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We studied the effect of apurinic sites on DNA replication in mouse and human cells, using parvoviruses MVM (minute virus of mice) and H-1 as probes. Although apurinic sites are efficient blocks to the replication of these single-stranded DNA viruses in vivo, depurinated parvoviruses can be reactivated if host cells have been preexposed to a subtoxic dose of UV light. The target of this conditional reactivation process is the conversion of depurinated input DNA into double-stranded replicative forms; the concomitant increase in viral mutagenesis strongly suggests that apurinic sites can be bypassed in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Human and rat cells transfected with UV-irradiated linear double-stranded DNA from calf thymus displayed a mutator activity. This phenotype was identified by growing a lytic thermosensitive single-stranded DNA virus (parvovirus H-1) in those cells and determining viral reversion frequencies. Likewise, exogenous UV-irradiated closed circular DNAs, either double-stranded (simian virus 40) or single-stranded (phi X174), enhanced the ability of recipient cells to mutate parvovirus H-1. The magnitude of mutator activity expression increased along with the number of UV lesions present in the inoculated DNA up to a saturation level. Unirradiated DNA displayed little inducing capacity, irrespective of whether it was single or double stranded. Deprivation of a functional replication origin did not impede UV-irradiated simian virus 40 DNA from providing rat and human cells with a mutator function. Our data suggest that in mammalian cells a trans-acting mutagenic signal might be generated from UV-irradiated DNA without the necessity for damaged DNA to replicate.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  III 《Journal of virology》1977,21(2):694-712
The linear duplex replicative form (RF) DNA of the parvovirus H-1 has been characterized with respect to cleavage by the bacterial restriction endonuclease of Escherichia coli, EcoRI. RF DNA has a single cleavage site 0.22 genome length from the left end of the molecule. The molecular weight of H-1 RF DNA determined by gel electrophoresis is 3.26 X 10(6). H-1 RF DNA has been found to dimerize by hydrogen-bounded linkage at the molecular left end, and in some molecules the viral strand is covalently linked to the complementary strand. Some 10% of monomeric RF DNA also has a covalent linkage between the viral and complementary strands at the left end. The EcoRI-B fragment, containing the left end of the RF molecule, appears to be a replication terminus by its labeling characteristics for both RF and progeny DNA synthesis. These findings suggest that the left end of H-1 RF DNA has some type of "turn-around" structure and that this end is not an origin for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Parvovirus H-1 was used to probe the cellular radiosensitivity of two human degeneration syndromes AT and HC. No difference in the survival of gamma irradiated H-1 was detected between skin fibroblasts from such patients and from a normal individual. However, AT and normal cells were distinguished by the fact that the reactivation of irradiated H-1 could be increased by UV or X-irradiation of the latter but not of the former cells.  相似文献   

In rat embryo cell cultures infected with X14 or H-1 parvovirus the PRPP pool and the PRPP synthetase activity have been assayed. A radiometric method, prepared by Authors, based on the conversion of [6-14C) orotate to [6-14C) UMP by the mixed enzyme orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase and on the separation of UMP by ascending chromatography, has been utilized. The PRPP pool and te PRPP synthetase activity appeared nearly unmodified in the cells infected with X14 or H-1 parvovirus compared to the mock-infected cells. Therefore, the lowered pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis in infected cells, shown in previous studies, may depend, rather than on the diminished PRPP pool, on the lower PRPP utilization; in fact, some inhibition by metabolites, that may be removed by added PRPP, might occur in the infected cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of extracts of H-1 parvovirus-infected cells with virus-specific antiserum led to the identification of two forms of the noncapsid virus protein NCVP1. These two proteins had apparent molecular weights of 84,000 (NCVP1) and 92,000 (NCVP1') and were structurally related, based on their immunological reactivity and on peptide map analysis. Both of these proteins appeared early in the virus infection, about the same time that capsid proteins appeared. NCVP1' was a highly phosphorylated protein which was apparently derived from NCVP1 via a post-translational event. Phosphoserine was the predominant phosphorylated amino acid in NCVP1' and appeared to be localized in one site or a few sites on the protein. The possible involvement of these noncapsid proteins in parvovirus DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine whether the multimammate mouse (Mastomys coucha) could be used to evaluate rodent parvovirus-based vectors, neonates were subcutaneously inoculated with minute virus of mice (prototype strain, MVMp) or rat parvovirus H-1. The course of infection with both viruses was similar. Seroconversion occurred within two weeks after virus inoculation, as detected by use of hemagglutination-inhibition assays, and antibody titers remained high for the entire observation period of 12 months. Viral DNA and infective virions were detected in several organs of inoculated animals prior to seroconversion, as measured by use of Southern blotting and plaque assays, respectively. Infective particles subsequently became undetectable, whereas viral DNA imprints persisted in distinct organs for at least nine months. Clinical signs of parvovirus infection appeared around six weeks after virus inoculation, and consisted of hemorrhages, stunted growth, and transient hair color changes. Sudden death occurred in a significant fraction of animals infected with MVMp, but not H-1 virus, at the time of weaning. Altogether, MVMp, which is innocuous to its natural host, the mouse, and H-1 virus, which is poorly pathogenic to the rat, appear to be pathogenic for Mastomys coucha.  相似文献   

