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The mature rat testis contains both a soluble guanylate cyclase and a soluble adenylate cyclase. Both these soluble enzymes prefer manganous ion for activity. It is known that guanylate cyclase can, when activated by a variety of agents, catalyze the formation of cyclic AMP. The following experiments were performed to determine whether the testicular soluble adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were carried on the same molecule. Analysis of supernatants from homogenized rat testis by gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the two activities were clearly separable. The molecular weight of guanylate cyclase is 143 000, while that of adenylate cyclase is 58 000. Treatment of the column fractions with 0.1 mM sodium nitroprusside allowed guanylate cyclase activity to be expressed with Mg(2+) as well as with Mn(2+). Sodium nitroprusside did not affect the metal ion or substrate specificity of adenylate cyclase. These experiments show that adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities are physically separable.  相似文献   

The mature rat testis contains both a soluble guanylate cyclase and a soluble adenylate cyclase. Both these soluble enzymes prefer manganous ion for activity. It is known that guanylate cyclase can, when activated by a variety of agents, catalyze the formation of cyclic AMP. The following experiments were performed to determine whether the testicular soluble adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were carried on the same molecule. Analysis of supernatants from homogenized rat testis by gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the two activities were clearly separable. The molecular weight of guanylate cyclase is 143 000, while that of adenylate cyclase is 58 000.Treatment of the column fractions with 0.1 mM sodium nitroprusside allowed guanylate cyclase activity to be expressed with Mg2+ as well as with Mn2+. Sodium nitroprusside did not affect the metal ion or substrate specificity of adenylate cyclase.These experiments show that adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities are physically separable.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mn2+ caused an 8-to 16-fold stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity in homogenates as well as synaptosomcs. isolated synaptic membranes, and slices prepared from rat brain. The stimulation occurred at low concentrations of Mn2+. with a doubling of activity at 50-60μM. and was unaffected by a 60-fold excess of Mg2+. Whether or not Mg2+ was added, inclusion of a low concentration of Mn2+ reduced, but did not prevent the stimulation of adenylate cyclase caused by dopaminc in homogenates of corpus striatum. In contrast, Ca2+. at a concentration that had little effect on basal cyclase activity, completely prevented the stimulation by dopamine. The increase of cyclase activity produced by Mn2+ in brain homogenates was potentiated by F?. Other ions, notably Hg2+. Pb2+. Cu2+ and Zn2+. in order of decreasing potency, inhibited both basal and Mn2--stimulated cyclase activity. It is proposed that the effect of Mn2+ on adenylate cyclase activity may involve only the catalytic subunit of the enzyme, and that the mechanism is different from that by which either dopamine or F? stimulates the enzyme. These results suggest that the effects of low concentrations of Mn2+ and certain other divalent metal ions on adenylate cyclase activity may be involved in their neuropsychiatrie or other toxic effects, and that such ions may also participate in normal physiological mechanisms involving cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

The soluble form of rat germ cell adenylate cyclase was inhibited by compounds with a catechol moiety. Among the naturally occurring catechols tested, catechol estrogens were the most potent inhibitors. Catechol estrogens at 2-6 microM inhibited enzyme activity by 50% and almost completely at 30-100 microM concentration. The inhibitory activity of catechol estrogens depends on the catechol moiety of the molecule. Catechol per se also inhibited the activity of this enzyme, 50% inhibition being achieved at about 11 microM. The two hydroxyls of the catechol moiety are essential for the inhibitory interaction with the enzyme. Thus, aromatic compounds containing only one hydroxyl group in the benzene ring, such as tyrosine, phenylephrine, estradiol, and 6 alpha-hydroxyestradiol were either completely inactive or had marginal inhibitory activity at concentrations up to 0.3-1 mM. Moreover, methylation of the hydroxyl groups of the catechol moiety of the catechol estrogens as in 2-methoxyestradiol 3-methyl ether rendered the catechol estrogens inactive. The inhibitory potency of these compounds varied greatly depending on the structure associated with the catechol ring. Thus, compounds in which catechol is associated with an aliphatic side chain, such as dopamine, L-dopa, norepinephrine, and isoproterenol, were about 11- to 34-fold less potent than catechol. On the other hand, compounds in which catechol is associated either with a hydroaromatic ring system, as in apomorphine, or with an alicyclic ring system, as in catechol estrogens, were about 2- to 5-fold more potent than catechol. The inhibitory effect of dopamine, apomorphine, and catechol estrogens was not affected by specific D-1 or D-2 antagonist, indicating that they do not act via receptors for dopamine.  相似文献   

