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陕西子洲县中侏罗统延安组砂岩中,同一地点共厚约1.7 m的5个层面发现4种食肉类恐龙足迹,自上而下分别为:1)第5层面大型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科王氏子洲足迹(新遗迹属、新遗迹种)Zizhoupus wangi ichnogen.et ichnosp,nov.;2)第4和第3层面中型三趾型足迹,实雷龙足迹科龙尾峁张北足迹(新遗迹种)Changpeipus longweimaoensis inchnosp.nov.;3)第2层面小型三趾或四趾型足迹,虚骨龙类小理河陕西足迹(新遗迹种)Shensipus xiaoliheensis inchnosp.nov.;4)第1层面小型三趾型足迹,虚骨龙类的铜川陕西足迹Shensipus tungchuanensis.  相似文献   

尽管新疆地域辽阔,但其四足动物足迹在不久前仍是寥寥。近几年,这种情况得以改变,来自侏罗纪和白垩纪的四足动物足迹陆续被报道和描述,其形态可归入鸟类、非鸟恐龙和翼龙足迹。这里报道了中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所保存的新疆下侏罗统地层发现的第一个恐龙足迹。该足迹是一个小型兽脚类足迹,也是中国西北目前已知的最古老的恐龙足迹。标本暂时归入似张北足迹未定种(cf.Changpeipus isp.),它类似于常见的跷脚龙-实雷龙足迹丛(Grallator-Eubrontes plexus),该种类的足迹主宰着早、中侏罗世的中国,乃至全球之四足动物足迹群。  相似文献   

四川威远恐龙足迹一新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1985年,自贡恐龙博物馆的朱时达、高人彦、彭光照根据四川威远县荣胜乡沙坝村村民李元吉、李鸣章的报告和地矿部第二地质大队提供的资料,在威远县荣胜乡老鸦坡下侏罗统珍珠冲组下部黄色砂岩上发掘出6个连续恐龙足迹化石,并把这批标本运回自贡恐龙博物馆保存。  相似文献   

四川威远恐龙足迹一新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1985年,自贡恐龙博物馆的朱时达、高人彦、彭光照根据四川威远县荣胜乡沙坝村村民李元吉、李鸣章的报告和地矿部第二地质大队提供的资料,在威远县荣胜乡老鸦坡下侏罗统珍珠冲组下部黄色砂岩上发掘出6个连续恐龙足迹化石,并把这批标本运回自贡恐龙博物馆保存。  相似文献   

重新观察和修订发现于四川资中县金李井镇碾盘山村中侏罗统沙溪庙组中的碾盘山金李井足迹(Jin-lijingpus nianpanshanensis Young and Young,1987),将其归属于实雷龙足迹属,种名保留,更名为碾盘山实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes nianpanshanensis comb.nov.)。新足迹种的特征为:足迹长大于足迹宽,行迹1的足迹长39.8cm,足迹宽33.7cm,行迹2的足迹长26cm,足迹宽24.2cm。足迹深度在2.5—3.0cm之间,无前足迹,两足行走,三趾型,趾行式,趾端具爪,Ⅲ趾最长。两条行迹的趾间角分别为Ⅱ25°Ⅲ33°Ⅳ和Ⅱ29°Ⅲ30.6°Ⅳ。单步长与足迹长之比为2.5,行迹外宽与足迹宽之比为1.5,复步角约为160°。从足迹的形态、大小和深度以及行迹的方向和速度来看,这两条行迹的造迹恐龙之间可能有某种亲缘关系。  相似文献   

刘俊 《化石》2012,(1):24-29
最近到美国参加古脊椎动物年会,有苹剑科罗拉多高原进行地质旅行。这一带保存了北美最完整的三叠系向侏罗系转换的陆相地层,有丰富的化石记录。这次地质旅行主要是追寻犹他州西南部下侏罗统的恐龙脚印地点,踏勘上三替统至下侏岁统的岩石露头。我们共丌了七八辆越野牟,一共有40来人,来自多个国家,仅我所在的车上乘客就来自于美国、英国、德国、意大利、阿根廷及中国。驾驶我们这辆车的司机是著名的恐龙足迹专家马丁·洛克利(Martin Lockley),他刚从山东诸城的野外考察归来。  相似文献   

安徽省黄山地区恐龙(足迹)脚印化石的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要报道了安徽省黄山地区所发现的恐龙足迹化石。从脚印的形态和足迹上看,至少有三种不同的恐龙(蜥脚类、兽脚类、鸟脚类)共同生存过,其中多数恐龙为两足行走性的。记述了两个典型的小型兽脚类和小型鸟脚类恐龙所留下的脚印化石。黄山地区恐龙足迹、骨骼化石及其蛋化石的发现,对于研究晚白垩世恐龙生活习性以及古气候环境均有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

