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Ultrastructural features of secretory amelogenesis during selachian tooth development show several similarities to mammalian amelogenesis. However, the following critical differences were noticed: 1) subcellular organelles associated with merocrine-type protein synthesis and secretion were located in both the infranuclear as well as supranuclear regions of the selachian ameloblasts; 2) no evidence for Tomes process formation was found; 3) the basal lamina was not removed during epithelial differentiation into ameloblasts in the selachian model, and the structural features of the basal lamina were significantly altered during amelogenesis in rows III, IV, and VI; and 4) no dentine-enameloid junction was detected. It is suggested that enameloid is an extracellular matrix which is derived from the selachian inner enamel epithelium and appears to be secreted from both the lateral and apical surfaces of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

Due to a cystic mode of spermatogenesis and zonal testes, the spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) and salamander (Necturus maculosus) are advantageous for studying the relationship between steroidogenesis and germ cell development. Direct analysis of steroidogenic enzymes and steroid receptors in staged tissue samples, together with light and electron microscopic observation, suggests that androgens and estrogens produced by Sertoli cells or Leydig cells immediately before or after spermiation serve as intratesticular regulators of events specific to premeiotic stages of spermatogenesis. These correlative data are consistent with limited observations in mammalian testis and provide a conceptual framework for direct testing of functional interactions between spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in future studies.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibody was used to partially characterize REP38, a major rabbit epididymal secretory protein. Western blot analyses and immunohistochemistry indicated that REP38 is only expressed in regions 5 and 6 of the epididymis (corpus epididy-midis) and is localized in the supranuclear region and microvilli of the principal cells in these regions. It was not expressed in other tissues of the body. In region 8 (cauda epididymidis), REP38 was detected in the luminal border and cytoplasm of scattered principal cells, indicating that it may be reabsorbed in this region. This protein accumulated on the sperm plasma membrane downstream of region 5 and was localized predominantly over the acrosomal and postacrosomal regions of the head and the middle piece. Although tightly bound to epididymal sperm, REP38 migrated to the equatorial segment under conditions in vivo that would promote capacitation. When tested in vitro, anti-REP38 IgG reduced the percentage of ova fertilized in a concentration-dependent manner, apparently by blocking sperm-egg fusion.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II was infused intravenously in spiny dogfish sharks (Squalus acanthias). There were no significant effects on arterial blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow, or Na excretion either in comparison with pre- and postinfusion values or in comparison with values measured in a control group of fish given elasmobranch saline intravenously. In other dogfish, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow, and Na and K excretory rates were measured for 3 days following implantation of desoxycorticosterone (DOCA), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), or spironolactone; a control group was given no drug. There were no significant differences between these four groups of fish with respect to any of the measured parameters. These results suggest that the dogfish kidney is not a target organ for several substances known to affect renal function, either directly or indirectly, in other animals.  相似文献   

Ko SO  Kim TH  Lee HK  Lee JC  Cho ES 《Life sciences》2007,81(15):1235-1240
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a principal modulator of cholinergic neurotransmission, also has been demonstrated to be involved in the morphogenetic processes of neuronal and non-neuronal tissues. This study shows that AChE exhibits temporospatial activity in the dental epithelium of the developing mouse tooth. To identify the AChE activity in the mouse tooth during development, we performed enzyme histochemistry on the mouse embryos from embryonic day 13 (E13) to E18 and on the incisors and molars of the neonatal mouse at 10 days after birth (P10). In the developing molars of mouse embryos, AChE activity was not found in the dental epithelium at E13 (bud stage). AChE activity first appeared in the developing cervical loops of the enamel organ at E14 (cap stage), but was not found in the enamel knot. At E18 (bell stage), AChE activity was localized in the inner enamel epithelium except the cervical-loop area. In the incisors and molars of neonatal mice (P10), AChE activity was localized in the inner enamel epithelium of the cervical-loop and enamel-free area. Overall, AChE activity was localized in the differentiating dental epithelium while the activity of butyrylcholinesterse, another cholinesterase, was located primarily in the cells of the dental follicle. The results suggest that AChE may play a role in the histo- and cytodifferentiation of dental epithelium during tooth development.  相似文献   

In Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), plasma CO(2) reactions have access to plasma carbonic anhydrase (CA) and gill membrane-associated CA. The objectives of this study were to characterise the gill membrane-bound CA and investigate whether extracellular CA contributes significantly to CO(2) excretion in dogfish. A subcellular fraction containing membrane-associated CA activity was isolated from dogfish gills and incubated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. This treatment caused significant release of CA activity from its membrane association, a result consistent with identification of the dogfish gill membrane-bound CA as a type IV isozyme. Inhibition constants (K(i)) against acetazolamide and benzolamide were 4.2 and 3.5 nmol L(-1), respectively. Use of a low dose (1.3 mg kg(-1) or 13 micromol L(-1)) of benzolamide to selectively inhibit extracellular CA in vivo caused a significant 30%-60% reduction in the arterial-venous total CO(2) concentration difference, a significant increase in Pco(2) and an acidosis, without affecting blood flow or ventilation. No effect of benzolamide on any measure of CO(2) excretion was detected in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). These results indicate that extracellular CA contributes substantially to CO(2) excretion in the dogfish, an elasmobranch, and confirm that CA is not available to plasma CO(2) reactions in rainbow trout, a teleost.  相似文献   

By means of the appropriate isotopes injected into the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, the transfer of all major ions into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), aqueous humor (A) and endolymph (E) was studied. In addition, the effect of raising pCO2 in sea-water upon HCO3- concentration of these fluids was measured. In the several types of experiments, acetazolamide or methazolamide was used to inhibit completely carbonic anhydrase. The rates of fluid formation and ion transfer in CSF and A were fairly close, but those for E were far slower. The general pattern of ion transport in the three fluids were the same, Na+ (or Na+ + K+ in E) entry greater than Cl - entry, and the difference was HCO3-. The greater rate constants for HCO3-, increase in its entry rate by elevation of pCO2, and inhibition of its appearance by the sulfonamides, show that this is a special case of transport; the ion is formed in secretory cells from gaseous CO2 + OH-. Secretory cells at sites of formation of all the fluids contain both carbonic anhydrase and Na+-K+-ATP-ase, which subserve HCO3- formation and Na+ (or K+) transport. Comparison of these results with studies in mammals show that the vertebrate pattern for secretion of these three fluids is well established in the elasmobranch.  相似文献   

Using primers against conserved regions of mammalian Na(+)-d-glucose cotransporters (SGLT), a cDNA was cloned from the kidney of spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias). On the basis of comparison of amino acid sequence, membrane topology, and putative glycosylation and phosphorylation sites, the cDNA could be shown to belong to the family of sglt genes. Indeed, Na(+)-dependent d-glucose uptake could be demonstrated after expression of the gene in Xenopus laevis oocytes. In a dendrogram, the SGLT from shark kidney has a high homology to the mammalian SGLT2. Computer analysis revealed that the elasmobranch protein is most similar to the mammalian proteins in the transmembrane regions and contains already all the amino acids identified to be functionally important, suggesting early conservation during evolution. Extramembraneous loops show larger variations. This holds especially for loop 13, which has been implied as a phlorizin-binding domain. Antibodies were generated and the intrarenal distribution of the SGLT was studied in cryosections. In parallel, the nephron segments were identified by lectins. Positive immunoreactions were found in the proximal tubule in the early parts PIa and PIb and the late segment PIIb. The large PIIa segment of the proximal tubule showed no reaction. In contrast to the mammalian kidney also the late distal tubule, the collecting tubule, and the collecting duct showed immunoreactivity. The molecular information confirms previous vesicle studies in which a low affinity SGLT with a low stoichiometry has been observed and supports the notion of a similarity of the shark kidney SGLT to the mammalian SGLT2. Despite its presence in the late parts of the nephron, the absence of SGLT in the major part of the proximal tubule, the relatively low affinity, and in particular the low stoichiometry might explain the lack of a T(m) for d-glucose in the shark kidney.  相似文献   

