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Malyutina M  Brandt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(144):1-19
Dubinectes infirmussp. n., Munnopsidae, is described from the Argentine Basin, southwest Atlantic, at depths between 4586-4607 m. The new species is distinguished by a narrow rim of the pleotelson posterior margin which is not raising over its dorsal surface; article 3 of the antennula is subequal in length to article 2; distomedial lobes of male pleopod 1 are of same size as distolateral lobes; stylet of male pleopod 2 is subequal in length to protopod; uropod exopod is more than a half of endopod length. Some generic characters which are weakly pronounced in the new species or have different state are defined more precisely in the revised diagnosis of Dubinectes. The modified diagnosis of the genus, a key to the species of Dubinectes as well as the distribution of the genus are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a revision of the natatory isopod genus Coperonus (Munnopsidae, Lipomerinae). A key to identify all seven known species of the genus is provided. Four new species are described and Coperonus frigida (Vanhöffen, 1914) is redescribed on the basis of the type material. The biogeography of Coperonus is described.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Gattung Coperonus (Munnopsidae, Lipomerinae), deren Vertreter sich durch gute Schwimmfähigkeit auszeichnen, revidiert. Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für alle sieben bisher bekannten Arten ist in der Arbeit enthalten. Es werden vier neue Arten beschrieben und Coperonus frigida (Vanhöffen, 1914) wird anhand des Typenmaterials nachbeschrieben. Auβerdem wird in der Arbeit die Biogeographie von Coperonus dargestellt.  相似文献   

Choudhury M  Doti BL  Brandt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(82):45-57
A new species of Coulmannia, Coulmannia rossensis, is described from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. It is most similar to Coulmannia ramosae Castelló, 2004, but can easily be distinguished from this species bythe males yielding a pair of granulate humps on the dorsum of the pereonites 1-6 and a single granulate hump on the pereonite 7 and the free pleonite. Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is sexually dimorphic. The dorsal sculpture of the female bodies yield a single granulate hump on all the pereonites and free pleonite. The species of the genus Coulmannia are restricted to the Southern Ocean, and Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is the fourth species included in it.  相似文献   

Three new species of Galipea (Rutaceae, Galipeinae) are described and illustrated. Galipea carinata Pirani sp. nov. is known from the pluvial tropical forest in southern Espírito Santo State, eastern Brazil, and its main diagnostic features are the urceolate and conspicuously keeled calyx, the relatively short (14–16 mm) corolla tube, the long pedunculate, divaricate and loosely branched inflorescence, with few flowers crowded on tip of side branchlets, and the chartaceous leaflets, with lateral veins very prominent on both sides of the blade. Galipea revoluta Pirani sp. nov. is probably endemic to the coastal hygrophyllous Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia, eastern Brazil, and is very distinct by its mostly unifoliolate leaves, with a leathery, shiny lamina that is thickened and usually revolute at margin, by its calyx with large glands only at the base, and median nerve on each sepal. Galipea congestiflora Pirani sp. nov. is from forests on terra firme (non-inundated vegetation) of eastern Amazonia, most of them from the State of Pará, some others from eastern Maranhão and north of Tocantins. It is characterized mainly by 3-foliolate, chartaceous and dull leaves; a dense, corymbiform thyrsoid (partial inflorescences very short, crowded on top of the peduncle), which is smaller than the leaves; relatively large capsules (the largest in the genus) with an acute rim at the tip of each valve, and by the marmorate surface of the seeds. A brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species of Galipea is provided.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144, 365–373.  相似文献   

Three new species of Mitrephora (Blume) Hook. f. & Thomson, M. clemensiorum, M. vittata and M. woodii , are described from Sabah, Malaysia. Mitrephora clemensiorum is related to M. korthalsiana Miq., but is distinguished by having long inflorescences, long flowering and fruiting pedicels, and fruits with sessile monocarps. Mitrephora vittata is related to M. reflexa Merr., but has lanceolate, subcoriaceous leaves, and densely pubescent inflorescence rachides, flowering pedicels and bracts. Mitrephora woodii is similar to M. heyneana (Hook. f. & Thomson) Thwaites, but has smaller flowers and fruits with sessile monocarps  相似文献   

