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The objective of the current work was to analyse the variability of high and low molecular mass (HMM and LMM) glutenin subunits, along with some morphological characteristics in sixty Spanish accessions of rivet wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turgidum). The lines were grouped in sixteen botanical varieties and five additional types, according the morphological criteria. Up to 13 allelic variants (four alleles for the Glu-A1 locus and nine alleles for the Glu-B1 locus) and 34 B-LMMGs patterns were found in the evaluated lines. The current data indicated a clear reduction of morphological variability, along with an asymmetric distribution of the alleles and patterns for seed storage proteins. This polymorphism could be useful for enlarging the genetic background of modern durum wheat.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - The current study examined the phylogenetic pattern of medicinal species of the family Apiaceae based on flavonoid groups production, as well as the overall mechanism of...  相似文献   

本研究对内蒙古荒漠药用植物资源进行统计分析,以期为药用植物资源开发利用提供一定的理论依据,通过野外调查结合相关文献整理,分析药用植物资源特征。结果表明:内蒙古荒漠药用种子植物有66科190属285种,大多是草本和灌木,以中生类型为主,旱生与湿生类型均有存在,生态幅度较为广,同时具有明显的荒漠特征。不同的生活型与生态水分类型在功能类型上主要发挥清热的功效,同时存在一定的差异。药用植物资源在药用性能及药用部位表现为多样性,具有一定的开发潜力;从药性分析,以寒性为主;从药味分析苦味药、甘味药及辛味药是主要组成部分;从功能类型分析,可划分成19类,主要发挥清热的功效。药用植物资源用途多样性,有极大的经济价值,包括重点药用植物5种,濒危保护植物15种。建议加强对药用植物的科学研究,加大对药用植物的监管保护力度,合理开发荒漠药用植物资源,促进荒漠产业发展。  相似文献   

中国种子植物特有属的地理分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物特有现象的地理格局及其形成机制是生物地理学的重要研究内容.本文通过整合173个地区的中国种子植物特有属编目资料、环境和空间因子数据,运用多元回归和方差分解的方法,探索了中国种子植物特有属丰富度及其占全部种子植物属丰富度的比例(特有属比例)与环境(生境异质性和气候)和空间因子的关系.结果表明:(1)特有属丰富度及特有...  相似文献   

小麦种子贮藏蛋白质研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
小麦醇溶蛋白组成可以作为小麦品种鉴定的指纹图谱,其分离方法有酸性电泳、反相高压液相色谱(RP-HPLC)和毛细管电泳(CE)等手段,3种方法相互补充,而CE分辨率最高。对醇溶蛋白酸性电泳条件的改良和完善仍在进行中,利用最新的分离技术对小麦醇溶蛋白基因进行染色体定位和遗传行为分析是近年来醇溶蛋白研究的另一领域。小麦高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)与小麦面包烘烤质量密切相关,关于它的研究目前主要集中在3个方面;对各个迁3移率较近的亚基进行快速,准确分离方法的研究,HMW-GS与小麦面包烘烤质量关系的研究和通过基因工程来改良小麦的品质、提高面粉的加工特性等。低分子量麦保蛋白(LMW-Glutenin)影响小麦面粉的特性,截止目前已经获得了17个该基因的克隆,并对其基因结构进行了描述,有些低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)加入碱性面粉后改变了面筋的性质,报道了小麦醇溶蛋白,高分子量麦谷蛋白亚(HMW-GS)、低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)3个方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

药物植物桃儿七不同种群种子产量初步研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
对药用植物桃儿七5个不同种群种子产量的研究表明:各种群中每花平均胚珠数、每果实平均种子数及种群平均结实率与种群所在的海拔高度呈正相关;不同种群个体平均胚珠数的变异范围为58.97-87.97,平均种子数变异范围为40.02-80.58,平均结籽率变异范围为61.29%-91.60%;果料内单粒种子平均干重与种群分布海拔呈明显负相关,与果实内种子数呈弱负相关;同一种群在不同年份间平均各上子产量差异不大;种子产量除主要受个体营养状况影响外,还受海拔及其它因素的影响;果实内种子数与果实大小及重量呈正相关,但单粒种子平均重量与果实大小及果实内种子总重量无显著相关。  相似文献   

Plant seed storage proteins were among the first proteins to be isolated (20); however, only recently, as a result of using molecular biology techniques, have the amino acid sequences of many of these proteins been determined. With the accumulation of amino acid sequence data for many vicilin-type storage proteins much has been learned concerning the location of conserved amino acid regions and other regions which can tolerate amino acid sequence variation. Combining this knowledge with recent advances in plant gene transfer technologies will allow molecular biologists to correct (by using amino acid replacement mutations) the sulfur amino acid deficiency inherent to bean seed storage proteins. The development of more nutritious soybean and common bean seeds will be of benefit to programs involving human and animal nutrition.  相似文献   