Summary Polypeptides, synthesized from a mixture of amino acid amides by microwave heating during repeated hydration-dehydration cycles, showed hydrolase- and oxidoreductase-like catalytic activities. Poly(GAVDH), polypeptides synthesized from an equimolar mixture (each 0.1 M) of glycinamide,l-alaninamide,l-valinamide,l-aspartic acid -amide, andl-histidinamide, catalyzed the hydrolysis of PNPAc. The hydrolytic rate of PNPAc with poly(GAVDH) was the quadruple of that ofl-histidine alone. Though the kcat values of different resulting polypeptides were 103–106 times less than those of native hydrolases, the Km value of the polypeptides further containing phenylalanine residues was nearly equal to that of the esterase. This result indicates the presence of hydrophobic interaction between a substrate and the polypeptides. Resulting polypeptides also showed catalytic activity for the reduction of ferricyanide ion [Fe(CN)3–] with NADH. The polypeptides seemed to have a strong affinity for adenine nucleotides, because the reaction was inhibited by adenine derivatives such as NAD+ and AppA. A hypothesis for the emergence of primitive protein enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

The targeting of creatine kinase isoenzymes to specific sites within muscle cells provides a system for the regeneration of ATP in situ from ADP and creatine phosphate. We have recently reported the colocalization of brain-type (B) creatine kinase and the nonsarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase isoenzymes in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle in the rat kidney, suggesting that creatine kinase may regenerate ATP for sodium transport (Friedman, D.L., and Perryman, M.B. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 22404-22410). In order to test the hypothesis regarding the association of B creatine kinase with sodium transport, we examined the creatine kinase enzymes in the rectal (salt-secreting) gland of the dogfish shark which contains high levels of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase. The creatine kinase isoform composition was determined by non-denaturing electrophoresis, immunoblotting, protein purification, and amino acid sequence analysis. The results demonstrate both B creatine kinase and mitochondrial creatine kinase proteins are present in the rectal gland, an isoform composition which is the same as in the mammalian kidney. By using a combination of chromatographic techniques, shark B creatine kinase was purified to homogeneity and partial sequence data was obtained from two cyanogen bromide peptide fragments. One of these fragments contains the active site and is identical at all sequenced residues with the corresponding region from the echinoderm sperm flagellar creatine kinase, and is 96% homologous with both chicken and rat B creatine kinase subunits. The other fragment corresponds to a region near the N-terminal of mammalian creatine kinases and is 89% homologous with B creatine kinase from chicken. The localization of these isoforms was examined by immunocytochemistry using subunit specific antisera. Mitochondrial creatine kinase and B creatine kinase immunoreactivity are detected in all tubules, and is restricted to the basal region of the cells, which is the site of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase. The conservation of creatine kinase isoform expression in excretory tissue, and the localization of creatine kinase immunoreactivity in the basal region of the tubule cells, demonstrate that subcellular compartmentation of B creatine kinase may underly the functional coupling of creatine kinase activity with sodium transport.  相似文献   

R E Gordon  B P Lane 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(3):337-343
During the regeneration of the mucociliary lining of the respiratory airways, many cells differentiate into ciliated cells. Early stages of ciliogenesis in these cells is characterized morphologically by appearance of MTOC, filosomes and centrioles throughout the apical cytoplasm. Tracheas removed during the period of ciliated cell differentiation which occurs 50-60 hr after minor mechanical injury were paraformaldehyde fixed and specific affinity sites for antitropomyosin and antimyosin antibodies were demonstrated by an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The epithelium, after development of the osmiophilic reaction product, was embedded in epoxy and observed unstained with an electron microscope. Both antibodies had similar and specific binding sites in filosomes, MTOCs, microfilaments and on the microtubule triplets and foot processes of centrioles. Such localization suggests that these mechanochemical proteins may in addition to microfilament stabilization and contraction serve a specialized function in ciliogenesis.  相似文献   

