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Seventy one fish species belonging to 27 families and 50 genera were collected from various sampling sites spread along the upstream and downstream parts of the Chalakudy river, in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot in Kerala, South India. Cyprinids were the most dominant group represented by 24 species belonging to 13 genera, followed by the catfishes of the family Bagridae (7 species from 2 genera) and loaches belonging to the family Balitoridae (5 species from 5 genera). Of the 71 species, 4 belong to the ‘critically endangered’ (CR) and 16 to the ‘endangered’ (EN) category. 3 of the critically endangered species are strictly endemic to the Chalakudy river system. We also collected 5 exotic species several of them categorized as potential pest. Fish species richness (FSR) showed a direct relationship with increasing stream order with maximum values observed in the downstream/low elevation regions. Considerable differences were observed in the FSR between different microhabitats with maximum values observed in bed rock and pool riffle and the lowest in regimes followed by step pools. Diversity and species richness decreased with increasing altitude and higher diversity and species richness were observed in sampling sites located between 0–200 m above sea level. A definite temporal partitioning was also observed with regard to FSR with higher richness during the day time and the lowest observed at dawn. Indiscriminate collection of endemic and threatened ornamental fish species for export, exploitation of endangered food fishes by forest-dwelling communities and local fisher folk, pollution, loss of riparian cover, damming and exotic species threaten the rich ichthyofaunal diversity of Chalakudy River. An urgent need exists for studying the life history traits and demography of the most important endemic and threatened fishes, as lack of information on these aspects have significantly affected conservation efforts. The implementation of strong management strategies like fixing total allowable catch (TAC), and the use of quotas are needed to reduce the overall collection pressure with regard to the trade in native ornamental species from the river.  相似文献   

The river Ganges is the largest river in India and the fifth longest in the world. Although, many studies on fish ecology and systematic have been conducted largely to improve fisheries but fish diversity and their distribution pattern from conservation point of view have never been adequately addressed in the Ganges. In this connection, current distribution and abundance of freshwater fishes of river Ganges was studied and assessed from April 2007 to March 2009. We documented and described 143 freshwater fish species in the all stretches of the river which is higher than what was reported earlier. Some species were observed with shift in their distribution ranges. First time, a total of 10 exotic fishes, including Pterygoplichthys anisitsi, which has never been reported from India found in the Ganges. Alterations of the hydrological pattern due to various types of hydro projects was seems to be the largest threat to fishes of Ganges. Indiscriminate and illegal fishing, pollution, water abstraction, siltation and invasion of exotic species are also threatening the fish diversity in the Ganges and as many as 29 species are listed under threatened category. The study advocates a need to identify critical fish habitats in the Ganga basin to declare them as conservation reserves to mitigate the loss of fish diversity from this mighty large river.  相似文献   

We investigated aquatic plant diversity by conducting the field investigation and collecting the published data in the arid regions of Northwest China. Two hundred and twenty four taxa of vascular aquatic plants representing 64 genera and 34 families occur in this area, 8.48% of which are endemic. Among these, 1 genus and 6 species were new state records and 1 family, 9 genera and 29 species were new area records. Typhaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Juncaginaceae and Haloragaceae were the most frequent families (considering relative frequency of occurrence), whereas Cyperaceae, Potamogetonaceae and Ranuncnlaceae are the most species-rich. The most frequent genera were Typha, Potamogeton, and Triglochin, and the most species-rich were Potamogeton, Eleocharis and Scirpus. The most frequent species are Triglochin palustre, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton pectinatus and Typha angustifolia. Aquatic plants diversity is distributed unevenly in the region. The maximum species occurs in Dzungarian basin while the least species in Hexi corridor. The aquatic flora in arid zone of China is not distinctive although some endemic species are found, most species are widely distributed. Local aquatic plants diversity can be influenced by many factors such as hydrological alteration, habitat loss, over-grazing, high human population pressure, global climate change, an inappropriate economic development policy. Among them, the largest threat to aquatic plants biodiversity may be habitat loss due to hydrological alteration. In order to conserve the aquatic plants biological resources and biodiversity in this region, some strategies and measures must be suggested including strengthening scientific research and biodiversity education in the local people, balancing economic development and ecological conservation, and enhancing governmental assistance and subsidy to the local residents.  相似文献   