Animal communities inhabiting shallow marine benthic environments around Antarctica are quite well known, however, only a few studies deal with the deep‐water faunas in the Southern Ocean. In the present study 19 deep‐water samples and 14 shallow and mid‐water samples containing macrocypridids were studied. The first important finding of the present study is the fivefold increase in the diversity of Macrocyprididae in the Southern Ocean: the species count increased from six to 30. Additionally, statistical analyses showed that depth is the main factor influencing macrocypridid assemblages and that geography does not play an important role. Two faunal bathymetric boundaries were observed, one around 1250 m and the other around 2500 m depth. Furthermore, species previously believed to be widely distributed (i.e. Macroscapha opaca, Macroscapha turbida, and Macroscapha inaequata) are shown to be groups of sometimes conspicuously distinct species. Over 30 Macrocyprididae species were identified from over 1200 specimens studied. After the study of the soft part morphology and chaetotaxy of Mh. opaca under the electron microscope, the following has been observed: (1) The exopodite of antenna II is clearly inserted on the distal margin of podomere II; (2) several setae previously considered aesthetascs (i.e. the long, proximal setae of podomere IV of the antenna II; the two sexually dimorphic setae of the podomere IV of antenna II; the modified setae of the podomeres II and III of the male appendage V) lack any pore, and should therefore not be chemoreceptors. Sixteen new species are described ( Macromckenziea giambonini sp. nov. , Macropyxis alanlordi sp. nov. , Macropyxis cronini sp. nov. , Macropyxis ghartmanni sp. nov. , Macropyxis hornei sp. nov. , Macropyxis jeans sp. nov. , Macropyxis parajeans sp. nov. , Macrosarisa andeep sp. nov. , Macrosarisa fahrbachi sp. nov. , Macroscapha cactus sp. nov. , Macroscapha falcis sp. nov. , Macroscapha rehmi sp. nov. , Macroscapha scotia sp. nov. , Macroscapha solecavai sp. nov. , Macroscapha subhemispherica sp. nov. , Macroscapha walterae sp. nov. ). Five previously described species are recorded: Macromckenziea glacierae Maddocks 1990 , Macroscapha inaequalis ( G. W. Müller, 1908 ), Mh. inaequata Maddocks 1990 , Mh. opaca Maddocks, 1990 species complex, Mh. turbida ( G. W. Müller, 1908 ). At least nine species are left in open nomenclature. Moreover, Yemanja gen. nov. is described from shallow tropical waters of the Western Atlantic; Macrosarisa procera ( Jellinek & Swanson, 2003 ) comb. nov. is proposed; and Macroscapha tensa ( Müller, 1908 ) is herein considered a nomen dubium. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 567–672.  相似文献   

Most sternaspid species have been described from shallow water, and Caulleryaspis Sendall & Salazar-Vallejo, 2013 includes one deep water species: C. gudmundssoni Sendall & Salazar-Vallejo, 2013 from Iceland. In Sternaspis Otto, 1821, the most speciose genus, most species were described from shallow water and only three thrive in deep water: S. maior Chamberlin, 1919 from the Gulf of California, S. princeps Selenka, 1885 from New Zealand, and S. riestchi Caullery, 1944 from Indonesia. The study of some deep sea sternaspids from the Pacific Ocean in the collections of six research institutions resulted in the discovery of six undescribed species, and for three of them there were abundant materials showing ventro-caudal shield development. Caulleryaspis fauchaldi sp. n. is described based on specimens from Oregon and California; it differs from the known species because it has a shield with rounded anterior margins and its peg chaetae form thin, small spines. Caulleryaspis nuda sp. n. was collected off Oregon; it is unique because its shield lacks a layer of sediment particles firmly attached, but has instead a thin layer of small particles loosely attached. Four other species are newly described in Sternaspis: S. annenkovae sp. n. was collected east off the northern Kurile Islands in about 4,000 m depth; it differs from other species by having a bicolored body, with the introvert darker than the abdomen, and its ventro-caudal shield plates are divergent resulting in a divided fan. The second species, S. maureri sp. n. was found off Peru in 1296–6489 m water depths and in the Southwestern Pacific in 795–3830 m; it resembles S. williamsae sp. n. but differs because its shield has better-developed ribs, the fan has a shallow or indistinct median notch and has lateral notches well-developed. The third species, S. uschakovi sp. n., was found in the Okhotsk Sea in 592–1366 m, off California in 1585 m, Gulf of California in 1200–1274 m, and Western Mexico in 2548 m; it resembles S. africana Augener, 1918 and S. andamanensis Sendall & Salazar-Vallejo, 2013 in having shields with a denticulate posterior margin; the latter two species live in shallow water and they differ from each other and from the new species by a combination of shield and papillae features. The fourth species, S. williamsae sp. n., was found off Oregon in 1000–2400 m, and off California in 878–1246 m; it resembles S. annenkovae because both species have shields with fans narrower than the anterior margin width, but differ in the relative development of shield features and in the relative size of prostomium and mouth; as stated above it also resembles S. maureri sp. n. but its shield has poorly-developed ribs, its median notch is distinct, and the lateral notches are poorly developed or indistinct. Keys to identify all species of Caulleryaspis and Sternaspis are also included.  相似文献   

