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The objective of this study was to investigate the sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of some frequently used apoptosis assays. The degree of apoptosis was tested in two T-lymphoblastoid cell lines, HSB and Jurkat, in which apoptosis was induced by ionizing radiation. HSB and Jurkat samples were taken before, and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after irradiation with 6 and 10 Gray, or with 10 and 14 Gray, respectively. Four frequently used flow cytometric techniques were evaluated: (i) Annexin V/Propidium Iodide assay, detecting the translocation of phosphatidylserine to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, simultaneously with preservation of the membrane integrity; (ii) Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) Uridine triphosphate (UTP) nick end labelling (TUNEL), revealing the presence of DNA strand breaks; (iii) DNA-flow cytometry, measuring DNA-stainability (DNA-fragmentation assay) and (iv) Phycoerythrin-labelled (PE) Apo2.7-assay, a monoclonal antibody against 7A6 antigen, a protein, which becomes exposed upon the mitochondrial membrane during apoptosis. As a general standard for identifying that apoptosis had occurred, the cells were assessed for the presence of DNA-laddering on agar gel electrophoresis and by demonstration of characteristic cell morphology. Results were as follows: Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled Annexin V/Propidium iodide flow cytometry appeared to be the most sensitive, the most specific and the most user-friendly test for measurement of apoptosis of cells in culture conditions in suspension. The expression of 7A6 antigen on the mitochondrial membrane appeared to be not specific for apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation and nuclear condensation are key features in the regulated cell death of higher animal cells. Nuclear death also occurs as part of a developmentally programmed process during the sexual life cycle of the unicellular organismTetrahymena.We examined the regulation of nuclear death and the relationship between DNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation in this model system. Nuclear death is accompanied by DNA digestion to low-molecular-weight oligonucleosomal-length fragments, in agree- ment with a previous study [17], indicating an endonuclease-like activity typical of apoptosis in higher organisms. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide block DNA digestion as well as nuclear condensation suggesting that nuclear death is under genetic regulation. DNA digestion is completely blocked by aurin, a general nuclease inhibitor. In addition, when DNA fragmentation is blocked, nuclear condensation also fails to occur. Moreover, a kinetic analysis of DNA breakdown, using agarose gels, shows that some DNA digestion occurs before nuclear condensation has taken place. Thus the initiation of DNA digestion may provide conditions necessary for nuclear condensation. Temporary inhibition of nuclear death aborts the death program since after removal of inhibitors cells revert to a vegetative pathway without having eliminated the old or developed the new macronucleus. Zn2+and EGTA, both of which inhibit apoptosis in some cell types, fail to prevent nuclear condensation or DNA digestion inTetrahymena,suggesting a requirement here for an endonuclease which is Ca2+-independent and Zn2+-insensitive. With the TUNEL assay, DNA breakdown is detected exclusively in the condensed macronucleus (and occasional micronuclei identified as degenerating haploid products of meiosis), but not in precondensed macronuclei. These studies show that apoptotic-like DNA fragmentation occurs after condensation of the degenerating macronucleus. However, early DNA digestion may be critical for nuclear condensation and subsequent degeneration.  相似文献   

Treatment with ionic detergents of nuclei isolated from various continuously growing cell lines generally yields chromatin samples of high viscosity. Extensive treatment with nuclease-free proteinase K or pronase solubilized the viscous lysates with >90% of the DNA migrating at 50 kb. Freshly prepared human peripheral blood T cells also yield a substantial fraction of their DNA in an 50- to 100-kb band. The cleavage sites may coincide with a class of DNase I-hypersensitive regions, since digestion of chromatin by DNase I at 10 U/ml, without protease, also yields fragments of preferentially 50-kb size. Occasionally, the oligonucleosomal ladder was also detected together with high molecular weight degradation products. Remarkably, all of these fragmentation patterns were seen in healthy, resting or proliferating cells, i.e., in the absence of apoptosis. Tritiated thymidine incorporation could be readily detected in the 50-kb DNA fragments. The effect of an apoptotic intracellular milieu on the integrity of isolated chromatin is apparently imitated by the extensive protease treatment used in our DNA isolation protocol.  相似文献   