Summary Cytosolic adenylate cyclase activity from rat seminiferous tubules was purified by chromatography in DEAE-cellulose, hydroxylapatite and Bio-Gel A-0.5 m as well as by centrifugation in sucrose gradients. In all these purification steps, fractions with adenylate cyclase activity also contained binding activity for L-T3. Binding studies indicate the existence of two L-T3 receptor components associated to adenylate cyclase activity. The component exhibiting the highest hormone affinity has the lowest binding capacity.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-dependent regulator protein of cyclic 3':5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase (EC has previously been isolated from rat testis and shown to be a heat-stable, Ca2+-binding protein with a molecular weight of approximately 17,000. The Ca2+-dependent regulator protein is also structurally similar to troponin-C, the Ca2+-binding component of muscle troponin and Ca2+ mediator of muscle contraction. The present report describes a partial amino acid sequence of the Ca2+-dependent regulator. The protein (148 amino acids) is 50% homologous with skeletal muscle troponin-C, but is 11 residues shorter than the muscle protein. The Ca2+-dependent regulator protein has an NH2-terminal sequence of acetyl-Ala-Asp-Glu, a COOH-terminal sequence of Thr-Ala-Lys and 1 residue of epsilon-trimethyllysine located at position 115. All of these properties are distinct from those of other homologous Ca2+-binding proteins. These properties may account for the biological specificities demonstrated by these proteins as compared to the Ca2+-dependent regulator protein. Based on the sequence and a comparison of the Ca2+-dependent regulator protein to other calcium-binding proteins, our data support the view that all of these moecules contain common sequences, especially at their proposed metal-binding sites.  相似文献   

Epithelial and stromal cells were isolated from endometrium of Day 1 pseudopregnant rabbits by enzymatic digestion with trypsin or trypsin:collagenase:deoxyribonuclease. Dispersed cells were grown in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% whole or steroid-depleted fetal bovine serum (FBS). Epithelial and stromal cells reached confluency after 6 to 7 days in culture and showed specific characteristics. Cells could be differentiated according to morphology, growth patterns, electrophoretic patterns, and response to estrogen or progesterone. Hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity was measured in broken cell preparations by catalytic transformation of alpha-32P-adenosine triphosphate into 32P-adenosine 3'-5' cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). Adenylate cyclase activity was present in fresh endometrial tissue and in dispersed cells after 7 days in culture. The enzyme activity was significantly higher in stromal than in epithelial cells at all stimulation levels: basal (9.2 +/- 1.0 vs. 2.3 +/- 0.6, p less than 0.001) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP, 300 microM) (25.4 +/- 2.9 vs. 7.0 +/- 1.6, p less than 0.001). Net response to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2, 10 microM) was three times higher (p less than 0.001) in stromal (17 +/- 2) than in epithelial (5.0 +/- 1) cells. These results suggest that PGE2 can stimulate adenylate cyclase in rabbit endometrium and that the enzyme is preferentially localized in the stroma. Our results are in agreement with the hypothesis that cAMP formed in endometrium in response to PGE2 might be involved in the decidual reaction.  相似文献   

