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The early Tertiary (Paleocene and Eocene) family Presbyornithidae is one of the most completely known group of fossil birds. Essentially all parts of the skeleton are represented in the fossil record, allowing a thorough analysis of the phylogenetic position of the family. Forty-two families of nonpasserine birds representing the orders Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes, Galliformes, Gruiformes and Charadriiformes, were included in a cladistic analysis of 71 skeletal characters. The previously suggested anseriform affinity of the Presbyornithidae was confirmed. Furthermore, the family proved to be closer to the Anatidae than to the Anhimidae or Anseranatidae. The many postcranial similarities with certain charadriiform birds as the Burhinidae, obviously are plesiomorphies. By this observation, a better undestanding of character evolution in nonpasserine skeletal morphology is gained. The often suggested close relationship of anseriform and galliform birds is not confirmed by osteology. Instead, the Anseriformes and the Phoenicopteridae form a monophyletic clade that is the sister to the remaining ciconiiform birds. This result renders the Ciconiiformes sensu Wetmore (1960) polyphyletic.  相似文献   

The Baikal teal Anas formosa (Aves, Anseriformes, Anatidae) is classified as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List. Here, whole mitochondrial genome of A. formosa was amplified and sequenced. The total length of the Baikal teal mitochondrial genome is 16,594?bp, which consists of 13 protein-coding, 2 rRNA, 22 tRNA genes and 1 control region. The characteristics of the mitochondrial genomes were analyzed and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Marco Pavia 《Geobios》2013,46(1-2):43-48
The late Neogene (MN13-14) fissure fillings found in the limestone quarries near Apricena (Foggia, Southern Italy) contain a well-diversified fossil bird assemblage. Most of the bird taxa show endemic characteristics following the high degree of insularity of the whole vertebrate assemblage. In addition to the endemic taxa, some non-endemic forms are present, mostly only recently found after the still ongoing revision of the whole bird remains. Here the remains of Anatidae and Scolopacidae are presented. This analysis reveals the occurrence of at least two taxa of Anatidae, Anas velox and Anatidae indet., and two taxa of Scolopacidae, Calidris sp. and an Scolopacidae indet. In addition, some remains are determined as Charadriiformes indet., but they probably represent more than one taxon, even if their bad status of preservation does not allow any further consideration. The detailed study of these remains and their comparison with the other European Neogene taxa already described is carried out.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome of Bewick's swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii was completely sequenced and then the resultant data were compared with those of the whistling swan Cygnus columbianus columbianus. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of C. c. bewickii was 16,727?bp in length and its gene arrangement pattern, gene content, and genome organization were identical to those of Cygnus species. The similarities of nucleotide and amino acid sequences between the two swans were 99.1% and 99.6%, respectively. Out of the 13 protein-coding genes and 2 rRNA genes, COIII showed the lowest nucleotide sequence similarity with 98.0%. On the other hand, in amino acid sequence similarities, both COII and ATP6 showed the lowest with 98.7% in common. The control region has the 97.8% nucleotide sequence similarity.  相似文献   

A new large representative of the Anseriformes, Garganornis ballmanni n. gen. et n. sp., from the Miocene of Gargano, Italy, is described from the distal end of a left tibiotarsus. G. ballmanni displays morphological features that are characteristic of the Anseriformes, but differs from all extant and fossil Anseriformes, as well as from taxa closely related to Anseriformes. G. ballmanni is characterized by a very wide and shallow fossa intercondylaris, a less pronounced difference in width of the lateral and medial condyle, reduced epicondyli, and a circular opening of the distal canal. G. ballmanni is larger than any living member of Anseriformes, and with an estimated body mass between 15.3 and 22.3 kg, it was most likely flightless. Although the observed similarities between G. ballmanni and basal taxa might indicate that G. ballmanni represents an insular relict of a stem lineage, it is considered more likely that G. ballmanni was a species of waterfowl highly adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle in an insular environment where mammalian carnivores are rare.  相似文献   

