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The honey bee (Apis mellifera) is an important pollinator of agricultural and horticultural crops, but also of wild flowers. The species has been facing declines in many areas of the world, the causes being identified as multifactorial. Recently, it has been theorised that some plant-dwelling animals may develop a dependence on the medicinal properties of their hots plant’s secondary metabolites. Here, the question of honey bee self-medication using organic materials, namely propolis, nectar, honey, honeydew, pollen, wood, and algae for self-medication is addressed. Self-medication in honey bees is a largely unexplored area and thus a comprehensive overview of the field is provided. Prior studies suggest that recent honey bee colony declines are driven by decreased forage plant availability. The problem is expanded and it is suggested, that if honey bees developed a dependence on medical properties of some disappearing plants or materials, this could explain a part of the colony losses observed around the world. To date, convincing evidence points towards self-medication with honey and propolis. Bees also contact plant secondary metabolites, fatty acids, essential oils, and microorganisms that are active against the causative agents of American foulbrood, European foulbrood, nosemosis, chalkbrood, stonebrood, and varroasis. In the future, selected taxa of plants with medicinal properties may be planted to boost honey bee health without chemotherapy. Future directions of research are discussed.  相似文献   

Animals use diverse sensory stimuli to navigate their environment and to recognize rewarding food sources.Honey bees use visual atributes of the targeted food source,such as its color,shape,size,direction and distance from the hive,and the landmarks around it to navigate during foraging.They transmit the location information of the food source to other bees if it is highly rewarding.To investigate the relative importance of these attributes,we trained bees to feeders in two different experiments.In the first experiment,we asked whether bees prefer to land on(a)a similar feeder at a different distance on the same heading or on(b)a visually distinct feeder located at the exact same location.We found that,within a short foraging range,bees relied heavily on the color and the shape of the food source and to a lesser extent on its distance from the hive.In the second experiment,we asked if moving the main landmark or the feeder(visual target)influenced recruitment dancing for the feeder.We found that foragers took longer to land and danced fewer circuits when the location of the food source,or a major landmark associated with it,changed.These results demonstrate that prominent visual atributes of food sources and landmarks are evidently more reliable than distance information and that foraging bees heavily utilize these visual cues at the later stages of their journey.  相似文献   

Evidence from field wasps and bumblebees appoints the endocrine system as a mediator between dominance status and ovarian activity in primitively social Hymenoptera. In this comparative study on ecdysteroid titers in the highly social honey bee, Apis mellifera, and a stingless bee, Melipona quadrifasciata, we focussed on the relationship between the ecdysteroid titer, social conditions (presence or absence of the queen), and ovary activity. In contrast to bumblebees, ecdysteroid titers in honey bee and stingless bee workers were either not altered, or dropped to even lower levels after the queen was removed. We also did not detect differences between virgin queens and mated, egg laying queens. These results suggest that ecdysteroids may have lost most of their reproductive functions - yet gained functions in larval caste differentiation - as higher levels of social organization were attained in the evolution of social insects. The observation that ecdysteroid titers are transiently elevated in young workers adds a new, yet functionally still speculative facet to hormonal regulation in insect societies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In honey bee colony, the brood is able to manipulate and chemically control the workers in order to sustain their own development. A brood ester pheromone produced primarily by old larvae (4 and 5 days old larvae) was first identified as acting as a contact pheromone with specific effects on nurses in the colony. More recently a new volatile brood pheromone has been identified: E-β-ocimene, which partially inhibits ovary development in workers. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDING: Our analysis of E-β-ocimene production revealed that young brood (newly hatched to 3 days old) produce the highest quantity of E-β-ocimene relative to their body weight. By testing the potential action of this molecule as a non-specific larval signal, due to its high volatility in the colony, we demonstrated that in the presence of E-β-ocimene nest workers start to forage earlier in life, as seen in the presence of real brood. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this way, young larvae are able to assign precedence to the task of foraging by workers in order to increase food stores for their own development. Thus, in the complexity of honey bee chemical communication, E-β-ocimene, a pheromone of young larvae, provides the brood with the means to express their nutritional needs to the workers.  相似文献   

