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Western Kenya is well known for abundant early Miocene hominoid fossils. However, the Wasiriya Beds of Rusinga Island, Kenya, preserve a Pleistocene sedimentary archive with radiocarbon age estimates of >33–45 ka that contains Middle Stone Age artifacts and abundant, well-preserved fossil fauna: a co-occurrence rare in eastern Africa, particularly in the region bounding Lake Victoria. Artifacts and fossils are associated with distal volcanic ash deposits that occur at multiple localities in the Wasiriya Beds, correlated on the basis of geochemical composition as determined by electron probe microanalysis. Sediment lithology and the fossil ungulates suggest a local fluvial system and associated riparian wooded habitat within a predominantly arid grassland setting that differs substantially from the modern environment, where local climate is strongly affected by moisture availability from Lake Victoria. In particular, the presence of oryx (Oryx gazella) and Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) suggest a pre-Last Glacial Maximum expansion of arid grasslands, an environmental reconstruction further supported by the presence of several extinct specialized grazers (Pelorovis antiquus, Megalotragus sp., and a small alcelaphine) that are unknown from Holocene deposits in eastern Africa. The combination of artifacts, a rich fossil fauna, and volcaniclastic sediments makes the Wasiriya Beds a key site for examining the Lake Victoria basin, a biogeographically important area for understanding the diversification and dispersal of Homo sapiens from Africa, whose pre-Last Glacial Maximum history remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

A fossil flora was collected in situ from early Miocene deposits at site R117 in the Hiwegi Formation of Rusinga Island contemporaneous with and in close proximity to the sites from where the anthropoid primates were recovered. The flora exhibits a spatially and temporally patchy distribution of fruits and seeds, mixed with twigs of various sizes, fragments of wood, bark, and leaves, all with random orientations and very low depositional dips. There has been minimal transport and the flora evidently accumulated as in situ litter beneath local vegetation. Based on Nearest Living Relatives (NLR) of fruits and seeds, the vegetation represented is a deciduous broad-leaved woodland with continuous canopy, with trees, shrubs, lianas, and climbers, reminiscent of the structure of the modern vegetation in the steep-sided protected valleys in the Laetoli-Endulen area. The interpretation of the vegetation is supported by the presence of twigs, wood, and bark fragments from larger diameter axes. Climbers are represented by twining stem fragments as well as by a wide variety of distinctive fruits and seeds. The proportion of fossilised thorny twigs represents only 3% of the twig collections, and there are no unequivocal forest trees amongst the NLR. No grasses were present; monocotyledons are only represented by a single date palm stone. No conifer seeds or cones have been recovered, and there are no coniferous leafy shoots.  相似文献   

Despite a steady increase in population since the 1930s, farmers on Rusinga Island in Kenya have abandoned many traditional intensive agricultural practices, including the construction of hillside terraces. At the same time, low crop yields have led to a chronic shortage of food on the island. This paper, based on an analysis of archival materials and a detailed agronomic study of the farming system, analyzes the causes of this process of disintensification. Labor scarcity resulting from migrant wage employment and the growing importance of the fishing industry has been a major factor in the decline of agriculture on the island. The loss of soil conservation practices and serious weed infestations have contributed to the collapse of farm productivity. This study highlights the importance of understanding not only the local ecology but also the broader political and economic environment in order to explain farmers' decisions and the process of agricultural change.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the wrist of two species of the early Miocene hominoid Proconsul is described based on new material collected on Rusinga Island, Kenya. These fossils generally confirm previous findings that the wrist of Proconsul is monkey-like in much of its morphology. However, the structure of the ulnar side of the wrist, particularly the ulnocarpal joint, is significantly different from that of extant monkeys and suggests some functional affinities with extant hominoids. Thus the wrist of Proconsul is neither monkey-like nor ape-like in its total morphology. Instead, it shows a unique combination of features which once again point to the oversimplicity of forcing fossil forms into categories based only on extant taxa.  相似文献   



Capacity strengthening of rural communities, and the various actors that support them, is needed to enable them to lead their own malaria control programmes. Here the existing capacity of a rural community in western Kenya was evaluated in preparation for a larger intervention.


Focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews were carried out in 1,451 households to determine (1) demographics of respondent and household; (2) socio-economic status of the household; (3) knowledge and beliefs about malaria (symptoms, prevention methods, mosquito life cycle); (4) typical practices used for malaria prevention; (5) the treatment-seeking behaviour and household expenditure for malaria treatment; and (6) the willingness to prepare and implement community-based vector control.


Malaria was considered a major threat to life but relevant knowledge was a chimera of scientific knowledge and traditional beliefs, which combined with socio-economic circumstances, leads to ineffective malaria prevention. The actual malaria prevention behaviour practiced by community members differed significantly from methods known to the respondents. Beside bednet use, the major interventions implemented were bush clearing and various hygienic measures, even though these are ineffective for malaria prevention. Encouragingly, most respondents believed malaria could be controlled and were willing to contribute to a community-based malaria control program but felt they needed outside assistance.


Culturally sensitive but evidence-based education interventions, utilizing participatory tools, are urgently required which consider traditional beliefs and enable understanding of causal connections between mosquito ecology, parasite transmission and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Community-based organizations and schools need to be equipped with knowledge through partnerships with national and international research and tertiary education institutions so that evidence-based research can be applied at the grassroots level.  相似文献   

Early Miocene fossils from Rusinga Island, Kenya, provide some of the best evidence for catarrhine evolution and diversification, and, together with more than eighty-five other mammalian species, form an important comparative reference for understanding faunal succession in East Africa. While there is consensus over the stratigraphic position of most of Rusinga's volcaniclastic deposits, the lacustrine Kulu Formation has been placed in various parts of the geological sequence by different researchers. To resolve this discrepancy, we conducted detailed geological analyses which indicate that the Kulu Formation was formed in the Early Miocene during a period of volcanic inactivity and subsidence following the early, mainly explosive hyper-alkaline phase of the Kisingiri complex and prior to the final eruptions of nephelinitic lavas. The underlying Hiwegi and older formations were locally deformed and deeply eroded before sedimentation began in the Kulu basin, so that the Kulu sediments may be significantly younger than the 17.8 Ma Hiwegi Formation and not much older than the overlying Kiangata Agglomerata-Lunene Lava series, loosely dated to ca. 15 Ma. The overall similarities between Kulu and Hiwegi faunas imply long-term ecological stability in this region. Our stratigraphic interpretation suggests that the Kulu fauna is contemporaneous with faunas from West Turkana, implying that differences between these assemblages—particularly in the primate communities—reflect paleobiogeographic and/or paleocological differences. Finally, the position of the Kulu Formation restricts the time frame during which the substantial faunal turnover seen in the differences between the primate and mammalian communities of Rusinga and Maboko Islands could have occurred.  相似文献   

Host community composition and biodiversity can limit and regulate tick abundance which can have profound impacts on the incidence and severity of tick-borne diseases. Our understanding of the relationship between host community composition and tick abundance is still very limited. Here, we present a novel mathematical model of a stage-structured tick population to study the influence of host behaviour and competition in the presence of heterospecifics and the influence of host predation on tick densities. We examine the influence of specific changes in biodiversity that modify the competition among and the predation on small and large host populations. We find that increasing biodiversity will not always reduce tick populations, but depends on changes in species composition affecting the degree and type competition among hosts, and the host the predation is acting on. With indirect competition, tick densities are not regulated by increasing biodiversity; however, with direct competition, increased biodiversity will regulate tick densities. Generally, we find that biodiversity will regulate tick densities when it affects tick-host encounter rates. We also find that predation on small hosts have a limited influence on reducing tick populations, but when the predation was on large hosts this increased the magnitude of tick population oscillations. Our results have tick-management implications: while controlling large host populations (e.g. deer) and adult ticks will decrease tick densities, measures that directly control the nymph ticks could also be effective.  相似文献   

