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Monoclonal antibodies were produced against protein p30, a structural protein of murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) coded by the gag gene of MuLV. Three monoclonal antibodies of different isotypes (i.e., IgG-1, IgG-2a, and IgG-2b) were chosen for extensive analysis. These three antibodies bound to mouse tumor cells induced by Friend, Moloney, Rauscher, and Gross MuLV, but not to noninfected normal mouse spleen cells. The ability of these monoclonal antibodies to inhibit cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity by masking the antigens recognized by CTL on the target cell surface was studied in various CTL systems. It was found that the only CTL that were consistently inhibited in their lytic activity came from BALB.B (H-2b) mice immunized against syngeneic Gross MuLV-induced B.GV cells. These results thus showed that a subpopulation of BALB.B anti-Gross MuLV CTL recognized a Gross MuLV gag gene product expressed on the surface of B.GV cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that AKR.H-2b congenic mice, though carrying the responder H-2b major histocompatibility complex haplotype, are unable to generate secondary cytolytic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses specific for AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Our published work has shown that this nonresponsive state is specific and not due to clonal deletion or irreversible functional inactivation of antiviral CTL precursors. In the present study, an alternative mechanism based on the presence of inhibitory AKR.H-2b cells was examined. Irradiated or mitomycin C-treated AKR.H-2b spleen cells function as in vitro stimulator cells in the generation of C57BL/6 (B6) anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL, consistent with their expression of viral antigens. In contrast, untreated viable AKR.H-2b spleen cells functioned very poorly as stimulators in vitro. Viable AKR.H-2b spleen cells were also able to cause dramatic (up to > or = 25-fold) inhibition of antiviral CTL responses stimulated in vitro by standard AKR/Gross MuLV-induced tumor cells. This inhibition was specific: AKR.H-2b modulator spleen cells did not inhibit allogeneic major histocompatibility complex-specific CTL production, even when a concurrent antiviral CTL response in the same culture well was inhibited by the modulator cells. These results and those of experiments in which either semipermeable membranes were used to separate AKR.H-2b modulator spleen cells from AKR/Gross MuLV-primed responder cells or the direct transfer of supernatants from wells where inhibition was demonstrated to wells where there was antiviral CTL responsiveness argued against a role for soluble factors as the cause of the inhibition. Rather, the inhibition was dependent on direct contact of AKR.H-2b cells in a dose-dependent manner with the responder cell population. Inhibition was shown not to be due to the ability of AKR.H-2b cells to function as unlabeled competitive target cells. Exogenous interleukin-2 added at the onset of the in vitro CTL-generating cultures partially restored the antiviral response that was decreased by AKR.H-2b spleen cells. Positive and negative cell selection studies and the development of inhibitory cell lines indicated that B lymphocytes and both CD4- CD8+ and CD4+ CD8- T lymphocytes from AKR.H-2b mice could inhibit the generation of AKR/Gross virus-specific CTL in vitro. AKR.H-2b macrophages were shown not to be required to demonstrate AKR/Gross MuLV-specific inhibition, however, confirming that the inhibition by T-cell (or B-cell)-depleted spleen populations was dependent on the enriched B-cell (T-cell) population per se.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We previously described a system in which H-2Kb-restricted C57BL/6 (B6) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) could be raised that were specific for tumors, such as the thymic lymphoma AKR.H-2b SL1, that were induced by endogenous AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus and that expressed the Gross cell surface antigen. In this study, certain normal lymphoid cells from AKR.H-2b mice were also found to express target antigens defined by such anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL. AKR.H-2b spleen, but surprisingly not thymus, cells stimulated the production of anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL when employed at either the in vivo priming phase or the in vitro restimulation phase of anti-viral CTL induction. This selective stimulation by spleen vs thymus cells was not dependent on the age of the mice over the range (3 to 28 wk) tested. Both AKR.H-2b spleen and thymus cells, however, were able to stimulate the generation of H-2-restricted B6 anti-AKR minor histocompatibility (H) antigen-specific CTL. Thus, AKR.H-2b spleen cells appeared to display the same sets (minor H and virus-associated) of cell surface antigens recognized by CTL as the AKR.H-2b SL1 tumor, whereas AKR.H-2b thymocytes were selectively missing the virus-associated target antigens, a situation analogous to that of cl. 18-5, a variant subclone of AKR.H-2b SL1 insusceptible to anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL. Like AKR.H-2b thymocytes, neither AKR spleen cells or thymocytes nor B6.GIX + thymocytes were able to stimulate the generation of anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL from primed B6 responder cell populations. In contrast, both T cell-enriched and B cell-enriched preparations derived from AKR.H-2b spleen cells were able to stimulate at the in vitro phase of induction, although B cell-enriched preparations were considerably more efficient. The discordant results obtained with AKR.H-2b spleen cells vs thymocytes were confirmed and extended in experiments in which these cells were employed as target cells to directly assess the cell surface expression of virus-associated, CTL-defined antigens. Thus, AKR.H-2b spleen cells, but not thymocytes, were recognized by anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL when fresh normal cells were tested as unlabeled competitive inhibitors, or when mitogen blasts were tested as labeled targets. Fresh or lipopolysaccharide-stimulated B cell-enriched spleen cells were as efficiently recognized as unseparated spleen cell preparations. Unexpectedly, fresh or Lens culinaris hemagglutinin-stimulated T cell-enriched spleen cell preparations, although susceptible to anti-minor H CTL, were almost as poor as targets for anti-viral CTL as were thymocytes. Together, these results demonstrate the H-2-restricted expression of CTL-defined, endogenous, AKR/Gross virus-associated target antigens by normal AKR.H-2b splenic B cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Moloney leukemia virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), generated by secondary in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with syngeneic virus-infected cells, frequently lysed not only syngeneic virus-infected cells, but also noninfected allogeneic target cells. This phenomenon was studied with B6(H-2 b ) responder cells and a series of H-2K b -mutant responder cells. Thus, B6 Moloney-specific CTL lysed noninfected K b -mutant cells, but not B6 cells, whereas K b -mutant Moloney-specific CTL lysed noninfected B6 cells and not noninfected cells of the same mutant. Cold-target-inhibition studies showed that the CTL reactions against different allogeneic cells were mediated by different subpopulations of virus-specific CTL: lysis of allogeneic target cells was fully inhibited only by the same allogeneic and by syngeneic virus-infected cells, but not by another allogeneic cell, also lysed by the same effector-cell population. Lysis of syngeneic virus-infected cells could not be inhibited by allogeneic target cells. These data imply that a minority of virus-specific CTL shows cross-reactivity with a given allogeneic target cell. It is concluded that limited amino acid substitutions in the Kb molecule alter the repertoire of Moloney virus-specific CTL, as reflected in alloreactive CTL populations, even though the virus-specific CTL response. of B6 and all K b mutants is mainly Db-restricted. Thus, the development of tolerance to self class-I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules affects the repertoire of self-restricted cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

