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The promoters of genes encoding rice seed storage proteins (glutelin,prolamin, globulin and albumin) were analyzed for their abilityto direct rß-gIucuronidase (GUS) gene expression intransgenic rice plants. All promoters tested could direct endosperm-specificexpression of the GUS reporter gene irrespective of variableactivities and patterns in the endosperm. (Received February 27, 1998; Accepted May 16, 1998)  相似文献   

The coding and upstream promoter regions of Brassica juncea 2S seed storage protein gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The plant expression cassettes containing 2S seed storage protein gene under the control of either a constitutive Caulimovirus 35S promoter or a seed specific 2S protein promoter and the polyadenylation signal of a pea rbcS gene were used for Agrobacterium — mediated transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Petit Havana). Integration of 2S gene was confirmed by Southern blot and PCR analysis of plant genomic DNA. Expression of introduced 2S protein gene was monitored by slot blot analysis of total RNA using 2S protein sequence as hybridization probe and also by immunodot blot analysis using specific antiserum of 2S protein. Expression was either constitutive with CaMV 35S promoter or highly seed-specific with Brassica 2S promoter.  相似文献   

Rice stripe virus (RSV) is a pathogen of rice stripe disease causing great damage to rice. The disease is transmitted by Laodelphax striatellus and three other planthoppers. RSV infects as much as 37 cereals including rice, wheat, maize and results in a significant reduction in yield in epidemic year. In order to develop efficient means of controlling the disease, authors have studied the amino acid composition of RSV coat protein (CP), synthesized and cloned the cDNA to CP, sequenced the full-length CP gene. Having inserted the RSV CP gene into plant expression vector pROK Ⅱ, authors transformed rice suspension culture via microprojectile bombardment and obtained transgenic plants expressing the CP gene. The suspension culture was initiated by inoculating yellowish, compact and embryogenic calli derived from seeds into suspension medium containing proline and maltose. After being cultured at 26℃ in the dark for about half a year, finely-dispersed and embryogenic suspension culture was estabolished. Before bombardment the suspension culture was evently applied onto three-layered filter-paper discs in a petri dish. CaCl2 and spermidine was employed to coat tungsten particle with plasmid DNA. 2.5 μl of coated particle was loaded onto bullet and each dish was bombarded three times. Immediately after being bombarded, the suspensions were cultured in modified N6 medium. 2 days later the suspensions were transferred to the same medium but containing G418, which were subcultured weekly. Being subject to G418 selection for two months, white and fast-growing clones were emerged from the brownish cultures. Green plants regenerated when the resistant calli were transferred to differentiation medium. The regenerated plants were firm enough to grow well in the greenhouse. 10 plants regenerated from G418 resistant calli were tested for their transformed nature by Southern blot using 32P-labelled CP gene as a probe. Among the plants tested, 2 plants showed clearly hy bridizing bands with a molecular weight corresponding to RSV CP gene. Western blot further demonstrated that RSV CP gene was expressed in transgenic rice plants. At present tests on the antiviral effects of transgenic plants by feeding plantphoppers infccted with RSV are being underway.  相似文献   

Utilizing either Agrobacterium-mediated transformation or particle bombardment we obtained transgenic soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants expressing the chitinase gene (chi) and the barley ribosome-inactivating protein gene (rip). Six regenerated plants were grown to maturity and set seed. The identification of transgenic soybean plants that co-integrated the two anti-fungal protein genes was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analysis. Protein detection from the soybean leaves demonstrated the expression of the chitinase (CHI) and the ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) in the six R0 transformants. Soybean cotyledonary nodes were transformed using the bivalent plant expression vector pBRC containing chi and rip both driven by the CaMV 35S double promoter. Following vacuum (0.06 MPa) infiltration treatment of the tissue for 5 min, Agrobacterium was co-cultivated with the cotyledonary nodes for 3 d on MSB medium (MS salts and B5 vitamins) (pH 5.2), the transformation frequency reached a maximum of 1.33 %. The chi and rip genes were present in all the transgenic plants. Co-bombardment of immature cotyledons with plasmids pBchE (encoding chi) and pARIP (encoding rip) resulted in a maximum transformation frequency of 0.52 % with a 50 % co-integration rate. Our results demonstrate efficient co-transformation of multiple genes in soybean.  相似文献   

以具高抗虫性的转抗虫基因‘74l杨’及在此基础上转入了发根农杆菌融质粒T-DNA株系的组培苗为材料,研究了转基因株系BtCrylAc抗虫基因和发根基因的表达及其对NaCI胁迫的反应。结果表明,转入Ri质粒T-DNA上的rol基因后,导致苗木根系数目增加,根系长度减小,IAA和GA含量显著提高,抗虫BtCrylAc基因编码的毒蛋白的表达量降低;随着NaCI胁迫强度的增加,苗高、根系数量、叶绿素含量及IAA、GA含量逐步降低,而根系的长度加大,Bt毒蛋白含量显著提高,表明NaCI胁迫使转基因杨外源Bt毒蛋白基因的表达增强,而发根农杆菌.Ri质粒T-DNA的表达下降。  相似文献   