Freshwater biodiversity is the over‐riding conservation priority during the International Decade for Action ‐‘Water for Life’ ‐ 2005 to 2015. Fresh water makes up only 0.01% of the World's water and approximately 0.8 % of the Earth's surface, yet this tiny fraction of global water supports at least 100 000 species out of approximately 1.8 million ‐ almost 6% of all described species. Inland waters and freshwater biodiversity constitute a valuable natural resource, in economic, cultural, aesthetic, scientific and educational terms. Their conservation and management are critical to the interests of all humans, nations and governments. Yet this precious heritage is in crisis. Fresh waters are experiencing declines in biodiversity far greater than those in the most affected terrestrial ecosystems, and if trends in human demands for water remain unaltered and species losses continue at current rates, the opportunity to conserve much of the remaining biodiversity in fresh water will vanish before the ‘Water for Life’ decade ends in 2015. Why is this so, and what is being done about it? This article explores the special features of freshwater habitats and the biodiversity they support that makes them especially vulnerable to human activities. We document threats to global freshwater biodiversity under five headings: overexploitation; water pollution; flow modification; destruction or degradation of habitat; and invasion by exotic species. Their combined and interacting influences have resulted in population declines and range reduction of freshwater biodiversity worldwide. Conservation of biodiversity is complicated by the landscape position of rivers and wetlands as ‘receivers’ of land‐use effluents, and the problems posed by endemism and thus non‐substitutability. In addition, in many parts of the world, fresh water is subject to severe competition among multiple human stakeholders. Protection of freshwater biodiversity is perhaps the ultimate conservation challenge because it is influenced by the upstream drainage network, the surrounding land, the riparian zone, and ‐ in the case of migrating aquatic fauna ‐ downstream reaches. Such prerequisites are hardly ever met. Immediate action is needed where opportunities exist to set aside intact lake and river ecosystems within large protected areas. For most of the global land surface, trade‐offs between conservation of freshwater biodiversity and human use of ecosystem goods and services are necessary. We advocate continuing attempts to check species loss but, in many situations, urge adoption of a compromise position of management for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem functioning and resilience, and human livelihoods in order to provide a viable long‐term basis for freshwater conservation. Recognition of this need will require adoption of a new paradigm for biodiversity protection and freshwater ecosystem management ‐ one that has been appropriately termed ‘reconciliation ecology’.  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity: patterns, threats and conservation needs   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Marine biodiversity is higher in benthic rather than pelagic systems, and in coasts rather than the open ocean since there is a greater range of habitats near the coast. The highest species diversity occurs in the Indonesian archipelago and decreases radially from there. The terrestrial pattern of increasing diversity from poles to tropics occurs from the Arctic to the tropics but does not seem to occur in the southern hemisphere where diversity is high at high latitides. Losses of marine diversity are highest in coastal areas largely as a result of conflicting uses of coastal habitats. The best way to conserve marine diversity is to conserve habitat and landscape diversity in the coastal area. Marine protected areas are only a part of the conservation strategy needed. It is suggested that a framework for coastal conservation is integrated coastal area management where one of the primary goals is sustainable use of coastal biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Guadiana River basin’s freshwater fish species richness, endemicity and threatened status (92% of native species are threatened) highlight the need for a large-scale study to identify priority areas for their conservation. One of the most common problems in conservation planning is the assessment of a site’s relative value for the conservation of regional biodiversity. Here we used a two-tiered approach, which integrates an assessment of biodiversity loss and the evaluation of conservation value through site-specific measures. These measures based on the reference condition approach introduce the ability to make objective comparisons throughout the Guadiana River basin, thus avoiding a priori target areas. We identified a set of biodiversity priority areas of special conservation significance—which contain rare taxa as well as intact fish communities—because of their outstanding contribution to the basin’s biodiversity. The inclusion of complete sub-basins in these priority areas might guarantee an optimal solution in terms of spatial aggregation and connectivity. However, the high spatial fragmentation to which the Guadiana River basin is submitted due to river regulation highlights the necessity of a systematic approach to evaluate the capability of the identified priority areas to maintain the Guadiana’s freshwater fish biodiversity. Handling editor: R. H. Norris  相似文献   

赤水河鱼类资源的现状与保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赤水河是长江上游右岸一级支流,为长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的重要组成部分。为了了解赤水河鱼类资源现状,于2007年4-10月在赤水河流域进行了鱼类资源调查。在干、支流共51个采样点采集了鱼类标本;对茅台镇、赤水市和合江县三个江段的渔获物进行了统计和分析。共采集到鱼类119种(亚种),隶属于5目16科75属。其中25种为该水域的新记录;34种为长江上游特有鱼类,尤其是宽唇华缨鱼(Sinocrossocheilus labiatus)仅分布于赤水河。在上、中、下游分别采集到鱼类36、61和100种。宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、光泽黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus nitidus)、张氏(Hemiculter tchangi)和蛇鮈(Saurogobio dabryi)为赤水河中主要的经济鱼类,同时,各江段渔获物的组成也存在一定的差别。本研究表明,赤水河流域鱼类种类相对丰富,但过度捕捞和涉水活动导致鱼类资源出现了一定程度的衰减。  相似文献   

