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In an extensive survey for desmids in 217 lakes and ponds in 21 counties of east Texas, desmid zygotes were infrequently encountered. A list is given of zygotes of 22 species in 9 genera. Two zygotes previously unobserved are described and illustrated in photographs and camera lucida drawings .  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates in field-collected samples of Cladophora glomerata were measured using the oxygen electrode technique. Rates observed were three- to fourfold higher than literature values obtained with the light and dark bottle method. The discrepancy appears to be due to light-limiting conditions prevailing in the bottles. It was also found that photosynthesis in Cladophora does not saturate at low light intensities as reported by other workers.  相似文献   

Gliding is an active movement displayed by a microorganism in contact with a solid substrate where there is no evidence of a motility organelle or of a conformational change in the organism. Gliding may be accompanied by rotations, reversals, flectional activity, and mucilage sheath production, as well as linear translation. Previous explanations of the mechanism responsible did not consider all these aspects of behavior. The gliding behavior and ultrastructure of the blue-green alga Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher were examined. O. princeps has a maximum observed gliding rate of 11.1 μm/sec. The trichomes can glide in either longitudinal direction following rapid and occasionally frequent reversals. Right-handed trichome rotation was always observed, which means that any surface point on these trichomes traces a 60-deg right-handed helix. A mucilage sheath envelopes the moving trichomes. The rate of gliding was reduced by viscous substrates, extreme pH, lysozyme, DNP, and cyanide, while sustained darkness had no inhibitory effect. Ultrastructurally, the cell wall is composed of an L-1 layer which is 10 nm thick and often ill-defined. The L-2 layer which is outside this is 200 nm thick and participates in septum formation. The L-3 layer is outside the L-2 and is continuous over the trichome surface. The L-4 “membrane” lies outside the L-3 layer. Grazing surface sections and freeze-etch replicas show a parallel and tight array of 6–9 nm wide continuous fibrils in the cell wall on the surface of the distinctive L-2 layer. Isolated wall fragments were tightly coiled inside out with the fibrils on the inside. The angle of orientation for the fibrils was to the right in a helix with a pitch of 60 deg. O. animalis, a blue-green alga with a movement tracing a left-handed helix, showed a similar array of fibrils oriented in a left-handed helix with a pitch of 60 deg. It is proposed that gliding is produced by unidirectional waves of bending in the fibrils which, act against the sheath or substrate, tints displacing the trichome.  相似文献   

NH4+ and K+ uptake experiments have been conducted with 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi, originating from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.] Franco) stands. At concentrations up to 250 μM, uptake of both NH4+ and K+ follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton, Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. and Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. ap. Boud. exhibit Km values for NH4+ uptake of 6, 35, and 55 μM, respectively, and Km values for K+ uptake of 24, 18, and 96 μM, respectively. Addition of 100 μM NH4+ raises the Km of K+ uptake by L. bicolor to 35 μM, while the Vmax remains unchanged. It is argued that the increase of Km is possibly caused by depolarization of the plasma membrane. It is not due to a competitive inhibition of K+ by NH4+ since the apparent inhibitor constant is much higher than the Km, for NH4+ uptake. The possibility that NH4+ and K+ are taken up by the same carrier can be excluded. The Km, values for K+ uptake in the two other fungi are not significantly affected by 100 μM NH4+. Except for a direct effect of NH4+ on influx of K+ into the cells, there may also be an indirect effect after prolonged incubation of the cells in the presence of 100 μM NH4+.  相似文献   

Division cysts of zooxanthellae harbored by Anthopleura elegantissima were isolated from random host-associated populations by their preferential attachment to plastic surfaces. By selecting cysts at similar stages in the cell cycle, synchronous division, excystation, and daughter cell reencystment were obtained in a medium enriched with amino acids. The interval of DNA synthesis in a single growth cycle was determined by pulse-labeling with radioactive thymidine. Analysis of the sequence of morphologic changes within such cycles suggested that the initial selection procedure isolates G2 cells. The transit time from first generation G2 division cysts to subsequent reentry into G2 was about 70 hr.  相似文献   