Partial denaturation mapping, restriction endonuclease digestion, and electron microscopy were used to determine which end of the linear duplex replicative-form (RF) DNA molecule contains the origin of RF replication for the parvovirus H-1. This origin was localized within approximately 300 base pairs of the arbitrarily designated right end of the RF DNA, in the EcoRI or HaeII-A fragment. Based on denaturation behavior in formamide, the right end was also found to have a relatively high guanine plus cytosine content, whereas the region adjacent to the left terminus of the RF DNA molecule was adenine plus thymine rich.  相似文献   

S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1978,25(1):215-223
A temperature-sensitive mutant of H-1, ts14, that is partially defective in replicative-form (RF) DNA synthesis has been isolated. ts14 H-1 is characterized by a decrease in plaque-forming ability and production of infectious virus at the restrictive temperature of 39.5 degrees C. RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is reduced to 3 to 7% of that of wild-type H-1 at either the restrictive or the permissive temperature. A complementation analysis of RF synthesis of ts14 and a viable defective H-1 virus, DI-1, or wild-type H-3 indicates that the defective RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is cis-acting. ts14, unlike wild-type H-1, causes a multiplicity-dependent inhibition of DI-1 or H-3, but not LuIII, RF DNA synthesis. Mixed infections of cells with two parvoviruses also exhibited a cross-interference for viral protein synthesis that was multiplicity dependent, ts14 inhibited infectious virus production of H-1 or H-3, but not LuIII. LuIII-or H-3-pseudotype particles were produced by coinfection with H-1. H-3 and H-1 showed similar interactions with ts14, and H-3 DNA was more homologous to H-1 than was LuIII by comparative physical mapping studies. The results suggest that ts14 is a mutant with a defect in a regulatory sequence of its DNA that influence RF DNA replication.  相似文献   

U.v. radiation is directly mutagenic for the single-stranded DNA parvovirus H-1 propagated in human cells. Mutation induction in the progeny of u.v.-irradiated virus increased linearly with the dose and could be ascribed neither to an increased number of rounds of viral replication nor to the indirect activation of an inducible cellular mutator activity by the u.v.-damaged virus. The level of mutagenesis among the descendants of both unirradiated and u.v.-damaged H-1 was enhanced if the host cells had been exposed to sublethal doses of u.v. light before infection. This indirect enhancement of viral mutagenesis in pre-irradiated cells was maximal at multiplicities lower than 0.2 infectious particles/cell. The frequency of mutations resulting from cell pre-irradiation was only slightly higher for u.v.-irradiated than for intact virus. Thus, the induced cellular mutator appeared to be mostly untargeted in the dose range given to the virus. U.v.-irradiation of the cells also enhanced the mutagenesis of u.v.-irradiated herpes simplex virus, a double-stranded DNA virus ( Lytle and Knott , 1982).  相似文献   

An in-frame, 114-nucleotide-long deletion that affects the NS-coding sequence was created in the infectious molecular clone of the standard parvovirus H-1PV, thereby generating Del H-1PV. The plasmid was transfected and further propagated in permissive human cell lines in order to analyze the effects of the deletion on virus fitness. Our results show key benefits of this deletion, as Del H-1PV proved to exhibit (i) higher infectivity (lower particle-to-infectivity ratio) in vitro and (ii) enhanced tumor growth suppression in vivo compared to wild-type H-1PV. This increased infectivity correlated with an accelerated egress of Del H-1PV progeny virions in producer cells and with an overall stimulation of the viral life cycle in subsequently infected cells. Indeed, virus adsorption and internalization were significantly improved with Del H-1PV, which may account for the earlier appearance of viral DNA replicative forms that was observed with Del H-1PV than wild-type H-1PV. We hypothesize that the internal deletion within the NS2 and/or NS1 protein expressed by Del H-1PV results in the stimulation of some step(s) of the viral life cycle, in particular, a maturation step(s), leading to more efficient nuclear export of infectious viral particles and increased fitness of the virus produced.  相似文献   