East Tiaoxi River is one of the largest inflowing rivers into Taihu Lake, and the fish fauna in the river is poorly understood. In the present study, an extensive survey of fish was conducted in October and November 2009, May and September 2010 and May 2011 covering a total of 55 sites along the whole river. A total of 84 freshwater fish species belonging to 8 orders, 18 families and 52 genera have been recorded. Among these are 35 species endemic to China, and 3 newly recorded exotic species. The fish composition varies greatly from headwaters to downstream. Based on cluster analysis with presence-absence data, the East Tiaoxi River is divided into four regions, specifically, the upper reach, middle-up reach, middle reach and lower reach. It is observed that species richness and the proportion of omnivorous species increased from upstream to downstream while the proportion of invertivorous species decreased consequently. Habitat alteration, overfishing, pollution and inland navigation adversely affect the fish diversity and ecosystem functioning in the East Tiaoxi River. To protect fish diversity more effectively in the area, the conservation of fish biodiversity in the North Tiaoxi River and Middle Tiaoxi River should be considered as a priority. Meanwhile, shallow zones or backwater areas should be created in the middle-lower reaches. Furthermore, river restoration, in terms of habitat creation, should be considered to protect the structure and diversity of fish communities, halt the progressive deterioration of freshwater ecosystems and sustain a valuable ecological resource for humans.  相似文献   

Status of research on Yangtze fish biology and fisheries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yangtze is the largest river in China and the third largest river in the world. Being pregnant with plentiful fish resources, it is not only the representative of the areas with biological diversity, but also a cradle of freshwater fisheries in China. In the Yangtze, at present, the fishery resources are seriously depleted; the fishery yield by fishing is significantly reduced; significant changes have occurred on the structure of fish community, with decrease in migratory fish species, reduction in the quantity of the populations of rare, peculiar and economically important fish species and increase in the number of exotic fish species, and severe trend in fish stunting. Habitat fragmentation and shrinkage, resources overexploitation, water pollution and invasion of exotic species are the main causes for threatening fish stocks in the Yangtze River. Since 1950’s, a lot of scientific researches have been conducted on biology of fishes from the Yangtze River and its fisheries to provide scientific basis for their protection. In recent years, measures such as closed spring, fish reserves, artificial enhancement & release, ecological rehabilitation, fishery management and international cooperation have played important roles. Nevertheless, researches on fishes from the Yangtze cannot adequately meet the demand for their protection. Especially, those in the aspects of population ecology of Yangtze fishes, species endangerment mechanism, ecological effects of large hydraulic projects and protection strategy are not deep enough. It is recommended that scientific researches should be conducted in comprehensive survey of Yangtze fish resources, fish endangerment mechanism, techniques in artificial enhancement and release of key species, risk assessment of exotic species, ecological rehabilitation of major fisheries functional zones, etc.  相似文献   

Aim To document patterns in diversity, altitudinal range and body size of freshwater fishes along an elevational gradient in the Yangtze River basin. Location The Yangtze River basin, China. Methods We used published data to compile the distribution, altitudinal range and body size of freshwater fishes. Correlation, regression, clustering and graphical analyses were used to explore patterns in diversity, altitudinal range and body size of freshwater fishes in 100‐m elevation zones from 0 to 5200 m. Results Species richness patterns across the elevational gradient for total, non‐endemic and endemic fishes were different. The ratio of endemics to total richness peaked at mid elevation. Land area on a 500‐m interval scale explained a significant amount of the variation in species richness. Species density displayed two peaks at mid‐elevation zones. The cluster analysis revealed five distinct assemblages across the elevation gradient. The relationship between elevational range size and the midpoint of the elevational range revealed a triangular distribution. The frequency distribution of log maximum standard length data displayed an atypical right‐skewed pattern. Intermediate body sizes occurred across the greatest range of elevation while small and large body sizes possessed only small elevational amplitudes. The size‐elevation relationship between the two major families revealed a very strong pattern of body size constraint among the Cobitidae with no corresponding elevational constraint and a lot of body size and elevational diversification among the Cyprinidae. Main conclusion The data failed to support either Rapoport's rule or Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   

