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We describe here an alanine scanning mutational analysis of the Abeta(1-40) amyloid fibril monitored by fibril elongation thermodynamics derived from critical concentration values for fibril growth. Alanine replacement of most residues in the amyloid core region, residues 15-36, leads to destabilization of the elongation step, compared to wild-type, by about 1kcal/mol, consistent with a major role for hydrophobic packing in Abeta(1-40) fibril assembly. Where comparisons are possible, the destabilizing effects of Ala replacements are generally in very good agreement with the effects of Ala replacements of the same amino acid residues in an element of parallel beta-sheet in the small, globular protein Gbeta1. We utilize these Ala-WT DeltaDeltaG values to filter previously described Pro-WT DeltaDeltaG values, creating Pro-Ala DeltaDeltaG values that specifically assess the sensitivity of a sequence position, in the structural context of the Abeta fibril, to replacement by proline. The results provide a conservative view of the energetics of Abeta(1-40) fibril structure, indicating that positions 18-21, 25-26, and 32-33 within amyloid structure are particularly sensitive to the main-chain disrupting effects of Pro replacements. In contrast, residues 14-17, 22, 24, 27-31, and 34-39 are relatively insensitive to Pro replacements; most N-terminal residues were not tested. The results are discussed in terms of amyloid fibril structure and folding energetics, in particular focusing on how the data compare to those from other structural studies of Abeta(1-40) amyloid fibrils grown in phosphate-buffered saline at 37 degrees C under unstirred ("quiescent") conditions.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) binding protein-like (TB) domain is found principally in proteins localized to extracellular matrix fibrils, including human fibrillin-1, the defective protein in the Marfan syndrome. Analysis of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data for the sixth TB module from human fibrillin-1 has revealed the existence of two stable conformers that differ in the isomerization states of two proline residues. Unusually, the two isoforms do not readily interconvert and are stable on the time scale of milliseconds. We have computed independent structures of the major and minor conformers of TB6 to assess how the domain fold adjusts to incorporate alternatively cis- or trans-prolines. Based on previous observations, it has been suggested that multiple conformers can only be accommodated in flexible regions of protein structure. In contrast, P22, which exists in trans in the major form and cis in the minor form of TB6, is in a rigid region of the domain, which is confirmed by backbone dynamics measurements. Overall, the structures of the major and minor conformers are similar. However, the secondary structure topologies of the two forms differ as a direct consequence of the changes in proline conformation.  相似文献   

A general method to analyze the structure of a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils at amino acid residue resolution has been developed. This method combines the NMR-detected hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange technique to detect hydrogen-bonded amide groups and the ability of the aprotic organic solvent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dissolve amyloid fibrils into NMR-observable, monomeric components while suppressing the undesired H/D exchange reaction. Moreover, this method can be generally applied to amyloid fibrils to elucidate the distribution of hydrogen-bonded amino acid residues in the three-dimensional molecular organization in the amyloid fibrils. In this study, we describe theoretical considerations in the H/D exchange method to obtain the structural information of proteins, and the DMSO-quenched H/D exchange method to study a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils. A possible application of this method to study the interaction of a protein/peptide with phospholipid membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

