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Molecular Genetics and Genomics - Several mutations affecting the control or the potential of gene expression in the argECBH bipolar operon have been characterized by enzyme assays, genetic...  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the control region of the divergent argECBH operon has been established in the wild type and in mutants affecting expression of these genes. The argE and argCBH promoters face each other and overlap with an operator region containing two domains which may act as distinct repressor binding sites. A long leader sequence - not involved in attenuation - precedes argCBH. Overlapping of the argCBH promoter and the region involved in ribosome mobilization for argE translation explains the dual effect of some mutations. Mutations causing semi-constitutive expression of argE improve putative promoter sequences within argC. Implications of these results regarding control mechanisms in amino acid biosynthesis and their evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis of the fae operon encoding the biosynthesis of K88 fimbriae revealed the presence of two divergently transcribed regulatory genes, faeA and faeB, separated by two inverted iS 1 insertions. The amino acid sequences of the regulatory proteins FaeA and FaeB show similarity to the primary structure of corresponding regulatory proteins involved in the biosynthesis of Pap and S fimbriae. Expression of faeA is positively controlled by the FaeA protein, whereas K88 fimbriae production is negatively controlled by the co-operative activity of FaeA and the leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp). Exchange of FaeA for Papl, a positive regulator of Pap fimbriae expression, also represses K88 production indicating that the combination Papl/Lrp has opposite effects on fae and pap expression. Mutations in faeB had no effect on the biosynthesis of K88 fimbriae. The presence of the two iS 1 insertions is hypothesized to neutralize part of the repression of K88 biosynthesis by FaeA/Lrp. Like pap, the fae operon does not respond to exogenous leucine.  相似文献   

M Crabeel  D Charlier  R Cunin  N Glansdorff 《Gene》1979,5(3):207-231
A 1.8 kb DNA fragment, liberated by endonuclease HindIII, contains the control region of the argECBH bipolar operon near one end and the weak secondary promoter of argH at the other extremity; it has been cloned in plasmid pBR322. The same plasmid vector has been used to clone the argF gene liberated from the chromosome by endonuclease BamHI. Restriction patterns for the two hybrid plasmids have been determined, using enzymes AluI, BglI, EcoRI, HaeIII, HincII, HindIII, HpaI and II, PstI and SalI. Two AluI sites situated on either side of and close to a HincII target delineate two short fragments covering the whole of the argECBH control region. The argF control elements are located in a region accessible to further dissection by BamHI, EcoRI, PstI and HindIII. Carriers of the argF plasmid produce extremely high amounts of ornithine carbamoyltransferase, a feature useful for purification of this enzyme.  相似文献   

R E Musso 《Plasmid》1989,22(3):275-280
Two previously characterized mutations in the galOPETK operon of Escherichia coli, galOP-3 and galOPE-490, contain IS2 insertions only 1 bp apart in the gal regulatory region; yet only the former yields Gal+ phenotypic revertants at a detectable frequency. We have shown that the galOPE-490 allele comprises two mutations--an IS2(I) insertion at bp+(2-6) (relative to the gal mRNA start site) plus a C/G to A/T transversion at bp + 59. The latter creates an ochre stop codon and lies within the internal site of the bipartite gal operator; it acts as an operator mutation in an in vivo repressor titration assay. Analysis of a newly isolated allele (galOP-490*) which retains the IS2 of galOPE-490 but is galE+ reveals a reversion frequency approximately 30-fold higher than that of galOP-3. Reversion of galOPE-490 is at least 10,000-fold lower and has not been detectable even under conditions conducive to enhanced double mutations in other systems.  相似文献   