报道了具嵴冠的兽脚类恐龙一新属种,安龙堡双柏龙(Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis gen.et sp.nov.)。双柏龙发现于云南省楚雄彝族自治州双柏县下侏罗统冯家河组中,保存了部分头骨带下颌。双柏龙沿两侧眼眶背缘向上有嵴冠发育,这在其他兽脚类中未曾报道过。与其他早侏罗世体型较大且具一对矢状嵴冠的兽脚类(双嵴龙属和中国龙属)相比,双柏龙还独具一些特征组合,如相对较高的前颌骨体、抬高的前颌骨腹缘、后腹向延伸的轭骨后突及较小的上颞孔。比较研究表明,尽管中国"双嵴龙"("Dilophosaurus"sinensis)可能应归入中国龙属(Sinosaurus),但未必属于模式种。双柏龙的发现将有助于研究基干兽脚类的演化,尤其是各类头骨骨饰在其中的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,中国西北部兰州-民和盆地的中铺地区河口群发现了一批恐龙骨骼化石和足迹化石。中铺地区的蜥脚类与兽脚类足迹组合相对丰富,但大多数标本保存较差。大夏足迹点发现了保存较好的类似亚洲足迹的跷脚龙类足迹(Asianopodus-like grallatorid tracks),足迹有着中趾弱前凸(weak mesaxony)。李家沟一号点的足迹组合包括了较大的兽脚类足迹和大型的、非三趾型四足类足迹,后者可能是蜥脚类足迹。李家沟二号点的足迹为多层的蜥脚类足迹,这表明了这类恐龙的活跃性,巨龙类的骨骸也可能来自同一层位。虽然中铺足迹组合不如同属河口群的盐锅峡足迹组合那么具有多样化与得以充分暴露,但依然体现了该地区以及中国早白垩世地层的典型足迹组合。  相似文献   

正恐龙骨骼化石是恐龙死亡后留下的遗骸,而恐龙足迹化石则是恐龙活着的时候留下的生活痕迹,而且还不会像有些骨骼化石那样在埋藏前被水流或其他介质搬运。因此,恐龙足迹化石在探讨恐龙生活习性、复原古环境方面起着不可替代的作用。另一方面,一个动物一生只有一副骨架,但是,它可以留下很多足迹。这就使得我们有更多的机会了解恐龙曾经的存在。足迹化石是研究古动物生活习性、生存环  相似文献   

New tracksites reported from the Zizhou area elucidate the nature of the Early-Middle Jurassic dinosaurian ichnofaunas in Shaanxi Province. The assemblage is composed of footprints and trackways of medium- to large-sized theropods that show similarities with both the ichnogenera Kayentapus and Eubrontes and of small bipedal ornithischians that are referred to AS Anomoepus isp. Additionally tracks of a quadruped are present and assigned to Deltapodus isp. that may be related to a stegosaurian. Anomoepus isp. is similar to the holotype of Shensipus tungchuanensis which is, although apparently lost, re-assigned here and considered to be a subjective junior synonym of Anomoepus. It is therefore placed in new combination as Anomoepus tungchuanensis comb. nov. Identical tracks have been reported from well-preserved trackways both in the Zizhou and Shenmu areas, where they also co-occur with theropod tracks (Kayentapus and Grallator) and tracks of quadrupedal ornithischians (Shenmuichnus and Deltapodus). Thus, it appears that the carbonaceous (coal-bearing) facies of the region reveal ichnofaunas with both relatively abundant saurischian (theropod) and ornithischian tracks. This is in contrast with many areas where the ichnofaunas are heavily or exclusively saurischian (theropod) dominated.  相似文献   

A Middle Jurassic dinosaur trackway site from Oxfordshire, UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Ardley trackway site in Oxfordshire, UK is described in detail. The track site is extensive, containing over 40 more-or-less continuous theropod and sauropod trackways preserved together on a single bedding plane with some trackways up to 180 m in length. The trackways display reasonable preservation, with claw marks discernible. Sauropod trackways are by far the most abundant and are representative of taxa that exhibit both narrow and wide-gauge styles of locomotion. Theropod trackways are represented by large tridactyl prints and claw impressions that display exceptionally low pace angulation values during their walking phase. One theropod trackway is unique in that it reveals a gait transition associated with a temporary increase of speed. These dinosaurs were walking over a lime-mud firmground to hardground that was emergent, or locally very shallowly submerged. GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) data reveal that the tracks, preserved during a short time interval, trend in a north-easterly direction. Multi-herding behaviour is suggested for the sauropods of differing size. The discovery of this site adds significantly to our knowledge of the taxonomic composition of Middle Jurassic ecosystems. Evidence concerning locomotor styles employed by saurischian dinosaurs, footprint identification, potential trackmaker, social interactions and observations concerning estimates of Middle Jurassic faunal diversity, as well as aspects of dinosaur locomotor evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了具嵴冠的兽脚类恐龙一新属种,安龙堡双柏龙(Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis gen.et sp.nov.).双柏龙发现于云南省楚雄彝族自治州双柏县下侏罗统冯家河组中,保存了部分头骨带下颌.双柏龙沿两侧眼眶背缘向上有嵴冠发育,这在其他兽脚类中未曾报道过.与其他早侏罗世体型较大且具一对矢状嵴冠的兽脚类(双嵴龙属和中国龙属)相比,双柏龙还独具一些特征组合,如相对较高的前颌骨体、抬高的前颌骨腹缘、后腹向延伸的轭骨后突及较小的上颞孔.比较研究表明,尽管中国“双嵴龙”(“Dilophosaurus”sinensis)可能应归入中国龙属(Sinosaurus),但未必属于模式种.双柏龙的发现将有助于研究基干兽脚类的演化,尤其是各类头骨骨饰在其中的作用.  相似文献   