Calcitonin, a peptide hormone associated with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, has the potential to form amyloid fibrils and may be a valuable model for investigating the role of peptide-membrane interactions in beta-sheet and amyloid formation. Via a new model peptide system, bovine calcitonin, we found that the exposure of peptide to phospholipid membranes altered its structure relative to the structures formed in aqueous solutions. Of particular relevance to the amyloidoses, incubation of calcitonin with cholesterol-rich and ganglioside-containing membranes resulted in significant enrichment in the beta-sheet and amyloid content of the peptide. The formation of amyloid was also accelerated in these systems. A correlation between the phospholipid-induced structural alterations and calcitonin binding affinities to phospholipid membranes was evident. Bovine calcitonin has considerably higher binding affinity for the phospholipid systems that enhanced its beta-sheet and amyloid structure. Electrostatic forces were not the governing forces behind the observed behavior, as supported by the fact that the ionic strength did not affect the peptide structures or binding affinities. A Van't Hoff analysis of the temperature-dependent peptide binding affinities indicated that binding led to an increase in enthalpy and possibly an increase in entropy of the peptide-membrane systems. Experiments with other amyloid-forming peptides such as beta-amyloid of Alzheimer's disease have also shown similar results and may indicate the need to manipulate peptide-membrane interactions in order to control amyloid formation and its associated disease.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that soluble aggregates of amyloid beta protein (Abeta) are neurotoxic. However, difficulty in isolating these unstable, dynamic species impedes studies of Abeta and other aggregating peptides and proteins. In this study, hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HX) detected by mass spectrometry (MS) was used to measure Abeta(1-40) aggregate distributions without purification or modification that might alter the aggregate structure or distribution. Different peaks in the mass spectra were assigned to monomer, low molecular weight oligomer, intermediate, and fibril based on HX labeling behavior and complementary assays. After 1 h labeling, the intermediates incorporated approximately ten more deuterons relative to fibrils, indicating a more solvent exposed structure of such intermediates. HX-MS also showed that the intermediate species dissociated much more slowly to monomer than did the very low molecular weight oligomers that were formed at very early times in Abeta aggregation. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements revealed the intermediates were roughly spherical with relatively homogenous diameters of 30-50 nm. Quantitative analysis of the HX mass spectra showed that the amount of intermediate species was correlated with Abeta toxicity patterns reported in a previous study under the same conditions. This study also demonstrates the potential of the HX-MS approach to characterizing complex, multi-component oligomer distributions of aggregating peptides and proteins.  相似文献   

Kaur H  Raghava GP 《Proteins》2004,55(1):83-90
In this paper a systematic attempt has been made to develop a better method for predicting alpha-turns in proteins. Most of the commonly used approaches in the field of protein structure prediction have been tried in this study, which includes statistical approach "Sequence Coupled Model" and machine learning approaches; i) artificial neural network (ANN); ii) Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) Classifiers and iii) Parallel Exemplar Based Learning (PEBLS). We have also used multiple sequence alignment obtained from PSIBLAST and secondary structure information predicted by PSIPRED. The training and testing of all methods has been performed on a data set of 193 non-homologous protein X-ray structures using five-fold cross-validation. It has been observed that ANN with multiple sequence alignment and predicted secondary structure information outperforms other methods. Based on our observations we have developed an ANN-based method for predicting alpha-turns in proteins. The main components of the method are two feed-forward back-propagation networks with a single hidden layer. The first sequence-structure network is trained with the multiple sequence alignment in the form of PSI-BLAST-generated position specific scoring matrices. The initial predictions obtained from the first network and PSIPRED predicted secondary structure are used as input to the second structure-structure network to refine the predictions obtained from the first net. The final network yields an overall prediction accuracy of 78.0% and MCC of 0.16. A web server AlphaPred (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/alphapred/) has been developed based on this approach.  相似文献   

We describe here details of the hydrogen-deuterium (H/D) exchange behavior of the Alzheimer's peptide Abeta(1)(-)(40), while it is a resident in the amyloid fibril, as determined by high-resolution solution NMR. Kinetics of H/D exchange in Abeta(1)(-)(40) fibrils show that about half the backbone amide protons exchange during the first 25 h, while the other half remain unexchanged because of solvent inaccessibility and/or hydrogen-bonded structure. After such a treatment for 25 h with D(2)O, fibrils of (15)N-enriched Abeta were dissolved in a mixture of 95% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 5% dichloroacetic acid (DCA) and successive heteronuclear (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra were collected to identify the backbone amides that did not exchange in the fibril. These studies showed that the N and C termini of the peptide are accessible to the solvent in the fibril state and the backbone amides of these residues are readily exchanged with bulk deuterium. In contrast, the residues in the middle of the peptide (residues 16-36) are mostly protected, suggesting that that many of the residues in this segment of the peptide are involved in a beta structure in the fibril. Two residues, G25 and S26, exhibit readily exchangeable backbone amide protons and therefore may be located on a turn or a flexible part of the peptide. Overall, the data substantially supports current models for how the Abeta peptide folds when it engages in the amyloid fibril structure, while also addressing some discrepancies between models.  相似文献   



