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cg12 is an early actinorhizal nodulin gene from Casuarina glauca encoding a subtilisin-like serine protease. Using transgenic Casuarinaceae plants carrying cg12-gus and cg12-gfp fusions, we have studied the expression pattern conferred by the cg12 promoter region after inoculation with Frankia. cg12 was found to be expressed in root hairs and in root and nodule cortical cells containing Frankia infection threads. cg12 expression was also monitored after inoculation with ineffective Frankia strains, during mycorrhizae formation, and after diverse hormonal treatments. None of these treatments was able to induce its expression, therefore suggesting that cg12 expression is linked to plant cell infection by Frankia strains. Possible roles of cg12 in actinorhizal symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   

The response ofAlnus glutinosa, Casuarina cunninghamiana, Elaeagnus angustifolia andMyrica cerifera to a range of substrate nitrogen levels in solution, in relation to plant growth, infection, nodulation and root fine structure was studied. Nine concentrations of potassium nitrate ranging from 0.05 to 3.0 mM, were tested on each of the species. Plants were inoculated withFrankia pure cultures after a two week exposure to one of the nine levels of added nitrate. After six more weeks with constant exposure to nitrate, plants were harvested and assayed. With the exception of Myrica, regression analyses of whole plant dry weights as a function of added nitrate were highly significant. There was a tendency for nodulated plants grown at intermediate levels of added nitrate to exhibit higher relative growth rates, probably due to the additive effect of substrate nitrogen and fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. The mean numbers of nodules per plant were, with the exception of Alnus, significantly higher at intermediate levels of added nitrate, as were mean nodule dry weights. A highly significant inverse relationship between nodule weight as a percentage of whole plant weight was found in Elaeagnus and Myrica. The observed response of Elaeagnus to added nitrate compared to other actinorhizal plants appears to demonstrate that root hair infected plants are much more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of added nitrate than plants infected by intercellular penetration. A sharp reduction in the presence of root hairs at high concentrations of nitrate was observed. This indicates that the inhibition of nodulation in some actinorhizal plant species results from nitrate induced root hair suppression.  相似文献   

Five free-living Frankia strains isolated from Casuarina were investigated for occurrence of hydrogenase activity. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) and hydrogen evolution were also evaluated. Acetylene reduction was recorded in all Frankia strains. None of the Frankia strains had any hydrogenase activity when grown on nickel-depleted medium and they released hydrogen in atmospheric air. After addition of nickel to the medium, the Frankia strains were shown to possess an active hydrogenase, which resulted in hydrogen uptake but no hydrogen evolution. The hydrogenase activity in Frankia strain KB5 increased from zero to 3.86 μ mol H2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 after addition of up to 1.0 μ M Ni. It is likely that the hydrogenase activity could be enhanced even more as a response on further addition of Ni. It is indicated in this study that absence of hydrogenase activity in free-living Frankia isolated from Casuarina spp. is due to nickel deficiency. Frankia living in symbiosis with Casuarina spp. show hydrogenase activity. Therefore, the results also indicate that the hydrogenase to some extent is regulated by the host plant and/or that the host plant supplies the symbiotic microorganism with nickel. Moreover, the result shows that this Frankia is somewhat different from Frankia isolated from Alnus incana and Comptonia peregrina ., i.e., Frankia isolated from A. incana and C. peregrina showed a small hydrogen uptake activity even without addition of nickel.  相似文献   

Arahou  M.  Diem  H.G. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):71-79
The effect of iron deficiency, phosphorus, NaHCO3, chelator supply and nitrogen source on the formation of cluster (proteoid) roots was investigated in Casuarina glauca growing in water culture. The addition of iron-binding chelators (e.g. EDDHA, DTPA, EDTA) or increase in nutrient solution pH with NaHCO3 resulted in the formation of cluster roots when plants were grown in solution lacking iron. Phosphorus supply even at a concentration of 500 µM did not inhibit cluster root formation if EDDHA was added to the iron-deficient medium. Cluster root formation was influenced significantly by nitrogen source and occurred only in nitrate-fed plants.C. glauca seemed to be very sensitive to iron deficiency as shown by plant chlorosis when grown on alkaline soil. The symptoms of chlorosis decreased as the chlorophyll content in shoots and the number of cluster roots increased, suggesting that the alleviation of iron deficiency in plant tissues was correlated with cluster root formation. It appears that iron deficiency is more important than phosphorus deficiency in inducing the formation of cluster roots in C. glauca.  相似文献   