As young adult AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice reach about 9 wk of age, they begin to develop a nonresponsiveness to AKR/Gross leukemia virus. Unlike young mice that are responders, moderately aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice, after immunization and secondary in vitro restimulation in bulk culture with AKR/Gross virus induced tumors, can not generate anti-AKR/Gross virus-specific CTL. The mechanism of conversion to nonresponsiveness in moderately aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice is not understood, but it is correlated with increased expression of endogenous ecotropic viral antigens. Our present investigation focuses on determining the frequency of anti-AKR/Gross virus precursor CTL in AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice as a function of age. This was achieved by performing limiting dilution cultures of immune spleen cells obtained from young and moderately aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice. Although spleen cells obtained from immune moderately aged mice can not differentiate in bulk cultures into anti-AKR/Gross virus-specific CTL, there was no evidence of substantially decreased frequencies of virus-specific precursor CTL, relative to precursor CTL frequencies observed in young responder AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice.  相似文献   

The specificity of CTL generated against tumors induced by murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) has been reported to parallel the expression of two serologically defined tumor cell surface antigens--the cross-reactive FMR antigen expressed on the surface of tumors induced by Friend, Moloney, and Rauscher MuLV, and the Gross cell surface antigen (GCSA) expressed on tumors induced by AKV/Gross MuLV. We examined the specificity of CTL generated against MuLV-induced tumors and identified two distinct patterns of reactivity. The first follows the traditional pattern of FMR vs GCSA reactivity as assessed on a panel of established MuLV-induced lymphomas. However, CTL exhibiting this pattern of reactivity are incapable of lysing MuLV-infected fibroblasts. CTL exhibiting the second pattern of reactivity are capable of lysing MuLV-induced lymphomas as well as MuLV-infected fibroblasts. In addition, these CTL exhibit extensive cross-reactivity between lymphomas and fibroblasts infected by both groups of MuLV. Our results suggest that CTL exhibiting the traditional FMR vs GCSA pattern of reactivity are directed against a tumor-associated antigen and not against virus-encoded antigens, and that CTL directed against MuLV-encoded antigens demonstrate extensive cross-reactivity, including the ability to lyse AKV-infected cells.  相似文献   