The plant species Stemona parviflora, which is endemically distributed in Hainan and Guangdong Provinces of China, is an important constituent of Chinese traditional medicine “Baibu”. Based on AFLP analysis, at the species level, the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB), gene diversity H, and Shannon's information index I of S. parviflora are 100%, 0.2826, and 0.4458, respectively. The genetic differentiation among populations is low (Gst = 0.0799), while the gene flow among these populations is high (Nm = 5.754). Actually, no distinguishable genetic structure is inferred according to the AFLP analysis in this study. There was no significant positive correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance either. Based on its medicinal use, seed dispersal pattern (myrmecochory), mating system, fragmentation of the natural habitat by rubber and eucalyptus planting, and the historical formation and transition of Hainan island and Guangdong provinces, we discuss the current threatened condition of the traditional medicinal plant S. parviflora. In/ex situ conservation tactics are recommended to save this important species.  相似文献   

青藏高原拥有丰富的药用植物资源, 但目前人们缺乏对其多样性分布格局的清晰认识以及人类活动对药用植物资源影响的评估。本研究收集整理了青藏高原地区254种药用植物分布及人类活动的数据, 分析了当前青藏高原地区药用植物分布格局及其面临的威胁, 并划定出当前需要保护的优先区域。研究结果显示, 青藏高原药用植物的多样性和特有性主要集中在东部和东南部地区, 且较强的人类活动影响力与较高的药用植物多样性和特有性重叠, 这表明人类活动对药用植物多样性和特有性有着显著的影响。进一步结合生物和人类活动两方面因素的算法, 划定了保护优先区, 包括云南西北部、四川西南部和西部、青海东部及西藏中部, 这表明青藏高原现有的保护区存在大量保护空缺。基于此, 本研究提出了包括完善法律法规及政策监管, 增设保护区, 补充和完善保护植物名录, 加强科普宣传, 加强药用植物种质资源的收集、保存与开发的保护青藏高原药用植物资源的建议, 为今后保护政策的制定和保护区划定提供依据, 也借此宣传青藏高原生态保护问题, 唤起民众的保护关注。  相似文献   

Eryngium viviparum (Apiaceae) is an endangered aquatic plant, listed as threatened in several European documents. The genotypes are distributed patchily in various wetlands in the north‐west of Spain and one is located in north‐west France. The study of the genetic diversity of a small population of a rare species is important for conservation and studies aimed at recovery programmes. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity among five Spanish and one French genotype. This technique has contributed to the knowledge of the genetic diversity in E. viviparum, showing a greater genetic distance between the Spanish cluster formed by S1, S4 than the second cluster formed by S2, S3, S5 and the French genotype. Mantel testing did not show a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances, but a significant correlation was found between altitude, habitat and genetic distance. The French genotype showed the highest level of polymorphism (28.16) and the highest percentage of exclusive markers (32%). One of these was isolated, purified, cloned and sequenced, revealing a high homology to a protein mainly expressed in roots. This could represent, for the F genotype, an adaptation to a specific habitat near the sea compared with the Spanish genotypes which grow inland. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 237–244.  相似文献   

Dry beans are considered to be a crop of great socio-economic importance, because they are an inexpensive source of nutrients and because their cultivation requires considerable manual labor. Studies of genetic diversity have been very important for genetic improvement programs, because they give parameters for the identification of genitors that can provide large heterosis effects and improved segregation in recombinants, increasing the probability of obtaining superior genotypes in the progeny. We evaluated the genetic diversity of 57 dry bean accessions, including 31 local accessions, propagated by small-scale farmers, 20 accessions supplied by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency, and six commercial accessions, using 16 microsatellite primers. Among these primers, 13 were found to be polymorphic, giving 29 polymorphic alleles. The largest number of alleles per locus was observed for primer BM141, which had four alleles. The polymorphic information content varied from 0.11 to 0.51, observed for loci BM212 and BM141, respectively. The lowest degree of dissimilarity (0.0) was found between the accession Iapar 81 and the accessions E03, E04, E09, and E13 and between the accession pairs E08 with E16 and Iapar 31 with E06. The highest degree of dissimilarity was found between the accessions Carioca and E22 (1.0). Grouping analysis revealed four groups, according to the place of origin. This tendency was also found in the principal coordinate analysis. The local genotypes were found to have relatively high genetic diversity, while the EMBRAPA and commercial cultivars had a relatively narrow genetic basis.  相似文献   

Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, is the fifth most important cereal crop grown worldwide and the fourth in the United States. Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), is a major insect pest of sorghum with several biotypes reported to date. Greenbug biotype I is currently the most prevalent and most virulent on sorghum plants. Breeding for resistance is an effective way to control greenbug damage. A successful breeding program relies in part upon a clear understanding of breeding materials. However, the genetic diversity and relatedness among the greenbug biotype I resistant accessions collected from different geographic origins have not been well characterized, although a rich germplasm collection is available. In this study, 26 sorghum accessions from 12 countries were evaluated for both resistance to greenbug biotype I and genetic diversity using fluorescence-labeled amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Twenty-six AFLP primer combinations produced 819 polymorphic fragments indicating a relatively high level of polymorphism among the accessions. Genetic similarity coefficients among the sorghum accessions ranged from 0.69 to 0.90. Cluster analysis indicated that there were two major groups based on polymorphic bands. This study has led to the identification of new genetic sources of sorghum with substantial genetic variation and distinct groupings of resistant accessions that have the potential for use in the development of durable greenbug resistant sorghum.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic diversity of 49 accessions of the hot pepper species Capsicum chinensis through analyses of 12 physicochemical traits of the fruit, eight multi-categorical variables, and with 32 RAPD primers. Data from the physicochemical traits were submitted to analysis of variance to estimate the genetic parameters, and their means were clustered by the Scott-Knott test. The matrices from the individual and combined distance were estimated by multivariate analyses before applying Tocher's optimization method. All physicochemical traits were examined for genetic variability by analysis of variance. The responses of these traits showed more contribution from genetic than from environmental factors, except the percentage of dry biomass, content of soluble solids and vitamin C level. Total capsaicin had the greatest genetic divergence. Nine clusters were formed from the quantitative data based on the generalized distance of Mahalanobis, using Tocher's method; four were formed from the multi-categorical data using the Cole-Rodgers coefficient, and eight were formed from the molecular data using the Nei and Li coefficient. The accessions were distributed into 14 groups using Tocher's method, and no significant correlation between pungency and origin was detected. Uni- and multivariate analyses permitted the identification of marked genetic diversity and fruit attributes capable of being improved through breeding programs.  相似文献   

For broadening the narrow genetic base of modern soybean cultivars, 159 accessions were selected from the Chinese soybean collection which contained at least one of seven important agronomic traits: resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) or soybean mosaic virus (SMV), tolerance to salt, cold, or drought, high seed oil content or high protein content. Genetic diversity evaluation using 55 microsatellite loci distributed across the genome indicated that a large amount of genetic diversity (0.806) and allelic variation (781) were conserved in this selected set, which captured 65.6% of the alleles present in Chinese soybean collection (1,863 accessions). On average, 9.4 rare alleles (frequency <5%) per locus were present, which were highly informative. Using model-based Bayesian clustering in STRUCTURE we distinguished four main clusters and a set of accessions with admixed ancestry. The four clusters reflected different geographic regions of origin of the accessions. Since the clusters were also clearly different with respect to the seven agronomic traits, the inferred population structure was introduced when association analysis was conducted. A total of 21 SSR markers on 16 chromosomes were identified as significantly (P < 0.01) associated with high oil content (6), high protein content (1), drought tolerance (5), SCN resistance (6) and SMV resistance (3). Twelve of these markers were located in or near previously identified quantitative trait loci (QTL). The results for both genetic relationship and trait-related markers will be useful for effective conservation and utilization of soybean germplasm.  相似文献   

Seven landraces of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] were assessed for genetic variability in total proteins, protein fractions viz. albumins, globulins, prolamins, and glutelins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and DNA polymorphism using sequence-related amplified polymorphisms (SRAP) markers. The solubility-based protein fractionation data indicated that the salt soluble fraction (globulin) and water-soluble fraction (albumin) proteins were the predominant fractions in cowpea seeds comprising 45–50.3% and 31.2–35.5% of total soluble proteins, respectively. The electrophoretic pattern revealed the molecular heterogeneity among total proteins as well as different protein fractions. The molecular weights of protein bands obtained by SDS-PAGE varied between 10 to 250, 15 to 110, 15 to 150, and 15 to 130?kDa for total proteins, albumins, globulins, and glutelins, respectively. A large number of bands were found common to the various landraces, indicative of their close relationship with one another. However, a few bands distinctive to some specific landraces were also detected, indicating varietal differences. A 34 SRAP primer pair combination generated a total of 1003 amplicons (loci) showed 100% polymorphism with an average of 0.93 polymorphism information content (PIC) value. Landraces displayed an average 0.50 similarity coefficient which clustered the landraces corresponding to their growth habit in main clusters and to their geographical origin in subcultures. Molecular and biochemical analysis were correlated with a medium level (Mantel test, r?=?0.56, P?<?0.02). These findings revealed that seed proteins and DNA polymorphism provide valuable information regarding the variability among landraces and this information could be utilized for breeding purposes in the enhancement of protein quality and quantity in grain legumes.  相似文献   