IDPs function without relying on three-dimensional structures. No clear rationale for such a behavior is available yet. PreSMos are transient secondary structures observed in the target-free IDPs and serve as the target-binding “active” motifs in IDPs. Prolines are frequently found in the flanking regions of PreSMos. Contribution of prolines to the conformational stability of the helical PreSMos in IDPs is investigated.


MD simulations are performed for several IDP segments containing a helical PreSMo and the flanking prolines. To measure the influence of flanking-prolines on the structural content of a helical PreSMo calculations were done for wild type as well as for mutant segments with Pro → Asp, His, Lys, or Ala. The change in the helicity due to removal of a proline was measured both for the PreSMo region and for the flanking regions.


The α-helical content in ~ 70% of the helical PreSMos at the early stage of simulation decreases due to replacement of an N-terminal flanking proline by other residues whereas the helix content in nearly all PreSMos increases when the same replacements occur at the C-terminal flanking region. The helix destabilizing/terminating role of the C-terminal flanking prolines is more pronounced than the helix promoting effect of the N-terminal flanking prolines.

General significance

This work represents a novel example demonstrating that a proline is encoded in an IDP with a defined purpose. The helical PreSMos presage their target-bound conformations. As they most likely mediate IDP-target binding via conformational selection their helical content can be an important feature for IDP function.  相似文献   

The four-helical immunity protein Im7 folds through an on-pathway intermediate that has a specific, but partially misfolded, hydrophobic core. In order to gain further insight into the structure of this species, we have identified the backbone hydrogen bonds formed in the ensemble by measuring the amide exchange rates (under EX2 conditions) of the wild-type protein and a variant, I72V. In this mutant the intermediate is significantly destabilised relative to the unfolded state (deltadeltaG(ui) = 4.4 kJ/mol) but the native state is only slightly destabilised (deltadeltaG(nu) = 1.8 kJ/mol) at 10 degrees C in 2H2O, pH* 7.0 containing 0.4 M Na2SO4, consistent with the view that this residue forms significant non-native stabilising interactions in the intermediate state. Comparison of the hydrogen exchange rates of the two proteins, therefore, enables the state from which hydrogen exchange occurs to be identified. The data show that amides in helices I, II and IV in both proteins exchange slowly with a free energy similar to that associated with global unfolding, suggesting that these helices form highly protected hydrogen-bonded helical structure in the intermediate. By contrast, amides in helix III exchange rapidly in both proteins. Importantly, the rate of exchange of amides in helix III are slowed substantially in the Im7* variant, I72V, compared with the wild-type protein, whilst other amides exchange more rapidly in the mutant protein, in accord with the kinetics of folding/unfolding measured using chevron analysis. These data demonstrate, therefore, that local fluctuations do not dominate the exchange mechanism and confirm that helix III does not form stable secondary structure in the intermediate. By combining these results with previously obtained Phi-values, we show that the on-pathway folding intermediate of Im7 contains extensive, stable hydrogen-bonded structure in helices I, II and IV, and that this structure is stabilised by both native and non-native interactions involving amino acid side-chains in these helices.  相似文献   

