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Botrytis cinerea is a major pathogen of fruit and vegetable crops causing both pre- and post-harvest grey mould. We have analysed 16 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes for natural variation in B. cinerea susceptibility. Susceptibility was associated with lower camalexin accumulation, and three ecotypes (Cape Verdi Islands (Cvi-0), Slavice (Sav-0) and Kindalville (Kin-0)) showed differential susceptibility to the two B. cinerea isolates used. Subsequently, to better understand the genetic control of grey mould disease, we assayed the Arabidopsis Landsberg erecta (Ler) x Columbia (Col-0) recombinant inbred population with the two isolates, and identified multiple small-to-medium-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) governing susceptibility. Interestingly, the QTL for each isolate are distinct, suggesting that different mechanisms govern defence against these two isolates. Two QTL for each isolate exhibited epistatic interactions with specific allele combinations generating heightened B. cinerea susceptibility.  相似文献   

Three Botrytis-susceptible mutants bos2, bos3, and bos4 which define independent and novel genetic loci required for Arabidopsis resistance to Botrytis cinerea were isolated. The bos2 mutant is susceptible to B. cinerea but retains wild-type levels of resistance to other pathogens tested, indicative of a defect in a response pathway more specific to B. cinerea. The bos3 and bos4 mutants also show increased susceptibility to Alternaria brassicicola, another necrotrophic pathogen, suggesting a broader role for these loci in resistance. bos4 shows the broadest range of effects on resistance, being more susceptible to avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Interestingly, bos3 is more resistant than wild-type plants to virulent strains of the biotrophic pathogen Peronospora parasitica and the bacterial pathogen P. syringae pv. tomato. The Pathogenesis Related gene 1 (PR-1), a molecular marker of the salicylic acid (SA)-dependent resistance pathway, shows a wild-type pattern of expression in bos2, while in bos3 this gene was expressed at elevated levels, both constitutively and in response to pathogen challenge. In bos4 plants, PR-1 expression was reduced compared with wild type in response to B. cinerea and SA. In bos3, the mutant most susceptible to B. cinerea and with the highest expression of PR-1, removal of SA resulted in reduced PR-1 expression but no change to the B. cinerea response. Expression of the plant defensin gene PDF1-2 was generally lower in bos mutants compared with wild-type plants, with a particularly strong reduction in bos3. Production of the phytoalexin camalexin is another well-characterized plant defense response. The bos2 and bos4 mutants accumulate reduced levels of camalexin whereas bos3 accumulates significantly higher levels of camalexin than wild-type plants in response to B. cinerea. The BOS2, BOS3, and BOS4 loci may affect camalexin levels and responsiveness to ethylene and jasmonate. The three new mutants appear to mediate disease responses through mechanisms independent of the previously described BOS1 gene. Based on the differences in the phenotypes of the bos mutants, it appears that they affect different points in defense response pathways.  相似文献   

张国斌  张喜贤  王云月  杨红玉 《遗传》2013,35(8):971-982
病原菌的侵染激发植物大量防御响应基因的表达, 其中转录因子在协调庞大的抗病防御网络中发挥重要作用。灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea)是最具破坏力的死体营养型病原真菌之一, 在农业生产上造成严重的经济损失。文章综述了ERF(Ethylene response factors)、WRKY、MYB等家族中参与灰霉病防御反应的转录因子的功能研究进展。转录因子通过复杂的mRNA或蛋白水平的互作方式构成了精细的调控网络, 以激活下游防卫基因的表达, 从而诱导抗病反应。一部分转录因子是协调不同激素信号通路交叉响应的重要节点和调节器, 将植物抵御不同类型病原菌的分子机制联系起来。对这类转录因子的研究将为研究植物其他病原菌防御机制提供线索, 另外深入理解抗病机制将有助于研究者在作物改良和保护中更高效地利用抗病基因。  相似文献   