Following serological data (1) showing cross-reactivity of drosophila surface antigens with anti-H-2 and mouse beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2-m) antisera, we have looked for homologous sequences in the drosophila genome by low stringency hybridization with mouse H-2 and beta 2-m probes. A 240 bp drosophila DNA segment cross-hybridizing with a H-2 probe, was isolated and sequenced. No homology at the nucleotide or amino acid levels was found with the mouse probe which was used, except for a perfectly matching 16-mer containing 11 G-C, which might be responsible for the cross-hybridization. Therefore, our present data do not support the existence of class I H-2 and/or beta 2-m related gene sequences in the drosophila genome.  相似文献   

We generated nucleotide sequences for H-2Kk and H-2Dk from the C3H mouse, as well as for a genomic clone of H-2Db, in order to conduct an evolutionary analysis of the H-2 genes from three haplotypes, k, d, and b. H-2Kk from both the C3H and AKR strains, H-2Kd, H-2Kb, H-2Dk, H-2Ld, H-2Dd, H-2Db, and H-2Dp DNA sequences were aligned, and the alignments used to construct phylogenetic trees inferring the evolutionary relationships among the nine genes by two independent methods. Both approaches yielded trees with similar topologies. In addition, the sequence alignments revealed patterns of nucleotide substitutions which implicate both point mutation and recombination in the divergence of the H-2 genes. Future considerations for evolutionary analysis of class I genes are discussed.  相似文献   

We have constructed a HeLa cell line that both expresses high levels of CD4 and contains a single integrated copy of a beta-galactosidase gene that is under the control of a truncated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) long terminal repeat (LTR). This cell line, called CD4-LTR/beta-gal, can be used to determine quantitatively the titer of laboratory-adapted HIV strains, and the method used to do so is as sensitive as the determination of viral titers in a T-cell line by end point dilution. Using this cell line as a titer system, we calculated that HIV-1 stocks contain only one infectious particle per 3,500 to 12,000 virions. Virus derived from a molecular clone of a macrophagetropic provirus will not infect this cell line. We have also cocultivated peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures from HIV-infected individuals with the CD4-LTR/beta-gal indicator cells. In a majority of primary isolates (five of eight), including isolates from asymptomatic patients, rare virus-infected cells that can activate the beta-galactosidase gene are present.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Establishment of tetraploid ES cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mouse H-1 (ES) cells were polyploidized by demecolcine and released from the drug. RESULTS: A tetraploid cell line (4nH1 cells) was established from mouse H-1 (ES) cells (2nH1 cells) highly polyploidized by treatment with demecolcine. Cell cycle parameters of 4nH1 cells were almost the same as those of 2nH1 cells, suggesting that the rate of DNA synthesis was about twice that of the diploid cells. Mode of chromosome number of 4nH1 cells was 76, about twice that of 2nH1 cells. Cell volume of 4nH1 cells was about twice of that of diploid cells, indicating that 4nH1 cells contained about twice as much total intracellular material as 2nH1 cells. Morphology of the 4nH1 cells was flagstone-like, thus differing from that of the spindle-shaped 2nH1 cells, suggesting that the transformation had occurred during the diploid-tetraploid transition. 4nH1 cells exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and formed teratocarcinomas, implying that they would be pluripotent. CONCLUSION: A pluripotent tetraploid cell line (4nH1 cells) was established.  相似文献   

Extracts of mouse cells have been shown to transfer to N- or B-trophic host range types of mouse leukemia viruses. The genetic specificity of the inhibition was tested in two ways: (i) by correlating the Fv-1 genotype of a number of mouse strains with the restriction-transferring activity of extracts of the respective embryo cell cultures, and (ii) by correlating the Fv-1 genotype of BLC3F2 (C57BL/6 female [Fv-1bb] by C3H male [Fv-1nn] parental strains) mouse embryos, which segregate the Fv-1 alleles in a 12:1 ratio, with the inhibitor activity of extracts of the cells from each embryo. Five independent matings, totaling 45 individual embryos, were tested. Each embryo was cultured, and the Fv-1 genotype was determined independently by titration of N- and B-tropic viruses; the extracts of replicate secondary cultures were tested for their effect on infection of permissive cells by N- and B-tropic viruses. The specific-restriction-transferring activity of the embryos was found to segregate with the appropriate Fv-1 genotype. These res-lts confirm the suggestion that the inhibitor of the leukemia virus host range types in the cellular extracts is a product of the Fv-1 locus.  相似文献   

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