To assess whether the presence of a responder H-2b haplotype would be sufficient to allow mice of nonresponder "high leukemic" phenotype to generate syngeneic anti-AKR/Gross virus cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL), the AKR.H-2b strain was examined. Although capable of mounting vigorous apparent anti-minor histocompatibility-specific CTL responses, AKR.H-2b mice failed to produce anti-viral CTL after a variety of stimulation protocols. In contrast, the "doubly congenic" AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b strain was able to respond with substantial levels of H-2-restricted anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL activity. These results indicated that Fv-1n alleles could exert negative epistatic control over responder H-2b-encoded gene(s). Because the B6.Fv-1n congenic was also able to generate anti-viral CTL indistinguishable from the prototype B6 strain, however, it was apparent that other genes of AKR background were required for the Fv-1n-mediated inhibition in AKR.H-2b mice. The mechanism by which Fv-1 intereacted with other genes to override positive H-2b control appeared to be related to the expression of the CTL-defined, virus-associated antigens by normal AKR.H-2b cells. Thus, AKR.H-2b spleen cells but not thymus cells were able to stimulate the production of B6 anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL and were recognized as target cells by such anti-viral CTL. In contrast, both spleen cells and thymocytes from AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice were negative when tested as stimulator or target cells in these assays. In addition, AKR.H-2b but not AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b spleen cells were shown to display serologically defined gp70 determinants and the Gross cell surface antigen. Taking these data together, it appeared that the inhibition of anti-viral CTL responsiveness might be due to tolerance induced by the cell surface expression of virus-associated antigens by normal AKR.H-2b cells. Widespread display of viral antigens, in turn, may have been due to the permissive effects of Fv-1n on the spread of the early arising N-ecotropic, endogenous AKR leukemia virus controlled by other background genes. In this context, the implications of the multi-gene control of anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL production are discussed with respect to the induction of spontaneous leukemia in the high incidence AKR strain.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 mice, after immunization and secondary in vitro restimulation with AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-induced tumors, generate AKR/Gross MuLV-specific CTL. After similar immunization protocols, AKR-H-2b mice fail to generate CTL specific for AKR/Gross MuLV. The basis for nonresponsiveness in AKR.H-2b mice is unknown, however, unlike C57BL/6 mice, AKR.H-2b mice carry endogenous proviruses and express N-ecotropic viral Ag. Thus, clonal deletion of pCTL populations due to the expression of AKR/Gross MuLV-like Ag is a likely mechanism for the nonresponsiveness. To determine if nonresponsiveness is due to clonal deletion, limiting dilution cultures were performed to assess the presence of pCTL specific for AKR/Gross MuLV. Our study demonstrates that the frequencies of pCTL specific for AKR/Gross MuLV are similar in both the responder C57BL/6 and nonresponder AKR.H-2b strains. The observation that normal levels of AKR/Gross MuLV-specific pCTL exist in AKR.H-2b mice, suggests that clonal deletion of pCTL is not responsible for the inability of AKR.H-2b mice to generate anti-AKR/Gross virus-specific CTL.  相似文献   

After immunization of B6 mice with the syngeneic retrovirus-induced T cell leukemia/lymphoma FBL-3, two major tumor-specific proliferative T cell clonotypes were derived. T cell clones derived from long-term lines propagated by in vitro culture with irradiated tumor cells and syngeneic spleen cells were exclusively of the Lyt-2+ phenotype. Such clones were cytolytic, retained their proliferative phenotype indefinitely when expanded by repeated cycles of reactivation and rest, and recognized a tumor-specific cell surface antigen in association with class I MHC molecules. This tumor cell antigen was not present on nontransformed virus-infected cells. Class II MHC-restricted MT4+ clones specific for the viral antigen gp70 were derived from lymph node T cells of FBL-3 tumor-immune mice only by in vitro culture with purified Friend virus in the presence of syngeneic splenic APC. Once derived, however, such clones could be stimulated in the presence of FBL-3 tumor cells and syngeneic spleen cells, demonstrating the reprocessing of tumor-derived gp70 antigen by APC in the spleen cell population. In contrast, no reprocessing of the tumor cell surface antigen by splenic APC for presentation to the class I MHC-restricted T cell clones could be demonstrated. Evidence is presented that FBL-3 T leukemia/lymphoma cells function as APC for Lyt-2+ class I MHC-restricted clones, and that no concomitant recognition of Ia molecules is required to activate these clones. Both Lyt-2+ and MT4+ clones were induced to proliferate in the presence of exogenous IL2 alone, but this stimulus failed to result in significant release of immune interferon. In contrast, antigen stimulation of both clones resulted in proliferation as well as significant immune interferon release. Immune interferon production is not required for the generation of MHC-restricted cell-mediated cytolytic function.  相似文献   

The effector T cell repertoire in experimental interstitial nephritis was examined in a variety of susceptible and nonsusceptible mice. We observed that L3T4+ effector T cells in disease-susceptible mice disappear soon after immunization in preference to the emergence of Lyt-2+ effector cells. These latter cells respond with delayed-type hypersensitivity to tubular antigen in the context of H-2K. Such cells also express idiotypes (RE-Id) shared with kidney-bound alpha TBM-Ab that are regulated by an interactional effect of genes in Igh-1 and H-2K. These Lyt-2+ effector cells can be removed from renal infiltrates, and the transfer of similar cells under the renal capsule of naive mice results, within 5 days, in local interstitial nephritis. Nonsusceptible mice, however, not having these immune response genes, produce either L3T4+, Lyt-1+, RE-Id- effector T cells, which only respond to tubular antigen in the context of I-A, or Lyt-2+, RE-Id- T cells, which may lack very fine specificity. These findings suggest that susceptible mice carry a unique set of immune response genes that promote a T cell selection process that operates after induction, during the differentiation and development of disease-producing effector T cells.  相似文献   

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