Proline and prolylproline dipeptide derived surfactants promote the asymmetric hydrogenation of (Z)-methyl α-acetamidocinnamate in water in the presence of the catalytic system [Rh(cod)2]BF4 + BPPM. Activity and enantioselectivity are enhanced significantly and the results in water are similar to those obtained with organic solvents. The possibility of a chiral induction was investigated in the presence of the optically active amino acid and peptide amphiphiles and an achiral rhodium catalyst [Rh(bdpb)(cod)]BF4. The analysis of the low optical induction gave some indications of the site where the reaction takes place within the micelle. Selected critical micelle concentrations (cmc) of the new prepared surfactants were determined by surface tension measurements. Chirality 10:754–759, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The misfolding and aggregation of proteins to form amyloid fibrils are associated with a number of debilitating, age-related diseases. Many of the proteins that form amyloid in vivo are lipid-binding proteins, accounting for the significant impact of lipids on the rate of formation and morphology of amyloid fibrils. To systematically investigate the effect of lipid-like compounds, we screened a range of amphipathic lipids and detergents for their effect on amyloid fibril formation by human apolipoprotein (apo) C-II. The initial screen, conducted using a set of amphiphiles at half critical micelle concentration, identified several activators and inhibitors that were selected for further analysis. Sedimentation analysis and circular dichroism studies of apoC-II at low, non-fibril-forming concentrations (0.05 mg/ml) revealed that all of the inhibitors induced the formation of apoC-II dimers enriched in α-helical content while the activators promoted the formation of stable apoC-II tetramers with increased β-structure. Kinetic analysis identified modulators of apoC-II fibril formation that were effective at concentrations as low as 10 μM, corresponding to a modulator-to-apoC-II ratio of approximately 1:10. Delayed addition of the test compounds after fibril formation had commenced allowed the effects of selected amphiphiles on fibril elongation to be determined separately from their effects on fibril nucleation. The results indicated that specific amphiphiles induce structural changes in apoC-II that cause separate and independent effects on fibril nucleation and elongation. Low-molecular-weight amphipathic lipids and detergents may serve as useful, stage-specific modulators of protein self-assembly and fibril formation in disease-prevention strategies.  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid fibrils and other polypeptide aggregates depends strongly on the physico-chemical environment. One such factor affecting aggregation is the presence and concentration of salt ions. We have examined the effects of salt ions on the aggregation propensity of Alzheimer's Abeta(1-40) peptide and on the structure of the dissolved and of the fibrillar peptide. All salts examined promote aggregation strongly. The most pronounced effect is seen within the cationic series, i.e. for MgCl2. Evaluation of different possible explanations suggests that Abeta(1-40) aggregation depends on direct interaction between ions and Abeta(1-40) peptide, and correlates with ion-induced changes of the surface tension. Salts have profound effects on the fibril structure. In the presence of salts, fibrils are associated with smaller diameters, narrower crossover distances and lower amide I maxima. Since Abeta(1-40) aggregation responds to salts in a manner unlike that for other polypeptides, such as glucagon, beta2-microglobulin or alpha-synuclein; these data argue that there is no fully uniform way in which salts affect aggregation of different polypeptide chains. These observations are important for understanding and predicting aggregation on the basis of simple physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) experiments in dimethylsulfoxide, a solvent incapable of H donation, demonstrate that H --> D isotopic replacement on the amide side of peptide bonds involves modifications of both the position and intensity of the amide I band. The effect of the isotopic substitution is particularly significant in the 1710-1670 and 1670-1650 cm(-1) regions, which are generally associated with beta-turns and alpha-helices. This behavior, attributed to the existence of intramolecular H-bonds in the polypeptide chain, is directly correlated to the presence of different secondary structures. Utilizing the effects induced by isotopic substitution, a method for the quantitative determination of the percentage of intramolecular H-bonds and the correlated secondary structures is proposed. The method consists of three principal steps: resolution of the fine structure of the amide I band with the determination of the number and position of the different components; reconstruction of the experimentally measured amide I band as a combination of Gaussian and Lorentzian functions, centered on the wave numbers set by band-narrowing methods, through a curve-fitting program; and quantitative determination of the population of the H-bonded carbonyls and the correlated secondary structures by comparison of the integrated intensities pertaining to the components with homologous wave numbers before and after isotopic exchange. The method is tested on a synthetic fragment of proocytocin that was previously analyzed by NMR techniques using the same solvent systems.  相似文献   