Waterfowl (Aves, Anseriformes) constitute an ancient global radiation, and understanding the pattern and timing of their evolution requires a well-corroborated phylogeny including extant species and fossils. Following the molecular advances in avian systematics, however, morphology has often been held as misleading, yet congruence with molecular data has been shown to vary considerably among different skeletal parts. Here, we explore phylogenetic signal in discrete characters of the lacrimal/ectethmoid region of waterfowl, which is highly variable among species and constitutes a rich source of data. We do so by combining cladistic and multivariate approaches, and using phylogenetic comparative methods. We quantitatively recognize three major morphological types among lacrimal bones, and discuss homoplasy and potential synapomorphies of major clades using a molecular backbone tree. Our results clearly indicate that the lacrimal bone carries substantial phylogenetic signal and could be of systematic value at different levels of the phylogeny of waterfowl, feeding the exploration of other regions of the skull with this combined approach.  相似文献   

Karyotypes were studied in the hooded and carrion crows, their naturally occurred hybrids, the jungle crow, the azure-winged magpie (2n= 80 in all aforementioned birds), and the magpie (2n= 82). Corvine birds of Primorskii Krai were karyotyped for the first time. In addition to the similarity in the diploid chromosome sets, corvine birds were shown to have a similar structure of karyotype: in all studied birds, 14 macrochromosomes (Mchs) classified into three groups according to their size were detected. By karyotype structure, birds belonging to the same genus are similar. Some intergeneric differences are due to a change in the position of centromeres of the largest and sex chromosomes. Karyotypes of interspecific hybrids of crows are remarkable for the presence of heteromorphic (t/st) chromosome pair 2 in some individuals, which apparently does not affect their fecundity. Using differential C-banding, the sex chromosome W in female magpies was identified. In addition, heteromorphism was detected in C-bands of homologs of Mch pair 4 in the hooded crow. In the jungle crow, the azure-winged magpie, and the magpie, bright QH-bands and numerous G-bands were detected on Mchs and on some microchromosomes only. Active Ag-NOR-bands were detected on one macrochromosome pair in the magpie. In all, the karyotype structure of corvine birds is comparable to the basic structural scheme of the karyotype in the order Passeriformes, which confirms the concept of conservatism of the avian karyotype.  相似文献   

Vegavis iaai is a neornithine bird coming from the Late Cretaceous Sandwich Bluff Member of the López de Bertodano Formation (Maastrichtian), Antarctic Peninsula. Vegavis constitutes the only unquestionable Cretaceous neornithine bird, and is known by the holotype and specimen MACN-PV 19.748. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed osteohistological analysis of V. iaai. Vegavis shows a highly vascularized fibrolamellar matrix lacking lines of arrested growths, features widespread among modern birds. This is consistent with previous hypotheses indicating that modern birds were dominant at high latitudes. This is probably related to high-metabolic rates shared by modern birds, whereas archaic taxa as Enantiornithes are absent or form a minority part of High-Latitude bird assemblages. Vegavis was a diver, characterised by a certain degree of limb osteosclerosis, with an increase of bone inner compactness, and inhibition of secondary remodelling, with no effect on the external dimensions of the bone, a combination of characters related to diving lifestyle. Based on Relative Bone Thickness it is possible to infer that Vegavis was a foot-propelled diving bird, similar to some extant anseriforms. Occurrence of osteosclerotic limb bones in Vegavis and Polarornis may constitute a derived shared feature, sustaining the hypothesis that both taxa are phylogenetically related.  相似文献   