Twelve microsatellite markers were developed to determine the genetic diversity and genetic structure of Ypsilandra thibetica, represented by a total of 90 individuals from six natural populations. All twelve microsatellite loci were polymorphic, and the results indicated that a high genetic diversity was present within populations (mean RS = 4.996; mean HE = 0.615), with high levels of genetic structure (mean FST = 0.165; mean FIS = 0.692) among populations. This pattern is likely attributable to consanguineous mating, and this hypothesis is supported by a low relatedness coefficient. Our study suggested that environment factors might restrict gene flow among populations. In addition, physical distances between populations were not related to genetic distances, implying that ancestral populations might have been distributed over a wider area. These results suggest that Y. thibetica should be a high priority for conservation managers.  相似文献   

Extracts enriched for globulin proteins were prepared from the seeds of a large number of legume species and were tested for homology to antisera prepared against the glycosylated 7S seed storage protein of the soybean (Glycine max). Electrophoretic identification and subsequent analysis of proteins precipitated with 7S antisera was useful at relatively short taxonomic distances, particularly within the tribe Phaseoleae, to which G. max belongs. Glycine and most other members of the subtribe Glycininae are unusual within the Phaseoleae in having high molecular weight (> 70 000 dalton) subunit polypeptides. Seeds from other plants representing other subtribes of the Phaseoleae also contained proteins that cross-reacted with the G. max antisera; the molecular weights of these proteins varied from 30 000 to nearly 90 000 daltons. Homology was detected across a wider range of legume tribes within the subfamily Papilionoideae by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results of these experiments suggest both that the 7S proteins of these tribes are evolutionarily related and that at least some features of these apparently rapidly-evolving proteins are under relatively strong selectional constraint.  相似文献   

海南岛红树植物海桑遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李海生  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1656-1662
海桑 (Sonneratia caseolaris)是海桑科红树植物 ,在我国仅天然分布于海南万宁、琼海、文昌等地。采用 ISSR分子标记技术对所有天然种群和海南东寨港红树林自然保护区引种的人工种群共 4个种群 86个个体进行了遗传变异分析。 11个引物共扩增出 2 39条带 ,其中 194条具多态性 ,多态位点百分率为 81.17%。在种群水平上多态位点百分率 4 0 .5 9%~ 5 0 .2 1% ,平均值为4 5 .71%。 Nei的基因多样性、Shannon信息指数在物种水平上分别为 0 .2 10 0和 0 .32 5 6 ,在种群水平上平均值分别为 0 .14 6 8和0 .2 2 10。 Nei的遗传分化系数 Gst和 AMOVA分析表明种群间已发生了较高的遗传分化。种群间的遗传一致度为 0 .90 11。估测的种群间的基因流为 0 .5 787。依据 Nei的遗传距离对不同种群进行 U PGMA聚类 ,聚类结果为横山种群 (HS)和东寨港种群(DZG)聚在一起 ,万宁种群 (WN)和琼海种群 (QH)聚为一类。Mantel检验表明遗传距离与地理距离之间有一定的正相关 ,但不显著。种群遗传多样性与环境因子间的相关性分析表明 :海桑种群遗传多样性水平与各环境因子间相关性均不显著。因东寨港引种种群的遗传多样性明显低于天然种群 ,为保护遗传多样性 ,应加强对琼海、万宁种群的就地保护和迁地保护工作。  相似文献   

Grape diversity present in Morocco and the part of this diversity used nowadays are poorly documented. In order to choose diversified genotypes, to select them so that their agronomic interest will be tested, a group of 21 autochthonous cultivars preserved in the germplasm collections of SODEA and 18 Moroccan cultivars from “Domaine de Vassal” INRA grape collection was compared to a group of cultivars from neighbouring countries (Algeria and Tunisia), and from a core collection optimizing simple sequence repeat (SSR) allelic diversity of grape. Data from 20 nuclear and 3 chloroplastic SSR markers were obtained for this set of 211 cultivars. A total of 156 alleles (mean of 7.8 alleles per locus) were detected for the nSSRs and 7 alleles for the cpSSR in the Moroccan group. Chlorotype diversity in Moroccan and Algerian group were similar, but slightly lower than in the Tunisian group and the core collection. Similarly, the nSSR diversity was high in the core collection and low in the Moroccan and the Algerian groups compared to the two other groups. Clustering of cultivars based on nSSR data reflected their geographical origin and, to a certain extent, the use of the cultivars. The specificity of the Moroccan plant material was attested by the Bayesian analysis using Structure, while differences of the core collection were clearly revealed both by the Bayesian and a multivariate analysis. These results confirm the differentiation of the material from Maghreb and more specifically of Moroccan material, having evolved independently from Europe.  相似文献   

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