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Journal of Ichthyology - From the coast of Vietnam, Nemipterus biendongensis sp. n. has been described, similar in body proportions to N. balinensoides, but differing from this species in a...  相似文献   

南海北部深水金线鱼生物学及最适开捕体长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1964~1965年及199~1999年在南海北部采集的深水金线鱼生物学资料,对该鱼种群体结构、资源密度分布及其季节变化、生长和死亡参数及摄食习性进行了研究.结果表明,深水金线鱼的渔获样品体长范围为4.2~21.5 cm,体重范围为2.9~241 g,分别以9.6~14.0 cm和27~59 g占优势.资源密度以春季最高、夏季最低,分别为9.92 kg·km-2和5.53 kg·km-2.分布的区域性变化明显,在水深60~150 m之间,深水金线鱼的渔获量随水深的增加而增大.深水金线鱼的食物以长尾类、鱼类和头足类为主.应用FiSATⅡ软件的ELEFANⅠ技术拟合的von Bertalanffy生长方程参数分别为L=22.39 cm、k=0.44 a-1t0=-0.63 a;用Pauly经验公式计算的自然死亡系数为M=0.94;以长度变换渔获曲线法估算的总死亡系数为Z=2.65.运用Beverton-Holt模型分析的结果表明,该群体的最适捕捞死亡系数为F=2.9,最适开捕年龄和体长分别为1.1 a和12.0 cm.目前该群体已处捕捞过度状态,以捕捞幼鱼问题较为突出.建议南海北部深水金线鱼的最小可捕规格为体长12.0 cm.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships for two fish species Secutor interruptus (Valencennes, 1835) (2.3–5.0 cm in size) and Opisthopterus tardoore (Cuvier, 1829) (9.2–15.6 cm in size) were determined. Samplings were conducted at Bintulu coast, South China Sea, Sarawak from September to October 2016 using a pull net having different mesh size from 6 inch at the mouth, 4 inch at the bag area, 2 inch at the panel and 1.5 inch at the cod end. The estimated growth coefficient (b) was 2.96 for S. interruptus and 3.11 for O. tardoore. No information regarding length‐weight relationships was reported previously in FishBase for either S. interruptus or O. tardoore.  相似文献   

Although Porphyra is commercially farmed in many countries, in South Africa only small harvests of wild populations for sale as nori have been carried out. The discovery that Porphyra improves growth of South African abalone (Haliotis midae) farmed inland-based tanks has led to increased pressure to harvest wild populations. This paper reports on a survey of the distribution and seasonality of Porphyra in the southern Western Cape. Porphyrawas present at all sites surveyed, and showed considerable temporal variation. A significant amount of the Porphyra present is in reserves and therefore protected from harvesting. Close rexamination of one site revealed seasonal populations of Porphyra that occupied different niches dependent on season. Recruitment peaked in spring and autumn, leading to dense summer and winter populations. Summer populations generally grew lower in the eulittoral than winter populations. No pattern in the mortality of larger thalli wasde tected, though sporeling mortality was high following recruitment peaks. Although it seems that most sites in the southern Western Cape are suitable for harvesting, the taxonomy of the genus in the region urgently needs revision if populations are to be appropriately managed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

  • 1 Populations of Microlophium carnosum on patches of perennial stinging nettle, Urtica dioica increased rapidly during April and May to reach their peaks in June. The decline in numbers was equally rapid and very small populations persisted into autumn; parthenogenetic over-wintering was recorded.
  • 2 Suboptimal ambient temperature and mortality due to natural enemies contributed mainly to the post-peak development of aphid populations.
  • 3 The combined effects of intraspecific competition and a deterioration in the food quality of the host plant appeared to be the major factors determining the temporal pattern of aphid abundance.
  • 4 Variation in the size of populations between the three sampled sites was correlated with differences in the food quality of nettles as indicated by aphid mean relative growth rate.
  • 5 Each nettle patch has a particular ‘carrying capacity’ for aphids, within which a biennial fluctuation between relatively large and small aphid populations appeared to be emerging at most of the sites investigated. A natural or aphid-induced cycle in host plant quality, or alternatively, the persistent effects of intraspecific competition over several generations, may explain this fluctuation.