Summary The straining of seeds ranging in size from 0.01 to 4.6 mm was investigated in the filtering mechanisms of three anseriform species, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas clypeata, and Aythya fuligala. The morphology of the filtering mechanisms was studied by dissection and from microsections. The kinematic work envelope of the beaks was measured by stereotactic manipulation. The actual beak kinematics were analyzed by calculating the changes of the mouth volume from computer simulations and comparing the results with the amounts of water expelled. The performances of the filter and the water pump were measured with special collection boxes. The influence of the lamellae was estimated by removing them in whole or in part and measuring the performances again. The results show that if the size of the strained seeds increases, the gapes and amplitudes also increase (cf. bill rotations). Beak rotation is elevated for small kernels, even more elevated for slightly larger ones, but depressed for large kernels. However, neither frequencies nor phase shifts change between different moving elements. Simulation of these data by stereotactic manipulation of fresh material and by measuring gape sizes and mesh widths shows that the beak kinematics during straining keep mesh widths and gapes carefully adjusted to the seed size. The pumping and the filtering mechanisms influence each other mutually in setting boundary conditions on mouth kinematics. Beyond a certain kernel size, the necessity for mesh-width control sets a boundary on the increase of the water flow. Conversely, phase shifts, frequency changes and change of lingual amplitudes were restricted by the pumping mechanism. Drastic shortening of either dorsal mandibular or maxillary lamellae in Anas platyrhynchos and Aythya fuligula does not effect either the filter performances, the pump performances, or the beak kinematics, but these modifications do change the performances in Anas clypeata. The usually accepted assumption concerning food sieving was thus verified for Anas clypeata and falsified for the other two anseriform species. Therefore, a vortex model in addition to the sieving model, was developed, based on the assumption that local vortices cause inertia of particles so that small kernels are filtered by centrifugation and translation out of the main water flow. Combined effects of sieving and centrifugation occur when larger kernels are filtered. The kinematics of the filtering mechanism are highly flexible; therefore, a wide tolerance for seed sizes exists. However, the morphology of the filtering mechanism differs in the three species. Testing whether the anseriform filter mechanism is so plastic that the mechanism in each species has developed in such a way that the staple food is gathered most economically has shown that filtering of the staple food does indeed occur at the most efficient levels of maxillary rotation.  相似文献   

The Coscoroba (Coscoroba coscoroba), endemic to southern South America, is traditionally considered as an early branch from the common ancestor leading to true geese and swans. Recently, an interesting association between the Coscoroba and Cape Barren goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae) as sister groups has been proposed. We present here the characterization of the karyotype of C. coscoroba using whole chromosome probes derived from Gallus gallus macrochromosomes. Our data showed that C. coscoroba has the highest diploid number among Anseriformes (2n = 98), and the conservation of macrochromosome pairs 1–10 indicates that the increase in diploid number has occurred by fission events involving only the microchromosomes. Moreover, the similarity between the diploid numbers of C. coscoroba (2n = 98) and Cereopsis novaehollandiae (2n = 92) reinforces the phylogenetic position of these two species as sister groups, considering that other species of geese and swans have diploid numbers close to 2n = 80. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 274–279.  相似文献   

New data on the taxonomic and morphological diversity of Early Cretaceous Enantiornithes are reviewed. A new hypothesis concerning the phylogenetic position of Pengornithidae is proposed. These birds traditionally treated as primitive enantiornithines may in fact be more closely related to Ornithuromorpha. This phylogenetic placement implies that the fan-shaped tail and modern-type humeral joint was formed once in the early evolution of birds. Hence, the similarity between Pengornithidae and other enantiornithines may be plesiomorphic. The ecology of Early Cretaceous enantiornithines is discussed. The increased mobility of neck in Holbotia is possibly accounted for by the cranioinertial swallowing mechanism, as in modern ratites. The hypotheses of scansorial adaptations in Parapengornis and Fortunguavis are criticized. In addition, the phylogenetic position of Mystiornis is discussed.  相似文献   

Within Anseriformes, waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) exhibit three specialized feeding modes that are distinctive among Aves: filter-feeding with fine and dense keratinous lamellae on a flat, mediolaterally expanded bill; cropping or grazing vegetation with large and robust lamellae with a dorsoventrally expanded bill; and sharp lamellae associated with a narrow bill used in acquiring mixed invertebrates and fish underwater mainly by grasping. Here we assess morphometric variation in cranial and hyolingual structures as well as hyolingual myology in a diverse sample of Anatidae to explore the relationship of tongue variation and feeding mode. Phylogenetically informed principal component analysis (phyl.PCA) of cranial-lingual measurements for 67 extant and two extinct anatids recovers grazers and filter-feeding taxa in largely distinct areas of morphospace, while underwater graspers and other mixed feeders show less distinct clustering. The relationship between morphometric differences in skeletal features and muscular variation was further explored through a reassessment of hyolingual musculature enabled by contrast-enhanced X-ray computed tomography (CT) imagery acquired from three exemplar species (Branta canadensis, Chen caerulescens, and Aythya americana) with distinctive ecologies and morphologies of the bony hyoid. Data for these duck and geese exemplars reveal further significant, and previously unstudied, morphological differences between filter-feeding and grazing species. Grazers have a larger hyolingual apparatus with highly-developed extrinsic hyoid muscles; while filter-feeding species are characterized by relatively more diminutive extrinsic hyoid muscles and larger intrinsic hyoid muscles. The feeding modes of two extinct taxa (i.e., Presbyornis and Thambetochen) were also estimated from morphometric data. The results indicate a derived terrestrial browsing or grazing ecology for Thambetochen but do not unequivocally support a specialized filter-feeding ecology for Presbyornis, which is recovered with mixed feeders including swans. The combination of detailed, CT-mediated acquisition of fine muscular anatomy with morphometric approaches shows promise for illuminating form–function relationships in extant taxa more generally.  相似文献   