The population biology of parasite-induced changes in host behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ability of parasites to change the behavior of infected hosts has been documented and reviewed by a number of different authors (Holmes and Bethel, 1972; Moore, 1984a). This review attempts to quantify the population dynamic consequences of this behavior by developing simple mathematical models for the most frequently recorded of such parasite life cycles. Although changes in the behavior of infected hosts do occur for pathogens with direct life cycles, they are most commonly recorded in the intermediate hosts of parasites with complex life cycles. All the changes in host behavior serve to increase rates of transmission of the parasites between hosts. In the simplest case the changes in behavior increase rates of contact between infected and susceptible conspecific hosts, whereas in the more complex cases fairly sophisticated manipulations of the host's behavioral repertory are achieved. Three topics are dealt with in some detail: (1) the behavior of the insect vectors of such diseases as malaria and trypanosomiasis; (2) the intermediate hosts of helminths whose behavior is affected in such a way as to make them more susceptible to predation by the definitive host in the life cycle; and (3) the behavior and fecundity of molluscs infected with asexually reproducing parasitic flatworms. In each case an expression is derived for R0, the basic reproductive rate of the parasite when first introduced into the population. This is used to determine the threshold numbers of definitive and intermediate hosts needed to maintain a population of the pathogen. In all cases, parasite-induced changes in host behavior tend to increase R0 and reduce the threshold number of hosts required to sustain the infection. The population dynamics of the interaction between parasites and their hosts are then explored using phase plane analyses. This suggests that both the parasite and intermediate host populations may show oscillatory patterns of abundance. When the density of the latter is low, parasite-induced changes in host behavior increase this tendency to oscillate. When intermediate host population densities are high, parasite population density is determined principally by interactions between the parasites and their definitive hosts, and changes in the behavior of intermediate hosts are less important in determining parasite density. Analysis of these models also suggests that both asexual reproduction of the parasite within a host and parasite-induced reduction in host fecundity may be stabilizing mechanisms when they occur in the intermediate hosts of parasite species with indirect life cycles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the infestation densities of Karoo and brown paralysis ticks on sheep and goats and explain it in terms of the etho-ecology of these ticks and their domestic hosts. The Karoo paralysis tick usually quests from a vantage point on the vegetation whereas the brown paralysis tick displays an appetence response from the ground and mainly engages hosts that are prostrate. Both tick species are confined chiefly to hilly areas. Temporal differences in the infestation densities of the hosts within and between tick species were evident. These differences were related to disparities in the spatial distribution of the hosts, their activity patterns and the specific appetence responses of the two tick species. Differential climatological conditions affected the quality of forage in areas with a varied topography and the feeding preferences of hosts influenced tick-host sympatry and hence infestation densities.  相似文献   

The transmission and the persistence of tick-borne infections are strongly influenced by the densities and the structure of host populations. By extending previous models and analysis, in this paper we analyse how the persistence of ticks and pathogens, is affected by the dynamics of tick populations, and by their host densities. The effect of host densities on infection persistence is explored through the analysis and simulation of a series of models that include different assumptions on tick-host dynamics and consider different routes of infection transmission. Ticks are assumed to feed on two types of host species which vary in their reservoir competence. Too low densities of competent hosts (i.e., hosts where transmission can occur) do not sustain the infection cycle, while too high densities of incompetent hosts may dilute the competent hosts so much to make infection persistence impossible. A dilution effect may occur also for competent hosts as a consequence of reduced tick to host ratio; this is possible only if the regulation of tick populations is such that tick density does not increase linearly with host densities.  相似文献   

I examine here the effects of host heterogeneity in the growth of immune response on the evolution and co-evolution of virulence. The analysis is based on an extension of the 'nested model' by Gilchrist and Sasaki [Modeling host-parasite coevolution, J. Theor. Biol. 218 (2002), pp. 289-308]; the criteria for host and parasite evolution, in the paradigm of adaptive dynamics, for that model are derived in generality. Host heterogeneity is assumed to be fixed at birth according to a lognormal distribution or to the presence of two discrete types. In both cases, it is found that host heterogeneity determines a dramatic decrease in pathogen virulence, since pathogens will tune to the 'weakest' hosts. Finally we clarify how contrasting results present in the literature are due to different modelling assumptions.  相似文献   