For this work, Lotus japonicus transgenic plants were constructed expressing a fusion reporter gene consisting of the genes beta-glucuronidase (gus) and green fluorescent protein (gfp) under control of the soybean auxin-responsive promoter GH3. These plants expressed GUS and GFP in the vascular bundle of shoots, roots and leafs. Root sections showed that in mature parts of the roots GUS is mainly expressed in phloem and vascular parenchyma of the vascular cylinder. By detecting GUS activity, we describe the auxin distribution pattern in the root of the determinate nodulating legume L. japonicus during the development of nodulation and also after inoculation with purified Nod factors, N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and indoleacetic acid (IAA). Differently than white clover, which forms indeterminate nodules, L. japonicus presented a strong GUS activity at the dividing outer cortical cells during the first nodule cell divisions. This suggests different auxin distribution pattern between the determinate and indeterminate nodulating legumes that may be responsible of the differences in nodule development between these groups. By measuring of the GFP fluorescence expressed 21 days after treatment with Nod factors or bacteria we were able to quantify the differences in GH3 expression levels in single living roots. In order to correlate these data with auxin transport capacity we measured the auxin transport levels by a previously described radioactive method. At 48 h after inoculation with Nod factors, auxin transport showed to be increased in the middle root segment. The results obtained indicate that L. japonicus transformed lines expressing the GFP and GUS reporters under the control of the GH3 promoter are suitable for the study of auxin distribution in this legume.  相似文献   

Legumes can establish a symbiosis with rhizobia and form root nodules that function as an apparatus for nitrogen fixation. Nodule development is regulated by several phytohormones including auxin. Although accumulation of auxin is necessary to initiate the nodulation of indeterminate nodules, the functions of auxin on the nodulation of determinate nodules have been less characterized. In this study, the functions of auxin in nodule development in Lotus japonicus have been demonstrated using an auxin responsive promoter and auxin inhibitors. We found that the lenticel formation on the nodule surface was sensitive to the auxin defect. Further analysis indicated that failure in the development of the vascular bundle of the determinate nodule, which was regulated by auxin, was the cause of the disappearance of lenticels.Key words: auxin, lenticel, Lotus japonicus, nodulation, symbiotic nitrogen fixationLegumes (Fabaceae) constitute the third largest plant family with around 700 genera and 20,000 species.1 Legume plants form root nodules through symbiosis with a soil microbe called rhizobia. This plant-microbe symbiosis in nodules mediates an harmonized exchange of chemical signals between host plants and rhizobia.2 Nodules are biologically divided into two different groups, i.e., indeterminate nodules and determinate nodules. Indeterminate nodules, represented by Trifolium repens (white clover) and Medicago truncatula, are initiated from the inner cortex to form a persistent nodule meristem, which allows continuous growth, and leads to the formation of elongated nodules, whereas in determinate legumes, nodules are mostly developed from outer cortical cells and form spherical nodules.3Auxin is one of the most important regulators for nodule development. Since the possible involvement of auxin in nodule formation was first reported by Thimann,4 auxin distribution during nodulation has been studied in particular with indeterminate nodules.5 However, little is known about auxin involvement in determinate nodule formation. To evaluate auxin functions in the determinate nodulation of legume plants, we performed an auxin-responsive promoter analysis in detail. Using GH3:GUS transformed Lotus japonicus (a kind gift from Dr. Herman P. Spaink, Leiden State University, Netherlands),6 we detected auxin signals throughout the nodulation process, e.g., at the basal and front part of the nodule primordia, circumjacent to the infection zone of the young developing nodules (Fig. 1), and at the nodule vascular bundle in mature nodules. We also investigated the effect of several auxin inhibitors, including newly synthesized auxin antagonist PEO-IAA (kindly provided by Dr. Hayashi, Okayama University of Science, Japan),7 on the nodulation of L. japonicus, and revealed that auxin was required for forming a nodule vascular bundle and lenticels (Fig. 2).8Open in a separate windowFigure 1GH3:GUS expression in determinate nodule at 6 dpi. (A) GUS staining was observed in the central cylinder of the root vascular bundle and in the nodule. (B) Cross section of (A). GUS expression was observed around the infection zone of the nodule. Bars = 100 µm.Open in a separate windowFigure 2The effect of auxin inhibitor on nodule surface. (A) Typical mature nodule of L. japonicus at 21 dpi. Lenticels are pointed out by yellow arrowheads. (B) The treatment of auxin inhibitor (NPA 100 µM) inhibited lenticel formation on the nodule surface. Bars = 500 µm.In indeterminate legumes, auxin is accumulated at the site of rhizobia inoculation.9 This is caused by the inhibition of polar auxin transport by accumulation of flavonoids around the infection site, which are known as regulators of auxin transport. When flavonoid biosynthesis is reduced by the gene silencing of chalcone synthase, which catalyzes the first step of flavonoid synthesis, M. truncatula was unable to inhibit polar auxin transport and resulted in reduced nodule number.10,11 A similar phenotype was observed when the auxin transporter gene was silenced.12 In addition, treatment of polar auxin transport inhibitors such as NPA and TIBA induce pseudonodule formation,9 suggesting that auxin accumulation is required for nodulation of indeterminate legumes. In contrast, the treatment of polar auxin transport inhibitors in determinate nodules did not induce a nodule-like structure, suggesting a different function of auxin between indeterminate and determinate nodules. It is, however, of interest to investigate the involvement of flavonoids in determinate nodule formation, because several genes in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway are upregulated at 2 dpi (days post inoculation) in L. japonicus.13Lenticels regulate gas permeability of nodules.14 Under low oxygen or water-logged conditions, they develop more extensively, whereas they collapse, or develop very little during insufficient water conditions, or under high oxygen pressure.14,15 Because lenticel development on the nodule surface is accompanied with the nodule vascular bundle, growth regulators supplied from the vascular system likely facilitate lenticel development.15 Our data suggests that auxin is necessary to form the nodule vascular bundle, and in fact, auxin itself is one of the candidates of growth substances that control lenticel formation. It is necessary to analyze mutants, which lack in lenticel formation, but can form a nodule vascular bundle, for clarification of further mechanisms of lenticel development.  相似文献   