Activation of adenylate cyclase by forskolin in rat brain and testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Detergent-dispersed adenylate cyclase from rat cerebrum was detected in two components, one sensitive to Ca2+ and calmodulin and another sensitive to fluoride or guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p). The enzyme activity of both components was markedly augmented by forskolin assayed in the presence or absence of other enzyme activators (e.g., NaF, Gpp(NH)p, calmodulin). The catalytic subunit fraction in which G/F protein was totally lacking was also activated by forskolin. During 1-35 days of postnatal development, the basal adenylate cyclase activities in either cerebrum and cerebellum particulate preparations progressively increased. While the fluoride sensitivity of the cerebrum and cerebellum enzyme increased during postnatal development, the responsiveness to forskolin remained unaltered. There was no enhancement of soluble adenylate cyclase (from rat testis) by forskolin under the assay conditions in which there was a marked stimulatory action on the particulate enzyme. The results seen with the solubilized enzyme, with either Lubrol PX or cholate, indicate that the effects of forskolin on the cyclase do not require either G/F protein or calmodulin and the results of our study of brain enzymes support this view. Data on soluble testis cyclase (a poor or absent response to forskolin by this enzyme) imply that it lacks a protein (other than the catalytic unit) which could confer greater stimulation. The present results do not rule out an alternative explanation that forskolin stimulates adenylate cyclase by a direct interaction with the catalytic subunit, if the catalytic proteins do differ widely in various species of cells and their response to this diterpene.  相似文献   

Four analogs of oxymorphone, oxymorphaminoethylthiol, oxymorphamino-ethyldisulfide, oxymorphaminoethyl-nitrobenzoic acid disulfide and oxymorphone thiazolidine, as well as the enkephalin analogs, enkephalin-thiol, Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-Leu-Lys(?-NH)COCH2CH2SH and the enkephalin-dimer, [Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-Leu-Lys(?-NH)COCH2CH2S-]2, were examined for binding to enkephalin and morphine receptors. The analogs gained substantial affinity for enkephalin and lost affinity for morphine receptors. The affinity of the dimers of both opiates and enkephalins was slightly greater than that achieved by the corresponding thiol monomers. However, in the guinea pig ileum the dimeric analogs were much more active than the monomers. Receptor dimerization or cross-linking may be involved in the biological activity of opiates and opioid peptides.  相似文献   

For a variety of ligand states, adenylate cyclase activity in the presence of Mn2+ was greater than with Mg2+. Trypsin treatment of intact hepatocytes, under conditions which destroy cell surface glucagon receptors, led to a first order loss of glucagon-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in isolated membranes assayed in the presence of Mn2+ whether or not GTP (100 microM) was present in the assays. Arrhenius plots of basal activity exhibited a break at around 22 degrees C, those with NaF were linear and those with glucagon +/- GTP (100 microM) were biphasic with a break at around 28 degrees C. It is suggested that Mn2+ perturbs the coupling interaction between the glucagon receptor and catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase at the level of the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. This appears to take the form of Mn2+ preventing GTP from initiating glucagon's activation of adenylate cyclase through a collision coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

1. Sepharose 6B gel-filtration analysis of soluble adenylate cyclase from bovine corpus luteum is described. Both zonal and frontal techniques of analysis were used. 2. Under conditions of zonal analysis recoveries of activity were low. It was concluded that dissociation of two or more components of the adenylate cyclase complex was occurring on the column and that the maintenance of the complex was essential for the high-activity state of the catalytic unit. Two peaks of adenylate cyclase activity, of approximate mol. wts. 45,000 and 160,000 were detected. 3. The theory of frontal analysis (or steady-state gel filtration), applied to the study of the interacting components of the adenylate cyclase complex is discussed, and activity profiles are predicted. Activity profiles obtained experimentally be frontal analysis compared well with the theoretically predicted profile and provide evidence that dissociation of a high-activity complex, with concomitant loss of activity, does occur. Recoveries of activity under conditions of frontal analysis were higher than with zonal analysis. 4. The effects of concentration and removal of detergent on the activity of the soluble enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