Embryonic development of the mouse salivary glands begins with epithelial thickening and continues with sequential changes from the pre-bud to terminal bud stages. After birth, morphogenesis proceeds, and the glands develop into a highly branched epithelial structure that terminates with saliva-producing acinar cells at the adult stage. Acinar cells derived from the epithelium are differentiated into serous, mucous, and seromucous types. During differentiation, cytokeratins, intermediate filaments found in most epithelial cells, play vital roles. Although the localization patterns and developmental roles of cytokeratins in different epithelial organs, including the mammary glands, circumvallate papilla, and sweat glands, have been well studied, their stage-specific localization and morphogenetic roles during salivary gland development have yet to be elucidated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the stage and acinar cell type-specific localization pattern of cytokeratins 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, and 19 in the major salivary glands (submandibular, sublingual, and parotid glands) of the mouse at the E15.5, PN0, PN10, and adult stages. In addition, cell physiology, including cell proliferation, was examined during development via immunostaining for Ki67 to understand the cellular mechanisms that govern acinar cell differentiation during salivary gland morphogenesis. The distinct localization patterns of cytokeratins in conjunction with cell physiology will reveal the roles of epithelial cells in salivary gland formation during the differentiation of serous, mucous or seromucous salivary glands.  相似文献   

Expression of Wnt signalling pathway genes during tooth development.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We have carried out comparative in situ hybridisation analysis of six Wnt genes Wnts-3, -4, -5a, -6, -7b, and 10b together with Wnt receptor MFz6 and receptor agonist/antagonists MFrzb1 and Mfrp2 during murine odontogenesis from the earliest formation of the epithelial thickening to the early bell stage. Expression of Wnt-4, Wnt-6, and one Wnt receptor MFz6 was observed in the facial, oral and dental epithelium. Wnt10b was localised specifically to the presumptive dental epithelium. Wnts-3 and -7b were expressed in oral epithelium but showed no expression in the presumptive dental epithelium. Wnt-3 also showed no expression in the epithelial cells of the molar bud stage tooth germs, but showed restricted expression in the enamel knots which are signalling centres believed to be involved in regulating tooth shape. Wnts -6, -10b and MFz6 were also detected in the primary and secondary enamel knots. Wnt-5a and agonist/antagonists MFrzb1 and Mfrp2 were expressed in a graded proximo-distal (P-D) manner in mesenchymal cells during the early stages of tooth development with no overlying expression in the oral or dental epithelium. Wnt-5a and MFrzb1 show strong expression in the dental papilla mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The expression of cytokeratin polypeptides in the different epithelia of the developing inner ear of the rat from 12 days post conception to 20 days after birth was analysed immunohistochemically, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Throughout the development of the complex epithelial lining of the inner ear originating from the otocyst epithelium, only cytokeratins which are typical of simple epithelia were expressed. Cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19 were detectable shortly after the formation of the otocyst from the ectoderm (12 dpc), whereas cytokeratin 7 expression was delayed and first appeared in the vestibular portion and subsequently in the developing cochlear duct. During the development of the different types of specialized cells, differentiation-dependent modulation of the cytokeratin expression patterns was observed. In the mature inner ear, the specialized cell types displayed a function-related cytokeratin expression profile, both in the cochlear and vestibular portion. Cytokeratin expression in the flat epithelium of the vestibular portion suggests a more complex composition of this epithelium than has been established from routine morphology. Remarkably, the cochlear sensory cells were apparently devoid of cytokeratins, but no final conclusion could be drawn on the presence of cytokeratins in the sensory cells of the vestibular portion, because of the difficulty to delineate the cell borders between sensory cells and supporting cells.  相似文献   