Sulca L  Sharkey MJ 《ZooKeys》2012,(196):1-10
Three new species of Sesioctonus (Braconidae: Agathidinae) are described and illustrated, i.e., Sesioctonus huggerti, Sesioctonus wayquecha, and Sesioctonus bina. Two new Peruvian species records for Sesioctonus are reported: Sesioctonus longinoi and Sesioctonus diazi. A revised key to all known species of Sesioctonus is presented.  相似文献   

As a result of extensive collections and subsequent determinations made in recent years through most regions of Iran (now preserved in herbarium TARI), three new species of Echinops ( E. longipenicillatus, E. procerus and E. shahrudensis ) are described and illustrated. All belong to E . sect. Oligolepis Bunge, which is endemic to Iran.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 181–186.  相似文献   

Muthumbi  Agnes W.  Soetaert  Karline  Vincx  Magda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):25-57
Twelve new and known species of the genera Sabatieria,Cervonema, Paramesonchium, Hopperia and Dorylaimopsis and one new genus, Kenyanema aredescribed from the Indian Ocean and S. pisinna Vitiello,1970 from the Mediterranean Sea. Sabatieria lucia sp. n.is characterised by short but distinct inner and setiformouter labial sensilla and long (4–5 µm or 30–33% hd)cephalic sensilla; S. conicauda Vitiello, 1970, ischaracterised by tiny inner and outer labial sensilla andsetiform cephalic ones and short and thick cylindrical tail;Sabatieria pisinna is characterised by short innerand outer labial sensilla, setiform (3µm long) cephalicsensilla, multispiral amphids with 3.25–3.5 turns and a tailwhich is conical in the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3cylindrical; Cervonema tenuicauda Schuurmans Stekhoven,1950, is characterised by anterior sensilla in twocircles which are equal in length (3µm long), multispiralamphids with 3–4 turns and located at 1.5 times hd from theanterior end, simple spicules one abd long and 6–7 fineprecloacal supplements; Cervonema minutus sp. n.characterised by an extremely attenuated anterior end,spiral amphids with 4–5 turns (80–90% cbd) and short,simple spicules (0.8 abd long); Cervonema gourbaulti sp.n. characterised by long (4–5 µm) labialand cephalic sensilla, spiral amphids with 5–6 turns(73–88% cbd) and an elongate crenate terminal pharyngealbulb; Paramesonchium mombasi sp. n. characterised bylong labial (5 µm) and cephalic (21 µm) sensilla thatare close together and wide amphids (80–90% cbd); Kenyanema monorchis gen. et sp. n. characterised bya head region narrower than the rest of the body, fourcephalic sensilla (3 µm long) and spiral amphids with1.5–2 turns; Hopperia indiana sp. n. characterised byshort conical anterior sensilla, arcuatespicules that have a velum and a gubernaculum with a longand sharp pointed apophysis; Dorylaimopsis coomansi sp.n. characterised by long (8–10µm) cephalic setae,cuticular punctation with lateral differention of irregularlyarranged dots at the pharyngeal region and 1–3longitudinal rows of dots posterior of the pharynx; spiculeswith a unique shape; Dorylaimopsis gerardi sp. n.characterised by short setiform labial and long (6–7 µm)cephalic sensilla, punctated cuticle with lateraldifferentiation of irregularly arranged dots at firstthen three or four irregularly arranged longitudinal rows atthe pharyngeal and tail regions and two regularly arrangedlongitudinal rows of dots on the rest of the body, aconico-cylindrical tail with a distinctly swollen tip;Dorylaimopsis variabilis sp. n. is characterised byshort labial and setiform cephalic sensilla (33–58% hd),multispiral amphids with three turns, cuticular punctationswith lateral differentiation of three longitudinalrows at the pharyngeal and tail regions and two longitudinalrows on the rest of the body, spicules that are thin andslightly arcuate. The position of S. pisinna accordingto the grouping of Platt, 1985 of Sabatieriaspp. is also discussed. Kenyanema monorchis representsthe first monorchic species in the family.  相似文献   