Dialysis-related amyloidosis, which occurs in the patients receiving a long-term hemodialysis with high frequency, accompanies the deposition of amyloid fibrils composed of beta(2)-microglobulin (beta2-m). In vitro, beta2-m forms two kinds of fibrous structures at acidic pH. One is a rigid "mature fibril", and the other is a flexible thin filament often called an "immature fibril". In addition, a 22-residue peptide (K3 peptide) corresponding to Ser20 to Lys41 of intact beta2-m forms rigid amyloid-like fibrils similar to mature fibrils. We compared the core of these three fibrils at single-residue resolution using a recently developed hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange method with the dissolution of fibrils by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The exchange time-course of these fibrils showed large deviations from a single exponential curve showing that, because of the supramolecular structures, the same residue exists in different environments from molecule to molecule, even in a single fibril. The exchange profiles revealed that the core of the immature fibril is restricted to a narrow region compared to that of the mature fibril. In contrast, all residues were protected from exchange in the K3 fibril, indicating that a whole region of the peptide is engaged in the beta-sheet network. These results suggest the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation, in which the core beta-sheet formed by a minimal sequence propagates to form a rigid and extensive beta-sheet network.  相似文献   

Fibrillar inclusions are a characteristic feature of the neuropathology found in the alpha-synucleinopathies such as Parkinson's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy. Familial forms of alpha-synucleinopathies have also been linked with missense mutations or gene multiplications that result in higher protein expression levels. In order to form these fibrils, the protein, alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn), must undergo a process of self-assembly in which its native state is converted from a disordered conformer into a beta-sheet-dominated form. Here, we have developed a novel polypeptide property calculator to locate and quantify relative propensities for beta-strand structure in the sequence of alpha-syn. The output of the algorithm, in the form of a simple x-y plot, was found to correlate very well with the location of the beta-sheet core in alpha-syn fibrils. In particular, the plot features three peaks, the largest of which is completely absent for the nonfibrillogenic protein, beta-syn. We also report similar significant correlations for the Alzheimer's disease-related proteins, Abeta and tau. A substantial region of alpha-syn is capable [corrected] of converting from its disordered conformation into a long [corrected] alpha-helical protein. We have developed the aforementioned algorithm to locate and quantify the alpha-helical hydrophobic moment in the amino acid sequence of alpha-syn. As before, the output of the algorithm, in the form of a simple x-y plot, was found to correlate very well with the location of alpha-helical structure in membrane bilayer-associated alpha-syn.  相似文献   

The amyloid β‐peptide fragment comprising residues 25–35 (Aβ25‐35) is known to be the most toxic fragment of the full length Aβ peptide which undergoes fibrillation very rapidly. In the present work, we have investigated the effects of the micellar environment (cationic, anionic, and nonionic) on preformed Aβ25‐35 fibrils. The amyloid fibrils have been prepared and characterized by several biophysical and microscopic techniques. Effects of cationic dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB), cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and nonionic polyoxyethyleneoctyl phenyl ether (Triton X‐100 or TX) on fibrils have been studied by Thioflavin T fluorescence, UV–vis spectroscopy based turbidity assay and microscopic analyses. Interestingly, DTAB and SDS micelles were observed to disintegrate prepared fibrils to some extent irrespective of their charges. CTAB micelles were found to break down the fibrillar assembly to a greater extent. On the other hand, the nonionic surfactant TX was found to trigger the fibrillation process. The presence of a longer hydrophobic tail in case of CTAB is assumed to be a reason for its higher fibril disaggregating efficacy, the premise of their formation being largely attributed to hydrophobic interactions. Proteins 2016; 84:1213–1223. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe in molecular detail how disruption of an intermonomer salt bridge (Arg337-Asp352) leads to partial destabilization of the p53 tetramerization domain and a dramatically increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils. At pH 4.0 and 37 degrees C, a p53 tetramerization domain mutant (p53tet-R337H), associated with adrenocortical carcinoma in children, readily formed amyloid fibrils, while the wild-type (p53tet-wt) did not. We characterized these proteins by equilibrium denaturation, 13C(alpha) secondary chemical shifts, (1H)-15N heteronuclear NOEs, and H/D exchange. Although p53tet-R337H was thermodynamically less stable, NMR data indicated that the two proteins had similar secondary structure and molecular dynamics. NMR derived pK(a) values indicated that at low pH the R337H mutation partially disrupted an intermonomer salt bridge. Backbone H/D exchange results showed that for at least a small population of p53tet-R337H molecules disruption of this salt bridge resulted in partial destabilization of the protein. It is proposed that this decrease in p53tet-R337H stability resulted in an increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