We have characterized a full-length cDNA ( hb -Cg1F) that represents symbiotic mRNA hemoglobin ( hb ) from Casuarina glauca root nodules. In situ hybridization was used to examine the correlation between hb -Cg1F mRNA and the state of the Frankia infection process. The efficiency of in situ hybridization using DIG-labeled vs [35S]-labeled probes was compared. The expression of hb -Cg1F gene is induced in young infected host cells prior to the detection of Frankia nif H mRNA. Since Frankia does not form vesicles in C. glauca nodules, it is proposed that Hb is necessary to reduce the O2 concentration in the cytoplasm of the host cells before the nif genes are expressed.  相似文献   

Yang  Y.  Shipton  W.A.  Reddell  P. 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(1):75-79
An in vitro experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different sources and levels of P supply on growth, viability and phosphatase activity of three tropical Frankia strains isolated from Casuarina. P concentration for optimum growth was between 0.1 and 10.0 M in the absence of external combined nitrogen. Specific viability was not influenced by P supply. Morphological features of Frankia, such as hyphal length and vesicle numbers, were found to largely mirror growth. Phosphatase activity was detected in all three Frankia strains and was highest when P was omitted from the culture solution. There were more than 10-fold differences between the Frankia strains in the level of phosphatase activities shown. This study suggested that soils low in P are unlikely to restrict micro-symbiont growth activity.  相似文献   

To identify genes specifically expressed during early stages of actinorhizal nodule development, a cDNA library made from poly(A) RNA from root nodules of Alnus glutinosa was screened differentially with nodule and root cDNA, respectively. Seven nodule-enhanced and four nodule-specific cDNA clones were isolated. By using in situ hybridization, two of the nodule-specific cDNAs were shown to be expressed at the highest levels in infected cells before the onset of nitrogen fixation; one of them, ag12 (A. glutinosa), was examined in detail. Sequencing showed that ag12 codes for a serine protease of the subtilisin (EC family. Subtilisins previously appeared to be limited to microorganisms. However, subtilisin-like serine proteases have recently been found in archaebacteria, fungi, and yeasts as well as in mammals; a plant subtilisin has also been sequenced. In yeast and mammals, subtilases are responsible for processing peptide hormones. A homolog of ag12, ara12, was identified in Arabidopsis; it was expressed in all organs, and its expression levels were highest during silique development. Hence, our study shows that subtilases are also involved in both symbiotic and nonsymbiotic processes in plant development.  相似文献   

