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Each amino acid in a protein is considered to be an individual, mutable characteristic of the species from which the protein is extracted. For a branching tree representing the evolutionary history of the known sequences in different species, our computer programs use majority logic and parsimony of mutations to determine the most likely ancestral amino acid for each position of the protein at each node of the tree. The number of mutations necessary between the ancestral and present species is summed for each branch and the entire tree. The programs then move branches to make many different configurations, from which we select the one with the minimum number of mutations as the most likely evolutionary history. We used this method to elucidate primate phylogeny from sequences of fibrinopeptides, carbonic anhydrase, and the hemoglobin beta, delta and alpha chains. All available sequences indicate that the early Pongidae had diverged into two lines before the divergence of an ancestor for the human line alone. We have constructed some probable ancestral sequences at major points during primate evolution and have developed tentative trees showing the order of divergences and evolutionary distances among primate groups. Further questions on primate evolution could be answered in the future by the detemination of the appropriate sequences.  相似文献   

A number of studies have addressed the environmental temperatures experienced by ancient life. Computational studies using a nonhomogeneous evolution model have estimated ancestral G + C contents of ribosomal RNAs and the amino acid compositions of ancestral proteins, generating hypotheses regarding the mesophilic last universal common ancestor. In contrast, our previous study computationally reconstructed ancestral amino acid sequences of nucleoside diphosphate kinases using a homogeneous model and then empirically resurrected the ancestral proteins. The thermal stabilities of these ancestral proteins were equivalent to or greater than those of extant homologous thermophilic proteins, supporting the thermophilic universal ancestor theory. In this study, we reinferred ancestral sequences using a dataset from which hyperthermophilic sequences were excluded. We also reinferred ancestral sequences using a nonhomogeneous evolution model. The newly reconstructed ancestral proteins are still thermally stable, further supporting the hypothesis that the ancient organisms contained thermally stable proteins and therefore that they were thermophilic.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of 5S rRNAs from three protozoa,Bresslaua vorax, Euplotes woodruffi andChlamydomonas sp. have been determined and aligned together with the sequences of 12 protozoa species including unicellular green algae already reported by the authors and others. Using this alignment, a phylogenic tree of the 15 species of protozoa has been constructed. The tree suggests that the ancestor for protozoa evolved at an early time of eukaryotic evolution giving two major groups of organisms. One group, which shares a common ancestor with vascular plants, contains a unicellular green flagellate (Chlamydomonas) and unicellular green algae. The other group, which shares a common ancestor with the multicellular animals, includes various flagellated protozoa (includingEuglena), ciliated protozoa and slime molds. Most of these protozoa appear to have separated from one another at a fairly early period of eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

In a recent paper (Wenderoth et al., J Biol Chem 272: 26985–26990, 1997) we reported that the positions of the two redox regulatory cysteines identified in a plastidic G6PD isoform from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) differ substantially from those conserved in cyanobacterial G6PDH sequences. To investigate the origin of redox regulation in G6PDH enzymes from photoautotrophic organisms, we isolated and characterized several G6PD cDNA sequences from higher plants and from a green and a red alga. Alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that the cysteine residues cluster in the coenzyme-binding domain of the plastidic isoforms and are conserved at three out of six positions. Comparison of the mature proteins and the signal peptides revealed that two different plastidic G6PDH classes (P1 and P2) evolved from a common ancestral gene. The two algal sequences branch off prior to this class separation in higher plants, sharing about similar amino acid identity with either of the two plastidic G6PDH classes. The genes for cytosolic plant isoforms clearly share a common ancestor with animal and fungal G6PDH homologues, whereas the cyanobacterial isoforms branch within the eubacterial G6PDH sequences. The data suggest that cysteine-mediated redox regulation arose independently in G6PDH isoenzymes of eubacterial and eukaryotic lineages.  相似文献   

All multicellular organisms depend on stem cells for their survival and perpetuation. Their central role in reproductive, embryonic, and post-embryonic processes, combined with their wide phylogenetic distribution in both the plant and animal kingdoms intimates that the emergence of stem cells may have been a prerequisite in the evolution of multicellular organisms. We present an evolutionary perspective on stem cells and extend this view to ascertain the value of current comparative studies on various invertebrate and vertebrate somatic and germ line stem cells. We suggest that somatic stem cells may be ancestral, with germ line stem cells being derived later in the evolution of multicellular organisms. We also propose that current studies of stem cell biology are likely to benefit from studying the somatic stem cells of simple metazoans. Here, we present the merits of neoblasts, a largely unexplored, yet experimentally accessible population of stem cells found in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. We introduce what we know about the neoblasts, and posit some of the questions that will need to be addressed in order to better resolve the relationship between planarian somatic stem cells and those found in other organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