Summary In the m. lateralis of Selachii a well-developed perimysium is found, while a similar structure is lacking in Teleostei. The Selachian perimysial fibres are arranged in distinct planes. In such planes two predominant fibre directions are found; the angle between each of them and the body-axis is 60–70°. Additionally the myosepts contain fibre bundles which are arranged in oblique loops. These myoseptal fibre-loops are present in Squalus, well as in the Teleosts we examined. In order to investigate the functional significance of these fibre arrangements we constructed a model, consisting of a steel strip representing the axial skeleton and a bundle of stretched rubber tubes representing the lateral musculature. Both components of this model have to be firmly interconnected. This is easily achieved by winding oblique loops of cotton thread around them, thus tying them to each other. When we now release the stretched rubber tubes, they contract, resulting in a proper bending of the model. An optimal value for the angle between the body-axis and the direction of the fibres is found.On the basis of the morphological similarity between the perimysial and the myoseptal loop fibres on the one hand and the cotton thread loops on the other, it is suggested that a functional similarity exists as well. So it is suggested that the functional significance of the perimysial fibre system, and of the myoseptal fibre loops, is the achievement of a firm contact between the lateral muscle mass and the axial skeleton.  相似文献   

Potassium pyroantimonate-osmium tetroxide cytochemistry has been used to study the distribution of ionic calcium in hamster tooth germs during cell differentiation and during early dentinogenesis and amelogenesis. Before the onset of mineralization, pyroantimonate (PA) reaction product was found in the nucleus of differentiating preameloblasts and preodontoblasts. In the predentin, it was preferentially located along striated collagen fibrils, lying perpendicular to the basal lamina. At the onset of mineralization, a pronounced increase of PA reaction product was evident in the predentin and on the plasma membrane and in mitochondria of both preodontoblasts and preameloblasts opposite the mineralizing mantle dentin. During early enamel mineralization, PA reaction product was present in the "growing" crystal ends, while in the secretory ameloblasts, most of the PA reaction product was localized on the cytoplasmic side of the apical plasma membranes and in mitochondria. When Tomes' processes developed, PA reaction product, both cytoplasmic and membrane bound, was low or absent deep in the processes, but gradually increased toward the apical terminal web. A corresponding gradient of PA reaction product was observed on the opposing enamel crystallites. From this study we conclude that both preodontoblasts and preameloblasts seem to be involved in calcium acquisition necessary for the early stages of mantle dentin mineralization. Tomes' processes seem to regulate the entry of calcium into the enamel mineralization front.  相似文献   

Aromatization of androgens into estrogens in rat testis is catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme cytochrome P450 aromatase. In this work, aromatase cellular site was investigated in prepuberal, peripuberal and postpuberal testis, from 10-, 21- and 60-day-old rats respectively. Paraffin-embedded testis sections were processed for P450arom immunostaining using a rabbit polyclonal antiserum generated against purified human placental cytochrome P450 aromatase. Next, biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG was applied, followed by ABC/HRP/complex amplification with diaminobenzidine as chromogen. Prepuberal testis sections showed a strong immunoreactivity of aromatase in Sertoli cell cytoplasm while interstitial cells were immunonegative. In peripuberal testis sections, cytoplasmic immunoreaction was weak in Sertoli cells, but it was strong in spermatocytes and sporadic in Leydig cells. Postpuberal testis sections displayed a moderate aromatase immunoexpression in spermatocytes while a strong immunostaining was observed in round and elongated spermatids, as well as in Leydig cells. These results indicate a different age-dependence of aromatase localization in rat testicular cells during gonadal development. In particular, inside the seminiferous tubules, the aromatization site moves from Sertoli cells to late germ cells, suggesting a proliferative role of aromatase in prepuberal testis and its subsequent involvement in meiotic and post-meiotic germ cell maturation.  相似文献   

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