While studying small noncoding RNA in C. elegans, we discovered that protocols used for isolation of RNA are contaminated with small DNA pieces. After electrophoresis on a denaturing gel, the DNA fragments appear as a ladder of bands, ∼10 nucleotides apart, mimicking the pattern of nuclease digestion of DNA wrapped around a nucleosome. Here we show that the small DNA pieces are products of the DNA fragmentation that occurs during apoptosis, and correspondingly, are absent in mutant strains incapable of apoptosis. In contrast, the small DNA pieces are present in strains defective for the engulfment process of apoptosis, suggesting they are produced in the dying cell prior to engulfment. While the small DNA pieces are also present in a number of strains with mutations in predicted nucleases, they are undetectable in strains containing mutations in nuc-1, which encodes a DNase II endonuclease. We find that the small DNA pieces can be labeled with terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase only after phosphatase treatment, as expected if they are products of DNase II cleavage, which generates a 3′ phosphate. Our studies reveal a previously unknown intermediate in the process of apoptotic DNA fragmentation and thus bring us closer to defining this important pathway.  相似文献   

流式细胞术在细胞凋亡检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋亡是细胞受一些生理或病理信号刺激时所发生的一种程序性死亡过程.近年来,有关肿瘤细胞凋亡的研究已成为一个新的研究热点.围绕凋亡细胞出现的典型的形态变化及生化改变,建立了一些检测分析凋亡细胞的方法.文章着重概述了流式细胞术(FCM)在细胞凋亡研究中的应用,尤其是NT法、TdT法及SBIP法等新方法的价值.  相似文献   

The molecular genetics and bioenergetics of oxidative damage, fragmentation, and fragility of mitochondrial DNA in cellular apoptosis is reviewed in connection with the redox mechanism of ageing.  相似文献   

Cortical bone samples were removed from individual burials from Tomb Dk31 in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. The tissue was disaggregated, stained with the DNA specific fluorescent dye DAPI and analyzed using the flow cytom-eter. DNA flow cytometry measures the cellular DNA content and this is correlated with modal chromosome content. When DNA is present in skeletal remains further investigations such as extracting, amplifying and sequencing may then be carried out. The method offers a relatively rapid and inexpensive means of pinpointing samples of skeletal DNA that can be further analyzed.  相似文献   

Cortical bone samples were removed from individual burials from Tomb Dk31 in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. The tissue was disaggregated, stained with the DNA specific fluorescent dye DAPI and analyzed using the flow cytom-eter. DNA flow cytometry measures the cellular DNA content and this is correlated with modal chromosome content. When DNA is present in skeletal remains further investigations such as extracting, amplifying and sequencing may then be carried out. The method offers a relatively rapid and inexpensive means of pinpointing samples of skeletal DNA that can be further analyzed.  相似文献   

During a proper immune response, quiescent T cells become activated upon antigen presentation to their antigen-specific T cell receptor. This leads to clonal proliferation of only those T cells that bear a receptor that recognizes the antigen. Chromatin decondensation is a hallmark of T cell activation and is required for T cells to acquire the ability to proliferate after antigen engagement. This change in chromatin condensation can be detected using antibodies raised against histone proteins. These antibodies cannot bind to their epitopes in naïve T cells as well as they can in activated T cells. We describe how to simultaneously stain T cell-specific surface markers, track viability with a fixable dead cell stain, and measure chromatin status via intracellular staining of Histone H3 proteins. Stained cells are analyzed by flow cytometry and chromatin condensation status is measured as the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of the Histone H3 stain. Chromatin decondensation during T cell activation is demonstrated as an increase in the MFI  相似文献   

Oligonucleosomal fragmentation of nuclear DNA is the late-stage apoptosis hallmark. In apoptotic mammalian cells the fragmentation is catalyzed by DFF40/CAD DNase primarily activated by caspase 3 through the site-specific proteolytic cleavage of DFF45/ICAD. A deletion in the casp3 gene of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 results in lack of procaspase 3 in these cells. The absence of caspase 3 in MCF-7 leads to disability to activate oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in TNF-alpha induced cell death. In this study, sodium palmitate was used as an apoptotic stimulus for MCF-7. It has been shown that palmitate but not TNF-alpha induces both apoptotic changes in nuclei and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in casp3-mutated MCF-7. Activation and accumulation of 40-50 kD DFF40-like DNases in nuclei of palmitate-treated apoptotic MCF-7 were detected by SDS-DNA-PAGE assay. Microsomal fraction of apoptotic MCF-7 does not contain any detectable DNases, but activates 40-50 kD nucleases when incubated with human placental chromatin. Furthermore, microsomes of apoptotic MCF-7 induce oligonucleosomal fragmentation of chromatin in a cell-free system. Both the activation of DNases and chromatin fragmentation are suppressed in the presence of the caspase 3/7 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO. Microsome-associated caspase 7 is suggested to play an essential role in the induction of oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in casp3-deficient MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   