Microalgal pigment composition, photosynthetic characteristics, single-cell absorption efficiency (Qa(λ)) spectra, and fluorescence-excitation (FE) spectra were determined for platelet ice and benthic communities underlying fast ice in Mc Murdo Sound, Antarctica, during austral spring 1988. Measurements of spectral irradiance (E(λ)) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) as well as samples for particulate absorption measurements were taken directly under the congelation ice, within the platelet layer, as profiles vertically through the water column, and at the benihic surface. Light attenuation by.sea ice, algal pigments, and particulates reduced PAR reaching the platelet ice layer to 3%(9–33 fimol photons m-2-?s-1) of surface values and narrowed its spectral distribution to a band between 400 and 580 nm. Attenuation by the water column further reduced PAR reaching the sea floor (28–m depth) to 0.05% of surface levels (< 1 μmol photons m-2 s-1), with a spectral distribution dominated by 470–580–nm wavelengths. The photoadaptive index (I) for platelet ice algae (5.9–12.6 μmol photons m-2.s-1) was similar to ambient PAR, indicating that algae had acclimated to their light environment (i.e. the algae were light-replete). Maximum Qa(λ) at the blue absorption peak (440 nm) was 0.63, and enhanced absorption was observed from 460–500 nm and was consistent with observed high cellular chlorophyll (chi) c:chl a and fucoxanthin: chl a molar ratios (0.4 and 1.2, respectively). Benthic algae were light-limited despite the maintenance of very low Ik values (4–11 μmol photons.m-2.s-1). Extremely high fucoxanthin: chi a ratios (1.6) in benthic algae produced enhanced green light absorption, resulting in a high degree of complementation between algal absorption and ambient spectral irradiance. Qa(λ) values for benthic algae were maximal (0.9) between 400 and 510 nm but remained >0.35 even at absorption minima. Strong spectral flattening, a characteristic of intense pigment packaging, was also apparent in the Qa(λ) spectra for benthic algae. FE and Qa(λ) spectra were similar in shape for platelet ice algae, indicating that the efficiency at which absorbed energy was transferred to photosystem II (PSII) was independent of wavelength. Fluorescence emission by benthic algae was greatest for the 500–560–nm excitation wavelengths, suggesting that most energy absorbed by accessory pigments was transferred to PSII. These results suggest that under ice algae employ complementary pigmentation and maximize absorption efficiency as adaptive strategies to low-light stress. Regulating the distribution of absorbed energy between PSI and PSII may be an adaptive response to the restricted spectral distribution of irradiance.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation. Activation of histaminergic H1 receptors on cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells stimulated a rapid increase in TOH phosphorylation (within 5 s) that was sustained for at least 5 min. The initial increase in TOH phosphorylation (up to 1 min) was essentially unchanged by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. In contrast, the H1-mediated response was abolished by preloading the cells with BAPTA acetoxymethyl ester (50 µ M ) and significantly reduced by prior exposure to caffeine (10 m M for 10 min) to deplete intracellular Ca2+. Trypticphosphopeptide analysis by HPLC revealed that the H1 response in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+ resulted in a major increase in the phosphorylation of Ser19 with smaller increases in that of Ser40 and Ser31. In contrast, although a brief stimulation with nicotine (30 µ M for 60 s) also resulted in a major increase in Ser19 phosphorylation, this response was abolished in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. These data indicate that the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ plays a crucial role in supporting H1-mediated TOH phosphorylation and may thus have a potentially important role in regulating catecholamine synthesis.  相似文献   

Excretion of minerals by the NaCl-resistant and comparatively cadmium-resistant tree Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst, was investigated. Cd2+ was excreted by plants exposed for 1–10 days to 9 or 45 μ M Cd2+ solutions. Excretion of this toxic ion increased considerably with time but was less than 5% of the quantities that had been accumulated in the shoots. Excretion of Na+ and Cl was positively correlated with NaCl concentration (1.5, 10, 50 m M ) of the medium. The Na+/Cl ratios of the excrete were positively correlated with the concentration of the treatment solution. Ca2+ excretion decreased with increasing NaCl concentrations of the solution. Excretion of K+ and Mg2+ was only little affected by NaCl. Excretion of Li+ occurred whenever this element was supplied in the uptake solution; daily excretion rates of Li+ increased with time. The ecological significance of excretion is discussed in relation to the low selectivity of the mechanism in T. aphylla .  相似文献   

Abstract The Het+ Nif+ and Het Nif strains of Nostoc muscorum sensitive to growth inhibition by methylamine (MA), overcame the MA inhibition as a result of their mutation to l -methionine- dl -sulfoximide (MSX)-resistant phenotype, which enabled them to assimilate MA like an ammonium nitrogen source. The MSX-resistant Het+ Nif+ strain synthesized the inhibitor-resistant transferase-defective glutamine synthetase (GS), which unlike parental GS underwent MA-dependent in vivo activation. These results suggest the involvement of GS enzyme in control of MA assimilation in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Effects of interrupted K+ supply on different parameters of growth and mineral cation nutrition were evaluated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno). K+ (2.0 mM) was supplied to the plants during different periods in an otherwise complete nutrient solution. Shoot growth was reduced before root growth after interruption in K+ supply. Root structure was greatly affected by the length of the period in K+ -free nutrient solution. Root length was minimal, and root branching was maximal within a narrow range of K+ status of the roots. This range corresponded to cultivation for the last 1 to 3 days, of 11 in total, in K+ -free nutrient solution, or to continuous cultivation in solution containing 0.5 to 2 mM K+. In comparison, both higher and lower internal/external K+ concentrations had inhibitory effects on root branching. However, the differing root morphology probably had no significant influence on the magnitude of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ uptake. Uptake of Ca2+ and especially Mg2+ significantly increased after K+ interruption, while Na+ uptake was constant in the roots and slowly increased in the shoots. The two divalent cations could replace K+ in the cells and maintain electroneutrality down to a certain minimal range of K+ concentrations. This range was significantly higher in the shoot [110 to 140 μmol (g fresh weight)?1] than in the root [20 to 30 μmol (g fresh weight)?1]. It is suggested that the critical K+ values are a measure of the minimal amount of K+ that must be present for physiological activity in the cells. At the critical levels, K+ (86Rb) influx and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were maximal. Below the critical K+ values, growth was reduced, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could no longer substitute for K+ for electrostatic balance. In a short-term experiment, the ability of Ca2+ to compete with K+ in maintaining electroneutrality in the cells was studied in wheat seedlings with different K+ status. The results indicate that K+, which was taken up actively and fastest at the external K+ concentration used (2.0 mM), partly determines the size of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

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