The urea-induced unfolding of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli, an eight-stranded (beta/alpha)(8) TIM barrel protein, has been shown to involve two stable equilibrium intermediates, I1 and I2, well populated at approximately 3 M and 5 M urea, respectively. The characterization of the I1 intermediate by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy has shown that I1 retains a significant fraction of the native ellipticity; the far-UV CD signal for the I2 species closely resembles that of the fully unfolded form. To obtain detailed insight into the disruption of secondary structure in the urea-induced unfolding process, a hydrogen exchange-mass spectrometry study was performed on alphaTS. The full-length protein was destabilized in increasing concentration of urea, the amide hydrogen atoms were pulse-labeled with deuterium, the labeled samples were quenched in acid and the products were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Consistent with the CD results, the I1 intermediate protects up to approximately 129 amide hydrogen atoms against exchange while the I2 intermediate offers no protection. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the peptic fragments derived from alphaTS labeled at 3 M urea indicates that most of the region between residues 12-130, which constitutes the first four beta strands and three alpha helices, (beta/alpha)(1-3)beta(4), is structured. The (beta/alpha)(1-3)beta(4) module appears to represent the minimum sub-core of stability of the I1 intermediate. A 4+2+2 folding model is proposed as a likely alternative to the earlier 6+2 folding mechanism for alphaTS.  相似文献   

Repeat proteins contain tandem arrays of a simple structural motif. In contrast to globular proteins, repeat proteins are stabilized only by interactions between residues that are relatively close together in the sequence, with no ”long-range” interactions. Our work focuses on the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR), a 34 amino acid helix-turn-helix motif found in tandem arrays in many natural proteins. Earlier, we reported the design and characterization of a series of consensus TPR (CTPR) proteins, which are built as arrays of multiple tandem copies of a 34 amino acid consensus sequence. Here, we present the results of extensive hydrogen exchange (HX) studies of the folding-unfolding behavior of two CTPR proteins (CTPR2 and CTPR3). We used HX to detect and characterize partially folded species that are populated at low frequency in the nominally folded state. We show that for both proteins the equilibrium folding-unfolding transition is non-two-state, but sequential, with the outermost helices showing a significantly higher probability than inner helices of being unfolded. We show that the experimentally observed unfolding behavior is consistent with the predictions of a simple Ising model, in which individual helices are treated as ”spin-equivalents”. The results that we present have general implications for our understanding of the thermodynamic properties of repeat proteins.  相似文献   

As a first step to determine the folding pathway of a protein with an alpha/beta doubly wound topology, the 1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shifts of Azotobacter vinelandii holoflavodoxin II (179 residues) have been determined using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Its secondary structure is shown to contain a five-stranded parallel beta-sheet (beta2-beta1-beta3-beta4-beta5) and five alpha-helices. Exchange rates for the individual amide protons of holoflavodoxin were determined using the hydrogen exchange method. The amide protons of 65 residues distributed throughout the structure of holoflavodoxin exchange slowly at pH* 6.2 [kex < 10(-5) s(-1)] and can be used as probes in future folding studies. Measured exchange rates relate to apparent local free energies for transient opening. We propose that the amide protons in the core of holoflavodoxin only exchange by global unfolding of the apo state of the protein. The results obtained are discussed with respect to their implications for flavodoxin folding and for modulation of the flavin redox potential by the apoprotein. We do not find any evidence that A. vinelandii holoflavodoxin II is divided into two subdomains based on its amide proton exchange rates, as opposed to what is found for the structurally but not sequentially homologous alpha/beta doubly wound protein Che Y.  相似文献   

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