Plants possess photoreceptors to perceive light which controls most aspects of their lives. Three photoreceptor families are well characterized: cryptochromes (crys), phototropins (phots), and phytochromes (phys). Two putative families have been identified more recently: Zeitlupes (ZTLs) and UV-B photoreceptors (ULI). Using Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa photoreceptor sequences as references, we have searched for photoreceptor encoding genes in the major phyla of plant kingdom. For each photoreceptor family, using a phylogenetic tree based on the alignment of conserved amino acid sequences, we have tried to trace back the evolution and the emergence of the diverse photoreceptor ancestral sequences. The green alga Chlamydomonas contains one cry and one phot sequence, probably close to the corresponding ancestral sequences, and no phy-related sequence. The putative UV-B photoreceptors seem to be restricted to the Brassicacae. Except for mosses and ferns, which contain divergent photoreceptor numbers, the composition of the diverse photoreceptor families is conserved between species. A high conservation of the residues within domains is observed in each photoreceptor family. The complete phylogenic analysis of the photoreceptor families in plants has confirmed the existence of crucial evolutionary nodes between the major phyla. For each photoreceptor class, a major duplication occurred before the separation between Mono- and Eudicotyledons. This allowed postulating on the putative ancestral function of the photoreceptors. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rudiger Cerff]  相似文献   

The traditional bacterial rooting of the three superkingdoms in sequence-based gene trees is inconsistent with new phylogenetic reconstructions based on genome content of compact protein domains. We find that protein domains at the level of the SCOP superfamily (SF) from sequenced genomes implement with maximum parsimony fully resolved rooted trees. Such genome content trees identify archaea and bacteria (akaryotes) as sister clades that diverge from an akaryote common ancestor, LACA. Several eukaryote sister clades diverge from a eukaryote common ancestor, LECA. LACA and LECA descend in parallel from the most recent universal common ancestor (MRUCA), which is not a bacterium. Rather, MRUCA presents 75% of the unique SFs encoded by extant genomes of the three superkingdoms, each encoding a proteome that partially overlaps all others. This alone implies that the common ancestor to the superkingdoms was very complex. Such ancestral complexity is confirmed by phylogenetic reconstructions. In addition, the divergence of proteomes from the complex ancestor in each superkingdom is both reductive in numbers of unique SFs as well as cumulative in the abundance of surviving SFs. These data suggest that the common ancestor was not the first cell lineage and that modern global phylogeny is the crown of a “recently” re-rooted tree. We suggest that a bottlenecked survivor of an environmental collapse, which preceded the flourishing of the modern crown, seeded the current phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies support a common ancestry between animals (Metazoa) and Fungi, but the evolutionary descent of the Metazoa from single-celled eukaryotes (protists) and the nature and taxonomic affiliation of these ancestral protists remain elusive. We addressed this question by sequencing complete mitochondrial genomes from taxonomically diverse protists to generate a large body of molecular data for phylogenetic analyses. Trees inferred from multiple concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences demonstrate that animals are specifically affiliated with two morphologically dissimilar unicellular protist taxa: Monosiga brevicollis (Choanoflagellata), a flagellate, and Amoebidium parasiticum (Ichthyosporea), a fungus-like organism. Statistical evaluation of competing evolutionary hypotheses confirms beyond a doubt that Choanoflagellata and multicellular animals share a close sister group relationship, originally proposed more than a century ago on morphological grounds. For the first time, our trees convincingly resolve the currently controversial phylogenetic position of the Ichthyosporea, which the trees place basal to Choanoflagellata and Metazoa but after the divergence of Fungi. Considering these results, we propose the new taxonomic group Holozoa, comprising Ichthyosporea, Choanoflagellata, and Metazoa. Our findings provide insight into the nature of the animal ancestor and have broad implications for our understanding of the evolutionary transition from unicellular protists to multicellular animals.  相似文献   