When honey bees approach blossoms, they are attracted by the color and form of the goal in their visual field, and they use these cues for a successful revisit. Their visual system receives cues by two main types of parallel channels behind the retina; one channel for colors, and a monochrome channel for the orientation and edge of the item in their visual field. In the integration process of these 2 channels, the priority and interaction between them are significant due to the fact that these chromatic and achromatic signals coexist naturally. To investigate this issue, we trained bees to detect form and color and then tested them with combinations of opposite patterns. We observed that the bees chose the correct color but the wrong form pattern in the above experiment as well as for other manipulations as follows. The effect of the color training for the blue reward pattern differed from that of the green reward pattern. The color pattern choices tended to be more correct if blue was the target during the training process, indicating that the chromatic signal was the main cue in pattern discrimination. In other words, color tended to be the decisive factor in a conflicting situation. In addition, the color blue was preferred over the color green, indicating that color preference was involved in visual recognition.  相似文献   

Host manipulation is a common strategy by parasites to reduce host defense responses, enhance development, host exploitation, reproduction and, ultimately, transmission success. As these parasitic modifications can reduce host fitness, increased selection pressure may result in reciprocal adaptations of the host. Whereas the majority of studies on host manipulation have explored resistance against parasites (i.e. ability to prevent or limit an infection), data describing tolerance mechanisms (i.e. ability to limit harm of an infection) are scarce. By comparing differential protein abundance, we provide evidence of host-parasite interactions in the midgut proteomes of N. ceranae-infected and uninfected honey bees from both Nosema-tolerant and Nosema-sensitive lineages. We identified 16 proteins out of 661 protein spots that were differentially abundant between experimental groups. In general, infections of Nosema resulted in an up-regulation of the bee's energy metabolism. Additionally, we identified 8 proteins that were differentially abundant between tolerant and sensitive honey bees regardless of the Nosema infection. Those proteins were linked to metabolism, response to oxidative stress and apoptosis. In addition to bee proteins, we also identified 3 Nosema ceranae proteins. Interestingly, abundance of two of these Nosema proteins were significantly higher in infected Nosema-sensitive honeybees relative to the infected Nosema-tolerant lineage. This may provide a novel candidate for studying the molecular interplay between N. ceranae and its honey bee host in more detail.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of drone size and potential reproductive quality on caste interactions by adding large drones reared in drone cells (DC drones; considered to be of higher quality) and small drones reared in worker cells (WC drones; of lower quality) to two observation colonies and monitoring worker–drone interactions and acceptance by workers. When initially introduced into the colonies more DC drones received trophallaxis, whereas more WC drones received aggression and eviction attempts from workers. Nevertheless, WC and DC drones were equally likely to be accepted by workers. For both drone types accepted individuals had slightly, but significantly greater weights than rejected males. Thus, workers discriminated between drones of different sizes and potential quality upon initial encounter, although these discriminations were not strongly associated with acceptance decisions. After drones were accepted, workers either showed no preference for interacting with WC or DC drones, or if a preference was shown it tended to favor WC drones. Compared to accepted DC drones, significantly more WC drones received grooming for longer periods of time and also spent more time engaged in all interactions with workers combined. DC and WC drones did not differ in the likelihood of receiving trophallaxis or the vibration signal, although for both interactions slightly more WC drones were recipients. Thus, workers may bias some interactions with accepted drones to favor smaller individuals with potential developmental deficiencies, in a manner that could contribute to the production of a greater total number of competitive males and increased colony reproductive output.  相似文献   