The large pine aphid, Cinara pinea lives exclusively on Pinus species, where it feeds on the foliated shoots of the current and previous year. The paper describes the development of a computer model designed to simulate the aphid's population dynamics on saplings in the controlled environment of the laboratory, i.e. in the absence of natural enemies. The model was able to account for about 80% of the variation in aphid numbers within and between trees over a three month period. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the number of pine aphids is limited primarily by nymphal emigration, the operation of which is sensitive both to density and to plant quality as reflected in aphid growth rates. Of secondary importance are changes in reproduction acting through increased reproductive delay, again a result of altered growth rates and adult size. Development, too, has an important secondary influence. Contrary to expectation and conventional belief, however, alate production proved to be of negligible importance, either in limiting or regulating population numbers. Alatae are produced in too few numbers and for too short a period to significantly alter the pattern of population change.  相似文献   

大鹏湾反曲原甲藻种群动态机理模型辨识   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了我国南海大鹏湾反曲原甲藻种群动态机理模型,在温度、盐度、溶解氧(DO)、可溶性无机磷(DIP)、可溶性亚硝态氮、可溶性硝态氮和酸碱度(PH值)等7个因子的分析中,辨识出温度为反曲原甲藻的限制因子;种群数量变动中引入自回归平稳随机模拟,并建立3个站位6个层面的6个自回归与非线性回归联立模型,以动态递阶的方式对反曲原甲藻种群动态进行回代,研究模型对实测值的拟合结果,拟合率达81.7%。  相似文献   

Age and growth of an Iberian cyprinodont, Aphanius iberus (Cuv. & Val.), in its most northerly population, La Rubina lagoon (Alt Empordà wetlands, NE Spain), was studied. The age groups for this Mediterranean population (O +, 1 + and 2 +) agree with those reported for the Atlantic population (R. Guadalquivir marshes), in the southern limit of the species distribution in the Iberian peninsula. Differences in age structure between these populations and the one previously studied in La Tancada lagoon (R. Ebro delta marshes) can be attributed to age estimation bias. Male A. iberus data appear to fit similarly to a Gompertz growth function and to a von Bertalanffy growth function, but L x, was clearly underestimated. A Gompertz growth function was not a good fit for females, perhaps because female growth is clearly faster and less attenuated than male growth. The life history and growth pattern ofthis species is similar to that in other cyprinodontiform fishes, typified by a short longevity. The growth model of this species does not seem to fit types I and II of Sebens's classification, which are characteristic of fish.  相似文献   

Wenliang Liu  Ruiyu Liu 《ZooKeys》2014,(457):35-44
A new species of the genus Nihonotrypaea Manning & Tamaki, 1998, Nihonotrypaea hainanensis sp. n., collected from the South China Sea, is described and illustrated. It is distinguishable from Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Bouvier, 1901), Nihonotrypaea japonica (Ortmann, 1891), Nihonotrypaea thermophila Lin, Komai & Chan, 2007 and Nihonotrypaea makarovi Martin, 2013 by having the elongated carpus of the male and female major cheliped. The new species is distinguishable from Nihonotrypaea petalura (Stimpson, 1860) by the proximolower margin of the carpus of the male major cheliped bearing several small denticles.  相似文献   

Summary The population dynamics of nearshore juvenile Notothenia rossii were studied at South Georgia during 1978 and 1979. Mortality of the population was calculated from length-class abundance of fish sampled by trammel nets, and the population size estimated using a mark and recapture technique. Instantaneous natural mortality in the nearshore population was high (M=0.78) although other author's estimate for the mortality in the offshore population was only 0.35. Therefore it is likely that no single estimate of mortality will apply to fish of all ages. The population density of juvenile N. rossii was about 11 g m-2 nearshore. The size of the offshore population was estimated by calculating survival from the nearshore age classes. The data suggest that the population around South Georgia has been reduced by overfishing to about one tenth of its previous unexploited level. Yield could have been increased by fishing less intensively, and the population maintained at or near its initial level if recruitment remained constant.  相似文献   