Chromatin challenges during DNA replication and repair   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Groth A  Rocha W  Verreault A  Almouzni G 《Cell》2007,128(4):721-733
Inheritance and maintenance of the DNA sequence and its organization into chromatin are central for eukaryotic life. To orchestrate DNA-replication and -repair processes in the context of chromatin is a challenge, both in terms of accessibility and maintenance of chromatin organization. To meet the challenge of maintenance, cells have evolved efficient nucleosome-assembly pathways and chromatin-maturation mechanisms that reproduce chromatin organization in the wake of DNA replication and repair. The aim of this Review is to describe how these pathways operate and to highlight how the epigenetic landscape may be stably maintained even in the face of dramatic changes in chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Similar changes in chromatin organization take place during development and carcinogenesis. The size of chromatin loop domains fixed on the nuclear skeleton (matrix) increased from 20 to approximately 200 kb. These changes are accompanied by an increased size of replicons and altered specificity of loop attachment to the nuclear matrix. During carcinogenesis, inverse changes in the chromatin structure are observed, neoplastic cells are dedifferentiated and return to the initial state. In this review, we consider new experimental data on organization of the DFNA loops and nuclear matrix in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract The study of relationships between cell size and productivity is of key importance in microbial ecology to understand which members of natural aquatic communities are responsible for the overall activity and/or productivity. Flow sorting of microorganisms from different environmental samples was used to analyze the activity of bacterial cells depending on their biovolume. Bacterial cells from five different natural samples taken along the Mediterranean coast including fresh- and seawaters were incubated with tritiated leucine, then stained with SYTO 13 and sorted by flow cytometry according to their average side-angle-scattered (SSC) light. In all samples, a bell-shaped relationship was found between cell biovolume and activity, whereas activity of a given cell-size class varied between samples. In contrast, an inverse relationship was found between biovolumes and abundances. These results suggest that medium-sized cells with highest growth rates are probably submitted to intense grazing. For one sample, bacteria within five different size classes were sorted and the genetic diversity of cells within each sorted size class and that of the whole community were analyzed by the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method. The genetic diversity, as determined at the community level was highly represented into the pool of small cells, whereas only few species were present into larger cell subpopulations. The results suggest that only a few genotypes may be dominant within the largest and most productive cells. Furthermore, cell size polymorphism as well as heterogeneous cellular activities were found within some species. Received: January 2000; Accepted: April 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