Ticks are important vectors of pathogens that cause human and animal disease. Pheromones play a role of fundamental importance in intraspecies communication. Here, Gordon Hamilton discusses how these chemical messengers play a role in mate location, host location, and survival in adverse conditions, and how manipulation of this chemical communication system may provide a potential method of tick control.  相似文献   

Presence of wild host plants of stem borers in cereal-growing areas has been considered as reservoirs of lepidopteran stem borers, responsible for attack of crops during the growing season. Surveys to catalogue hosts and borers as well as to assess the abundance of the hosts were carried out during the cropping and non-cropping seasons in different agro-ecological zones along varying altitude gradient in Kenya. A total of 61 stem borer species belonging to families Noctuidae (25), Crambidae (14), Pyralidae (9), Tortricidae (11) and Cossidae (2) were recovered from 42 wild plant species. Two noctuids, Busseola fusca (Fuller), Sesamia calamistis Hampson, and two crambids, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand) were the four main borer species found associated with maize plants. In the wild, B. fusca was recovered from a limited number of host plant species and among them were Sorghum arundinaceum (Desvaux) Stapf, Setaria megaphylla (Steudel) T. Durand & Schinz, Arundo donax L. and Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher. In contrast, the host range of C. partellus was considerably wider [13 for S. calamistis]. However, the number of larvae of these species was lower in the wild compared to cultivated fields, thus the role of natural habitat as a reservoir for cereal stem borers requires further studies. Importance of the wild host plants as well as borer diversity along the altitudinal gradient is discussed.  相似文献   

Role of saliva in tick/host interactions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although several hosts mount efficient anti-tick immunity, natural tick/host associations are characterized by inefficient or non-existent anti-tick immunity. The absence of efficient anti-tick immunity in natural hosts could result from either host immune incompetence or the ectoparasite's successful evasion of the host's immune response. In this review I discuss data supporting the immune-evasion hypothesis and discuss its consequences to tick/host interactions.Supported by grants AI-18694-0481 from the National Institutes of Health and DAMD-17-87-C-7110 from the United States Army.  相似文献   

The Middle Miocene sediments of Maboko Island (Lake Victoria) in western Kenya yielded numerous avian bones, which remained, however, little studied. The significance of this material is shown by the recent identification of an opisthocomiform bird. In the present study, further avian remains from Maboko Island are described. Most of the specimens belong to aquatic or semi-aquatic groups, of which some are closely related to taxa known from Early and Middle Miocene European avifaunas, that is, Nectornis cormorants (N. africanus nov. sp.) and Laricola-like Laromorphae. The fossil material also includes Ciconiidae (cf. Ciconia), Pelecanidae, Phoenicopteridae (Leakeyornis aethiopicus), Musophagidae, and a species of Ardeidae, which closely resembles the taxon Pikaihao from the Early Miocene of New Zealand. Some avian remains from Maboko Island belong to higher-level taxa unknown from the Middle Miocene of Europe. The occurrence of a giant Jacanidae (?Nupharanassa mabokoensis nov. sp.) is of particular interest, because these are globally absent in extant avifaunas and were previously only known from the Late Eocene/Early Oligocene of Egypt. Further unknown from contemporaneous European sites are small representatives of Jacanidae, Bucerotidae, and Alcedinidae, with the fossils of the latter two taxa being among the earliest published records of their respective groups. Several of the taxa that are common in contemporaneous European avifaunas have not been found in Maboko, and in spite of less pronounced climatic differences, Middle Miocene Afrotropical avifaunas already appear to have been distinct from contemporaneous European ones.  相似文献   