Pectin is synthesized in a highly methylesterified form in the Golgi cisternae and partially de-methylesterified in muro by pectin methylesterases (PMEs). Arabidopsis thaliana produces a local and strong induction of PME activity during the infection of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. AtPME17 is a putative A. thaliana PME highly induced in response to B. cinerea. Here, a fine tuning of AtPME17 expression by different defence hormones was identified. Our genetic evidence demonstrates that AtPME17 strongly contributes to the pathogen-induced PME activity and resistance against B. cinerea by triggering jasmonic acid–ethylene-dependent PDF1.2 expression. AtPME17 belongs to group 2 isoforms of PMEs characterized by a PME domain preceded by an N-terminal PRO region. However, the biochemical evidence for AtPME17 as a functional PME is still lacking and the role played by its PRO region is not known. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we demonstrate that AtPME17 is a functional PME with activity favoured by an increase in pH. AtPME17 performs a blockwise pattern of pectin de-methylesterification that favours the formation of egg-box structures between homogalacturonans. Recombinant AtPME17 expression in Escherichia coli reveals that the PRO region acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of AtPME17 activity.  相似文献   

Plants possess an innate immune system capable of restricting invasion by most potential pathogens. At the cell surface, the recognition of microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) and/or damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) represents the first event for the prompt mounting of an effective immune response. Pathogens have evolved effectors that block MAMP‐triggered immunity. The Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPto abolishes immunity triggered by the peptide MAMPs flg22 and elf18, derived from the bacterial flagellin and elongation factor Tu, respectively, by inhibiting the kinase function of the corresponding receptors FLS2 and EFR, as well as their co‐receptors BAK1 and BKK1. Oligogalacturonides (OGs), a well‐known class of DAMPs, are oligomers of α‐1,4‐linked galacturonosyl residues, released on partial degradation of the plant cell wall homogalacturonan. We show here that AvrPto affects only a subset of the OG‐triggered immune responses and that, among these responses, only a subset is affected by the concomitant loss of BAK1 and BKK1. However, the antagonistic effect on auxin‐related responses is not affected by either AvrPto or the loss of BAK1/BKK1. These observations reveal an unprecedented complexity among the MAMP/DAMP response cascades. We also show that the signalling system mediated by Peps, another class of DAMPs, and their receptors PEPRs, contributes to OG‐activated immunity. We hypothesize that OGs are sensed through multiple and partially redundant perception/transduction complexes, some targeted by AvrPto, but not necessarily comprising BAK1 and BKK1.  相似文献   

The Str2 gene encodes a cystathionine γ‐synthase that is a key enzyme in methionine (Met) biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Met plays a critical role in protein synthesis and diverse cellular processes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In this study, we characterized the Str2 orthologue gene BcStr2 in Botrytis cinerea. The BcStr2 mutant was unable to grow on minimal medium (MM). In addition, conidia of the mutant were unable to germinate in water–agar medium within 15 h of incubation. Supplementation with 1 mm Met or 0.5 mg/mL homocysteine, but not 1 mm cysteine or 0.5 mg/mL glutathione, rescued the defect in mycelial growth of the BcStr2 deletion mutant. These results indicate that the enzyme encoded by BcStr2 is involved in the conversion of cysteine into homocysteine. The mutant exhibited decreased conidiation and impaired sclerotium development. In addition, the BcStr2 mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to osmotic and oxidative stresses, cell wall‐damaging agents and thermal stress. The mutant demonstrated dramatically decreased virulence on host plant tissues. All of the defects were restored by genetic complementation of the mutant with wild‐type BcStr2. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that BcStr2 plays a critical role in the regulation of various cellular processes in B. cinerea.  相似文献   

通过遗传转化技术研究了拟南芥脂转移蛋白AtDHyPRP1在细胞中的定位及其对真菌病原体的抗性。采用PCR方法从拟南芥Ws生态型克隆了AtDHyPRP1基因,构建产生pRI101-AN-AtDHyPRP1植物双元表达载体和pCAMBIA1302-AtDHyPRP1-GFP融合表达载体,经农杆菌介导的叶盘和浸花法得到烟草和拟南芥转基因植株。AtDHyPRP1基因能够明显增加烟草对灰霉菌的抗性,转AtDHyPRP1烟草叶片的被侵染部位有大量H2O2积累,激光共聚焦显微观察发现AtDHyPRP1蛋白定位于细胞表面。说明AtDHyPRP1蛋白在合成后被分泌到细胞外执行特殊的功能,与植物抗病防御机制有关。  相似文献   

