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An enzyme-sensitive site assay has been used to examine the fate of closely opposed pyrimidine dimers (bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites) in fibroblasts from individuals afflicted with various genetic disorders that confer increased cellular sensitivity to UV radiation. The disappearance of bifilar enzyme-sensitive sites was found to be normal in cells from individuals with Fanconi's anemia, Cockayne's syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita and the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. The rate of bifilar enzyme-sensitive site removal in XP cells assigned to complementation group C was reduced by an amount similar to that observed for the repair of isolated dimers. Our results indicate that the initiation of repair at closely opposed dimers is slow in XP-C cells but normal in all other cells examined.  相似文献   

Treatment of UV-irradiated DNAs with Micrococcus luteus pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase results in the formation of double-strand breaks due to cleavage at closely opposed pyrimidine dimers. To determine if the induction of closely opposed dimers is significantly affected by DNA nucleotide sequence, end-labeled DNA fragments of known nucleotide sequence were UV irradiated, incubated with pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase, and analyzed by electrophoresis through nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. Distinct bands of increased electrophoretic mobility were observed, indicating that bifilar cleavage had occurred with greater probability at specific sites in each DNA sequence. In vitro enzymatic photoreactivation of dimers prior to treatment with pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase prevented the appearance of bands. DNA sequence analysis revealed the presence of closely opposed runs of pyrimidines at sites of more frequent bifilar cleavage. Our results indicate that the induction of closely opposed dimers occurs with greater probability at specific sites in DNA sequences and that such sites are characterized by the presence of closely opposed pyrimidine runs.  相似文献   

Incubation of UV-irradiated DNA with pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase in cell-free lysates prepared from Micrococcus luteus results in the appearance of double-strand breaks. It has previously been assumed that such double-strand breaks result from cleavage at closely opposed dimers. We have used hybrid molecules of bacteriophage T7 DNA comprised of two unirradiated strands, two UV-irradiated strands, or one unirradiated and one UV-irradiated strand to test this hypothesis. Bifilar cleavage was observed only with molecules consisting of two irradiated strands and no bifilar cleavage was observed after the monomerization of pyrimidine dimers by enzymatic photoreactivation. Our results indicate that at least 80% of the double-strand breaks result from cleavage at closely opposed dimers and that the induction of dimers in one strand does not influence the induction of dimers at closely opposed positions in the complementary strand of a DNA double helix.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase activity prepared from Micrococcus luteus has been used to develop an enzyme-sensitive site assay for the detection and quantification of closely opposed pyrimidine dimers in the nuclear DNA of UV-irradiated yeast. With this assay, closely opposed dimers were found to be induced as a linear function of dose from 0 to 200 J/m2 (254 nm). Closely opposed dimer frequencies decreased during the incubation of UV-irradiated, excision repair-proficient cells under liquid-holding conditions in the dark and during post-irradiation exposure of excision-deficient cells to photoreactivating light. Incubation of excision-deficient cells in the dark had no effect on the frequency of closely opposed dimers for up to 16 h. These results indicate that closely opposed dimers in UV-irradiated yeast are subject to repair by enzymatic photoreactivation and/or by dark-repair processes dependent, at least in part, upon functions necessary for normal excision repair. The genetic and biochemical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive assay for pyrimidine dimers in DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have developed a rapid, sensitive assay for pyrimidine dimers. The assay has greatly facilitated the purification and characterization of the photoreactivating enzyme. The procedure depends on (1) the resistance of the nucleotide phosphate bond in dimer-containing regions of DNA to attack by DNase I, venom phosphodiesterase and alkaline phosphatase and (2) selective adsorption to Norit of mononucleosides and 32P-labeled, dimer containing oligonucleotides (but not 32P1) resulting from nuclease digestion of highly-purified, 32P-labeled bacteriophage DNA. The method is sensitive and rapid. The presence of the usual nuclease activities found in cell extracts does not interfere with the assay. Thus photoreactivating enzyme activity can be detected even in the presence of non-specific or uv-specific nucleases. Neither photoreactivation nor the digestion reaction is affected by purification agents at concentrations commonly used in enzyme purification.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of diploid human fibroblasts to the cytotoxic effects of diphtheria toxin (DT) depended on the cell growth status. Exponentially growing cells treated with 10?3-1 lethal flocculating units (LF) of DT/ml for 4 days survived with a frequency of 4 × 10?4. However, the DT-resistant phenotype of colonies isolated under these conditions was not stable. When the growth of the cells had been arrested by confluence or deprivation of serum growth factors prior to treatment with DT (4 days, 10?3-0.6 LF/ml), the survival decreased to 2 × 10?6 and the resistance of isolated colonies was stable. An in situ assay for induced DT-resistant mutants was developed in order to avoid problems associated with the possible reduced viability of the mutants relative to that of wild-type cells. A reproducible and linear dose response was obtained for the induction of DT-resistant mutants by ethylnitrosourea. The mutants were induced with high frequency by this compound (e.g., 10?3 mutants/viable cell at a 37% survival dose); complete expression of the mutant phenotype occurred after 6 generations of growth under nonselective conditions. Isolated mutant colonies showed stable resistance to DT and were cross-resistant to Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive radioimmuno assay (RIA) method for detection of the UV photoproduct, thymine dimers has been developed. The limit of detection of this method is 6×10-14 mol or 15 pg thymine dimer. It is highly specific: A structurally similar compound such as uridine dimer interferes with the detection of thymine dimers only when it is 53,000-fold or more in molar excess. Since this RIA method does not require the use of labeled DNA, it represents a considerable improvement for repair studies with radiation-sensitive cells.  相似文献   