A flow cytometric method has recently been developed using biotinylated dUTP (b-dUTP) in a reaction catalyzed by terminal deozynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to identify the endonuclease-induced DNA strand breaks occurring during apoptosis. Counterstaining of DNA makes it possible to relate apoptosis to cell cycle position or DNA index. In the present study, we compared this method with one using digoxigenin-conjugated dUTP (d-dUTP) to label apoptotic cells. The discrimination of apoptotic from nonapoptotic cells was similar when incorporation of d-dUTP was compared with b-dUTP. Both techniques resulted in a 20-30 fold increase in staining of apoptotic over nonapoptotic cells although somewhat less background fluorescence was observed with the d-dUTP. Direct labeling with fluo-resceinated dUTP (f-dUTP) was less sensitive in detecting DNA strand breaks, but had the advantage of simplicity. The principle of labeling DNA strand breaks using TdT was also employed to identify DNA replicating cells. To this end, the cells were incubated in the presence of BrdUrd, then exposed to UV light to selectively photolyse DNA containing the incorporated BrdUrd. DNA strand breaks resulting from the photolysis were then labeled with b-dUTP or d-dUTP. This approach is an alternative to immunocytochemical detection of BrdUrd incorporation, but unlike the latter does not require prior DNA denaturation, thus can be applied when the denaturation step must be avoided. The method was sensitive enough to recognize DNA synthesizing cells that were incubated with BrdUrd for only 5 min, the equivalent of replication of less than 1% of the cell's genome. The discrimination between apoptotic vs. BrdUrd incorporating-cells is based on different extractability of DNA following cell fixation. This method can be applied to analyze both cell proliferation (DNA replication) and death (by apoptosis) in a single measurement.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric method has recently been developed using biotinylated dUTP (b-dUTP) in a reaction catalyzed by terminal deozynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to identify the endonuclease-induced DNA strand breaks occurring during apoptosis. Counterstaining of DNA makes it possible to relate apoptosis to cell cycle position or DNA index. In the present study, we compared this method with one using digoxigenin-conjugated dUTP (d-dUTP) to label apoptotic cells. The discrimination of apoptotic from nonapoptotic cells was similar when incorporation of d-dUTP was compared with b-dUTP. Both techniques resulted in a 20–30 fold increase in staining of apoptotic over nonapoptotic cells although somewhat less background fluorescence was observed with the d-dUTP. Direct labeling with fluo-resceinated dUTP (f-dUTP) was less sensitive in detecting DNA strand breaks, but had the advantage of simplicity. The principle of labeling DNA strand breaks using TdT was also employed to identify DNA replicating cells. To this end, the cells were incubated in the presence of BrdUrd, then exposed to UV light to selectively photolyse DNA containing the incorporated BrdUrd. DNA strand breaks resulting from the photolysis were then labeled with b-dUTP or d-dUTP. This approach is an alternative to immunocytochemical detection of BrdUrd incorporation, but unlike the latter does not require prior DNA denaturation, thus can be applied when the denaturation step must be avoided. The method was sensitive enough to recognize DNA synthesizing cells that were incubated with BrdUrd for only 5 min, the equivalent of replication of less than 1% of the cell's genome. The discrimination between apoptotic vs. BrdUrd incorporating-cells is based on different extractability of DNA following cell fixation. This method can be applied to analyze both cell proliferation (DNA replication) and death (by apoptosis) in a single measurement.  相似文献   

Chromatin dynamics modulate DNA repair factor accessibility throughout the DNA damage response. The spatiotemporal scale upon which these dynamics occur render them invisible to live cell imaging. Here we present a believed novel assay to monitor the in vivo structural rearrangements of chromatin during DNA repair. By pair correlation analysis of EGFP molecular flow into chromatin before and after damage, this assay measures millisecond variations in chromatin compaction with submicron resolution. Combined with laser microirradiation we employ this assay to monitor the real-time accessibility of DNA at the damage site. We find from comparison of EGFP molecular flow with a molecule that has an affinity toward double-strand breaks (Ku-EGFP) that DNA damage induces a transient decrease in chromatin compaction at the damage site and an increase in compaction to adjacent regions, which together facilitate DNA repair factor recruitment to the lesion with high spatiotemporal control.  相似文献   

Granulocytes play a key role in the body’s innate immune response to bacterial and viral infections. While methods exist to measure granulocyte function, in general these are limited in terms of the information they can provide. For example, most existing assays merely provide a percentage of how many granulocytes are activated following a single, fixed length incubation. Complicating matters, most assays focus on only one aspect of function due to limitations in detection technology. This report demonstrates a technique for simultaneous measurement of granulocyte phagocytosis of bacteria and oxidative burst. By measuring both of these functions at the same time, three unique phenotypes of activated granulocytes were identified: 1) Low Activation (minimal phagocytosis, no oxidative burst), 2) Moderate Activation (moderate phagocytosis, some oxidative burst, but no co-localization of the two functional events), and 3) High Activation (high phagocytosis, high oxidative burst, co-localization of phagocytosis and oxidative burst). A fourth population that consisted of inactivated granulocytes was also identified. Using assay incubations of 10, 20, and 40-min the effect of assay incubation duration on the redistribution of activated granulocyte phenotypes was assessed. A fourth incubation was completed on ice as a control. By using serial time incubations, the assay may be able to able to detect how a treatment spatially affects granulocyte function. All samples were measured using an image-based flow cytometer equipped with a quantitative imaging (QI) option, autosampler, and multiple lasers (488, 642, and 785 nm).  相似文献   

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