以具高抗虫性的转抗虫基因‘741杨’及在此基础上转入了发根农杆菌Ri质粒T-DNA株系的组培苗为材料,研究了转基因株系BtCrylAc抗虫基因和发根基因的表达及其对NaCl胁迫的反应。结果表明,转入Ri质粒T- DNA上的rol基因后,导致苗木根系数目增加,根系长度减小,IAA和GA含量显著提高,抗虫BtCrylAc基因编码的毒蛋白的表达量降低;随着NaCl胁迫强度的增加,苗高、根系数量、叶绿素含量及IAA、GA含量逐步降低,而根系的长度加大,Bt毒蛋白含量显著提高,表明NaCl胁迫使转基因杨外源Bt毒蛋白基因的表达增强,而发根农杆菌Ri质粒T-DNA的表达下降。  相似文献   

反义trxs基因对转基因小麦种子内源trxh基因表达的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以转反义硫氧还蛋白基因(anti-trxs)株系01TY70-1-17-5及其对照小麦品种‘豫麦70’为试验材料,以小麦中稳定表达的肌动蛋白基因actin为内标,用半定量反转录聚合酶链式反应(semi-QRT-PCR)方法,对转基因株系及其对照种子中trxh基因时空表达情况进行了检测。检测结果表明,花后15~30d转基因株系trxh基因转录量平均比对照下降了20.1%,花后25d显著低于对照(P<0.05);胚乳trxh基因转录量最低,平均比对照低19.4%;种子吸涨24h时间内,转基因株系trxh基因转录量较对照均略低,但差异不显著。表明,外源trxs基因的导入直接干扰了内源基因的表达。  相似文献   

Among the three subunits of [beta]-conglycinin, the 7S seed storage protein of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), expression of the [beta] subunit gene is unique. Accumulation of the [beta] subunit is enhanced in sulfate-deficient soybean plants, and its mRNA levels increase when abscisic acid (ABA) is added to the in vitro cotyledon culture medium. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines carrying a gene encoding the [beta] subunit was constructed and grown under sulfate deficiency. Accumulation of both [beta] subunit mRNA and protein were enhanced in developing A. thaliana seeds. Accumulation of one of the A. thaliana seed storage protein mRNAs was also enhanced by sulfate deficiency, although the response was weaker than that observed for the soybean [beta] subunit mRNA. When the aba1-1 or abi3-1 mutations were crossed into the transgenic A. thaliana line, accumulation of the [beta] subunit was significantly reduced, whereas accumulation of the A. thaliana seed storage protein was not greatly affected. These results indicate that soybean and A. thaliana share a common mechanism for response to sulfate deficiency and to ABA, although the sensitivity is different between the species. The transgenic A. thaliana carrying the [beta] subunit gene of [beta]-conglycinin will be a good system to analyze these responses.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) contains two related and abundant proteins, VSP alpha and VSP beta, that have been called vegetative storage proteins (VSP) based on their pattern of accumulation, degradation, tissue localization, and other characteristics. To determine whether these proteins play a critical role in sequestering N and other nutrients during early plant development, a VspA antisense gene construct was used to create transgenic plants in which VSP expression was suppressed in leaves, flowers, and seed pods. Total VSP was reduced at least 50-fold due to a 100-fold reduction in VSP alpha and a 10-fold reduction in VSP beta. Transgenic lines were grown in replicated yield trials in the field in Nebraska during the summer of 1999 and seed harvested from the lines was analyzed for yield, protein, oil, and amino acid composition. No significant difference (alpha = 0.05) was found between down-regulated lines and controls for any of the traits tested. Young leaves of antisense plants grown in the greenhouse contained around 3% less soluble leaf protein than controls at the time of flowering. However, total leaf N did not vary. Withdrawing N from plants during seed fill did not alter final seed protein content of antisense lines compared with controls. These results indicate that the VSPs play little if any direct role in overall plant productivity under typical growth conditions. The lack of VSPs in antisense plants might be partially compensated for by increases in other proteins and/or non-protein N. The results also suggest that the VSPs could be genetically engineered or replaced without deleterious effects.  相似文献   