Despite the large body of literature on ecomorphological adaptations to foraging in waterfowl, little attention has been paid to their sensory systems, especially vision. Here, we compare eye shape and retinal topography across 12 species representing 4 different foraging modes. Eye shape was significantly different among foraging modes, with diving and pursuit-diving species having relatively smaller corneal diameters compared to non-diving species. This may be associated with differences in ambient light intensity while foraging or an ability to tightly constrict the pupil in divers in order to facilitate underwater vision. Retinal topography was similar across all species, consisting of an oblique visual streak, a central area of peak cell density, and no discernible fovea. Because the bill faces downwards when the head is held in the normal posture in waterfowl, the visual streak will be held horizontally, allowing the horizon to be sampled with higher visual acuity. Estimates of spatial resolving power were similar among species with only the Canada goose having a higher spatial resolution. Overall, we found no evidence of ecomorphological adaptations to different foraging modes in the retinal ganglion cell layer in waterfowl. Rather, retinal topography in these birds seems to reflect the ‘openness’ of their habitats.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):265-271
The Lesser White-fronted Goose [Anser erythropus (Linnaeus, 1758)] is one of the most threatened Palearctic goose species, with the Fennoscandinavian subpopulation in particular having seen a drastic decline over the last century. In the 1990s, captive-bred Lesser White-fronted Geese were used successfully for reintroduction and restocking in Sweden and Finland. The discovery of Greater White-fronted Goose [Anser albifrons (Scopoli, 1769)] mtDNA haplotypes in some of these captive-bred birds (Ruokonen et al. 2000) suggested that hybridisation had occurred during captive propagation and led to the discontinuation of the release of captive goslings. Here we report two hybrids of Lesser×Greater White-fronted Geese that were collected on their wintering grounds in England in 1936 and Holland in 1966. Birds from western Russia normally do not migrate south to Western Europe. Hence, these birds most likely originated from the Fennoscandinavian subpopulation and were collected prior to the commencement of the captive-breeding programmes. Both specimens show a heterogeneous set of morphological characters, some of which shared with the putative parent species and others being intermediate between the two White-fronted Goose species. A Canonical Discriminant Function analysis positions both specimens between the two putative parent species, making their hybrid status likely. We show, thus, that hybridisation between Greater and Lesser White-fronted Geese does occur naturally, albeit perhaps infrequently, and argue that the presence of Greater White-fronted Goose mtDNA haplotypes in Lesser White-fronted Goose may be the result of this naturally occurring hybridisation. Our data provide additional information on the debate whether the restocking programmes were halted for the right reasons and whether it is desirable to re-commence with the reintroduction programme.  相似文献   