We describe a simple method of measuring spatial variation in fitness using randomly sown seeds. Given a random initial distribution of seeds, any spatial variation in the final distribution of genotypes must be the result of spatial variation in natural selection. Departures from spatial randomness are tested using a modification of join-count statistics, based on the probability that two randomly chosen plants separated by a given distance carry the same genetic marker. Monte Carlo simulations showed that for the randomly sown seeds design the join-count test had higher power to detect spatial variation in fitness than analysis of variance. The power was relatively independent of the number of genotypes used or the number of microsites sampled. The method was tested in the field using three standard lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. At the end of the life cycle, adjacent plants were significantly more likely to be the same line than randomly chosen pairs and the spatial dependence extended to distances of nearly 50 cm. Simple experiments like this may be especially useful for “comparative ecological genetics”, allowing systematic studies of natural selection among many species or habitats.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is the causative agent of grey mould on over 1000 plant species and annually causes enormous economic losses worldwide. However, the fungal factors that mediate pathogenesis of the pathogen remain largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that a novel B. cinerea-specific pathogenicity-associated factor BcHBF1 (h yphal b ranching-related f actor 1), identified from virulence-attenuated mutant M8008 from a B. cinerea T-DNA insertion mutant library, plays an important role in hyphal branching, infection structure formation, sclerotial formation and full virulence of the pathogen. Deletion of BcHBF1 in B. cinerea did not impair radial growth of mycelia, conidiation, conidial germination, osmotic- and oxidative-stress adaptation, as well as cell wall integrity of the ∆Bchbf1 mutant strains. However, loss of BcHBF1 impaired the capability of hyphal branching, appressorium and infection cushion formation, appressorium host penetration and virulence of the pathogen. Moreover, disruption of BcHBF1 altered conidial morphology and dramatically impaired sclerotial formation of the mutant strains. Complementation of BcHBF1 completely rescued all the phenotypic defects of the ∆Bchbf1 mutants. During young hyphal branching, host penetration and early invasive growth of the pathogen, BcHBF1 expression was up-regulated, suggesting that BcHBF1 is required for these processes. Our findings provide novel insights into the fungal factor mediating pathogenesis of the grey mould fungus via regulation of its infection structure formation, host penetration and invasive hyphal branching and growth.  相似文献   

Plant diseases, which seriously damage crop production, are in most cases caused by fungal pathogens. In this study, we found that the Raf-like MAPKKKs STY8 (SERINE/THREONINE/TYROSINE KINASE 8), STY17, and STY46 negatively regulate resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea through jasmonate response in Arabidopsis. Moreover, STY8/STY17/STY46 homologs negatively contribute to chitin signaling. We further identified MKK7 as the MAPKK component interacting with STY8/STY17/STY46 homologs. MKK7 positively contributes to resistance to B. cinerea and chitin signaling. Furthermore, we found that STY8/STY17/STY46 homologs negatively affect the accumulation of MKK7, in accordance with the opposite roles of MKK7 and STY8/STY17/STY46 homologs in defense against B. cinerea. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms precisely regulating plant immunity via Raf-like MAPKKKs.  相似文献   