姜廷波  丁宝建  李凤娟  杨传平 《遗传学报》2006,33(12):1120-1126
铁蛋白是一种由24个亚基组成的高分子贮藏蛋白质,可以储存多达4500个铁原子,在动植物及微生物的新陈代谢中起着非常重要的作用。有研究表明,外源铁蛋白的大量表达可以提高植物储存铁离子的能力。为了明确外源铁蛋白基因转化植物中内源铁蛋白基因差异表达与植物含铁量的关系,本研究在成功获得2个烟草铁蛋白基因的全长cDNA克隆NtFerl(登录号:ay083924)和NtFer2(登录号:ay141105)的基础上,以烟草品种SR-1(Nicotiana tabacum cv.Petit Havana SR-1)为受体,培育了转铁蛋白基因烟草。将双元载体pBI121中的GUS基因用来自大豆的铁蛋白基因SoyFer1(登录号:m64337)置换,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草叶盘,获得在CaMV35S启动子驱动表达的大豆铁蛋白基因转化烟草植株。Northern杂交和Western杂交分析表明外源铁蛋白基因在转基因烟草中得到了正确表达。比较转基因烟草和非转基因烟草的内源铁蛋白基因表达强度、叶片铁含量、根系铁还原酶活性、株高和鲜重表明,外源铁蛋白基因不但促进了NtFer1的表达,提高转基因植株的储存铁的能力和根系铁还原酶活性,而且促进植株的生长速度。以上结果说明,外源铁蛋白基因转化烟草中内源铁蛋白基因的表达、铁离子的还原吸收及光和作用都得到了进一步的提高。  相似文献   

For studying the effects of endogenous ferritin gene expressions (NtFer1, GenBank accession number ay083924; and NtFer2, GenBank accession number ay141105) on the iron homeostasis in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants expressing soybean (Glycine max Merr) ferritin gene (SoyFer1, GenBank accession number m64337), the transgenic tobacco has been produced by placing soybean ferritin cDNA cassette under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. The exogenous gene expression was examined by both Northern- and Western-blot analyses. Comparison of endogenous ferritin gene expressions between nontransformant and transgenic tobacco plants showed that the expression of NtFer1 was increased in the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants, whereas the NtFer2 expression was unchanged. The iron concentration in the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants was about 1.5-folds higher than that in nontransformant. Enhanced growth of transgenic tobacco was observed at the early development stages, resulting in plant height and fresh weights significantly greater than those in the nontransformant. These results demonstrated that exogenous ferritin expression induced increased expression of at least one of the endogenous ferritin genes in transgenic tobacco plants by enhancing the ferric chelate reductase activity and iron transport ability of the root, and improved the rate of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

两种凝集素基因在转基因烟草中表达的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
构建了含尾穗苋凝集素基因(ACA)的cDNA序列和改造后的雪花莲凝集素基因(GNA)的植物表达载体pBACG。在此表达载体中,ACA和GNA基因的表达分别由35S启动子和CoYMV启动子控制。通过农杆菌介导,将ACA和GNA基因转化到烟草中,经卡那霉素筛选获得60株转化再生植株。对PCR检测呈阳性的50株植株进行接蚜虫实验,结果表明,其平均抑虫率达83.9%。Southern blotting分析表明,ACA和GNA基因都已整合到烟草基因组中。Western blotting结果显示这两个基因在不同植株中都可表达其相应的蛋白质,但表达水平不同。部分Western blotting分析呈阳性植株的抗蚜性与T0代相近,达85.3%,说明这两个基因的抗蚜功能可以稳定遗传。  相似文献   

影响苏云金芽孢杆菌基因在转基因植物中表达的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)杀虫晶体蛋白基因是植物抗虫基因工程中应用最广泛的基因资源。影响Bt基因在转基因植物中表达的因素繁多,阐明这些因素的效应对于获得Bt基因在受体植物中的稳定高效表达具有重要意义。现对Bt基因表达的主要影响因子,如Bt基因表达单元、植物发育、外部环境条件、受体植物遗传背景、整合位点及Bt基因沉默现象等进行了综述。  相似文献   

转Bt基因植物中外源基因时空动态表达的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在转Bt基因植株中 ,外源基因的时空动态表达对于害虫的防治和转基因安全评价管理具有重要意义。利用生物测定法和酶联免疫吸附测定法 (ELISA) ,对植物不同组织在同一发育阶段、同一组织在不同的发育阶段以及不同转基因植株的外源基因的时空动态表达进行研究。本文综述了转基因植物中外源基因时空动态表达的研究进展和现状。  相似文献   

外源基因在转基因植物中的表达与稳定性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
外源基因能否在转基因植物中稳定表达对转基因植物的应用前景有重要的影响。影响外源基因稳定表达的因素有多种,其中包括遗传和环境因素。在某些转基因植物中,外源基因表达是受发育调控,本文主要讨论了转基因沉默及发育时期和环境条件对源基因的表达及稳定性的影响,并进一步探讨了对策。  相似文献   

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