A sensitive and quantitative procedure for the detection of pyrimidine dimers in yesast nuclear DNA is described. The assay employs dimer-specific, endonuclease activities from Micrococcus luteus together with DNA sedimentation through calibrated, alkaline sucrose gradients to detect endonuclease-induced, single-strand breaks. Breaks were induced in a dose-dependent manner from 0 to 80 J m-2 at 254 nm and in numbers equivalent to the numbers of dimers induced by similar doses (Unrau et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 312 (1973) 626--632). This procedure also allows the use of [6-3H] uridine to label cellular nucleic acids, but dose not require extensive DNA purification to eliminate concomitantly labeled RNA. Endonuclease-sensitive sites in the wild-type, haploid strain S288C, after irradiation with 5 J m-2 (254 nm), were removed in less than 5 min when cells were incubated in buffer (pH 7.0) at 28 degrees C. After irradiation with doses from 30 to 100 Jm-2 site removal in S288C required longer postirradiation incubations and was about 90% complete. In a radiation-sensitive strain carrying the mutant allele rad4-3 the number of endonuclease-sensitive sites remained constant for 6 h after irradiation with 5 Jm-2. The retention of sites in this strain indicates that it is defective in the excision of pyrimidine dimers.  相似文献   

We have compared video and photographic methods for calculating the number of ultraviolet radiation (uv)-induced pyrimidine dimers in DNA from the bacteriophage T7 exposed to uv (0 to 800 J/m2) from an FS40 sunlamp. DNA was incubated with a pyrimidine dimer-specific Micrococcus luteus uv endonuclease, subjected to alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis, neutralized, and stained with ethidium bromide, and the DNA fluorescence was recorded either with a video camera or on photographic film. The slopes of the dose-response curves for the number of uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per 10(3) bases (pyrimidine dimers) was 1.2 (+/- 0.1) X 10(-4) uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per J/m2 for the video analysis and 1.3 (+/- 0.04) X 10(-4) uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per J/m2 for the photographic analysis. Results for pyrimidine dimer determination by either method were statistically comparable.  相似文献   

The relationship between pyrimidine dimers (measured as endonuclease-sensitive sites) and newly-synthesized DNA has been examined in several different ways, with the following results:- 1. After UV-irradiation of normal human fibroblasts the frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in sections of DNA which have been synthesized immediately before the UV-irradiation is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 2. The frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in the parental strands of replicating DNA in UV-irradiated normal human fibroblasts is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 3. In UV-irradiated XP variant cells the size of DNA synthesized in the presence of caffeine immediately after UV irradiation accurately corresponds with the average interdimer distance in the parental DNA. This suggests that in this experimental situation each pyrimidine dimer gives rise to a disocntinuity or a termination site in the daughter strand.  相似文献   

A procedure for the determination of free and total cholesterol in lipid extracts is described. The method for free cholesterol employs cholesterol oxidase to generate H2O2 and peroxidase to catalyze the reaction of H2O2 with o-dianisidine to yield a colored product. For the determination of total cholesterol, cholesterol ester hydrolase is included.  相似文献   