上海大莲湖鱼类群落组成及生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yue F  Luo ZK  Wu D  Pei EL  Wang TH 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):657-662
于2009年4月11—19日、4月27—5月8日和5月20—29日3个时间段对大莲湖的鱼类群落特征及其多样性组成进行了调查,共收集鱼类样本24061尾,隶属11科17属22种。群落优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占样本个体总数的76.38%;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.0027,Simpson优势度指数(λ)为0.5959,Pielous均匀度指数(J′)为0.3244,Margalef种类丰富度指标(D)为2.0816,相对稀有种数(R)为90.91%;鱼类群落可分为3个生态类型:江海洄游性鱼类有3种、河湖洄游性鱼类1种和定居性鱼类18种。鱼类食性可分为5种类型:食鱼性鱼类9种、食无脊椎动物性鱼类2种、杂食性鱼类7种、食浮游生物性鱼类有3种和草食性鱼类1种。研究结果表明:大莲湖鱼类群落的多样性指标处于较低水平,稳定性较低;相对于黄埔江下游地区,大莲湖的食鱼性鱼类比例较高,说明位于黄浦江上游的大莲湖之水质好于下游流域。为保护和持续利用大莲湖鱼类资源,应加强监管和对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

We record here the occurrence of five exotic fish species viz Oreochromis mossambicus, Gambusia affinis, Osphronemus goramy, Xiphophorus maculatus and Poecilia reticulata in the Chalakudy River, part of the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot in Kerala, India. O. mossambicus was ubiquitous in occurrence with large shoals being encountered at all sampling sites spread along the downstream-upstream gradient of the river, including at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Osphronemus goramy was recorded from the downstream region of the river while Gambusia affinis was recorded from three sampling sites located downstream as well as midstream. Xiphophorus maculatus was collected from a second order stream flowing through a tea plantation at an altitude of 1050 m ASL. Samples of brooders and early fry of Poecilia reticulata indicate that the fish has already established a breeding population in the river. Possible threats to the indigenous fish fauna of the Chalakudy River as a result of the invasion and proliferation of these exotics is discussed.  相似文献   

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, an important aquatic species, is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River basin. To reveal the population genetic structure of M. anguillicaudatus distributed in the Yangtze River basin, genotyping by sequencing (GBS) technique was employed to detect the genome wide genetic variations of M. anguillicaudatus. A total of 30.03 Gb raw data were yielded from 70 samples collected from 15 geographic sites located in the Yangtze River basin. Subsequently, 2092 high quality SNPs were genotyped across these samples and used for a series of genetic analysis. The results of genetic analysis showed that high levels of genetic diversity were observed and the populations from upper reaches (UR) were significantly differentiated from the middle and lower reaches (MLR) of Yangtze River basin. Meanwhile, no significant isolation by distance was detected among the populations. Ecological factors (e.g. complicated topography and climatic environment) and anthropogenic factors (e.g. aquaculture and agriculture cultivation) might account for the genetic disconnectivity between UR and MLR populations. This study provided valuable genetic data for the future breeding program and also for the conversation and scientific utilization of those abundant genetic resources stored in the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