Secondary walls in fibers and vessels are typically deposited in three distinct layers, which are formed by the successive re-orientation of cellulose microfibrils. Although cortical microtubules have been implicated in this process, the underlying mechanisms for the formation of three distinct wall layers are not known. The Fragile Fiber1 (FRA1) kinesin-like protein has been previously shown to be involved in the oriented deposition of cellulose microfibrils and important for cell wall strength in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present report, we investigated the expression pattern of the FRA 1 gene and studied the effects of FRA1 overexpression on secondary wall deposition. The FRAI gene was found to be expressed not only in cells undergoing secondary wall deposition including developing interfascicular fibers and xylem cells, but also in dividing cells and expanding/elongating parenchyma cells. Overexpression of FRA1 caused a severe reduction in the thickness of secondary walls in interfascicular fibers and deformation of vessels, which are accompanied with a marked decrease in stem strength. Close examination of secondary walls revealed that unlike the wild-type walls having three typical layers with the middle layer being the thickest, the secondary walls in FRA1 overexpressors exhibited an increased number of layers, all of which had a similar width. Together, these results provide further evidence implicating an important role of the FRA1 kinesin-like protein in the ordered deposition of secondary walls, which determines the strength of fibers and vessels.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is an important regulator of plant defense responses, and a variety of Arabidopsis mutants impaired in resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens show defects in SA accumulation, perception, or signal transduction. Nevertheless, the role of SA-dependent defense responses against necrotrophic fungi is currently unclear. We determined the susceptibility of a set of previously identified Arabidopsis mutants impaired in defense responses to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The rate of development of B. cinerea disease symptoms on primary infected leaves was affected by responses mediated by the genes EIN2, JAR1, EDS4, PAD2, and PAD3, but was largely independent of EDS5, SID2/ICS1, and PAD4. Furthermore, plants expressing a nahG transgene or treated with a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) inhibitor showed enhanced symptoms, suggesting that SA synthesized via PAL, and not via isochorismate synthase (ICS), mediates lesion development. In addition, the degree of lesion development did not correlate with defensin or PR1 expression, although it was partially dependent upon camalexin accumulation. Although npr1 mutant leaves were normally susceptible to B. cinerea infection, a double ein2 npr1 mutant was significantly more susceptible than ein2 plants, and exogenous application of SA decreased B. cinerea lesion size through an NPR1-dependent mechanism that could be mimicked by the cpr1 mutation. These data indicate that local resistance to B. cinerea requires ethylene-, jasmonate-, and SA-mediated signaling, that the SA affecting this resistance does not require ICS1 and is likely synthesized via PAL, and that camalexin limits lesion development.  相似文献   

Plants challenged by pathogens, especially necrotrophic fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, produce high levels of ethylene. At present, the signaling pathways underlying the induction of ethylene after pathogen infection are largely unknown. MPK6, an Arabidopsis stress‐responsive mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) was previously shown to regulate the stability of ACS2 and ACS6, two type I ACS isozymes (1‐amino‐cyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid synthase). Phosphorylation of ACS2 and ACS6 by MPK6 prevents rapid degradation of ACS2/ACS6 by the 26S proteasome pathway, resulting in an increase in cellular ACS activity and ethylene biosynthesis. Here, we show that MPK3, which shares high homology and common upstream MAPK kinases with MPK6, is also capable of phosphorylating ACS2 and ACS6. In the mpk3 mutant background, ethylene production in gain‐of‐function GVG‐NtMEK2DD transgenic plants was compromised, suggesting that MPK6 and MPK3 function together to stabilize ACS2 and ACS6. Using a liquid‐cultured seedling system, we found that B. cinerea‐induced ethylene biosynthesis was greatly compromised in mpk3/mpk6 double mutant seedlings. In contrast, ethylene production decreased only slightly in the mpk6 single mutant and not at all in the mpk3 single mutant, demonstrating overlapping roles for these two highly homologous MAPKs in pathogen‐induced ethylene induction. Consistent with the role of MPK3/MPK6 in the process, mutation of ACS2 and ACS6, two genes encoding downstream substrates of MPK3/MPK6, also reduced B. cinerea‐induced ethylene production. The residual levels of ethylene induction in the acs2/acs6 double mutant suggest the involvement of additional ACS isoforms, possibly regulated by MAPK‐independent pathway(s).  相似文献   

Simultaneous effects of host and parasite in determining quantitative traits of infection have long been neglected in theoretical and experimental investigations of host-parasite coevolution with the notable exception of gene-for-gene resistance studies. A cross-infection experiment, using five lines of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana and two strains of its oomycete pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica, revealed that three traits traditionally considered those of the parasite (number of infected leaves, transmission success, and time until 50% transmission), differed among specific combinations of host and parasite lines, being determined by the two protagonists of the infection. However, the two parasite strains did not differ significantly for most measured phenotypic traits of the infection. Globally, transmission increased with increasing virulence among the different host-parasite combinations, as assumed by most models of evolution of virulence. Surprisingly, however, there was no general relationship between parasite and host fitness, estimated respectively as transmission and seed production. Only one of the two strains showed the expected significant negative genetic correlation between these two variables. Our results thus highlight the importance of taking into account both host and parasite genetic variation because their interaction can lead to unexpected evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

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