The complete genomes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans have recently become available allowing the comparison of the complete protein sets of a unicellular and multicellular eukaryote for the first time. These comparisons reveal some striking trends in terms of expansions or extensive shuffling of specific domains that are involved in regulatory functions and signaling. Similar comparisons with the available sequence data from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana produce consistent results. These observations have provided useful insights regarding the origin of multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Using a new template based on an alignment of 145 nonvertebrate globins we examined several recently determined sequences of putative globins and globin-like hemeproteins. We propose that all globins have evolved from a family of ancestral, approx. 17-kDa hemeproteins, which displayed the globin fold and functioned as redox proteins. Once atmospheric O2 became available the acquisition of oxygen-binding properties was initiated, culminating in the various highly specialized functions known as present. During this evolutionary process, we suggest that (1) high oxygen affinity may have been acquired repeatedly and (2) the formation of chimeric proteins containing both a globin and a flavin binding domain was an additional and distinct evolutionary trend. Furthermore, globin-like hemeproteins encompass hemeproteins produced through convergent evolution from nonglobin ancestral proteins to carry out O2-binding functions as well as hemeproteins whose sequences exhibit the loss of some or all of the structural determinants of the globin fold. We also propose that there occurred two cases of horizontal globin gene transfer, one from an ancestor common to the ciliates Paramecium and Tetrahymena and the green alga Chlamydomonas to a cyanobacterium ancestor and the other, from a eukaryote ancestor of the yeasts Saccharomyces and Candida to a bacterial ancestor of the proteobacterial genera Escherichia, Alcaligenes, and Vitreoscilla.   相似文献   

The 82-90 kD family of molecular chaperone proteins has homologs in eukaryotes (Hsp90) and many eubacteria (HtpG) but not in Archaebacteria. We used representatives of all four different eukaryotic paralogs (cytosolic, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), chloroplast, mitochondrial) together with numerous eubacterial HtpG proteins for phylogenetic analyses to investigate their evolutionary origins. Our trees confirm that none of the organellar Hsp90s derives from the endosymbionts of early eukaryotes. Contrary to previous suggestions of distant origins through lateral gene transfer (LGT) all eukaryote Hsp90s are related to Gram-positive eubacterial HtpG proteins. The nucleocytosolic, ER and chloroplast Hsp90 paralogs are clearly mutually related. The origin of mitochondrial Hsp90 is more obscure, as these sequences are deeply nested within eubacteria. Our trees also reveal a deep split within eubacteria into a group of mainly long-branching sequences (including the eukaryote mitochondrial Hsp90s) and another group comprising exclusively short-branching HtpG proteins, from which the cytosolic/ER versions probably arose. Both versions are present in several eubacterial phyla, suggesting gene duplication very early in eubacterial evolution and multiple independent losses thereafter. We identified one probable case of LGT within eubacteria. However, multiple losses can simply explain the evolutionary pattern of the eubacterial HtpG paralogs and predominate over LGT. We suggest that the actinobacterial ancestor of eukaryotes harbored genes for both eubacterial HtpG paralogs, as the actinobacterium Streptomyces coelicolor still does; one could have given rise to the mitochondrial Hsp90 and the other, following another duplication event in the ancestral eukaryote, to the cytosolic and ER Hsp90 homologs.  相似文献   

A twelve-step program for evolving multicellularity and a division of labor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The volvocine algae provide an unrivalled opportunity to explore details of an evolutionary pathway leading from a unicellular ancestor to multicellular organisms with a division of labor between different cell types. Members of this monophyletic group of green flagellates range in complexity from unicellular Chlamydomonas through a series of extant organisms of intermediate size and complexity to Volvox, a genus of spherical organisms that have thousands of cells and a germ-soma division of labor. It is estimated that these organisms all shared a common ancestor about 50 +/- 20 MYA. Here we outline twelve important ways in which the developmental repertoire of an ancestral unicell similar to modern C. reinhardtii was modified to produce first a small colonial organism like Gonium that was capable of swimming directionally, then a sequence of larger organisms (such as Pandorina, Eudorina and Pleodorina) in which there was an increasing tendency to differentiate two cell types, and eventually Volvox carteri with its complete germ-soma division of labor.  相似文献   