平须舞虻属Platypalpus Macquart是舞虻科中最大的属之一,已知550余种分布世界各地.四川以前已知8种.本文记述四川平须舞虻属3新种:短芒平须舞虻Platypalpus breviarista sp.nov.,微距平须舞虻Platypalpus minor sp.nov.和亚丁平须舞虻Platypalpus yadinganus sp.nov,均属于长角平须舞虻种团Platypalpus longicornis species group,并编制了四川平须舞虻属分种检索表.  相似文献   

Three species, Macrophya circulotibialis Li, Liu & Heng, sp. nov., M. curvatitheca Li, Liu & Heng, sp. nov. and M. changbaina Li, Liu & Heng, sp. nov., of the imitator-group of the genus Macrophya Dahlbom(Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from China are described as new to science. A key to all known species of the imitator-group from China is provided. The specimens examined in this study, including all holotypes and paratypes of the new species, are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China, and the Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.  相似文献   

在形态和化学研究的基础上,结合分子生物学研究方法(ITS片段),对中国横断山地区的830号与蓝细菌共生的肺衣属标本进行了分类学研究,共发现3个新种;其中,横断山肺衣L. hengduanensis的主要特征是具粉芽化裂芽,无脊肺衣L. irrugulosa的网脊不明显,以及宽叶肺衣L. latilobulata的裂片顶端宽且钝圆;3个种在ITS系统发育树上分别形成独立小枝。文中提供了中国肺衣属中与蓝细菌共生的物种检索表。  相似文献   



Ausserer, 1875 is a South American genus of spiders of the family Theraphosidae known from Chile and Argentina. Three new species from Argentina: Euathlus mauryi sp. n. (from San Juan province), Euathlus grismadoi sp. n. (from La Rioja province), and Euathlus pampa sp. n. (from Salta province) are described here. New records of the previous species Euathlus diamante and Euathlus tenebrarum are contributed. The distribution of these new species expands the geographical distribution of the genus along the Andean hills, with Salta province as the northernmost record of the genus. A key is provided for identification of Euathlus species as well as a map with all the records in Argentina.  相似文献   

The Hippasterinae is a subfamily within the Goniasteridae, consisting of five genera and 26 species, which occur in cold‐water settings ranging from subtidal to abyssal depths. All known genera were included in a cladistic analysis resulting in two most parsimonious trees, supporting the Hippasterinae as monophyletic. Our review supports Sthenaster emmae gen. et sp. nov. as a new genus and species from the tropical Atlantic and two new Evoplosoma species, Evoplosoma claguei sp. nov. and Evoplosoma voratus sp. nov. from seamounts in the North Pacific. Hippasteria caribaea is reassigned to the genus Gilbertaster, which previously contained a single Pacific species. Our analysis supports Evoplosoma as a derived deep water lineage relative to its continental‐shelf, shallow water sister taxa. The genus Hippasteria contains approximately 15 widely distributed, but similar‐looking species, which occur in the northern and southern hemispheres. Except for Gilbertaster, at least one species in each genus has been observed or is inferred to prey on deep‐sea corals, suggesting that this lineage is important to the conservation of deep‐sea coral habitats. The Hippasterinae shares several morphological similarities with Circeaster and Calliaster, suggesting that they may be related. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 266–301.  相似文献   

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