The pterolichoid feather mites of megapodes are reviewed. Named taxa are briefly discussed and most are figured. The Pterolichidae (Pterolichinae) are: Ascetohchus Perez & Atyeo, three species; Echinozonus Atyeo & Perez, six species; Pereziella Atyeo, two species; and Phycoferus Atyeo & Perez, two species. New pterolichine taxa, with the type species listed first, include: Botryaspis cordiforma gen. et sp.n. and B. cordata gen. et sp.n.; Cycloprotarsus lineatus gen. et sp.n., C. centralis gen. et sp.n. and C. monacrotrichus gen. et sp.n.; Eurypterolichus gen.n. for Pterolichus navicula comb.n. Trouessart & Neumann and E. coniger gen. et sp.n.; Goniodurus gen.n. for Pterolichus ( Pseudalloptes ) quadratus comb.n. Trouessart and G. bilobatus gen. et sp.n.; Haptepigynus gen.n. for Pterolichus ( Pseudalloptes ) tridentiger comb.n. Trouessart and H. holonotus gen. et sp.n.; Heliaspis ventralis gen. et sp.n.; Leipobius ocellatus gen. et sp.n.; Maleolichus maleo gen. et sp.n.; Mayracarus gen.n. for Pterolichus (P.) tritilobus comb.n. Trouessart; Megapodobius arcuatus gen. et sp.n. and M. striatus gen. et sp.n.; Oxygynurus brevissimus gen. et sp.n., O. longicaulis gen. et sp.n., O. mediocaulis gen. et sp.n. and O. parvicaulis gen. et sp. n.; Prionoturus amembranatus gen. et sp. n.; Talegallobius bidentatus gen. et sp.n.; and Tanysomacarus imperfectus gen. et sp.n. and T. brachymeles gen. et sp.n. A new taxon of the Thoracosathesidae is: Thoracosathes caudiculata sp.n. Keys are provided and host- commensal associations are discussed. All taxa are restricted to the Megapodiidae. Cheylabis fuscina Trouessart is assigned to Pereziella and has as a synonym P. dupilcata Atyeo.  相似文献   

1985年侯连海初步报告了发现于云南禄丰中新世古猿地点的部分鸟类化石,建立了一新种石灰坝潜鸭(Aythya shihuibas),并将另一件标本定为河鸭属未定种(Anas sp.)。针对这两件鸭类标本保存的特征进行系统发育分析,并结合二者目前已知的分布情况,可以确定禄丰鸟类至少存在两个不同种(不同的系统发育支系),这和之前的结论相似。石灰坝潜鸭的肱骨腹侧气窝中具有骨质支柱,异于现生潜鸭类,代表了气窝演化的较原始形态,依此认为其很可能为一潜鸭类冠群以外的绝灭支系。另一件原命名为Anas p.的鸭类标本保存非常破碎,无法对其进行较精确的系统发育分析。它很可能为鸭科成员,或许可以称为河鸭类,尽管此属(Anas)为非单系类群。这件禄丰河鸭类标本可能与发现于蒙古中新世-上新世的另一河鸭属未定种关系较近,二者具有相似的特殊特征组合。  相似文献   

The karyotype of the osprey consists of 74 chromosomes. There are no large macrochromosomes and no typical microchromosomes. Autosome No. 2 has a prominent secondary constriction in the long arm. The Z chromosome is similar in size and shape to the largest autosome, the W is a small metacentric. Among the Falconiformes, the osprey karyotype mainly resembles the karyotypes of some accipitrid species. However, certain characteristic features of the karyotype, a unique secondary constriction chromosome and absence of microchromosomes, speak in favour of maintaining the osprey in a family of its own, Pandionidae.  相似文献   

Success of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project will be evaluated in part by monitoring populations of wading birds (Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes) and waterfowl (Anseriformes). These two waterbird guilds were integral components of the pre‐channelization river–floodplain ecosystem, and both declined substantially following channelization. Restoration is expected to attract wading birds and waterfowl by reintroducing naturally fluctuating water levels, seasonal hydroperiods, and historic vegetation communities. Post‐construction aerial surveys (November 2001 to May 2008) within the Phase I restoration area indicate that the abundance and species richness of both wading birds and waterfowl have shown a positive restoration response thus far. Dry season abundance of aquatic wading birds and waterfowl has exceeded restoration expectations (≥30.6 birds/km2 and ≥3.9 birds/km2, respectively) each year since the completion of restoration Phase I in 2001. While there has been a significant positive restoration effect on waterfowl abundance, waterfowl species richness (n = 6) has not yet reached the restoration expectation of ≥13 species. Abundance of the terrestrial cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), which increased dramatically after the majority of floodplain wetlands were converted to cattle pastures in the channelized system, has shown a significant negative response to restoration. It is anticipated that completion of the remaining phases of restoration (II/III), and implementation of the Kissimmee River Headwaters Revitalization water regulation schedule by 2019, will further increase and improve habitat for wading birds and waterfowl by reestablishing floodplain hydrology that more closely mimics historical conditions.  相似文献   

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