Rhizobia induce the formation of root nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. In temperate legumes, nodule organogenesis starts with the induction of cell divisions in regions of the root inner cortex opposite protoxylem poles, resulting in the formation of nodule primordia. It has been postulated that the susceptibility of these inner cortical cells to Rhizobium nodulation (Nod) factors is conferred by an arrest at a specific stage of the cell cycle. Concomitantly with the formation of nodule primordia, cytoplasmic rearrangement occurs in the outer cortex. Radially aligned cytoplasmic strands form bridges, and these have been called preinfection threads. It has been proposed that the cytoplasmic bridges are related to phragmosomes. By studying the in situ expression of the cell cycle genes cyc2, H4, and cdc2 in pea and alfalfa root cortical cells after inoculation with Rhizobium or purified Nod factors, we show that the susceptibility of inner cortical cells to Rhizobium is not conferred by an arrest at the G2 phase and that the majority of the dividing cells are arrested at the G0/G1 phase. Furthermore, the outer cortical cells forming a preinfection thread enter the cell cycle although they do not divide.  相似文献   

The expression of the auxin responsive reporter construct, GH3:gusA, was examined in transgenic white clover plants to assess changes in the auxin balance during the earliest stages of root nodule formation. Reporter gene expression was monitored at marked locations after the application of bacteria or signal molecules using two precise inoculation techniques: spot-inoculation and a novel method for ballistic microtargeting. Changes in GH3:gusA expression were monitored after the inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii, non-host rhizobia, lipo-chitin oligosaccharides (LCOs), chitin oligosaccharides, a synthetic auxin transport inhibitor (naphthylphthalamic acid; NPA), auxin, the ENOD40-1 peptide or different flavonoids. The results show that clover-nodulating rhizobia induce a rapid, transient and local downregulation of GH3:gusA expression during nodule initiation followed by an upregulation of reporter gene expression at the site of nodule initiation. Microtargeting of auxin caused a local and acropetal upregulation of GH3:gusA expression, whereas NPA caused local and acropetal downregulation of expression. Both spot-inoculation and microtargeting of R. l. bv. trifolii LCOs or flavonoid aglycones induced similar changes to GH3:gusA expression as NPA. O-acetylated chitin oligosaccharides caused similar changes to GH3:gusA expression as R. l. bv. trifolii spot-inoculation, but only after delivery by microtargeting. Non-O-acetylated chitin oligosaccharides, flavonoid glucosides or the ENOD40-1 peptide failed to induce any detectable changes in GH3:gusA expression. GH3:gusA expression patterns during the later stages of nodule and lateral root development were similar. These results support the hypothesis that LCOs and chitin oligosaccharides act by perturbing the auxin flow in the root during the earliest stages of nodule formation, and that endogenous flavonoids could mediate this response.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of auxin polar transport disrupt normal embryogenesis and thus specific spatial auxin distribution due to auxin movement may be important in establishing embryonic pattern formation in plants. In the present study, the distribution of the photoaffinity labeling agent tritiated 5-azidoindole-3-acetic acid ([3H],5-N3IAA), an analog of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was visualized in zygotic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryos grown in vitro and in planta, and used to deduce auxin transport pathways in these embryos. This study provides the first direct evidence that the distribution of auxin, here [3H],5-N3IAA, is heterogeneous and changes during embryo development. In particular, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry was correlated with a redistribution of [3H],5-N3IAA in the embryo. Furthermore, in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, that is, embryos in the late transition stage or older, the localization of [3H],5-N3IAA was altered by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid, a specific inhibitor of auxin polar transport. No significant effect was observed in radially symmetrical embryos, that is, globular embryos, or very early transition embryos. Thus, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry is associated with the onset of active, directed auxin transport involved in auxin redistribution. A change in the distribution of [3H],5-N3IAA was also observed in morphologically abnormal embryos induced on media supplemented with auxin or auxin polar transport inhibitors. By means of a microscale technique, free IAA concentration was measured in in vitro- and in planta-grown embryos and was found to increase during development. Therefore, IAA may be synthesized or released from conjugates in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, although import from surrounding tissues cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The purB and purH mutants of Mesorhizobium loti exhibited purine auxotrophy and nodulation deficiency on Lotus japonicus. In the presence of adenine, only the purH mutant induced nodule formation and the purB mutant produced few infection threads, suggesting that 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide biosynthesis catalyzed by PurB is required for the establishment of symbiosis.  相似文献   