A bioluminescent general protease assay was developed using a combination of five luminogenic peptide substrates. The peptide-conjugated luciferin substrates were combined with luciferase to form a homogeneous, coupled-enzyme assay. This single-reagent format minimized backgrounds, gave stable signals, and reached peak sensitivity within 30 min. The bioluminescent assay was used to detect multiple proteases representing serine, cysteine, and metalloproteinase classes. The range of proteases detected was broader and the sensitivity greater, when compared with a standard fluorescent assay based on cleavage of the whole protein substrate casein. Fifteen of twenty proteases tested had signal-to-background ratios >10 with the bioluminescent method, compared with only seven proteases with the fluorescent approach. The bioluminescent assay also achieved lower detection limits (≤100 pg) than fluorescent methods. During protein purification processes, especially for therapeutic proteins, even trace levels of contamination can impact the protein's stability and activity. This sensitive, bioluminescent, protease assay should be useful for applications in which contaminating proteases are detrimental and protein purity is essential.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid, highly sensitive method for the separation of thymine-dimers from thymine on a cation-exchange resin, which is capable of detecting one dimer out of 5 × 103 to 104 thymine molecules (depending on the specific activity of the used material) by the means of high-pressure liquid chromatography. The assay has been very useful in DNA-hybridization studies using (TT)-containing DNA-strands and there is evidence that the method will be valuable for photoreactivation studies of uv-damaged DNA and for the enzymes involved in dimer-excision studies.  相似文献   

Summary A peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method for the detection of H-Y antigen at the single cell level is described. The efficiency of the test was examined in cultivated fibroblasts derived from control subjects and from XX males and a true hermaphrodite. For comparison, H-Y antigen was determined in blood cells of the same probands using the cytotoxic test. The finding of H-Y positive fibroblasts in the intersex patients has implications for the origin of these disorders.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid mitogen that acts through G-protein-coupled receptors. LPA responsiveness has been reported to be dependent on the senescent state of the cells. To solve the mechanism underlying, we observed LPA-dependent cAMP status and found its age-dependent contrasting profile such as high level of cAMP in the senescent cells vs its low level in the young cells. In order to clarify the molecular mechanism of the ageing effect, we examined various molecular species involved in the cAMP signaling pathway by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. EDG-1 and EDG-4 were unchanged, but EDG-2 and EDG-7 were reduced with age. Senescent cells showed a partial reduction of Gi1, Gi2, and Gi3, but no change in the level of Gq. Decreased Gis and Gi-coupled LPA receptors may reduce the inhibitory effect of Gi alpha on adenylyl cyclases (ACs), resulting in cAMP accumulation via activation of adenylyl cyclase in senescent fibroblasts. We also observed an age-dependent increase in some of AC isoforms: II, IV, and VI. In conclusion, multiple changes in the cAMP signaling pathway of the senescent cells might explain the altered responsiveness to the mitogenic stimuli.  相似文献   

Here we describe the development and validation of a highly sensitive assay of antigen-specific IFN-γ production using real time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for two reporters--monokine-induced by IFN-γ (MIG) and the IFN-γ inducible protein-10 (IP10). We developed and validated the assay and applied it to the detection of CMV, HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) specific responses, in a cohort of HIV co-infected patients. We compared the sensitivity of this assay to that of the ex vivo RD1 (ESAT-6 and CFP-10)-specific IFN-γ Elispot assay. We observed a clear quantitative correlation between the two assays (P<0.001). Our assay proved to be a sensitive assay for the detection of MTB-specific T cells, could be performed on whole blood samples of fingerprick (50 uL) volumes, and was not affected by HIV-mediated immunosuppression. This assay platform is potentially of utility in diagnosis of infection in this and other clinical settings.  相似文献   

A new, simple and very sensitive assay for NADH-ferredoxin or flavodoxin reductase activity is described. The assay is based on the nonenzymatic reduction of the metronidazole by ferredoxin or flavodoxin. In the presence of NADH, ferredoxin or flavodoxin and cell-free extract of clostridia, no metronidazole reduction is observed; the reaction occurs only if acetyl-CoA is added to the reaction mixture. Metronidazole reduction is quantitated by the spectrophotometric measurement at 320 nm. In this assay the change in absorbance is linearly related to the amount of clostridial extract for concentration of 0.1 to 0.8 mg/ml and to the flavodoxin or ferredoxin for concentrations of 0.5 to 8 nmol/ml.  相似文献   

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