(Aspergillus ochraceus)中存在的G蛋白偶联受体(G-protein- coupled receptors,GPCRs)的结构特征和理化性质,探究赭曲霉GPCR超家族蛋白的结构及所接收配体的聚类情况以及与其他同源蛋白的进化关系,为深入开展赭曲霉中GPCRs的定位、功能研究提供理论基础,也有望从G蛋白信号途径角度抑制赭曲霉毒素的产生,进一步控制粮食的真菌毒素污染。【方法】基于已经报道的曲霉属典型GPCRs序列,在赭曲霉全基因组中进行BLASTp比对以获取候选GPCRs蛋白。通过SMART及多种软件进行保守结构域,特别是跨膜结构的分析,进一步分析候选序列的理化性质、信号肽、二级结构及亚细胞定位等特征。最后,利用MEGA构建赭曲霉中GPCRs与同源蛋白的系统发育树进行遗传关系的比较。【结果】明确赭曲霉存在 15个具有典型7次跨膜结构的GPCRs蛋白,不存在信号肽及转运肽,均含有较高比例的α螺旋结构,15个蛋白质中有7个定位在细胞膜。赭曲霉中的GPCRs与黄曲霉等曲霉属中相应的同源序列具有较近的亲缘关系。【结论】本研究首次对赭曲霉的GPCR超蛋白家族进行了预测,分析其结构及理化性质,探讨了其与同源蛋白的聚类情况,为深入开展赭曲霉GPCRs的功能研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Use of 50 × 500 mm non-woven fiber bands impregnated with cultures of entomopathogenic fungi was investigated for control of Anoplophora glabripennis. Fungal bands produced as a commercial pest control product and obtained from industry contained Beauveria brongniartii NBL 851 while lab-produced bands contained B. brongniartii WU 20 or Metarhizium anisopliae VD 1. In the laboratory, adult longevity decreased when adult A. glabripennis were forced to walk for 5 s on bands impregnated with B. brongniartii NBL 851 and for 25 s on B. brongniartii WU 20 and M. anisopliae VD 1 bands. A field experiment was conducted over a 31-day period in Huaiyuan, Anhui, China, by attaching bands impregnated with B. brongniartii NBL 851 or WU 20 around the trunks of willows (Salix sp.) at two sites infested with A. glabripennis. Treatments were compared directly, by monitoring adult longevity, and indirectly, by counting oviposition scars and exit holes per tree to quantify relative oviposition per female. Adults collected from trees treated with B. brongniartii WU 20 died more quickly than adults from the trees treated with B. brongniartii NBL 851 or controls. At the site with higher A. glabripennis population densities, relative oviposition per female was significantly lower for both fungal treatments compared with the control treatment. Between fungal treatments, B. brongniartii NBL 851 had a 5 day earlier negative effect on oviposition per female than B. brongniartii WU 20.  相似文献   

为了开发灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense用于蚊虫防治,对贵阳腐霉生物学特性进行了研究。采用菌丝生长率、真菌产孢情况以及对致倦库蚊Culex quinquefaciatus1龄幼虫的毒力作为评价的指标。测试了7种人工培养基、7种单糖、7种氮源、真菌生长所需的pH范围和温度范围、以及4种光-暗比的光照程序对真菌的影响。结果证明该真菌生长的适合温度为5℃~35℃,最佳温度为25℃~30℃;适合pH范围是5~12;在pH 9~11范围内菌丝和游动孢子生长最好;测试的人工培养基中,按照菌丝生长速度从高到低排列,依次为Czapek’SFE、PYG、KPYG2、SDAY、CMA和PDA。其中从真菌的游动孢子形成量和对蚊幼虫的毒力来看,最佳培养基为SFE;葡萄糖、果糖、乳糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、甘露糖和可溶性淀粉都是本真菌的合适碳氢营养源;含有机氮的培养基比含无机氮的培养基好;不同的光照程序没有表现明显的影响,但是观察到紫外光对本真菌有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Maniania  N.K.  Ekesi  S.  Löhr  B.  Mwangi  F. 《Mycopathologia》2003,155(4):229-235
The potential of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. for the control of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on chrysanthemum cuttings was evaluated in greenhouse experiments. The fungus significantly reduced both the adult and larval populations of F. occidentalis, although the level of control of larval populations was much lower than for adults. Combined application of M. anisopliae and Methomyl (Lannate®), however, resulted in a significant reduction of both the larval and adult stages. The use of both control agents might be helpful in reducing the selection pressure for resistance to chemical insecticides, thereby delaying or preventing the build-up of resistant populations in greenhouses.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The gene ODC1, which codes for the ornithine decarboxylase enzyme, was isolated from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The deduced amino acid sequence predicted a protein of 447 amino acids with a molecular weight of 49.3 kDa that contained the canonical motifs of ornithine decarboxylases. The ODC1 cDNA sequence was expressed in Escherichia coli cells; radiometric enzyme assays showed that the purified recombinant protein had ornithine decarboxylase activity. The optimum pH of the purified Odc1 protein was 8.0-8.5, and the optimum reaction temperature was 37 °C. The apparent Km for ornithine at a pyridoxal phosphate concentration of 20 mM was 22 μM. The competitive inhibitor of ODC activity, 1,4-diamino-2-butanone (DAB), at 0.25 mM inhibited 95% of ODC activity. The ODC1 mRNA showed an increase at the beginning of appressorium formation in vitro. During the M. anisopliae invasion process into Plutella xylostella larvae, the ODC1 mRNA showed a discrete increase within the germinating spore and during appressorium formation. The second expression peak was higher and prolonged during the invasion and death of the insect. The ODC1 gene complements the polyamine auxotrophy of Yarrowia lipolytica odc null mutant.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that control of an herbivorous pest would be improved by providing floral resources for adult natural enemies. The herbivore was euonymus scale, Unaspis euonymi (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), a serious pest of woody ornamental plants. The experimental landscape consisted of 3 × 3 m plots, each containing a central bed of Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) that was infested with the scale. Floral resource plants were cultivars of four species that overlapped in bloom periods to provide a continuous supply of floral resources during summer: Trifolium repens L., Euphorbia epithymoides L., Coreopsis verticillata L. var. ‘Moonbeam,’ and Solidago canadensis L. var. ‘Golden Baby.’ Plots contained either low or high densities of all four species, or no resource plants. Densities of euonymus scale were typically lower in plots containing resource plants than in plots without them. Parasitism by Encarsia citrina (Craw.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was rarely influenced by the experimental treatments, flower biomass, whole-plant biomass, or scale density, but in some cases was inversely correlated with density of scales within a generation and in the subsequent generation. Parasitism occasionally reduced densities of scales in plots containing resource plants, but this effect apparently was related to vegetative, not floral qualities of plants. A steady increase in parasitism rate over the three-year course of the experiment across the entire landscape was associated with decreasing density of scales, suggesting a numerical response by the parasitoid population. These findings suggest that the parasitoid is capable of effectively controlling euonymus scale in ornamental landscapes where environmental conditions are favorable.  相似文献   

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