The western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) is a widespread pollinator species. The present study aimed to test if Africanized honey bee larvae are negatively affected by the ingestion of diet contaminated with the Bacillus thunringiensis toxin Cry1Ac, which is expressed in GM cotton plants. The toxin activity was confirmed in bioassays with the velvetbean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis), a soybean pest species susceptible to Cry1Ac. The honey bee larvae were subjected to ingestion of either pure larval diet (control), diluted larval diet (diluted control) or larval diet diluted in a Cry1Ac solution at a concentration compatible with the maximum possible field exposure. Although diluted diet slightly increased larval mortality, Cry1Ac ingestion did not affect survival, developmental time, and neither adult body mass nor size, indicating that GM plants are unlikely to significantly impair the development of honey bee larvae. The larval‐rearing system reported here was suitable to assess the lethal and sub‐lethal effects of GM expressed toxins against honey bee larvae.  相似文献   

The honey bee (Apis mellifera) is highly valued as a commercial crop pollinator and a model animal in research. Over the past several years, governments, beekeepers, and the general public in the United States and Europe have become concerned by increased losses of honey bee colonies, calling for more research on how to keep colonies healthy while still employing them extensively in agriculture. The honey bee, like virtually all multicellular organisms, has a mutually beneficial relationship with specific microbes. The microbiota of the gut can contribute essential nutrients and vitamins and prevent colonization by non-indigenous and potentially harmful species. The gut microbiota is also of interest as a resource for paratransgenesis; a Trojan horse strategy based on genetically modified symbiotic microbes that express effector molecules antagonizing development or transmission of pathogens. Paratransgenesis was originally engineered to combat human diseases and agricultural pests that are vectored by insects. We suggest an alternative use, as a method to promote health of honey bees and to expand the molecular toolbox for research on this beneficial social insect. The honey bees' gut microbiota contains lactic acid bacteria including the genus Lactobacillus that has paratransgenic potential. We present a strategy for transforming one Lactobacillus species, L. kunkeei, for use as a vector to promote health of honey bees and functional genetic research.  相似文献   

Arthropods and nematodes are important protagonists in human health because either they act as vectors of pathogens (bacteria, protozoa, viruses or fungus), or are themselves parasites. Fighting infectious diseases is based essentially on vaccination (prevention) or chemotherapeutic (curative) approaches in human, but one can envisage as an alternative to reduce the number of vectors or limit their ability to spread pathogens. Such strategies controlling dissemination will undoubtedly benefit from the knowledge accumulated by recent works on powerful mechanisms developed by symbiotic insect bacteria such as Wolbachia to popagate in arthropods and nematods. This review summarizes these recent data, and indicate how these mechanisms can be manipulated to reduce the dissemination of insect vectors propagating human diseases.  相似文献   

Liu TP 《Tissue & cell》1992,24(1):131-138
Terminal o?cytes containing yolk in both healthy and nosema infected queen honey bees were studied. In the healthy queens the terminal o?cytes exhibited a layer of follicular cells which were covered by a smooth-surfaced ovariole sheath. In the o?plasm were numerous electron-dense yolk granules and lipid yolk droplets. The elecron-dense yolk granules exhibited a crystalline structure. Stacks of endoplasmic reticulum were observed in the yolk granules throughout the o?plasm. Numerous mitochondria possessing well defined cristae were also observed. O?cytes in the ovary of queen honey bees appeared degenerated after 7 days of infection by Nosema apis. The ovariole sheath was wrinkled. In the o?plasm, yolk granules were broken down into small spheres and granular substances. Numerous ribosomes without stacks of endoplasmic reticulate were observed. Lysosomes were abundant and numerous electron-dense materials surrounded by a membrane were detected. The o?cytes appeared to be extensively autolysed. The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

The parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud. reproduces in sealed honey bee brood cells. Within worker cells a considerable fraction of the mites do not produce offspring. It is investigated whether variation in the ratio of cells without reproduction is caused by properties of the worker brood, or by the state of the mites entering cells. Pieces of brood comb were taken from colonies of 12 different bee lines and were placed simultaneously into highly infested colonies. Non-reproduction was independent of the origin of the brood pieces, indicating a minor role of a variation due to different brood origin. Between colonies used for infestation, however, it differed considerably. A comparison of the proportion of cells without reproduction when infested by one Varroa mite or when infested by two or three Varroa mites showed, that non-reproduction was mainly related to the state of the mites entering cells, and only to a minor degree to an influence of the brood cells. A high ratio of worker cells without reproduction was consistently reported in bee lines which survive the disease without treatment, and a high level of non-reproduction is thus regarded to be a key factor in breeding bees for high Varroa tolerance. The current results indicate, that differences in this trait are only to a minor degree related to differences between bee lines in the ability of the bee brood to induce oviposition. These differences seem rather to depend on other, unknown colony factors influencing the reproductive state of Varroa when they enter cells for reproduction.  相似文献   

Experimental work was conducted at two apiaries located in Irbid district and in Shuna North, Jordan, during the years 2004-2006. The aims of these investigations were to estimate the seasonal changes in the infestation rates of the bee louse (Braula sp.) and to develop an easy and rapid method of estimating the infestation rate on workers with bee Braula. Two major honey bee subspecies are reared in Jordan; Apis mellifera carnica and Apis mellifera syriaca were used in this study. The results showed that the infestation rate began to increase rapidly in May, reaching the season's maximum rate of 16.2%, 15.8% and 17.4% forA. m. carnica and 22.6%, 23.9% and 22.9% forA. m. syriaca in December of 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. The maximum adult numbers of bees were found in April and June, whereas the minimum for the year was in January in both honey bee subspecies colonies during the study period. The actual population of the bee louse could be estimated by counting the daily dropped lice and multiplying by a factor of 158. This factor is valid for the experimental colonies of both subspecies kept for 3 years under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

Infectious (or Communicable) diseases are not only the past but also the present problem in developing as well as developed countries. It is caused by various pathogenic microbes like fungi, bacteria, parasites and virus etc. The medicinal plants and nano-silver have been used against the pathogenic microbes. Herbal medicines are generally used for healthcare because they have low price and wealthy source of antimicrobial properties. Like medicinal plants, silver nanoparticles also have emergent applications in biomedical fields due to their immanent therapeutic performance. Here, we also explore the various plant parts such as bark, stem, leaf, fruit and seed against Gram negative and Gram-positive bacteria, using different solvents for extraction i.e. methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, acetone, n. hexane, butanol, petroleum ether and benzene. Since ancient to date most of the countries have been used herbal medicines, but in Asia, some medicinal plants are commonly used in rural and backward areas as a treatment for infectious diseases. In this review, we provide simple information about medicinal plants and Silver nanoparticles with their potentialities such as antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal. Additionally, the present review to highlights the versatile applications of medicinal plants against honey bee pathogen such as fungi (Ascosphaera apis), mites (Varroa spp. and Tropilaelaps sp.), bacteria (Melissococcus plutonius Paenibacillus larvae), and microsporidia (Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae). In conclusion, promising nonchemical (plant extracts) are innocuous to adult bees. So, we strongly believed that this effort was made to evaluate the status of medicinal plants researches globally.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues are usually determined by physical, chemical and biological methods. The simplicity and adaptability of bioassay methods have won their acceptance in the field of residue analysis. Theoretically, any organism that is susceptible to a pesticide may be used for its bioassay in any environmental sample. This means that such organism may serve as a bioindicator for the detection of certain pollutants. The susceptibility of honey bees (Apis melifera L.) to many insecticides commonly used in crop protection led to an attempt to use it as a bioindicator for the determination of residues of some insecticides in plant materials, as well as to detect toxicity hazards to honey bees of some commonly used insecticides. Results of this work which have been recently published may suggest "Yes" to answer the question posed in the title of this subject.  相似文献   

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