Ticks are obligate blood-feeding parasites that secrete anti-hemostatic components during feeding to enable control of the hemostatic system of the host. Complex interactions at the tick-host interface are an indication of the important role that the host played during tick evolution. The question is to what extent interaction with the host and the environment influences tick evolution. Previously, two isoforms (97% sequence identity) of savignygrin, an alphaIIbbeta3 antagonist, have been described. The presence of both isoforms within 20 random individuals confirmed that these isoforms must be recent gene duplicates. Analysis of the sequence differences between the isoforms shows a Kn/Ks ratio of 1, which indicates neutral selection for the isoforms. However, the biased localization of differences within the 3' end of the genes suggests that concerted evolution acts on the isoforms. Calculation of the divergence date between the isoforms (1.6-5.2 MYA) also indicates purifying selection, as ample time had passed after duplication, for inactivation of one gene copy. We conclude that concerted evolution has functioned to maintain a high copy number of the savignygrins in order for Ornithodoros savignyi to parasitize a wide host range. This contrasts with O. moubata that expresses the savignygrin homolog, disagregin, as a single copy at lower concentration levels and correlates with the confined habitat and consequently narrow host range of O. moubata. Recent "domestication" of O. savignyi due to animal husbandry practices could however, have reduced the selection constraints acting to maintain the gene copies as evidenced by the structural instability of one of the isoforms. Our results suggest that environmental factors and host associations do play an important role in the evolution of anti-hemostatic components in ticks.  相似文献   

A partial skeleton attributed to Proconsul nyanzae (KNM-MW 13142) is described. The fossils were found at a site on Mfangano Island, Kenya, which dates to 17.9 ± .1 million years ago. KNM-MW 13142 consists of six partial vertebrae (T12-S1), a nearly complete hipbone, most of the right femur and left femoral shaft, a fragmentary tibia and fibula, and a nearly complete talus and calcaneus. This skeleton provides the first pelvic fossil known for any East African Miocene hominoid. The new Proconsul specimen is compared to a large sample of extant anthropoids to determine its functional and phylogenetic affinities. In most aspects of its anatomy, KNM-MW 13142 closely resembles nonhominoid anthropoids. This individual had a long, flexible spine, narrow torso, and habitually pronograde posture, features characteristic of most extant monkeys. Evidence of spinal musculature suggests a generalized condition intermediate between that of cercopithecoids and hylobatids. The hindlimb of KNM-MW 13142 exhibits relatively mobile hip and ankle joints, with structural properties of the femur like those of hominoids. This mix of features implies a pattern of posture and locomotion that is unlike that of any extant primate. Many aspects of the Proconsul nyanzae locomotor skeleton may represent the primitive catarrhine condition. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Onditi  Kenneth Otieno  Li  Xueyou  Song  Wenyu  Li  Quan  Musila  Simon  Mathenge  James  Kioko  Esther  Jiang  Xuelong 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2021,30(13):3813-3836

Merely designating new and/or expanding existing protected areas (PAs) does not guarantee the protection of critical ecosystems and species. The management of PAs must be effective to sustain meaningful conservational outcomes. We inferred the management effectiveness of PAs in Kenya based on the representation of ranges and distribution of multiple diversity dimensions of terrestrial mammals and their association with governance and designation types. We hypothesized that different governance types underlie variable management efficacies, such that stricter-managed PAs have better habitats that attract more wildlife, translating to higher species diversity compared to less strictly-managed PAs, especially for focal species groups (large carnivores, large herbivores, and endangered species). The results showed nearly all terrestrial mammals in Kenya represented in at least one PA. However, the relative proportion of represented ranges were low, and analysis of spatial conservation prioritization showed significant expansion beyond current PAs needed to achieve a one third coverage of focal species’ ranges in a best-solution reserve system. Differences in PA governance and designation types were not systematically associated with diversity variances, and while there were more unique species in state-managed PAs than in privately-managed ones, averaged diversity coefficients were comparable between categories. Diversity variances explained by PA size and status year were low in a combined species pool but increased in focal species groups. These findings suggest that success in terrestrial mammal conservation in PAs in Kenya require clearly and formally streamlined definition, performance feedback, and collaboration terms between state-managed and privately-managed PAs.


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