The correlation between the level of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) specific for the argECBH gene cluster (argECBH mRNA) measured by ribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid (RNA-DNA) hybridization and the rates of synthesis of N-acetylornithine deacetylase (argE enzyme) and of argininosuccinate lyase (argH enzyme) of Escherichia coli strain K-12 were determined for steady-state growth with and without added L-arginine and during the transition periods between these two states. During the transient period after arginine removal (transient derepression), the synthesis of enzymes argE and argH was initially three to five times greater than the steady-state derepressed rate finally reached 50 min later. The level of argECHB mRNA correlated well both quantitatively and temporally with the rates of enzyme synthesis during this transition. The level of in vivo charged arginyl-transfer RNA (tRNAarg), monitored simultaneously, was initially only 5 to 10% and gradually increased to a final level of 80% after 45 min. During the transient period after arginine addition (transient repression), the rates of synthesis of enzymes argE and argH decreased to almost zero and gradually reached steady-state repressed rates after about 180 min. The argECBH mRNA level remained constant at the steady-state repressed level throughout transient repression, revealing a discontinuity between the level of this mRNA and rates of enzyme synthesis. A similar discrepancy was noted during the transition after ornithine addition. In vivo charged tRNAarg remained constant at 80% during this transition. After removal of arginine, the zero-level transient enzyme synthesis developed after only 7.5 min of arginine deprivation and was maximum after 30 min. The results suggest an accumulation of a molecule regulated by arginine that plays a role in transient repression. Our data indicate that arginyl-tRNA synthetase is not this molecule since its synthesis was unaffected by arginine. The ratios of steady-state argE and argH enzyme synthesis without arginine to that with arginine were 12 and 20, respectively, whereas the similar ratio for argECBH mRNA was 2 to 3. The repressed level of argECBH mRNA was not affected by attempts to repress or derepress the ppc+ gene (carried on the DNA used for hybridization), and the repressed level of argECBH mRNA was lowered about 50% in cells carrying an internal argBH deletion. These data taken together indicate the presence of an excess of untranslated argECBH mRNA during both transient and steady-state repression by arginine. Thus, a second regulatory mechanism, not yet defined, appears to play an important role in arginine regulation of enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Complementation analyses using minimal recombinant clones showed that all known pdx point mutations, which cause pyridoxine (vitamin B6) or pyridoxal auxotrophy, are located in the pdxA, pdxB, serC, pdxJ, and pdxH genes. Antibiotic enrichments for chromosomal transposon mutants that require pyridoxine (vitamin B6) or pyridoxal led to the isolation of insertions in pdxA, pdxB, and pdxH but not in pdxJ. This observation suggested that pdxJ, like pdxA, pdxB, and serC, might be in a complex operon. To test this hypothesis, we constructed stable insertion mutations in and around pdxJ in plasmids and forced them into the bacterial chromosome. Physiological properties of the resulting insertion mutants were characterized, and the DNA sequence of pdxJ and adjacent regions was determined. These combined approaches led to the following conclusions: (i) pdxJ is the first gene in a two-gene operon that contains a gene, temporarily designated dpj, essential for Escherichia coli growth; (ii) expression of the rnc-era-recO and pdxJ-dpj operons can occur independently, although the pdxJ-dpj promoter may lie within recO; (iii) pdxJ encodes a 26,384-Da polypeptide whose coding region is preceded by a PDX box, and dpj probably encodes a basic, 14,052-Da polypeptide; (iv) mini-Mud insertions in dpj and pdxJ, which are polar on dpj, severely limit E. coli growth; and (v) three classes of suppressors, including mutations in lon and suppressors of lon, that allow faster growth of pdxJ::mini-Mud mutants can be isolated. A model to account for the action of dpj suppressors is presented, and aspects of this genetic analysis are related to the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The ilvGMEDA operon of Escherichia coli K-12 is preceded by a regulatory region containing a promoter, a leader, and an attenuator. This region has been extensively characterized biochemically. In this note point mutations of the regulatory region are reported. The effect of these mutations on expression from the ilv regulatory region supports the previous biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The isolation of a new type of transducing phage carrying the bipolar argECBH operon of E. coli K12 is described. The argECBH segment is inserted in the phage in a direction which is opposite from that of previously isolated argECBH-carrying phages. A colE1 argECBH plasmid has been constructed. DNA fragments resulting from digestion of these genetic elements with Eco RI and HindIII restriction enzymes have been characterized by agarose gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy, including heteroduplex analysis. Two fragments are of special significance for studies on the control of arginine synthesis, one of length 9.8 kilobases carrying the whole argECBH region, the other of length 2 kilobases carrying most or all of the control region between argE and argC.  相似文献   

Biotin regulatory (bir) mutations of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Most mutants selected for derepression of the biotin operon required elevated concentrations of biotin for growth. Mutant extracts were deficient in holoenzyme synthetase activity.  相似文献   

L T Chow  A I Bukhari 《Gene》1978,3(4):333-346
We have examined by electron microscopy the DNA heteroduplexes of six bacteriophage Mu mutants, Mu X cam, generated by the insertion of the Tn9 transposon for chloramphenicol resistance. Tn9 was found to be 2.8 +/- 0.2 kilobases (kb) in length and to consist of a cam determinant flanked by two IS1 sequences arranged in a direct order. In two of the six Mu X cam mutants, the Tn9 insertion was at a fixed location, 3.9 kb from the left, or c, end. In the other four mutants, the position of the insertion varied, even though the lysogenic cultures induced were grown from single colonies. The insertion was located at either 3.3 kb, 3.9 kb, or, less frequently, at 4.4 kb from the left end of the DNA. Furthermore, at low frequencies, the insertions were found to be in an orientation opposite to what predominated in the preparation. Thus, Tn9 in the Mu X cam mutants examined could appear to undergo rapid rearrangements during Mu growth or over a few generations of cell growth. One of the Tn9 insertion sites was apparently the same as that for a 0.8 kb insertion found in a Mu X mutant. This latter insertion was identified as an IS1 sequence. The DNA molecules from all the Mu X cam mutant phage particles were found to be missing the bacterial DNA at the S (right) end, along with a variable amount of the adjoining Mu DNA in the beta region. This observation supports the headful packaging model for Mu DNA.  相似文献   

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