Disturbed haemostasis is a central finding in severe Streptococcus pyogenes infection. In particular, microthrombi are found both at the local site of infection and at distant sites. Platelets are responsible for maintaining vascular function and haemostasis. We report here that M1 protein of S. pyogenes triggers immune-mediated platelet activation and thrombus formation. M1 protein is released from the bacterial surface and forms complexes with plasma fibrinogen. These complexes bind to the fibrinogen receptor on resting platelets. When these complexes also contain immunoglobulin G (IgG) against M1 protein, this will engage the Fc receptor on the platelets and activation will occur. Activation of the platelets leads to platelet aggregation and the generation of platelet-rich thrombi. Neutrophils and monocytes are in turn activated by the platelets. Platelet thrombi are deposited in the microvasculature, and aggregated platelets, IgG and M1 protein colocalize in biopsies from patients diagnosed with S. pyogenes toxic shock syndrome. This chain of events results in a pro-coagulant and pro-inflammatory state typical of severe S. pyogenes infection.  相似文献   

Root nodulation in actinorhizal plants, like Discaria trinervis and Alnus incana, is subject to feedback regulatory mechanisms that control infection by Frankia and nodule development. Nodule pattern in the root system is controlled by an autoregulatory process that is induced soon after inoculation with Frankia. The final number of nodules, as well as nodule biomass in relation to plant biomass, are both modulated by a second mechanism which seems to be related to the N status of the plant. Mature nodules are, in part, involved in the latter process, since nodule excision from the root system releases the inhibition of infection and nodule development. To study the effect of N(2) fixation in this process, nodulated D. trinervis and A. incana plants were incubated under a N(2)-free atmosphere. Discaria trinervis is an intercellularly infected species while A. incana is infected intracellularly, via root hairs. Both symbioses responded with an increment in nodule biomass, but with different strategies. Discaria trinervis increased the biomass of existing nodules without significant development of new nodules, while in A. incana nodule biomass increased due to the development of nodules from new infections, but also from the release of arrested infections. It appears that in D. trinervis nodules there is an additional source for inhibition of new infections and nodule development that is independent of N(2) fixation and nitrogen assimilation. It is proposed here that the intercellular Frankia filaments commonly present in the D. trinervis nodule apex, is the origin for the autoregulatory signals that sustain the blockage of initiated nodule primordia and prevent new roots from infections. When turning to A. incana plants, it seems likely that this signal is related to the early autoregulation of nodulation in A. incana seedlings and is no longer present in mature nodules. Thus, actinorhizal symbioses belonging to relatively distant phylogenetic groups and displaying different infection pathways, show different feedback regulatory processes that control root nodulation by Frankia.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between the actinorhizal tree Allocasuarina verticillata and the actinomycete Frankia leads to the formation of root nodules inside which bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen. Actinorhizal nodule organogenesis starts with the induction of cell divisions in the root cortex and in the pericycle cells opposite protoxylem poles near Frankia -infected root hairs. To study the ability of Frankia to induce progression through the cell cycle, we monitored the expression of the β-glucuronidase ( gus ) gene driven by the promoter from cdc2aAt , an Arabidopsis cyclin-dependent kinase gene that displays competence for cell division, during plant growth and nodule ontogenesis. In non-symbiotic tissues, the gus gene was mainly expressed in primary and secondary meristems of roots and shoots. Auxins and cytokinins were found to induce reporter gene activity in the root system of whole plants, showing that the promoter cdc2aAt displayed the same regulation by hormones in Allocasuarina as that reported in Arabidopsis . In transgenic nodules, gus expression was found to be restricted to the phellogen. During the early stages of the interaction between Frankia and the plant root system, cdc2aAt was strongly induced in the lateral roots surrounded by hyphae of the actinomycete. Histochemical analysis of β-glucuronidase activity revealed that cells from the pericycle opposite protoxylem poles were very deeply stained. These data indicate that upon Frankia infection, cells from the lateral roots, and notably pericycle cells that can give rise to a nodule or a root primordium, prepare to re-enter the cell cycle.  相似文献   

At concentrations inhibitory to the elongation of corn (Zea mays L.) roots, the auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (α-NAA), cause an increase in the pH of the bathing medium; this increase occurs with an average latent period shorter than the latent period for the inhibitory effect of these auxins on elongation. Indole-2-carboxylic acid, an inactive structural analogue of IAA, and β-naphthaleneacetic acid, an inactive analogue of α-NAA, affect neither growth nor the pH of the medium. Since acid pH is known to promote and basic pH to inhibit root elongation, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that hormone-induced modification of cell-wall pH plays a role in the control of elongation of roots, as has been proposed for elongation of stems and coleoptiles.  相似文献   

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