Allatostatins (ASTs) are a class of regulatory neuropeptides, with diverse functions, found in an array of invertebrate phyla. ASTs have complex gene structure, in which individual ASTs are cleaved from a precursor peptide. Little is known about the molecular evolution of AST structure and function, even in extensively studied groups such as cockroaches. This paper presents the application of a novel technique for the analysis of this system, that of ancestral reconstruction, whereby ancestral amino acid sequences are resurrected in the laboratory. We inferred the ancestral sequences of a well-characterized peptide, AST 7, for the insect ancestor, as well as several cockroach ancestors. Peptides were assayed for in vitro inhibition of JH production in Diploptera punctata and Periplaneta americana. Our results surprisingly, indicate a decrease in potency of the ancestral cockroach AST7 peptide in comparison with more ancient ones such as the ancestral insect peptide, as well as more recently evolved cockroach peptides. We propose that this unexpected decrease in peptide potency at the cockroach ancestor may be related to the concurrent increase in peptide copy number in the lineages leading to cockroaches. This model is consistent with current physiological data, and may be linked to the increased role of ASTs in the regulation of reproductive processes in the cockroaches.  相似文献   

The use of an oxyphobic index (OI) based on the propensity of amino acids to enter more frequently the proteins of anaerobes makes it possible to make inferences on the environment in which the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) lived. The reconstruction of the ancestral sequences of proteins using a method based on maximum likelihood and their attribution by means of the OI to the set of aerobe or anaerobe sequences has led to the following conclusions: the LUCA was an anaerobic 'organism', as were the ancestors of Archaea and Bacteria, whereas the ancestor of Eukarya was an aerobe. These observations seem to falsify the hypothesis that the LUCA was an aerobe and help to identify better the environment in which the first organisms lived.  相似文献   

The siliceous marine sponge Suberites domuncula is a member of the most ancient and simplest extant phylum of multicellular animals-Porifera, which have branched off first from the common ancestor of all Metazoa. We have determined primary structures of 79 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) from S. domuncula: 32 proteins from the small ribosomal subunit and 47 proteins from the large ribosomal subunit. Only L39 and L41 polypeptides (51 and 25 residues long in rat, respectively) are missing. The sponge S. domuncula is, after nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and insect Drosophila melanogaster the third representative of invertebrates with known amino acid sequences of all r-proteins. The comparison of S. domuncula r-proteins with r-proteins from D. melanogaster, C. elegans, rat, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed very interesting findings. The majority of the sponge r-proteins are more similar to their homologues from rat, than to those either from invertebrates C. elegans and D. melanogaster, or yeast and plant. With few exceptions, the overall sequence conservation between sponge and rat r-proteins is 80% or higher. The phylogenetic tree of concatenated r-proteins from 6 eukaryotic species (rooted with archaeal r-proteins) has the shortest branches connecting sponge and rat. Both model invertebrate organisms experienced recently accelerated evolution and therefore sponge r-proteins very probably better reflect structures of proteins in the ancestral metazoan ribosome, which changed only little during metazoan evolution. Furthermore, r-proteins from the plant A. thaliana are significantly closer to metazoan r-proteins than are those from the yeast S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

M Di Giulio 《Gene》2001,281(1-2):11-17
By exploiting the correlation between the optimal growth temperature of organisms and a thermophily index based on the propensity of amino acids to enter thermophile/hyperthermophile proteins, an analysis is conducted in order to establish whether the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) was a mesophile or a (hyper)thermophile. This objective is reached by using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood to reconstruct the ancestral sequences of the LUCA for two pairs of sets of paralogous protein sequences by means of the phylogenetic tree topology derived from the small subunit ribosomal RNA, even if this is rooted in all three possible ways. The thermophily index of all the reconstructed ancestral sequences of the LUCA belongs to the set of the thermophile/hyperthermophile sequences, thus supporting the hypotheses that see the LUCA as a thermophile or a hyperthermophile.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence such as the basal location of thermophilic lineages in large-scale phylogenetic trees and the ancestral sequence reconstruction of single enzymes or large protein concatenations support the conclusion that the ancestors of the bacterial and archaeal domains were thermophilic organisms which were adapted to hot environments during the early stages of the Earth. A parsimonious reasoning would therefore suggest that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) was also thermophilic. Various authors have used branch-wise non-homogeneous evolutionary models that better capture the variation of molecular compositions among lineages to accurately reconstruct the ancestral G + C contents of ribosomal RNAs and the ancestral amino acid composition of highly conserved proteins. They confirmed the thermophilic nature of the ancestors of Bacteria and Archaea but concluded that LUCA, their last common ancestor, was a mesophilic organism having a moderate optimal growth temperature. In this letter, we investigate the unknown nature of the phylogenetic signal that informs ancestral sequence reconstruction to support this non-parsimonious scenario. We find that rate variation across sites of molecular sequences provides information at different time scales by recording the oldest adaptation to temperature in slow-evolving regions and subsequent adaptations in fast-evolving ones.  相似文献   

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