Rat lung homogenates contained significant amounts of guanylate cyclase activity in both 100,000 times g (60 min) particulate and supernatant fractions. In the presence of detergent, the particulate fraction contained 40% as much activity as did the supernatant fraction. Detergent-dispersed particulate and partially purified soluble guanylate cyclase preparations were characterized with respect to divalent cation requirements, divalent cation interactions, kinetic behavior, and gel filtration profiles. Both soluble and particulate guanylate cyclases required divalent cation for activity. The soluble preparation was 10 times more active in the presence of Mn-2plus than in the presence of Mg-2plus or Ca-2plus and no detectable activity was seen with Ba-2plus or Sr-2plus. Particulate guanylate cyclase activity was detectable only in the presence of Mn-2plus. Both enzyme preparations required Mn-2plus in excess of GTP for optimal activity at subsaturating amounts of GTP. At near-saturating GTP, the soluble enzyme required excess Mn-2plus, but the particulate enzyme did not. For kinetic analyses the enzymes were considered to require two substrates: metal-GTP and Me-2plus. Apparent negative cooperative behavior was seen with the soluble enzyme when excess Mn-2plus (in excess of GTP) was varied from 0.01 to 0.2 mM; above 0.2 mM excess Mn-2plus classical kinetic behavior was seen with an apparent KMn-2plus of 0.2 mM at near-saturating MnGTP. Similar studies using the particulate preparation yielded only classical kinetic behavior, but the apparent KMn-2plus decreased to near zero when MnGTP was near-saturating. Kinetic patterns for the particulate and soluble enzymes also differed when reciprocal initial velocities were plotted as a function of reciprocal MnGTP concentrations; classical kinetic behavior was seen with the soluble enzyme with an apparent KMnGTP of about 12 muM (at near-saturating excess Mn-2plus), whereas apparent positive cooperative behavior was seen with the particulate preparation (Hill coefficient equals 1.6, S0.5 EQUALS 70 MUM. Ca-2plus "activation" of soluble guanylate cyclase was related to the Mn-2plus:GTP ratio. Activation was most apparent when saturating amounts of Mn-2plus and MnGTP. At relatively high concentrations of Ca-2plus (0.1 to 4 mM), the addition of 10 muM Mn-2plus resulted in a 3- to 5-fold increase in soluble guanylate cyclase activity. In contrast, Ca-2plus sharply inhibited particulate guanylate cyclase activity. Gel filtration profiles of particulate and soluble preparations indicated differences in physical properties of the enzymes. As estimated by gel filtration, particulate (detergent-dispersed)evels. Here, removal of renal tissue is contraindicated. In all renal hy  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of the beta-galactoside-binding protein, or lectin, from rat lung was investigated by the specific binding of anti-lectin immunoglobulin G to subcellular fractions. We used both adult and immature (12-day-old) rats; the immature rat lungs have an 8-10-fold greater concentration than adult rat lungs [Powell & Whitney (1980) Biochem. J. 188, 1-8]. In both groups of animals we observed greater specific binding of anti-lectin immunoglobulin G to intracellular membrane (mitochondrial and microsomal fractions) than to plasma membranes. Pre-incubation of membrane fractions with lactose resulted in a marked diminution of anti-lectin immunoglobulin G binding. In the adult rat lung most (approx. 80%) of the lectin activity was membrane-associated. In the immature rat lung only approx. 30% of the lectin activity was membrane associated and most of the beta-galactoside-binding protein appeared to be a soluble cytoplasmic component. The rat lung beta-galactoside-binding protein appeared to have a broad but predominantly intracellular location, being associated with membranes through one of its galactoside-binding sites.  相似文献   