黄河是中华文明的发源地, 被誉为母亲河, 是两岸社会经济发展的保障, 切实保护好黄河流域湿地生态系统, 事关中华民族伟大复兴的千秋大计。黄河流域湿地总面积为391万ha, 其中80.4%分布在上游, 中游和下游分别仅12.5%和7.1%。黄河流域是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙路线和中亚候鸟迁徙路线上水鸟的关键栖息地, 一些迁徙水鸟最关键的栖息地均分布在黄河流域, 如黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)、白鹤(G. leucogeranus)、丹顶鹤(G. japonensis)、斑头雁(Anser indicus)、大鸨(Otis tarda)、东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)、疣鼻天鹅(C. olor)、青头潜鸭(Aythya baeri)等。尽管黄河流域湿地提供的水资源仅占全国的2%, 但维持着全国12%的人口饮水安全和15%的耕地用水, 湿地生态系统的脆弱性较高。截至2017年底, 黄河流域已建立各类湿地自然保护地230处, 其中国家公园2处、国家级自然保护区9处、地方级自然保护区68处、国家湿地公园145处、省级湿地公园6处, 湿地保护率达到65%, 高于我国湿地保护53%的平均水平。然而, 流域尺度现有水鸟生物多样性保护仍然面临不少挑战, 包括全球气候变化、水资源过度利用、水环境污染、栖息地丧失等。为此, 我们提出了建立以国家公园为主体的湿地保护地体系、开展濒危候鸟栖息地修复和强化黄河流域综合管理的体制机制建设等建议。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat alteration interferes the natural aquatic habitats and the system''s hydrodynamics in the Yangtze River floodplain lakes, resulting in a serious decline in freshwater biodiversity. Zooplankton communities possess major position in freshwater ecosystems, which play essential parts in maintaining biological balance of freshwater habitats. Knowledge of processes and mechanisms for affecting variations in abundance, biomass, and diversity of zooplankton is important for maintaining biological balance of freshwater ecosystems. Here, we analyzed that the temporal and spatial changes in the structure of zooplankton community and their temporal and spatial variations respond to changes in environmental factors in the middle reach of Yangtze River floodplain lakes. The results showed that zooplankton samples were classified into 128 species, and Rotifera was the most common taxa. Significant seasonal differences were found among the abundance and diversity of zooplankton. Similarly, we also found significant seasonal differences among the biomass of zooplankton functional groups. The spatial turnover component was the main contributor to the β diversity pattern, which indicated that study areas should establish habitat restoration areas to restore regional biodiversity. The NMDS plot showed that the structure of zooplankton community exhibited significant seasonal changes, where the community structure was correlated with pH, water temperature, water depth, salinity, total nitrogen, chlorophyll‐a, and total phosphorus based on RDA. This study highlights that it is very important to ensure the floodplain ecosystem''s original state of functionality for maintaining the regional diversity of the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

中国长江流域有着丰富的林木资源, 包含极高水平的物种多样性、特有性和遗传多样性。根据考古证据, 在旧石器和新石器时代长江文明早期的孕育与发展中, 林木在食物、能源、工具、建筑和舟船中的应用起到了关键作用。现在, 长江流域和珠江流域逐渐成为国内木材供给的热点地区。面对木材供给总量不足和大径级木材结构性短缺问题, 长江流域林木资源将是未来国内木材安全的重要保障。这使得林木种质资源的保护更加迫切。针对长江流域林木种质资源保护存在的家底不清和保存体系不完善问题, 我们应尽快完成林木种质资源的全面调查和重要树种的多样性分析; 完善原地、异地和设施保存相结合的保存体系。  相似文献   

钱塘江流域的淡水贝类   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
报告了对钱塘江流域进行淡水贝类调查的结果。标本经鉴定计有67种,隶属于腹足纲有9科18属42种,瓣鳃纲有4科11属25种,内有29种属浙江省新记录。分析了该流域淡水贝类与栖息环境的关系及该流域的常见种和偶见种,并探讨了该流域淡水贝类的分布区划。  相似文献   

Synopsis We surveyed 86 lakes affiliated to the Yangtze River to assess the status of natural freshwater icefishes, and to study their spatial distribution patterns and environmental relationships. Results showed that the spatial patterns of icefish diversity and the occupancy of each species related closely to the historical process of habitat fragmentation. Statistical analyses indicated that the spatial structure of the icefish assemblage significantly related to the area- and isolation-related environmental variables. These results illustrated the significant impacts of hydrological engineering (dykes and floodgates) on the historical dynamics of the icefish populations, and shed light on the essentiality and feasibility of conserving and wise using freshwater icefishes by managing suitable habitats and re-connecting the river-lake network in the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

长江上游是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,也是全球生物多样性热点地区之一.准确可靠地掌握生物多样性信息是生物多样性保护科学决策的基础,大尺度的生物多样性保护重要性评估已成为生物多样性研究及其保育管理和决策最紧迫的问题之一.设计了由植被景观多样性指数、自然保护区多样性指数、基于生态系统类型的物种多样性指数、国家保护植物多样性指数和国家保护动物多样性指数5大指标构成的区域生物多样性综合评价指标体系及其计算公式,并以县域为评价单元,开展了长江上游生物多样性综合评价.结果表明,长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要的县域共18个,占总县数的4.95%;评价结果为重要的县域共41个,占11.26%;评价结果为次重要的县域共76个,占20.88%;评价结果为中等水平的县域共106个,占29.12%;评价结果为中下水平的县域共68个,占18.68%;评价结果为不重要的县域共55个,占15 11%.长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要、较重要和重要的县域主要分布于横断山区、秦巴山区、华西雨屏区、长江源区和川渝鄂黔交界处山地.  相似文献   

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