Shunosaurus, from the Middle Jurassic of China, is probably the best‐known basal sauropod and is represented by several complete skeletons. It is unique among sauropods in having a small, bony club at the end of its tail. New skull material provides critical information about its anatomy, brain morphology, tooth replacement pattern, feeding habits and phylogenetic relationships. The skull is akinetic and monimostylic. The brain is relatively small, narrow and primitively designed. The tooth replacement pattern exhibits back to front replacement waves in alternating tooth position. The teeth are spatulate, stout and show well‐developed wear facets indicative of coarser plant food. Upper and lower tooth rows interdigitate and shear past each other. Tooth morphology, skull architecture, and neck posture indicate that Shunosaurus was adapted to ground feeding or low browsing. Shunosaurus exhibits the following cranial autapomorphies: emargination of the ventral margin of the jugal/quadratojugal bar behind the tooth row; postorbital contains a lateral pit; vomers do not participate in the formation of the choanae; pterygoid is extremely slender and small with a dorsal fossa; quadrate ramus of the pterygoid is forked; quadratojugal participates in the jaw articulation; tooth morphology is a combination of cylindrical and spatulate form; basipterygoid process is not wrapped by the caudal process of the pterygoid; trochlear nerve has two exits; occlusal level of the maxillary tooth row is convex downward, whereas that of the dentary is concave upward, acting like a pair of garden shears; dentary tooth count is 25 or more; and the replacing teeth invade the labial side of the functional teeth. Cranial characters among the basal sauropods are reviewed. As Shunosaurus is the earliest sauropod for which cranial remains are known, it occupies an important position phylogenetically, showing the modification of skull morphology from the prosauropod condition. Although the skull synapomorphies of Sauropoda are unknown at present, 27 cranial synapomorphies are known for the clade Eusauropoda. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 136 , 145?169.  相似文献   



New tetradactyl theropod footprints from Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) have been found in the Iouaridène syncline (Morocco). The tracksites are at several layers in the intermediate lacustrine unit of Iouaridène Formation. The footprints were named informally in previous works “Eutynichnium atlasipodus”. We consider as nomen nudum.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Boutakioutichnium atlasicus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. is mainly characterized by the hallux impression. It is long, strong, directed medially or forward, with two digital pads and with the proximal part of the first pad in lateral position. More than 100 footprints in 15 trackways have been studied with these features. The footprints are large, 38–48 cm in length, and 26–31 cm in width.


Boutakioutichnium mainly differs from other ichnotaxa with hallux impression in lacking metatarsal marks and in not being a very deep footprint. The distinct morphology of the hallux of the Boutakioutichnium trackmaker –i.e. size and hallux position- are unique in the dinosaur autopodial record to date.  相似文献   

Vertebrate microremains were collected from the Middle Jurassic freshwater deposits of the Lower Member of the Xietan Formation in the Three Gorges area, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. They include remains of hybodont sharks (Hybodus aff. “H.” parvidens, Hybodus sp., cf. Parvodus sp., Polyacrodus sp. and Hubeiodus ziguiensis gen. et sp. nov.), an actinopterygian fish, and a crocodyliform. The diversity of hybodont sharks in the Xietan Formation and the appearance of a peculiar pattern of tooth morphology in Hubeiodus ziguiensis suggest the adaptive radiation of these sharks in freshwater systems in China during the Middle Jurassic. This diversification led to the rich endemic hybodont faunas of the Lower Cretaceous in Asia.  相似文献   

陕西彬县地区中侏罗世延安组孢粉植物群及其意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报道了采自陕西彬县地区中侏罗世延安组的孢粉化石60属,83种。经研究表明,陕西彬县地区延安组的孢粉组合是以裸子植物花粉为主,蕨类植物孢子次之。银杏、苏铁类和松柏类花粉在组合中占优势;桫椤科孢子在蕨类中具有较高的含量。根据孢粉组合特征及其对比,延安组的时代应属中侏罗世早期。陕西彬县地区当时的植被是以银杏、苏铁类和松柏类等乔木为主,并伴有桫椤科为主体的树蕨植物及草本植物,古气候应属大陆性亚热带气候。  相似文献   

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