The declining trend in the catches of santer seabream, Cheimerius nufar (Val. 1830), and sizable capture of immature and mature fish from the Arabian Sea at the coast of Oman have led to questioning the hypothesis that the fishery is in a state of decline due to inappropriate management. The lack of data on the basic biology and landing statistics for exploited fish species have made the management of fish resources in western Indian Ocean complicated. This paper presents data on the population biology of C. nufar in the Arabian Sea, with a view to contributing towards the development of management plans for a sustainable exploitation. A total of 4132 fish were obtained from the artisanal hand‐line fishery catch at the Lakbi and Salalah landing sites from April 2005 to March 2007. Size distribution ranged from 16 to 64 cm [total length (TL)]. About 67.5% of the catch was composed of fish measuring <32 cm TL. Neither sex dominated the population nor were there significant differences in the monthly and annual sex‐ratios tested by chi‐squared. Spawning is from May to October. The declining trend in the hepatosomatic indice (HPI) values from September to February was almost identical to the declining trend in the gonado‐somatic indice (GSI) values. The rise and fall in the condition factor (CF) values could not be related to the spawning period. Females and males mature at 31.9 and 33.7 cm TL, respectively. Otolith readings indicated the life span to be about 13 years. The instantaneous rate of natural mortality was estimated with M  = 0.62 year?1.  相似文献   

于1997年7月至1998年6月,在大亚湾澳头海域设立6个监测站位,连续监测亚历山大藻(Alexandrium sp.)种群周年变动规律及其与环境因子的关系。大亚湾亚历山大藻种群的密度高峰出现在春季(4月至5月),最高密度达到20.4cells·mL-1,其它季节则密度较低。亚历山大藻密集出现的温度为22.8~30.0℃、盐度范围为25~30。在亚历山大藻种群密度高峰期里,N/P都较高,DIN含量维持较高水平,有利于亚力山藻的生长,DIP含量却很低,使得此藻比其他藻更具竞争优势。可溶性Fe含量可能成为亚历山大藻增殖的限制性因子。  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the tolerance of 2+ grass carp to an oceanic water. It was found that at a temperature of 20.1°C±0.4°C the maximum survival times of the fish in concentrations of seawater equivalent to 17.5 and 10.5 g/1 sodium chloride were 5 h and approximately 24 days respectively. The importance of these results lies in the consideration of the possibility of grass carp migrating through brackish or seawater from one river system to another. Such a migration would seem to be impossible through seawater but may be possible through brackish water.  相似文献   

The growth pattern of myotomal red, pink and white muscle and its relation to somatic growth in Caranx malabaricus are described. The growth pattern of red muscle was by an increase in fibre number in early size classes (< 22 cm f.l.) and thereafter mainly by increase in fibre diameter and partly by increase in fibre number. The growth of pink muscle was mainly by an increase in fibre diameter, but in smaller fish an increase in fibre number was also evident. White muscle growth was mainly by an increase in fibre diameter and partly by increase in fibre numbers in fish < 22 cm f.l., but only by an increase in fibre diameter from 22 cm f.l. onwards. Caranx malabaricus is a slow-to-moderate growing species and its fibre growth pattern matches with such somatic growth.  相似文献   

Synopsis Survival of dace eggs in a chalkstream was 8.6 to 21.8% from spawning to hatching. The proportion of dead eggs in samples rose from 4.9% at the end of spawning to 59% after 13 days. The combined number of dead eggs, live eggs and the empty shells of eggs after hatching also began a steady decline soon after the end of spawning. Egg drift was estimated to be 2.0% of the initial egg population. Laboratory studies and field population estimates indicated that macroinvertebrates were capable of eating large numbers of dead eggs but much smaller numbers of live ones. A large part of the fall in egg numbers was accounted for by egg decomposition. There was a close relationship between the percentage of surviving eggs and substrate composition with poor survival in areas of high silt and low gravel content.  相似文献   

A specimen of the Japanese threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus was recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea. The presence of this Indo‐Pacific fish in the Mediterranean is evidently due to migration from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal.  相似文献   

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