The distribution of adenylate cyclase (AC) in Golgi and other cell fractions from rat liver was studied using the Golgi isolation procedure of Ehrenreich et al. In liver homogenate the AC activity was found to decay with time, but addition of 1 mM EGTA reduced the rate of enzyme loss. The incorporation of 1 mM EGTA into the sucrose medium used in the initial two centrifugal steps of the Golgi isolation method stabilized the enzyme activity throughout the entire procedure and resulted in good enzyme recovery. In such preparations, AC activity was demonstrated to be associated not only with plasma membranes but also with Golgi membranes and smooth microsomal membranes as well. Furthermore, under the conditions used, enzyme activity was also associated with the 105,000 g x 90 min supernatant fraction. The specific activity of the liver homogenate was found to be 2.9 pmol-mg protein-1-min-1, the nonsedimentabel and microsomal activity was of the same order of magnitude, but the Golgi and plasma membrane activities were much higher. The specific activity of plasma membrane AC was 29 pmol-mg proten-1-min-1. The Golgi activity varied in the three fractions, with the highest activity (14 pmol) in GF1 lowest activity (1.8) in GF2, and intermediate activity (5.5) in GF3, when the Golgi activity was corrected for the presence of content protein, the activity in GF1 became much higher (9 x) than that of the plasma membrane while the activities in GF2 and GF3 were comparable to that of plasma membrane. In all locations studied, the AC was sensitive to NaF stimulation, especially the enzyme associated with Golgi membranes. The activities in plasma and microsomal membranes were stimulated by glucagon, whereas the Golgi and nonsedimentable AC were not.  相似文献   

The effect of forskolin on the hormonal (LH, FSH) activation and on the stimulation provided by other effectors (Gpp(NH)p,NaF) of the juvenile rat ovarian adenylate cyclase was investigated. Forskolin exhibited a synergistic action with LH, FSH and Gpp(NH)p but not with NaF. Addition of Ca2+ was inhibitory over a concentration range from 10(-5) to 10(-2) M whereas EGTA enhanced the response at 5.10(-5) M and inhibited it at higher concentration. The cAMP production was increased by addition of Mn2+ at low concentration (up to 5 mM) but markedly decreased at higher concentration (30 mM). FSH induced cAMP production was completely abolished at 30 mM Mn2+. The effect of vanadyl ion was very similar to that of Mn2+ Vanadate anion on the contrary was without effect on FSH stimulation.  相似文献   

Regulation of ciliary adenylate cyclase by Ca2+ in Paramecium.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In the ciliated protozoan Paramecium, Ca2+ and cyclic nucleotides are believed to act as second messengers in the regulation of the ciliary beat. Ciliary adenylate cyclase was activated 20-30-fold (half-maximal at 0.8 microM) and inhibited by higher concentrations (10-20 microM) of free Ca2+ ion. Ca2+ activation was the result of an increase in Vmax., not a change in Km for ATP. The activation by Ca2+ was seen only with Mg2+ATP as substrate; with Mn2+ATP the basal adenylate cyclase activity was 10-20-fold above that with Mg2+ATP, and there was no further activation by Ca2+. The stimulation by Ca2+ of the enzyme in cilia and ciliary membranes was blocked by the calmodulin antagonists calmidazolium (half-inhibition at 5 microM), trifluoperazine (70 microM) and W-7 (50-100 microM). When ciliary membranes (which contained most of the ciliary adenylate cyclase) were prepared in the presence of Ca2+, their adenylate cyclase was insensitive to Ca2+ in the assay. However, the inclusion of EGTA in buffers used for fractionation of cilia resulted in full retention of Ca2+-sensitivity by the ciliary membrane adenylate cyclase. The membrane-active agent saponin specifically suppressed the Ca2+-dependent adenylate cyclase without inhibiting basal activity with Mg2+ATP or Mn2+ATP. The ciliary adenylate cyclase was shown to be distinct from the Ca2+-dependent guanylate cyclase; the two activities had different kinetic parameters and different responses to added calmodulin and calmodulin antagonists. Our results suggest that Ca2+ influx through the voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in the ciliary membrane may influence intraciliary cyclic AMP concentrations by regulating adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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